Soulbrotha2 ago

These bands are all douchebags. The only people these Bands will influence are other douchebags.

abc_1234 ago

Do you have anything for us now? I see you haven't posted since 7/24

Odd_Todd ago

This bothers me, has anyone else noticed THE PRETTY RECKLESS ?? MEDIOCRE band at best, but the message is clear, and the poor girl that leads this band was FORCED INTO THE INDUSTRY BY HER PARENTS AT AGE 2!!!!!!!

Yes, this is the band that was on tour with SOUNDGARDEN on Chris's last day on this Earth. What a coincidence. Do you still believe in those...

kazza64 ago

thanks dude. i appreciate your work

Travellingman ago

Many Intel assets , spies, swamp monsters hiding in the "scene" with their lame no talent bands. Rip Dave mcgowan

NSFW_LeeLee ago

The ties to kids: Flaming Lips worked with Blue's Clues' steve. they made a vid looong ago called: I hog the ground. this is related to PizzaGate because the links to music industry, comet pizza, artists in music and artificially invited closeness and trust of children. we taught the tv generation to idolize and associate happiness with these bands and songs that may have subliminal or psychological means of affecting a certain age.

Other indie bands associated with powerpuff girls cartoons, etc. bear with me. If we check the cartoon kid show soundtracks, are we going to find links that bring these folks in close, hollywood approved caring, trusted contact?

Underground indie bands that our children are conditioned 😔 by cute songs to allow instant affection toward. can anyone look into this? It may be nothing, but...yeah.

If they meet at pizza parties etc, kids will allow..stuff. not accusing anyone specific.

9954312? ago

great post, saw it earlier in the week but looked over it again and left a comment this time. thanks for linking.

Investigate1999 ago

Would you check your private messages, please? There is a YouTuber, who wants to contact you.

I am just relaying information.

jafbm ago

You were going to provide us with names, contact information, industry profiles and EVIDENCE. Not more research.

Bluebirdsolitud ago

As suspected...nothing.

ourdreamtoo ago

Arts in Embassies - all of the foundation, societies, and art research was done already- originally reddit, it's either archived or put here or steemit wiki or other sites. Also see The_HoneyBee she has done some videos on it. So much was done and scrubbed or scattered.but it's still around if you dig deep. More than enough evidence to open investigation... but by who?

3141592653 ago

THIS is the massive leak we were waiting 48 hours for?! What a let-down

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

can we rename /v/pizzagate to /v/blueballs


PrideOfOshtekk ago

I wonder. He has a point afterall.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

David Seaman is a desperate LARPing Jew.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

David Seaman is Kibbitzlaw and Swordfish69; Obama Disinformation So Swordfish69 of Voat released his "bombshell" (Nothing but "coincidences", matches David's silly antics) today. I'm going to provide a brief thought, which we should consider. David Seaman changed his Twitter handle to an image of John Travolta from Swordfish and Tweeted about the film before the Swordfish threat image appeared on Voat and 4chan. Victory of the Light (Kibbitzlaw) endorsed Swordfish, and is also followed by Former President Obama. Some had speculated that PASTAgate was a disinformation campaign designed to further the fake news narrative, and because David Seaman is the face of PASTAgate, I believe that it is directly connected to the nonsense Victory of the Light has been spewing. I believe that the Victory of the Light Twitter and the David Seaman/PASTAgate narrative are being pushed by the "resist" side of the aisle and is a disinformation campaign to discredit the current administration. David Seaman left his job at Buzzfeed last year prior to the rise of "Fake News" and "PASTAgate" in the mainstream media, so his connections with the Anti-Trump Hate Machine could be indicative of his ultimate goals. It is plausible that David Seaman is not only Swordfish, but also Victory of the Light. He's either insane or an incredible actor.

Godwillwin ago

I don't understand how people could like this stuff? The music is terrible!

protectthekids ago

The artist of Father John Misty's "I love you Honeybear" album cover appears to be Stacey Rozich. Her other artworks are equally strange and have creatures with horns on most of her paintings...

I am including image search results here:

quickthrowaway ago

Anyone notice the blue spiral emojis in the "cats and dogs" instagram pic?

RapeKathy6riffin ago

When I pass this link off to my friend who lives with members of Father John Misty, everyone is going to have quite a giggle fest.

Godwillwin ago

Do you mean you think it's not true?

RapeKathy6riffin ago

Sex rings exist. Father John misty is not in it. Neither are black lips, burger records, or the echoplex. I know because I have had years of first hand experience in LA music scene. Those particular people/places are incorrectly getting grouped into this. I can't speak for big stars like flaming lips, Miley.

3141592653 ago

Your user name says a lot

RapeKathy6riffin ago

It says one thing: rape Kathy Griffin.

3141592653 ago

interesting... I might be the only other person here who's actually defended father john misty. too bad you're promoting sexual abuse.

RapeKathy6riffin ago

So interesting, isn't it fedora fag? Go back to Reddit. I don't care what some Pi head thinks.

3141592653 ago

I think the pro-rape user is the one out of place in this anti-child abuse forum. and you clearly cared enough to comment. hilarious

RapeKathy6riffin ago

So funny! I raped your mother btw.

quickthrowaway ago

Anyone notice the blue spirals emojis in the Miley dildo instagram pic?

angry_mob ago

yeah i agree. this was disappointing, although honestly my hopes weren't too high because of the way he presented his "demands." it's just that i tend to want to believe someone could surprise us with something real. well, moving along now ...

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

I've given you guys proof multiple times and it keeps getting taken down. I didn't originally post this information. I just found it.

WonderlandDee ago

This is why exactly (warning triggers) there are tons of pedos on here. So if you have the time, need alot of help taking these down. To many to count and im losing my shit. I try to take down 5 a day but it gets the best of me and triggers. Look into all the tribes they follow too. I reported some thinking it would get took down but no still up. At a loss for words and realizing these little ones dont have a prayer. Its 530am and sleep evades me and my heart is in turmoil. This rabbit hole needs smoked out.

9947380? ago

i'm glad other people are noticing. i've been sitting here for months thinking "who talks like this? what is this?"

1928375 ago

I'm sorry but I fail to see the point and/or connection you're making in regards to either the actual chemical or concept of Adrenochrome. DarkMath's comment made a connection between child trafficking and Adrenochrome based off Hunter S. Thompson's statement that Adrenochrome can only be harvested from a dead human's pineal gland, a total falsity and piece of fiction. I guess I see now in writing how you could be trying to make the point that Adrenochrome is a metaphor, but I seriously doubt that is the case given Thompson's character and works.

nameof ago

Sooo, that explains the pizza thing. Pretty well. I guess I could do to brush up on Gnostic Rites. Btw to people who said iof this post it's not evidence, it is, & thanks for the sweet tip to greater understanding on how these pedophilian bloodrinkers/poopeaters and operate and comunicate. I didn't read anywhere that arrests could lead to the dissolution of this cult. So is the next step tgat they scatter to self protect or are they prepared to huddle to self protect? I don't know. Is anyone prepared ever? The least I know is that I am BETTER PREPARED for whatever's next by having spent the time to read swordfish69. If this is us huddling let's keep the faith.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

This is a nothing-burger as I predicted.

mooteensy ago

upvoat for the van jones reference!

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


WalterMelon ago

Breaking: Hipster faggots like pizza while being edgy with retarded Satan shit. Were the ninja turtles into cp as well?

3141592653 ago

just shredder

RapeKathy6riffin ago

I've played shows at the echoplex, have know the main promoter for years, I've been to Cha Cha with the black lips, I've met John misty, Im good friends with one of his friends, and burger records isn't a powerful child sex ring, it's run by complete nerds. These are just indie posters made by kids trying to be edgy, more than half I didn't even see what was so suggestive.

angry_mob ago

haha, as i suspected!

RapeKathy6riffin ago

Uh oh, @angry_mob has a tiger by the tail!

angry_mob ago

fuck off sicko

RapeKathy6riffin ago

You eat turds. You suck balls.

angry_mob ago

so you're 12, right?

RapeKathy6riffin ago

12 years young. You gay nigger.

angry_mob ago

which tiger is that?

RapeKathy6riffin ago

Well you "knew" something. So what is it that you know?

angry_mob ago

i think you're misreading what i wrote. i was just being quippy. i meant that what you stated didn't surprise me.

RapeKathy6riffin ago

"Fuck off sicko"

angry_mob ago

1) NO. 2) says the RAPIST!

RapeKathy6riffin ago

Penis in your ass. You enjoy this.

angry_mob ago

i think you need about 5 yrs on a psychotherapist's couch, obviously.

RapeKathy6riffin ago

You're a gay nigger.

angry_mob ago

you're obviously a RAPIST & PEDOPHILE, so fuck off.

quiche ago

You are being naive. If the black lips played at the Gilman Street place in Berkeley, they were in the midst of a whole lot of predators.

RapeKathy6riffin ago

I didn't say any thing about what you just said. I don't live in Berkeley, and the black lips are in their 30s so who's the predators? And I know child sex rings exist. But these indie-psych rock dudes and LA music clubs aren't a part. I'm telling you this because I'm a part of that scene. I read this and couldn't even believe it. It was like reading accusations about my family, of which the accuser had never met.

quiche ago

in their thirties means they canot be predators?

mooteensy ago

Your username sucks.

RapeKathy6riffin ago

Yea well fuck you, nigger. I hate Kathy Griffin.

Cipherqueen ago

This is 100% related to Cicada 3301.

Odd_Todd ago

I have noticed correlations as well.

Cipherqueen ago

Thanks Odd Todd It seems to fit with their purpose, exposing corrupt Government and crimes against children. I am a mom and so Cicada is all GOOD in my book!

HillBoulder ago

No sadly it isn't. It should be, not from a law standpoint but a human one. How can someone look at this and think there is nothing going on here? Some people even will say "yeah I believe it but I don't pay attention to that stuff".. BARFFFF

People care about the most trivial things while the holocaust of our time takes place in real time. I want to shun everyone who doesn't care about this enough to barely even give it a second thought but if I did that, I would have few friends left.

conspiracyprincess ago

There's a lot of punk bands listed that I used to listen to including father john misty. I'm no satanist tho😳

Piscina ago

@swordfish69 This is amazing work you've done. The music industry and Comet Ping Pong are truly disgusting. I note that many of those images are advertising 'all-age' events with violent and bloody images. NO child would want to go to any of those events. The only children attending would be those forced to go by their child-trafficking and murderous parents to provide the child as 'food' and 'entertainment'.

The naysayers underestimate the time and effort it takes to research the issue, especially with the detail you have given. Most of them have accounts that are two minutes old.

angry_mob ago

are you kidding me? kids love blood & gore! those adverts would attract kids. you're definitely out of it.

Odd_Todd ago

The Pretty Reckless is the band that was opening for Soundgarden in Detroit, no? Coincidentally, lead singer was a child actress who was also considered for the "Hannah Montana" role. Blatant lyrical references.

PaleHorseRiderDeath ago

And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

ZalmoxisOfDacia ago

For those of you who say this is "nothing", you are over-simplifying an issue and the complexity surrounding disclosure of such an issue. What must happen first is that the public understands the context of these allegations. It's important that the public is READY for such shocking and wide-reaching news. In order to do that, information has to start from the bottom and trickle out slowly, explaining just how everything fits together, until the final nail in the coffin brings it all together and the public is ready to act on the charges. The information swordfish has given an idea of how far the imagery and twisted concepts of these pedophiles had permeated our culture and the media they peddle. By opening up our eyes to the EVIDENCE in front of our eyes, swordfish's information can prepare the world for a conclusion to the evidence. There is also the fact that by blowing the lid open on everything all at once, you can give the perpetrators time to clean up the evidence. Swordfish is also coordinating with a bunch of other leakers at 4chan and twitter (WHanon and VictoryOfTheLight). Clearly, there is more to this and there is a bigger picture they are trying to build here. I say we patiently go through all the info provided and try to connect as many dots as we can before the next wave of information is provided.

angry_mob ago

yyyyawn...wake me up when swordfish is done writing the novel. in the mean time i will continue to dream & pray for a solution.

It_ends_now ago

You get videos live streamed all the time on Facebook and nothing comes of it

It_ends_now ago

Remember R Kelly he pissed on that girl and shit happened so screaming video video also doesn't mean hard proof either anymore.

bibigirl_ ago

I was wondering about how he even came back from that

It_ends_now ago

He had plenty of money and it shows freedom can be bought look at OJ Simpson cost him almost everything to walk free from the double murder. R Kelly was in news other day for holding women captive and other atrocious shit.

RemoveWatermelon ago

Comet Ping Pong is not a nightclub... I read your whole post trying to find out about this other place in DC that you're referring to. To call it a nightclub is just wrong. Expected more than imagery and circumstantial evidence considering the "threat" you posted and the hype you wanted.

JastheMace ago

They host punk rock bands and other music groups, you want bottle service or something?

truthseekertx ago

Also check out interscope records. One of the owners is David Geffen who put in millions towards Marc Collins-Rector's "Digital Entertainment Network". The boy actors would be invited to pool parties with Collins-Rector, David Geffen, Bryan Singer, and other hollywood elite. They apparently drugged and raped boys at these pool parties.

A documentary called "An Open Secret" was made about it.

Interscope records also uses the pedo symbol in their logo.

Fire_Fly ago

Do you have more?

carmencita ago

@Swordfish69 I think you did a really fantastic job compiling all of this information. There is a vast amount and I am sure that some of us would not have undertaken such a monumental endeavor. I am in awe of what you did and as far as I am concerned you are my hero! I wanted to tell you that in this thread I mentioned that there was a 4pleb release and in it I saw that Miley Cyrus was killed by studio honchos and they beat her and dumped her in the desert. It said she would not comply. I don't know if it is true but it I read it. Also it said that her Dad has a special relationship with a Larry somebody. Just thought I would give you a heads up on what I read. Thanks again :))

Mammy ago

Does Larry King ring a bell,,perchance?

carmencita ago

Yes, he was was involved in the case of the Boy Scouts being taken to DC for elites and Bush & Reagan etc. The joke is I think someone on here found him singing at some opera school. Shocking after all this time. I think he was reported.

mooteensy ago

Good shit. I remember that post in here. I miss the days when this board wasn't filled with disinfo agents.

carmencita ago

I miss the days when I worked on the St. Louis area with someone that is both courageous and fearless. Also the days when someone would post something of interest and a large team of researchers would pile on. Once in a while it will happen, but not as often.

MrrHandsome ago

Long timer lurker here, not actually come to these threads for a while have been extremely busy. I know that I can't really berate anyone here as I don't investigate or make posts myself but I'm massively dissapointed that we literally have made no progress.

We have been red pulled, we know these cult exist and we know the symbolism behind pizza and we know these artists are balls deep in this culture. But this isn't evidence, not in the slightest. It's just weird instagram pictures and posts from weird people, I actually sighed when you related the cats and dogs reference to children. It could very well mean that, but there's no evidence of that terminology ever been used for children. None of this will convince non believer, actually it will probably do the opposite to be honest

Dissapointing that 10 months down the line and we still havnt moved past the weird instagram and social media posts

logjam ago

Podesta's emails were never investigated. How can anything get bigger than that?

9944700? ago

i'm getting real suspicious of the cult of personality shit going on around this board too. there seems to be a group of posters constantly back-patting each other and assuring us that so-and-so is the "real deal" because "i've seen their evidence" or "we've talked in PMs." and yet all you guys ever post is minsinfo and retarded shit about spirals. and if you all are privy to some Special Knowledge and aren't sharing it, GO FUCK YOURSELVES. but that would be giving you guys too much credit - i don't think you have SHIT and i think it's likely we've got more covert shills here than we can imagine, forming little cliques to keep good hearted researchers misinformed and confused.

if you have real information then fucking share it. as it stands, sharing a bunch of pop culture pizza images unsubstantiated by LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE BUT YOUR OWN SUSPICIONS is essentially nothing, useless.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

da goyim know

shut it down

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I'm suspicious of people like you, more than anything. Symbolism is everywhere with these people. We need to use it against them.

This post is therefore a good starting point.

And I haven't seen anyone talking about PMs and this and that. Always need drama huh?

9954031? ago

lmao, i always need drama? i hardly even take the time to log in here and speak my mind, so who are you referring to with that?

i wouldn't even chastise you or anyone for being suspicious of me. BE SUSPICIOUS. stay on guard.

which is exactly why i have a problem with this "i trust so and so! i've seen their work!" no, what the fuck, don't trust anyone here fully for any reason! bad idea! trust your OWN judgement. oh, but i see that YOU haven't seen anyone talking about PMs so i suppose all the times that me and others have seen it, we were all just hallucinating. thanks for clearing that up for us! /s

symbolism rules reality. symbolism creates reality. before words, there are symbols. i know this. you are talking to a Jungian psychonanalyst who creates surrealist art and practices right hand path magic on the side; meaning i actively use symbolism against them (what do YOU do?) and i fully comprehend the significance of symbolism. that doesn't change the fact that we're past THIS shit in particular, and THIS post is relatively useless in convincing anyone of anything or advancing us in any direction. not only that, but it was so hyped up! oh, damning revelations are coming - and it's just a bunch of jarbled pop culture bullshit, there aren't even any CONCLUSIONS drawn about the symbolism. it's a useless post.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Well I can't argue with the fact that it was hyped up beyond its worth.

I am curious as to what Swordfish meant when he said he'd expose the Arana/Spider group. Maybe its bullshit, maybe there's more coming.

9954122? ago

i think you need to be suspicious that not only was it hyped up, but it's pretty much dragging us back to the mindset of the beginning of the investigation, the whole "omg what the fuck is on this instagram? what's with all this pizza?" attitude, which was relevant at the time but we are so. beyond. that.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

The only reason as to why I am not discounting it, is because I have read that there is more coming. If Swordfish does not deliver, I will agree with you. Until then, I reserve judgement.

And at that point, we will have to deal with this, as commoners against an elite class who wish to enslave us. We must change, in order to exact change. We can't expect the elite to change; they were bred and raised to be selfish shits. Most of them were probably molested and beaten themselves, to bring out their lower nature and as such carry on this cycle of degeneracy.

The question is: what can we do? How can we ourselves stop this from continuing?

9957703? ago

somehow humanity has to evolve out of the practice of unnecessary hierarchies, and the belief that others know what's best for us. we also have to evolve out of "tit for tat" mindsets (me included, i'm not innocent), denial, and projection. lastly, we have to evolve out of our fear of knowing ourselves and our own power.

what annoys me about "it's going to come in waves" and "there's more coming don't worry" is that there's no reason it has to be like that. and the fact that his first post was utter garbage gives me no faith in the rest. i think it's pretty obvious we're being strung along. try to follow the names of his more "blind supporter" types you see in the comments around the forum. you will see what i mean by the cult-of-personality.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I will look into it.

As for evolving, raising consciousness is the key.

9964512? ago

i mean, "raising consciousness" is an easy way to put it, and often a cop-out imo (just per my spiritual beliefs.) i don't believe in "escaping" this realm, but rather bringing Heaven to Earth.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I agree with the same.

Bringing people into the present moment is the key to that. Instinct and intuition subsequently become second nature, as does unattached thinking. Rational decision making will then follow and more importantly, fear - the greatest tool of the elite - takes a backseat.

Ascension and its concept has been hijacked by certain movements. The goal of ascension isn't to fuck off and leave Earth; it is actually to make Earth much greater than it ever has been. Raising each man and woman's consciousness to heaven and thus bringing it to Earth.

DonKeyhote ago

This is why women shouldnt be allowed. They fall for "nice guy" shill acts. Meanwhile ive posted more concrete info in the last 48 hours alone than all of them ever have, and lost 400 comment points LOL

9946530? ago

you know i don't care about your stupid opinions Donkey Hole, even if they occasionally ever-so-slightly intersect with mine.

DonKeyhote ago

Thats not an opinion, it is established fact that women doubt even their own recollections more than men, and are more empathetic/naive.

9946727? ago

if that's even the case it's due to socialization, not any kind of inevitability.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL! Yeah why would it be evolutionarily advantageous for the stronger sex to be more ruthless and the weaker sex more empathetic??

9946792? ago

ahh yes, that evolutionary ruthlessness sure has worked out for, well, evolution hasn't it?

oh wait..............

(it hasn't - it's socialization, and it's failed horribly)

DonKeyhote ago


9947388? ago

keep replying so i can keep getting opportunities to downvoat you

DonKeyhote ago

I wouldnyt even know wherr to begin with your sorry ass. Women more empathetic than men a social construct she says, LMAO

9948121? ago

i'm not a she you functional retard. i've already told you this. i know you get really emotional when people disagree with you but lay off the booze, your fingers are slipping all around the keyboard.

i don't use sjw-polluted phrases like "social construct" either, and never did in my replies.

DonKeyhote ago

Talk like a bitch ima address u as one

You are a total sjw, brainwashed to ignore common sense and you believe in nurture over nature case closed

9953976? ago

and we're back at square one - i don't care about your stupid opinions and neither does anyone else here.

Strawtinman ago

Is Keyhote, Nathan Blair?

Bashed ones in a similiar way on voat and a app group he made.

Ban females. Daily go volatile and name call. Has no clue how unfit he sounds.

Are females in his physical vicinity, safe from this nut job?

Whines like a baby for attention. Cannot fathom his constant mental instability is repelling.

Thinks he sounds so tough when screams mommy issues and rejection.

Probably an agenda to make citizen researchers look like KKK nuts.

10224148? ago

lmao i love this comment. sums up my thoughts exactly. couldn't scream "mommy issues" loud enough. he either plays really unstable as a troll, or he's actually emotionally unstable.

Strawtinman ago

Lol. I have not heard my wife or sisters, whine this much. But hey, keep the females out and scream it is the J religion and pgate is solved, and he did it all! Perhaps his too obvious mommy issues is why he cannot get a woman, unless in force. Are we dealing with a rapist here, is the scary question. Play to pay or unstable or both? Men-opause? Men-opause: The broken record aggression of the unstabile, severe mommy issue vying for both constant attention and control in dire attempts to bring other males into aggressive group think and acts. Narrative control.

10260531? ago

i like your observations. yep, he is trying to draw men away from their intelligence and protectiveness by appealing to base level aggression and infantile resentments in order to divide us against women. that might work on 4chan but i doubt it will work here.

mooteensy ago

@DonKeyhote is a functional retard. Upvoat to you @pungent.

9953981? ago


9944621? ago

Jem777 is convinced that the podestas literally have Kim Noble's art hanging in their house, i've seen them post other semi-retarded shit in comments and i can't tell if they're a useful idiot or an actual covert shill. needless to say i hold their opinions in zero regard. but who am i anyway.........

ourdreamtoo ago

*That research was done they collect very creepy naked children art. Well documented here's an article with some of VERY disturbing pieces

Another: The original WAPO article had all their sick art, it's been edited to only include one sick piece

More here:

Too many to list but if the artist works are of almost naked children in compromising positions - the Ps collect it

9954099? ago



what is wrong with you people? how come whenever i point this out you condescend me like i'm fucking new here? how many of you dumb pieces of shit only even became aware of this problem in November when this shit broke, whereas i've been researching for a decade at least? fuck you.

Dressage2 ago

Bravo! I have always had the highest respect for your research. This was excellent and I look forward to even more of your thorough and consistent research in the future. Maybe you have sent a few of these pedo cockroaches running back into their holes.

jangles ago

5 down votes, for this comment. this place. Thanks Dressange for your work

Dressage2 ago

Thanks, jangles. @swordfish69 is the real deal. Everyone has different expectations of what is great info being released. This info could open others doors that someone might not have given much thought to prior to his post. Never discourage anyone putting forth an effort to stop this evil.

AngB23 ago

Great work @Swordfish69. Although many people not fully aware of PG may not get 100% redpilled even with glaring evidence, if we all continue to work and connect more dots, this has to bust wide open soon. May have been mentioned (haven't read all the comments yet) Katy Perry seems to love to dress up in pizza outfits too

carmencita ago

omg. Did you read the message to the side....the family love only grows deeper. You have to know what he has had done to him. I think the parents sold him off, they are both strange. Usher is a huge investor.

Peace_gate ago

Can't forget usher and Justin collab on the song Somebody to love.

carmencita ago

Is he his handler?

Peace_gate ago

I have no idea but it's all just gross.

9944514? ago


this is it??????????

are you TRYING to make us all look fucking stupid? well honestly....i'm completely unsurprised that this turned out to be absolutely nothing.

"it's going to come in waves" i've seen a few people write here...first of all, why? second of all, fuck that.

honestly the only thing that has me going "hmm" here is wondering who would WANT to eat at a hipster pizza venue in the first place? why is there even a market for that? i would never eat there.

quiche ago

The With Redd Kross poster is for the Alternative Music space in West Oakland, where you mentioned there would be a hub. Here are some pics of 824 Gilman,-122.2891758,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!!2e7!3e27!!7i800!8i534!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x80857ece1e73e245:0xa0ad7745de145b78!2s924+Gilman+St,+Berkeley,+CA+94710!3b1!8m2!3d37.8795251!4d-122.2993041!3m4!1s0x0:0x49ec1cc7e7dc57fc!8m2!3d37.8796582!4d-122.2993501 That area of Oakland/Berkeley has always been pedos and drugs. At least since the seventies. Here is Derrick Ion Alamena on drugs or demonized. He is much like Manson, he is now in prison and will always be. Involuntary homocide when his Ghost Ship burnt down last year...36 dead. Worshipped Kali. I posted a video below of his Satanic Ritual Abuse of his. children, documented by his wife, who did not object. She worshipped Kali. Read the comments. Some are from her father, who did object.

carmencita ago

Did any of you read the info from the board? There was info about Miley Cyrus being murdered and that she was left out in the desert The studio bosses supposedly beat her for refusing to comply. There were pictures as well. Also there was a pic like this: of Justin Trudeau. quite shocking, of course they will say it was photo shopped. I am about ready to believe anything of those perverts.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Cllearly shopped, and poorly.

Madwack ago


logjam ago

Look at it man. It is shopped. Therefore the other shit is bullshit too as far as any concern goes.

It's post like this that take credibility from PG. Why buy in even?

carmencita ago

I am not convinced it was real. I said it might be shopped. Just letting people know what was on there. All kinds of mish mosh. Some of it must be true. Maybe this not.

logjam ago

Some of it is undoubtedly true. Stuff like this won't enrage the masses to actually take it into consideration. Not picking on you. ;)

richpiana ago

Fake and gay. Either give good evidence or fuck off and larp somewhere else.

Peace_gate ago

A smart anon won't show his entire hand. We could assume he has more information, and more will be found over time.

paulf ago

Very good research. You might be interested to know that that isn't the real Miley. It's a lookalike. The real Miley was murdered a few years ago. It's quite easy to see they're not the same person.

Amino69 ago

A phenomenal achievement in putting this all together and verging on the quixotic but in the best of ways. To me this represents another heavy blow in the right direction to convincing anyone on the fence about Pizzagate's authenticity or at the very least Pedogate's. However, like others have observed, at this stage there is nothing so utterly concrete here that could be a game changer for (((TPTB))) or convince a blue pill. For this something so substantive is required that it would force the authorities to act on it or risk blowing their cover thus revealing their collusion. Short of irrefutable evidence that a living global household name is a paedophile and can be connected to others, there is likely nothing good enough to bust Pizzagate wide open to the herd. Fake News and the Russia BS was a hand played with guile and it's hard not to be impressed by (((their))) mastery.

I look forward to what else you may have to share and admire your courage in stoking the nest like this...

9944575? ago

how does this convince ANYONE of ANYTHING except that we're a bunch of fucking idiots who can't get over a bunch of pop culture symbolism with such strong plausible deniability that it's for all intents and purposes USELESS in convincing people

Amino69 ago

I'm sorry you feel so demoralised about it all but it's not how the majority of us regard the investigation and the evidence collated so far. There is at the very least enough to validate an official investigation but as that isn't even happening, less an explanation of the evidence found, we can be confident that it is real and worth pursuing.

9944749? ago

there absolutely is enough to have warranted an official investigation like, yesterday, decades ago. i agree with you on that. that does not change the fact that this post is completely useless bullshit. and i'd like to challenge you on how the "majority of us" regard anything - how would you know, first of all, and secondly, reading thru the comments here it seems like quite a lot of "us" feel the way i do - this post is a waste of time.

Amino69 ago

I know because I have been here since the early days and have spent a lot of time reading and interacting with other long standing active members and the general consensus is that there is real evidence and reason to persist. I won't be drawn into a combative dialectic as to the in's and out's of why I believe this or that and I respect your right to disagree but the evidence SF has offered is still valuable albeit not what we hoped for.

9944982? ago

why do you keep implying that i don't believe there is real evidence or reasons to persist? where have i said that?

THIS POST, this post right here in particular, is a bunch of fucking hyped-up but essentially useless BULLSHIT. and i know because i, too, have been here since the beginning, and not just that, but i've been privvy to this shit for years long before there was pizzagate voat.

and i do believe there is veracity to the code words, including "pizza," after all this sticker with no explanations is in my city..

why is the shit in this post "valuable" on its own? nothing has been offered here except "OMG look at this pic!! and this one!! can u beleive??" no claims or strong connections or conclusions have been made. it's literally a bunch of pop culture bullshit and it is, i repeat, USELESS to us at this point. we're PAST this shit.

draw-new-lines ago

I posted this poster for Father John Misty in v/ConcertPosters a bit ago (about one dog year ago). Most of the concert posters and album art out there have symbols that could be just considered edgy or anti establishment or the hot thing to do. But, it's hard to ignore the fact that most are actually just advertising where they stand.

Blacksmith21 ago

Random thoughts:

  • @Swordfish69: Excellent writing, editing and presentation.

  • Excellent job covering what I would term a narrow scope investigation. If the goal is to looking into the LA-DC-NY alternative pedo genre, you should be given a Pulitzer. Now let me ask this - how is a normie or even LE going to assimilate or use this information? I grew up in the punk rock era, so a lot of similarities. No surprise - "all ages admitted".

  • Miley Cyrus is the only "name brand" entertainer in the whole list. And everyone already knows she is a freak, so I don't think any of these revelations would come as a shock to anyone.

  • Which brings me to ole Billy Ray Cyrus. How does he fit in? Surely he wasn't unaware. Was he complicit? I have no idea. But if so, it bodes the question - does this happen in a different, Opryland version of Pedoland?

  • I have a feeling you have more to come...

carmencita ago

I went through almost the whole 4pleb release and it had a piece about MC being beat up by studio big wigs and they killed her and dumped her body in the desert. She refused to comply. Don't know if this is true but I read it. Also it said that her dad has a very special relationship with a Larry somebody. Not big on this music sorry. I think there is more to all of this. Here is another pic of Trudeau which I don't know if it is shopped or not but it is hot.

angry_mob ago


PeaceFuture ago

the bottom right photo, the face of the woman is so poorly photoshopped on there-- the ears and hair don't even match in the slightest.

carmencita ago

I realize how bad it looks now. I am learning to recognize the signs. Thank you.

bullfyta ago

Sorry but the bottom left pic is photoshopped. The pixelation is not consistent. Take it into photoshop and blow it up 10 times. You will see it.

carmencita ago

Thanks. I was hoping someone with more knowledge about these things would chime in. Thanks. You have to be careful, I guess. I kind of got suspicious in the one where he is sitting in the corner. Thanks so much.

Mammy ago

Can you provide a link?

carmencita ago

No sadly I did not copy it. I copied the Trudeau one. I should have. If I go through them later I might run into it again. But I did see it.

Mammy ago

Oh, I believe you, and in fact feel that I've read that before. No worries -- it will come around again.

icuntstopswearing ago

Very Well Put. I'll contribute $1000 for a patriotic hacker to check out what our alphabet agencies find so fucking squeamish.

DengPing ago

OK, this seems simple. These are fairly popular bands. Has anyone ever WENT to one of these events? They seem open to the public, from 10pm - 2am (standard times for bands to play a late night venue). I have friends who have definitely been to some of these pizza theme-d events and they aren't pedos (I hope!)....I guess I can ask around. I live in NYC, so I may just try my best to seek out some elite underground sex rings. I have friends who are into that stuff too, maybe if I mix the two I can get some leads..

ourdreamtoo ago

I'm not sure where the research went but someone tied a pizza shop in Brooklyn to it. --Off topic but maybe worth a mention if we're talking about entertainers, Daniel Lewis tweeted a long letter/tribute to John Heard (lost parental rights for abuse, later stalked his child & ex girlfriend) it included that they met when he was a teen, Heard was a partier who frequented Plados Retreat (a well-known 80s sex club).

3141592653 ago

Daniel day-Lewis??

1928375 ago

As much as I support the exposition of pedophilia, corruption, and the like, some of this is quite dubious even as circumstantial evidence. I also disagree with some of the conclusions and connections you've made, as well as the significances attached to certain materials.

First, Father John Misty. The way you've presented the allusions and symbolism in his work suggest congenital ties between whatever forces we're describing here and himself. As far as I can tell he's the last person in the music industry as far as big names go that would be privy to this sort of thing. Both from his music and public statements as well as the material presented here. In the Sally Hatchett music video he is never more than seemingly unwittingly followingly along with the actions of the woman, who functions as the primary driving force of the narrative, and thus the antagonist given the context of the film. One would expect given the unwillingness and extreme sorrow expressed, in contrast to the calm and cool demeanor of the woman, to be a sign of his horror at the situation. In addition, if you notice the child being mauled in the album art you've linked, the child is actually being mauled by a dog on the very left edge, ie. left to the dogs, we've failed our children; anti-pedophiliac. This is to say, if these are indeed references to the pizzagate topics in totale, they are not endorsements but expressions. I don't see anything here that paints a clear connection to the actual act as there seems to be with a lot of the other related characters in this story, except for maybe the music video. But even then, it feels like an "I was forced into this situation and hate that I have been" at worst, if not just a veiled illusion to what he sees in the industry.

Which brings me to Purgatory Pizza, the huge list of bands, and the related materials linked in the comments. While a lot of what you linked seems to be relevant peripherally, I think it's a little far to say that everyone with this pizza or spiral imagery is into this thing. I think that if what we speak of here is as rampant as you and I believe it is, then of course there's going to be references and mentions to it everywhere. But that doesn't mean that everyone using that imagery, knowing or unknowingly, is doing so again, for promotion. We have to think bigger here, realize that context is everything, and remember that this is pop culture we're dealing with. There are going to be allusions out the ass that are going to need to be vetted to a high degree to determine their significance and intention of use. The Desert Daze connection you've made is laughable to me. The poster with the man dressed like a priest with a boy sucking him off and then poster with a girl with "I love cock" shirt? Yes, fucked up and IMO relevant and indicative at the very least of consentiality to pedophilia. The Black Lips spirit cooking stuff and association to Kenneth Anger, possibly damning. The point is, a multi-dimensional approach is required in the process of research, determination of context, and determination of intent. First for the sake of truth, second for the ease of disclosure to the "public".

I admire your work but feel you need to use more discernment in your association of people, places, and groups with those that would actually take part in this willingly. Keep up the research.

tehlolman ago

And this thread is filled with retards again! WHAT A SURPRISE! Hello Voat. You dumb motherfuckers.

charlieijoker ago

All info already readily available & known. Ooooo big insider! Stop with the larp.

ourdreamtoo ago

Thank you for the research and work that you do. I don't have much to add...Not very important just a few interesting notes: 1/ Back in February I tweeted to and about Miley and her pizza outfit and accused her of throwing pedo culture in our faces, she tweeted back a foul picture, I'll try to find it - they really do throw it in our faces. 2/ Linkin' Park did a record with DefJam JayZ also on that label. Makes me think of this article 3/ About his last album Chester said it's all there. The songs and videos definitely tell a story. Castle of Glass video captioned The Truth then has disturbing military men & children images. The pentagon around the pedo symbol logo the band uses is new-ish, Their original logo was in a circle. When the FBI known pedo logos came to light -even in MSM -most businesses changed them, Linkin Park didn't change that symbol just the shape around it. 4/ One could also theorize that he found out his foundation work in HAITI was not really helping children but trafficking them-pure speculation! 5/ Not really on this point but re: prostitution / rappers - Who can forget Snoops nephew (rapper, don't know his name) tweeting that he was gonna make Melania one of his hos and pimp her out. 6/ Today someone tweeted the pics of Trevor Moore sketch comedy show, two sketches on Help Me about a boy band singing basically what we all know to be true about parents selling him, sex, hunting etc. The other about the illuminati a guy sells his show/script then goes to the back room filed with candles and masked figures, the dialogue says it all... Not to be a downer just sad about it and it has to be said - WE HAD TWO HOLLYWOOD ACTORS SAY THEY WERE RAPED AND PEDOPHILIA IS A BIG PROBLEM - they didn't but could name names and bring it down but were not interviewed by FBI and stories quickly got buried. Then I think of Jimmy Savile, 100s of high profile people were named, one did a little time. When Dutreux trial came to be 100s of thousands of citizens took to the streets to protest the mishandling of investigation and trial and again, very little happened. In USA 5000+ cases (Operation Flicker) of CP watchers in Gov & IC etc came to light, 2 did some time 1700 cases remain without details Overwhelming evidence doesn't seem to matter, Obviously like guns and drugs, the CIA and equivalent around the world protect it. Not sure what can be done to get it through to everyone's head that it's really happening and to make the world angry and sick enough to bring it to the day we all hope for - #itendsnow

Skipster ago

We all believe it's real. We all know it's happening. Neither of those things are enough to STOP it.

UglyTruth ago

Circumstantial evidence is a form of evidence, but evidence and proof are different things.

DarkMath ago

Great post swordfish69. One additional bit regarding motive behind some of the child trafficking out in Hollywood. This has been said before but bears repeating. The drug Adrenochrome can only be obtained from a dead human being.

These sick fucks are Luciferians after all. Killing children is part of their religion.

1928375 ago

Adrenochrome as portrayed in Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing is nothing like the actual chemical. You can't be serious.

DarkMath ago

Please enlighten me.

1928375 ago

Do your own research, Jesus. Adrenochrome is barely psychoactive if I remember correctly or simply an adrenogenic stimulant, something like that. But absolutely nothing like Thompson creates in his, key word here, fictional tale FaL.

You linked a scene from a film adaptation of a novel written by one of the most out there journalist-novelists of the 20th century. Have some discernment and do some research before repeating what you heard in a movie.

DarkMath ago

It turns out I was wrong. I meant DMT not Andrenochrome.

The pineal gland of mammals contains DMT and Hunter S. Thompson wrote and talked about that fact on many occasions.


1928375 ago

Ah, that makes sense :)

9944526? ago

DMT and adrenochrome are two different chems / drugs.

DarkMath ago

I thought they were the same thing. Sorry. I'll correct my comment.

9944755? ago

sorry to have lashed out unjustly, this swordfish post just pisses me the fuck off and i'm sick of the GODDAMN SHILLS

9943723? ago

Hey I can agree with you on that for sure. I'm tired of pizza/spiral hunting myself . But this is how we find people who are in the "know" of what these symbols mean. and they use them for a reason. as far as swordfish goes , I thought there were 2 different swordfish . is this the same swordfish that put out a 48 hour ultimatum to feds?

MaybeLogic ago

That feeling when you want pitchforks in the street and true detective work and you get Pitchfork magazine and the plot of True Detective instead.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

NSFW: Let's not forget that there are people who willingly become "pizza"

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Thanks for that disgusting garbage. You don't frequent those sites that post creepy shit like this, do you?

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

that's not my image, i grabbed it from pol.

cosimus ago

^^ best excuse on the internet for whatever purpose! i screenshot this for later usage, thanks :-)

SpecialFester ago

Sadly, THIS.

It's what I had expected. OP, had indeed worked hard connecting dots and stumbled on some sketchy places and people obviously involved in this stuff, but knew it was far less than anything substantial. He hoped to draw a little bit more out or some more action by law enforcement that we KNOW are involved or at the least unwilling to investigate by trying to pressure them. Otherwise he would have just released it, and let the public outcry do the pressuring. He could have released what he had and THEN threatened to release more if police didn't act and it would've achieved the same effect.

Thank you for your continued effort.

MaybeLogic ago


jafbm ago

So where's the evidence? So far, this is speculation

icuntstopswearing ago

Outing sick hipster culture is one thing - and this does add up to a mountain of circumstantial evidence that these cunts are depraved beyond normal standards of decency - but is any of this actionable? With no interest from MSM or law enforcement agencies to take this forward - as it should be - what can be done? Time to employ some keen local hackers. It seems the FBI/CIA know exactly what's going on and we'll never find out unless we can access the information ourselves.

quantokitty ago

I knew you were the real deal! I just knew you were going to deliver on your promise and you did -- BIG TIME!!!! Thanks for doing this .... for choosing here to do it .... and for being so damned good! One big Upvoat for you!

DonKeyhote ago

Fuckin women.

"Lets get a womans perspective on it tho"

-- No Detective, Ever

loneIy_jew ago

Thank you so much. Keep fighting the good fight. This should be a call for everyone to boycott Hollywood and the mass media.

HighLevelInsider ago

we need hard evidence

How are you helping collect it?

9943397? ago

Nice mouth , you sound very belligerent. just because someone compliments someone's research , doesn't mean they believe all the pieces needed are in fact here!! are you for real ? I think your the pizzagateizretarded guy using another name. Hence the similar language and use of the word retard... I wonder....??

SayWhatNOWAY ago

What do you have to lose when this comes out? Cuz you sure are triggered!

4thDaGrymReaper ago

The JFK files are bigger news than this honestly...

carlip ago

Bahahahahaha this what you wait 2 days for? Omfg you're all a bunch of sperglords. This circle jerk is over, hahahahahah

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Read my post below this one first, then this one!

victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 2h Replying to @PizzaGateSleuth @PutinRF_Eng We're beyond that point now, but it doesn't mean we just publish documents. Things will be done in a very loud and public manner within the View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 2h Replying to @PizzaGateSleuth @PutinRF_Eng Many of you underestimate how easily humanity could be wiped from existence if things are not done as they need to be done. View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 2h Replying to @__valv Murmurings that his/her threats were taken seriously and demands were met. This coincides with what is to come.

Dressage2 ago

So what is your take on these tweets? Poor Skippy, outlook looks cloudy, at best.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I am hoping these tweets are going to come to fruitation, just like the tweet says😁 Yet, cautious of getting my hopes up!

9943275? ago

what is your problem? do you live in LA? I do .. these place are shady as hell .

tehlolman ago

I can see the connections and I am absolutely certain of swordfish69's great work. however, here's what's gonna happen:

Absolutely nothing!

this is NOT evidence! this is circumstantial evidence at best and we all know how the police handles that kind of evidence when it comes to pedophilia! they don't!

look man, the game is over. they've beaten us HARD with their fake news narrative and they KNOW it. they won't even have to talk about this in order to make it go away. the fake news narrative and the russian hacking narrative have already been established and that's what's on people's minds right now.

nothing will happen unless you give us an ABSOLUTE BOMBSHELL.

look man the absolute bombshell will not fall into your hands while researching stuff on the internet and even if it did, people will call it fake news anyway. if you wanna change something, you gotta leave the safety of your home and kick some real ass!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 1h Replying to @johnpodesta Bye bye, Skippy!… #SwordFish #EvidenceIsOut #ItEndsNow View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 1h Replying to @johnpodesta Yes, can take this as notice that you and your brother are marked for execution. View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 1h

ChesterForChester @johnpodesta - You'll be meeting the same fate as Brezezinski. You will not be allowed to live…

View details ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 2h Replying to @ArsenalPie He was directed away from Skippy earlier this year. View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 2h

HoldOnForOneMoreDay #ThingsWillGoYourWay #BreakFreeFromTheChains…

View details ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 2h


View details ·

HillBoulder ago

This should be added to the executive summary @vindicator

Vindicator ago

That would be up to @Millennial_Falcon. He's the author. :-)

HillBoulder ago

Oh pardon me sorry.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 34m Replying to @LockheedMartin


View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 37m @LockheedMartin - If you'd prefer to keep existing as a company, we advise you start putting your non-terrestrial tech out there. View details ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 41m Replying to @TerryLeeAllen Waves View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 42m Replying to @KibBitzLaw


View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 43m Now we start moving into the next phase. Media contacts, heads up. What is promised is incoming. #Disclosure #FirstContact View details ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 49m Replying to @__valv @johnpodesta Yes View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 50m Replying to @KibBitzLaw It will all come out in waves View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 59m Replying to @syrupnsoda @johnpodesta He was given his chance to surrender. He didn't. View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 1h

Swordfish has delivered.… #ItEndsNow

View summary ·

greasemonkey420 ago

Justin Bieber's Manager Scooter Braun's brother Alex and Scooter himself hangs out with Soro's Kid and has a pencils for poor kids charity he runs in 3rd world countries so...also the link to pedos.... this picture is a little unsettling no?

why would bieber hug him then but not later on? why would a 15/16 year old hug this old man for a photo? then not still have the same connection later on?

check out their social media and see what you find for yourself...they are having hiliary and bill clinton speak at dinners they attend, they are raising literally millions of dollars for pencils of promise every year and are connected with pizzagate democrats and globalists....

FYI this all came about from I believe it was an fbi anon thread on pol or some shit saying to look into biebers mom and how bieber and people like him and programmed and created from birth...who knows if that's true, biebers mom was in a psych ward as a teen though and came out all godly and weird...

what is true though is that the Brauns run in the same pizzagate circles the pizzagaters do and are in the music industry and run a charity "helping" kids in 3rd world countries

Peace_gate ago

Charities, non profits, music industry, modern 'abstract' art, liberal universities, hospitals, pizza. All you gotta do is find them symbols and connect. We've already connected so much already, getting disturbing.

9943001? ago

A Video.

Chris Cornell's funeral.

Under Three Minutes.

Towards_The_Truth ago

Thanks for the research OP. It won't get anyone arrested, but it further exposes the pizza imagery.

dooob ago

Wow wow, are they are your leaks or are they previously available data? I have never seen that 911 video.

edblings ago

no he's a real larper. look at his comment history, spamming this dumb shit everywhere, calling it 'prosecutable evidence' when it's not even close

dooob ago

Nope, went through everything he posted as everyone should before forming an opinion.

Read it yourself before trolling.

Myamazingnewacct ago

For anyone looking for real pizzagate bombshell:


Harpua33 ago

Where is the hard evidence? This was the threat to authorities? Good research.

darkofthemoon ago

Miley Cyrus is from Disney, so her being involved isn't that surprising.

Anyway, I think the cats and dogs refer to specific drugs. I think the Podesta email that talked about selling their collection of Beanie Babies that go along well with cats and dogs was about someone selling quickly their entire drug stash, having been forewarned that the police would be coming. I saw someone in the know about the drug lingo explain it, and I think the email makes a lot more sense being about drugs than being about children. Miley being a proud drug addict would be very much unsurprising.

carmencita ago

I saw on the 4pleb release that cats and dogs are boys and girls. That is how they explained it. I guess I have learned a new term. There are so many. I hate that they are adding a bad vibe to all of our words. Yuck.

darkofthemoon ago

I think they were wrong. Everyone is only thinking about children, but there are a lot of other illegal things going on too. FBI Anon talked about gun trafficking etc.

From what I remember (I might have read it on 8chan), cats and dogs are heroin (probably) and something else I forgot. Cocaine? MDMA? (I'm definitely not in those circles.) Beanie Babies from the Podesta email (not sent by Podesta himself) are something that, according to the seller, goes well with those other popular drugs when used for a combined high. Parents = police. Visit from the parents = police raid.

carmencita ago

I am going to have to make a list of this stuff. There is way to much to remember and they have turned our language around backwards. Thank you.

Travellingman ago

Heroin is dog aka "dog food"

Cat could be cocaine, or ketamine

Beans = ecstasy pills (mdma)

carmencita ago

Thanks. I love how we are all talking back and forth. I think this release by @Swordfish69 has really opened a lot of leads and will get us more information. This is great. Thanks SF69.

Miniyeti1919 ago

Nice work swordfish69! I don't understand all the people wanting an entire case of evidence in 30 seconds... how many trials have lasted 30 seconds with no one laying a foundation,just dropping a bombshell proof of guilt? Even when defendants plead guilty ,the trial lasts days! We have been working and researching for months/and some of us have put years into this! To have a simple paragraph with all the evidence in a tiny ,easily digested "proof package " is beyond unrealistic.

Dressage2 ago

Some people have Law & Order/CSI Syndrome. Everything is finished in an hour. Puzzle is solved. Not happening in the real world. Especially, when you have the money and ratlines the elite have to play with.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

This is a great starting point.

EricKaliberhall ago

Well said! You need to lay a foundation before you build. I salute you swordfish69... #ItEndsNow

Miniyeti1919 ago


Misplacedmagic ago


brbomglolwtfbbq ago

I think we need to have a discussion about what constitutes "proof." Proof is something that could hold up in the court of law. Do you really think this would even be admissible as evidence?

Schizophrenia is a hell of a drug.

silverbug ago

CHRIST !!!! UGGHHHHH thanks for the compilation but this aint gonna work

awesome research though, I wish I could put something together like this. Like I said from the get go. we need a FAMOUS person on video who comes clean or video of something happening..

DonKeyhote ago

I have an actual Cyrus bombshell if you need it, OP, when u get back from drama class LOL

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

is it that she is a male?

Towards_The_Truth ago

I hope it's more than Miley on a poster with a slice of pizza.

AlphaOmega ago

Gotta be honest, I'd say you overplayed your hand. There's nothing incriminating in here. These "connections", while perfectly insane I agree, are already overly confusing and difficult for the average person to decipher. This complexity and circumstantial evidence piled upon more of the same makes this subject extremely easy to brush under the rug.

If you're going to put out a full blown threat, you need to back up that threat with precisely what you claim you have.

HighLevelInsider ago

Stop waiting for the cavalry. Be the cavalry. Go into the REAL WORLD and do investigations. Cameras, microphones, get evidence.

Peace_gate ago

No I understand, I was here for the first pizzagate thread on redit before it was banned. I've been waiting while all my friends and family think I'm weird for researching this.

TheTrueWords ago

You are an imposter.

HighLevelInsider ago

Did anyone put a camera or a microphone on one of these sick fucks yet, like I've been saying for months?

RED PILL: You're not trying to convince the police to investigate. You are fighting a network of dark occultists that will do everything they can to keep the truth suppressed. You have to FORCE THEIR FUCKING HAND!

No one will take this seriously until you get damning, definitive evidence that normies can understand in 30 seconds.

Mammy ago

I agree and I wish I were young enough to infiltrate somehow. I actually know a few young male musicians with their hearts and heads in the right places and whose looks could pass and possibly help pull off an undercover sting. But God only knows what they would have to do to be "trusted" enough to have access to, or make witness of, (much less make record of), the kind of irrefutable evidence we need. And frankly, that would not be worth losing one's own soul over.

Skipster ago

I have always found this exchange from the movie "Bedazzled" to ring incredibly true... You're right. I cannot imagine what one would have to do to infiltrate. What constitutes "just cause"? I can't pretend to know, but for those that consider going inside to ultimately SAVE, I find this to be incredibly insightful... An exchange between "a fallen man" and an Angel.

Inmate: What are you in for, brother?

Elliot: Eternity.

Inmate: Oooh. You must've done some really bad shit.

Elliot: The worst— I sold my soul.

Inmate: Well, I hope you got something good for it.

Elliot: Actually, I got nothing for it.

Inmate: Sounds like a really bad deal, if you ask me.

Elliot: [glances over] I'm not asking you.

Inmate: Doesn't matter. You can't sell your soul. It doesn't really belong to you in the first place. No way, no how.

Elliot: Is that so? Then who does it belong to?

Inmate: [looks straight at Elliot] It belongs to God: that universal spirit that animates and binds all things in existence. The Devil's gonna try and confuse you, but that's her gig. In the end, you're gonna see clear to who you are and what you're here to do. Now, you're gonna make some mistakes along the way. Everybody does. But if you just open up your heart, and open up your mind, you'll get it.

Elliot: Who are you?

Inmate: Just a friend brother. Just a really good friend.

Mammy ago

Interesting take -- thank you.

DonKeyhote ago

These are from one issue of SF Weekly free paper any kid can grab off the corner. trannies with dick size stated drag queen storytime public library"LGBT kids as young as 12" I love guzzling cum gallery exhibit of dick pics

Clearly the pizza music scene is a small part of a broader agenda pushed as always by Jews.

cosmicerror ago

This is it? You had us waiting 48 hours for info that was already out there?

DonutofShame ago

who would bring their cat anywhere?

It's not super common, but people do buy cat harnesses and also sometimes bring cats in cat carriers.

cobceo ago

This would be a code for something, perhaps the night they feed someone to a lion?

Peace_gate ago

I saw all of Miley's iG pizza pictures (way too many of them) on archives or wayback. Anyways amazing work SF, I look forward to more information we could use and spread.

DonKeyhote ago

If thats true then shame on you as you probably missed what OP missed too apparently, although theres MILLIONS of witnesses LMAOOO

Peace_gate ago

What shame? We all look like fucking retards on this site.

Benkitchen105 ago

We need more than this. Its all circumstantial evidence. We need solid proof, timestamped video footage or DNA on a lost hankerchief, lets say

listentoreason2017 ago

Or a victim.

ourdreamtoo ago

Victims don't seem to count. Thousands of victims came forward in the 80s -Just in USA remember Franklin, Presidio, McMartin pre-school, LDS satanic ritual cases, etc. recently Epstein, the MSM belittles or discredits the victims, so no convictions, average people agree then just forget about it. They also are trying the 'child consented' defense (recent OH gov) As I said in my other reply Cory Feldman & Elijah Wood came forward, years ago Johnny Rotten came forward Russel Brand (not the Katy Perry ex) in UK came forward and nothing happened. MSM helps to cover it all up. Very sad. It needs a major bombshell that wakes up and angers the world

3141592653 ago

I'm pretty sure that is the same Russel brand!!!!?

WakingUpisHardToDo ago


Sk8rminion ago

Like the one who was on dr phil? There are plenty of victims, but no one will believe them, like those of us who have seen UFO's or experienced bi directional telepathic communications first hand, or OBE/ Astral Travel. Tell your story till you are blue faced, no one listens.

cthulian_axioms ago


It took me longer than it should have to figure out what you meant by this. For some reason my brain thought "'Order of the British Empire'? No fuckng way they knighted my man David Icke."

listentoreason2017 ago

Okay you lost me there.

Yes there are victims. But I have yet to see a victim even tangentially related to Comet Ping Pong or Alefantis that is verifiable (court case or actual previous relationship).

WakingUpisHardToDo ago

The whole system protects the predators. Especially the Elite. JA is a "protected class" to put it mildly. Victims are suppressed by the corrupt courts, and or mind controlled, to say the very least. The system is rigged top to bottom. period.

listentoreason2017 ago

If you truly believe that, then I have 2 questions for you.

  1. What hope is there that anything could possible be fixed? Because the situation you lay out seems hopeless and would lead most people to be despondent or complacent.

  2. What would type of evidence would convince you that you had unfairly maligned someone as in league with the vast conspiracy? Like if you're right about the conspiracy, but wrong about a particular person in it, is there anything that could convince you otherwise once you'd made up your mind they were part of TPTB?

Genuinely curious because I know intent is hard to discern on the internet.

Sk8rminion ago

I think people are mis representing / understanding the role of Comet Ping Pong in all of this. There are not children literally going in and out of this establishment and people ordering them off the menu. It's just a 'HUB' for those in 'the know' to get connections. What I was saying is there are plenty of victims, who have come out and told their stories, on national T.V. even. Pizzagate / Pedogate is about much more than that one stupid little pizza joint everyone is obsessing about. It's the global satanist pedo illuminate blackmail child sacrifice & slavery network.

The big lie is that the civil war abolished slavery, it just went underground. the usa is at the center of a world wide/galaxy wide slave network.

People say 'where are the victims' then ignore all the victims, they say 'where is the evidence' and ignore all the evidence. It seems like people just look for one little detail that goes against their own personal beliefs so they can go aha! look its all fake because that one bit is 'untrue'. Possibly because the whole truth of the actually situation is to much to accept.

Someone like myself who has worked 'in the system', seen ufo's, experienced telepathy, worked at Illuminati controlled organizations, had priest tried to molest me, etc.. a lot of this stuff is easier to accept because I've experienced so much personally. Many others do not have this personal experience however, and asking them to believe is asking much more of them as it is much easier for them to live with the blinders on.

WakingUpisHardToDo ago

Yes to this too. Following @victoryofthelight on twatter and it seems that WE have WON and will see disclosure soon. Check it. It will give you hope. :)

Godwillwin ago

Ok so I'm only 9 months into one world order research - but pretty much daily for 9 months. My main focus was trafficking and pizzagate and the clinton foundation. I learned a little about 9/11 also as well as Benghazi and population control sal alinsky etc etc.

But I went into this completely clueless that extraterrestrial had anything to do with this. Honestly, I never really thought much about aliens and UFO's. I saw strange lights one night a couple of years ago that zoomed Away then zoomed right back without slowing down- there were no brakes is the only way to describe it. It was a group of 3 and it hopped around in the sky right over me while I was sitting on a deck on a lake that is part of a swamp nearby. I didn't freak out or anything. Just thought hey I think I just saw a UFO or maybe 3 flying together. But I never thought much more about it.

over these past few months though I'm learning about aliens and military and NASA. But what EXACTLY do aliens have to do with this child rape stuff? It seems their videos and album covers incorporate aliens with the sex and the pizza and the children and the one eye pineal gland and beasts and animals and pyramids. How do the aliens fit in and what's the deal with Egypt? That seems to be one of their "themes" as well

FraKctured ago

The thing you have to realize is that there's a lot of secret shit going on that has nothing to do with anything else. Not every person involved in Conspiracy A is actively engaged in, or even aware of Conspiracies B, C, and D. Realize that every theory on conspiracies is only an interpretation of the evidence which its theorist is aware of. Take these issues on with reason and discernment. Keep digging for tangible FACTS (documents, testimonies, witnesses, provable connections and relationships) on every subject you investigate. Then base your understandings on the research YOU have done yourself. Approach every subject with an open mind, and don't go looking for quick answers to your questions; because you never know when new information might come to light that could invalidate everything which came before. This is ideally what everyone should be doing, but sadly the Alternative News/Views community latches onto selective narratives the same way Mainstream society does at large. You will mire yourself in an illuminati word salad by trying to piece everything you've ever heard about into one grand theory that explains everything. This is how we get branded with the tin-foil hat label by closed-minded onlookers. They laugh at us like we're crazy- even if we're correct about a lot of it. But the first time you jump to a definite unshakable conclusion for it all- is the moment you damn yourself to religious dogma, and fall back into the Matrix as one Divided and Conquered. So...uh, don't do that. :)

Godwillwin ago

Good points.

Sk8rminion ago

The malevolent draco/reptilian/grey faction uses it for blackmail, and the extra dimensional & telepathic beings of their hierarchy literally feed on the negative energy of fear. The ritual child abuse is also used as part of the mind control conditioning when they attempt to make slaves. The survivors become mind controlled slaves, the rest end up as food :(

The good thing is the lies are falling apart and the truth is coming out, so we can do something about this. The beings conquer by deception and fear as it is more effective than brute force rule which results in rebellion. Thus as the old saying goes, "We have nothing to fear but fear it self"

By being fearless and positive, and shedding light on the truth we cut of their food source and control mechanisms.

From what I've been able to put together there are also many positive beings (even some draco/reptilian/greys, so don't be a space racist) trying to help us of many races but its basically a 'hostage' situation and they also operate under a prime directive of sorts. They don't want to appear to us and have us get down on our knees and start worshiping them.

The first ships that show up and declare themselves our saviors run away, its probably a trick. Some of these may even be splinter groups of negative beings from other wise positive races. The real positives will wait for us to reach out to them. Some people are already doing this with great success on a small scale. Also keep in mind, even the 'positive' being in the galaxy will ALL have their own personal agendas, just as we all do.

Godwillwin ago

"Don't be a space racist" Lol :)

I guess it makes some sense but I still am having a hard time figuring out why Miley goes along with this. So she was mk ultraed and raped etc as a child I'm guessing. But do her pizza posts mean she's now an abuser or that she loves her abusers or what? I just can't make sense of all these starlets being ok with raping children. Are some of these starlets aliens? I can't believe I just typed that sentence out, but there it is. Aliens have to fit into this somehow.

And what the hell is this?! Pedophelia aliens?

Sk8rminion ago

I don't know, some of it is cries for help, some of it is 'hiding in plain sight', so that they can claim implied consent and to make the magic and brainwashing to work.

Peace_gate ago

Username checks

cstrafe ago

For anyone who has been researching pizzagate and takes the entire situation seriously, the symbolism in all of the exhibits you posted are suspicious at the very least. However, this is far from the smoking gun that we will need to legitimize this in the mainstream.

Still a job well done.

JohnTitor_0 ago

did you look into these here?

the name alone is pretty creepy, but there is also som pizza mentioned multiple times

"Free Pizza and Giveaways" "all ages * all pizza * donation$ encouraged for touring readers"

also when you look through there facebook (i think i found that on facebook) you also find the spirals

possibly nothing, but i guess it would be worth a look. i would but i really suck with such research.

HighLevelInsider ago

Great lead. Now, who lives in Ohio that's gonna go check the place out, and set up some surveillance equipment so we can reach an actual conclusion?

WonderlandDee ago

Oh here how would i go about this?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

And who will protect those who go there? Go in a group. Don't be a hero.

dooob ago

gr8 b8

HighLevelInsider ago

Comments like this make me physically ill.

Hope you sleep great tonight knowing people are ass-raping and murdering children, and you're too afraid to do anything that could possibly cause personal risk. I sincerely hope your daughter doesn't come home without her underwear tomorrow.

I thought I lived in America, but apparently I lived in neutered-housecat-istan.

dooob ago

I was making a joke u nigger, i am from europe.

Peace_gate ago

LOL let's chill, don't pressure specific people into getting into harms way. Let's pros that have done it before do the pinhole camera laser whatever.

dooob ago


Peace_gate ago

can't die until these rings are broken.

SunnysideNYC ago

Keep it coming!!! We are spreading it like wildfire!!! SAVE THE CHILDREN!

Haldelos ago

Ugh....Is this the "big info" you talked about? It's a good compilation but not much new...concert posters and weird art aren't gonna do anything. We were finding similar stuff in November...the wait continues

TheNewMovement ago

From Twitter, this info is the first of many, the rest will come out in waves over time.

edblings ago

'the real leak' except it's not

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

at this point i think nothing less than a hi-res video of hillary and obama drinking a child's blood will do anything to advance the cause of justice. even then people would say it was faked.

we are fucked.

HighLevelInsider ago

at this point i think nothing less than a hi-res video of hillary and obama drinking a child's blood will do anything to advance the cause of justice. even then people would say it was faked.

This is roughly correct. Although a video of children being dropped off at their homes in the middle of the night might be sufficient.

we are fucked.

This is where you're wrong. You outnumber them by thousands to 1. You might only need to break open a single case, and the whole thing could come crashing down.

I need some people with the balls to help me bring down these perverts to step up to the plate.

EvaEverywhere ago

Dude, surveillance in California is really hard to do for a private citizen. And heck, child porn was found on CPP website and turned in to the police and nothing was done. I don't expect anyone to snoop around to come away with much before some kind of gatekeeper gets a hold of them. What is surprising is that the private information of every American that is not miserably poor and homeless (maybe half) is available in two clicks, while all this evidence (blackmail) has yet to pop up, aside from maybe the fatherhood video which shows the purposeful terrifying of a child for whatever nefarious purpose. The easiest to hack entities in the U.S. are lawyers' offices (which are breaches for copyright intellectual property) and most don't know it (maybe they find out between 10-18 months after the fact)... THIS is where you find the mother load of NDAs and child "work" contracts describing the pay off of child victims and their collaborative parents! The information to show that we are dealing with a Luciferian "secret club" is 100%, that they may be survivors (and/or) perpetrators of abuse is 100% but the actual actionable proof is not there yet. But... it already exists in hard form and just needs to be found.

HighLevelInsider ago

Dude, surveillance in California is really hard to do for a private citizen

Then you have two options:

  1. Break the law to save children from being raped
  2. Try to stay within the narrow laws

I don't expect anyone to snoop around to come away with much before some kind of gatekeeper gets a hold of them.

If you read carefully, I didn't propose snooping. That's a bit more risky. I proposed cameras and microphones. If you do it right, these are virtually impossible to trace back to you, and involve almost no exposure of your face.

I also informed people of a very widespread blackmail operation, the Royal Order of Jesters, which doesn't have nearly the level of sophistication that you might get with trying to bug Hillary Clinton or something.

EvaEverywhere ago

That is my experience of people who work in sensitive businesses like lawyers or accountants, they suck so much at basic technology. That is why I find the claims that there is huge blackmail operations in our age to be fishy since most of this data would leak out because of technical and security ineptitude. If only the Chinese are getting to see this (and bypass it because they are mostly looking for intellectual property) a lot of people might eventually find themselves converted to Chinese agents by sheer fear of exposure. That is not so great for the U.S.

Godwillwin ago

I don't understand the pinhole camera.

HighLevelInsider ago

Easy to hide.

Godwillwin ago

I think you are Him because I recall him telling us to get camera footage of the "elites'" goings and comings

HighLevelInsider ago

Whoever I am, I don't want to be anyone's guru. I want you to think for yourselves, and start taking rational, effective steps to save this country.

Godwillwin ago

Do you think Awan's arrest is enough to eventually bring down the pedos?

Amy advice?

HighLevelInsider ago

No. They have been forced to hand certain people out to dry many times before.

It's very simple, the pedo networks won't come down until the independent investigators go out into the real world and do research.

People always say "why don't you do it?" And the answer is: I am, but I can't create a group of 1000 or even 100 investigators without facing extensive infiltration. There would always be fear that you can't trust the other members of the group, and as a result, the investigation gets bogged down in suspicions.

But you can work alone, or with a few trusted friends, and get evidence in your area, without ever having to worry about infiltration, because you're not recruiting.

Best of all, you don't have to trust me, because I'm not asking you to do any specific thing, thus exposing yourself. You can think I'm a total shill, and still go out and investigate suspected perverts.

Godwillwin ago

I can't do much besides spread awareness. I have 5 children. There's a port near me and interstate 10 on the Mississippi River that I may try to look into more once the older kids are back in school

HighLevelInsider ago

I can't do much besides spread awareness.

Find a shady motel in town. Plant a camera where you have a view of the comings and goings. See if there's any strange comings and going: sex trafficking, drugs, etc.

Godwillwin ago

I'm too afraid, but I'll think about it.

We wouldn't catch any "elites" though

redditsuckz ago

a hi-res video of hillary and obama drinking a child's blood will do anything to advance the cause of justice.

It doesnt matter what evidence...even low level organ harvesters are let go...due to there being "not enough evidence"...

Gruesome discovery as baby body parts - including a head and 'sheets' of skin - are found inside a grisly Bangkok package destined for Las Vegas

'Bumfights' Creators Busted For Mailing Baby's Head And Other Body Parts

Both guys were taken into custody and questioned by cops, but were eventually released for lack of evidence. They've since fled to Cambodia.

And then theres this...

Baby-parts 'harvester' jokes about shipping human heads

3mur_ ago

that baby parts are actually roasted babies that people use in black magic in thailand. is a really ancient and fucked up kind of magic (necromance) that some people do. Is called "Kuman Thong"

is just really weird shit

Peace_gate ago

HRC: "If that f**king bastard wins, we all hang from nooses."

I believe we are gathering momentum, and it is making them very afraid. I want to see all those pedos/traffickers in line for that rope.

Haldelos ago

Unfortunately I think you're right....We need a miracle

HighLevelInsider ago

We need a miracle

Be a miracle. Get into the real world, get the evidence, and save the children.

remedy4reality ago

this is just the beginning... be patient

bibigirl_ ago

Hey, Dick.

logjam ago

Can anything be released that have more impact than the Podesta emails? If that shit isn't going to get moved on - what will?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

So glad you said that, to be honest my heart sank reading the post above.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Sorry I didn't watch these, someone else did and told me. I don't open vid me videos!

edblings ago

good job, it's all bull shit this guy is literally larping trying to get attention all over this thread and others

TheWordsTrue ago

Oh so you are an algorithm. Right...

SayWhatNOWAY ago

👄👄👄👌👌👌👌hmmm nope!

Haldelos ago

I hope so...I'm trying.

DonKeyhote ago

A nice compilation proving pizza symbolism to normies, but hardly the "proof" you had given the impression an insider passed to you.

So far its 100% what i expected -- sketchy Instagram posts from bands nobody ever heard of.

throwaway420420 ago

Maybe you've never heard of these bands, but anyone who actively seeks out rock music and doesn't just listen to the radio knows who FIDLAR/TY SEGALL/AND FATHER JOHN MISTY is they are all pretty damn popular as far as bands go nowadays.

cthulian_axioms ago

So far its 100% what i expected -- sketchy Instagram posts from bands nobody ever heard of.

I reckon this is why Swordfish is still alive. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad they didn't feed him to whatever's driving Skippy's meat shell. But let this be a lesson to all of you: if you ever find you have something more than this--something truly actionable--don't go trying to inflate your ego by giving asinine "48 hour" ultimata. Be like Edward Snowden and drop a bomb from out of nowhere.

hels ago

This is the only way to do it. You have indisputable evidence you tell no one. You make accounts on every single file sharing site you possibly can. You post a fuck ton of stupid irrelevant videos that no one would ever care about. "Watch this throw from Peyton Manning!"

You tell a couple firends about your links and make sure (without telling them fuck all) that they can view and uplike. They'll think you're stupid but who cares, you tell them you want to be an internet star one day so they comply and uplike. Oh, make sure you know the shady shit on the deepweb too and when you mass post it will be there too.

You go to internet lounges and find every single pizzagate website that is looking to expose. You are just a lurker but you trust a few posters at each site believing they want to expose from their contributions. You've made a couple "I believe" posts on those sites without mentioning the posters you trust.

That is when you can drop the video by PMing all those you trust first and then making a mass post of links (it's the same video on different servers) to the site.

That is how a video can be dropped online. If it's significant you better be able to walk into a neighboring country and forget the life you had.

Swordfish is great and has posted many important things providing circumstantial evidence. I will never discredit his knowledge but we all know this is not a bombshell. If we want to talk about circumstantial evidence then there is a lot of speculation that those who have a bit more get killed.

DonKeyhote ago

But as ive said before: blacks can gather 50 people to loot a 711 with probavly a half hours notice. Whites are cowards and wouldn't risk their fingernails getting dirty let alone flash mob a location.

Hayato ago

There's a good reason whites can't organize and it has to do with the very people who own most entertainment networks & hollywood. White organizing = "kkk lynchmob" in the eyes of the twisted media.

HillBoulder ago

You know what you're absolutely right. I wouldn't do much alone.. but if enough people were on board I could probably summon the courage to join a flash mob targeting a location.

Don't forget though they often have their areas of depravity well guarded especially when it's the big boys.

cthulian_axioms ago

Well, luckily for you, I'm not white. I'm Italian.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL best answer and true

0fsgivin ago

Why do you need 50 people with you?

DonKeyhote ago

Same reason they do. Precludes the possibility of violence. An authentic Welch-type would have simply walked through the place with a dozen guys, at some point the cops would come issue trespassing citations, but basement got checked.

0fsgivin ago

Well damn...I was actually just being an asshole. But that's actually a pretty good point man.

Splinterinyourmind ago

You've never heard of the Flaming Lips?

NSFW_LeeLee ago

they are doing music with steve from blues clues.

Splinterinyourmind ago


DonKeyhote ago

Yeah u picked the one famous band lol. Jesus and mary chain are somewhat known. The big elephant in the room of course is gay jews like GEFFEN #1 ART COLLECTOR ALIVE

HighLevelInsider ago

Stop waiting for the Messiah to come from on high to stop the pedos. The kingdom of God is within you: get cameras and microphones, get evidence, save the children.

Godwillwin ago

Are you HLI from 4chan? The space elevator HLI?

HighLevelInsider ago

I think you're the first person to ask.

High Level Insider from 4chan did not use a trip code on purpose, in order to avoid becoming a guru. If I was, I certainly wouldn't want you to blindly trust me because I created a voat username that was the same.

I would suggest weighing the merits of what I, or anyone else, says, and deciding if I am credible on that basis.

Godwillwin ago

I wouldn't have. I'm just curious. Haven't seen HLI on 4chan in a while. Not sure I can put all my eggs in his/your (if it's you) because of the Osama Obama thing. I can't believe that

HighLevelInsider ago

Have you read Wayne Madsen's reporting on Obama's background? His associations with Business International?

Godwillwin ago

No. There's been SO much to investigate abd spread awareness about that my head spins

DarkMath ago

"Are you HLI from 4chan? The space elevator HLI?"

Godwillwin is there something up with HighLevelInsider? I've got my suspicions. What's his reputation over at 4chan?

Godwillwin ago

I really enjoyed his threads. Overall lots of good wholesome advice. The space elevator thing was out of my league. I've got a high IQ, but Physics is NOT my thing.

The one thing he said that made me doubt him entirely was osama being Obama visa Versa.

I can link you to his threads in a sec

One of his main themes was consciousness That's not my thing either. It's weird to me.

But overall, he seemed like a good person genuinely wanting the best for humankind. He said he was from a group - tried or three??

DarkMath ago

"The one thing he said that made me doubt him entirely was osama being Obama"

The guy's off his rocker then. Sorry @HighLevelInsider but you're a dunce.


HighLevelInsider ago

Laugh as much as you want, then go read Wayne Madsen's reports on Obama's CIA past. Half an hour and you can verify he's a CIA agent.

DarkMath ago

Maybe I misread the Ossama is Obama thing. You're not saying Ossama IS Obama right? You're just saying the CIA created both Ossama and Obama.

I believe the CIA created both of those dudes, I just don't think their paths ever crossed.

HighLevelInsider ago

I believe the CIA created both of those dudes, I just don't think their paths ever crossed.

And I'm not interested in speculation. I'm referring you to sources so you can verify for yourself that Obama's whole family was in the CIA, as was he. That gets you 75% of the way to verifying he's bin Ladin, and 100% of the way to realizing the CIA-controlled media lies all the time.

DarkMath ago

So you think Osama IS Obama.

You're insane.



HillBoulder ago

As good as swordfish's info is, I feel like at this point there'd have to be a video of several of these people in the same sick orgy to convince the normies of this disgusting problem

0fsgivin ago

Yah...ya know. Actual evidence you could us in court...or just publish for the masses to see and go vigilante.

This is some dumbass finding every reference to pizza he can...

HighLevelInsider ago

I feel like at this point there'd have to be a video of several of these people in the same sick orgy to convince the normies of this disgusting problem

Yeah, now who's gonna help me get cameras on these places so we can get that video?

Peace_gate ago

Alex Jones, Bohemian grove style. But seriously I would be pissing my pants..

HighLevelInsider ago

I bet a lot of those kids at Normandy pissed their pants, too.

Lucky for you, all you have to do is plant the equipment and walk away. Easy as peas.

Peace_gate ago

Then you do it, just as lurker returning after months to find no progress.

HighLevelInsider ago

I already have.

HillBoulder ago

Moles on the inside Mr. HighLevelInsider

HighLevelInsider ago

Ok, who's gonna be a mole and infiltrate these groups? Anyone try joining the Shriners and weaseling their way into the Royal Order of Jesters?

HillBoulder ago

I don't have the stones for that shit. I'm just being honest it's probably one of the most risky endeavors one could undertake especially now. You have the right idea though there's someone out there with the testicular fortitude to try what your suggesting

HighLevelInsider ago

I've done it. It's really not that hard to get away with it, either. Put a camera in the bushes by Comet Ping Pong, see who is going in and out.

HillBoulder ago

That's great but it's not enough. I'm pretty much thinking someone will actually have to participate in some form in the act itself. It's nearly unthinkable but I feel that's what it will take. Direct evidence and nothing less. I personally don't need any more convincing not the same for millions of others.

DonKeyhote ago

I am the only one to post addresses and evidence against pedo fronts. Thats why i get shilled so hard. I must be the only 6 month account to RE-LOSE the ability to upvoat due to being downvoated so much LOL

Kimcooper ago


eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Bullshit. You get "shilled" for your "zomgjewsrbadmmkay" blanket racism.

RapeKathy6riffin ago

Wait, since when do we call out racists? We are racists.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Speak for your own damn self.

RapeKathy6riffin ago

Ok: I personally do not like niggers.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Go back to 4 chan, little boy.

RapeKathy6riffin ago

Nope. Staying right here to call you a nigger, to call you a faggot. Might as well learn to like the smell of my shit on your chest.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Thanks for essentially proving my point.

RapeKathy6riffin ago

Oh you are so welcome you smarmy Faggit

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

As an aside, it really helps you appear more menacing if you spell your insults correctly. It's "faggot".

RapeKathy6riffin ago

I disagree. The misspelling makes me seem more off kilter and dangerous. FHaggit.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

They make you seem like a run of the mill, ignorant little shit. But hey, don't take my word for it. ;)

RapeKathy6riffin ago

I won't, chink.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Chink, eh? I'm going to take that as a compliment.

RapeKathy6riffin ago

You should do that, you rice gobbling yellow man.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I'm a woman, but sure.

RapeKathy6riffin ago

You're a woman? 😧

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Did I stutter?

RapeKathy6riffin ago

I thought I was talking shit to a man. The image of you as a small Asian woman has ruined it. I can't bully a woman. Looks like you're the winner.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I'm not Asian. But don't feel bad. As bullies go, you're pretty pathetic, so no harm done. P.s. - Does Kathy Griffin qualify as a woman?

RapeKathy6riffin ago

She does not, no.

HighLevelInsider ago

That's a start. Do you have cameras or mics on these locations?

Poot_McGarvey ago

do you?

DonKeyhote ago

I dont live in these places bro. Havent kept my methods a secret either. Look at the mod delete some crying housewife asking for prayers on whose street a kid was snatched: People here trust that mod more than me, LOL! IDK how familiar you are with the sub but there are tons of naive women and white knight retards as well was straight up kike shills like all the mods.

LionElTrump ago


listentoreason2017 ago

...but as long as you put enough sketchy Instagram posts from random bands together it becomes evidence somehow. See how that works?

swordfish69 ago

Comet Ping Pong Mural Artist Leads to Directly to Pizza Cult in Los Angeles

It's worth noting that Arrington de Dionysio, the mural artist associated with Comet PP, led a band called "Old Time Relijun" and has been associated with two galleries who have the same schtick at Comet--One of Us Gallery in Los Angeles and True Measure in Portland. One of Us burns baby effigies and is obsessed with Pizza; True Measure showcases trauma-based art, like Alefantis' Transformer Gallery.

Comet Mural - Clear Suggestion of pedophilia - Burning Baby Effigy - (NSFW) - One of the leaders -

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

David Seaman is Kibbitzlaw and Swordfish69; Obama Disinformation

So Swordfish69 of Voat released his "bombshell" (Nothing but "coincidences", matches David's silly antics) today. I'm going to provide a brief thought, which we should consider. David Seaman changed his Twitter handle to an image of John Travolta from Swordfish and Tweeted about the film before the Swordfish threat image appeared on Voat and 4chan. Victory of the Light (Kibbitzlaw) endorsed Swordfish, and is also followed by Former President Obama. Some had speculated that PASTAgate was a disinformation campaign designed to further the fake news narrative, and because David Seaman is the face of PASTAgate, I believe that it is directly connected to the nonsense Victory of the Light has been spewing. I believe that the Victory of the Light Twitter and the David Seaman/PASTAgate narrative are being pushed by the "resist" side of the aisle and is a disinformation campaign to discredit the current administration. David Seaman left his job at Buzzfeed last year prior to the rise of "Fake News" and "PASTAgate" in the mainstream media, so his connections with the Anti-Trump Hate Machine could be indicative of his ultimate goals. It is plausible that David Seaman is not only Swordfish, but also Victory of the Light. He's either insane or an incredible actor.

redditsuckz ago

The Swordfish movie is about an Ex Mossad(Travolta) agent who terrorizes and kills people for "the greater good".

I guess David Seaman considers himself on par with that character...

Victory of the Light, Ben Swann and Neon Nettle might be on the same (((disinfo team)));

quiche ago This is a video of Derrick Ion Alemena torturing his children with Satanic Ritual Abuse as a "bedtime story." He is telling them they are going into the spirit world. Derrick will be in prison for the rest of his life. He is charged with involuntary manslaughter of thirty six people. The Ghost Ship fire, which was his art space, is the biggest single building fire in the history of Oakland. It was in WEst Oakland, close to the Gilman music space in Berkeley. Ghost Ship survivors say that some residents were "dripping with blood" when they came home from their "rituals." That was before the fire. It was dedicated to Satya and worshipped Kali. I believe the Kenneth Anger video was filmed at Ghost Ship. Anger demonized Bobby Beausolai, who became a member of the MAnson family.

Godwillwin ago

When was he arrested?

9952402? ago

June of this year.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks for the deeper dive. I knew something and posted here the day it happened.

9944795? ago

This is incredibly important. Note that on the night of the fire, Almena holed his kids up in a hotel, and was also absent from Ghost Ship.

Something about "crates of Balinese furniture" ordered not too long before...

swordfish69 ago


“Pizza Party Tonight” - Pizza is my Boyfriend - Pizza + Alien With Braces - Pizza + Saturn - Album -

LA Witch

Los Angeles-based band performing for ‘Pizza Party Presents’ and ‘Lolipop Records’ - LA Witch at Comet Ping Pong -


FIDLAR music video for ‘Punks’ contains clear reference to nightclubs and blood-related executions/ritual abuse ( The video was directed, in part, by somebody who actively posts about pizza and hints at occult rituals. The video was also directed by individuals directly connected to ‘pizza party’ and Luciferian imagery--the same person who promoted dogs and cats with Miley Cyrus and her "fwends".

Pizza - Live in Glasgow - More Pizza - Album Art - FIDLAR in Costa Mesa (performing with Pizza Time) -

In The Red Records and The Comet Link

25th Anniversary -

What makes In The Red Records so interesting is that it includes (1) musicians that use the exact same pizza symbolism we see everywhere else and (2) include musicians in Comet Ping Pong’s inner circle, including Kid Congo & the Pink Monkeybirds and Chain and the Gang. The close links between the latter two bands and the rest of the Los Angeles punk music scene is interesting because it proves that active members of the Comet Ping Pong community

The Make-Up - "Every Baby Cries the Same" - Kid Congo Powers - At Skull and Bones! - Kid Congo Powers - Suspicious Photo? - Saturn Iconography and Voodoo Necklace - With DJ Baby Alcatraz - Strange Pizza photo W/ Husband - John Waters -

Black Lips

Family Tree Music Video appears to show an uncanny depiction of “Spirit Cooking”, involving the rubbing of flour, blood and semen on singer -

The Black Lips, on the other hand, have written several songs about ritual abuse, pedophilia and snuff. They also had a music video directed by Luciferian filmmaker Kenneth Anger called ‘Modern Art’ ( The premise of the video is that they are in the ‘k-hole’ at a gallery called the Dali, and are hanging around in a private salon that includes chickens tied up to the wall. Their music includes several songs that reference satanic rituals, such as “Mad Dog” (, “Boys in the Wood” ( Underneath the Rainbow - Reference to Eyes Wide Shut

Ty Segall

Promotion of pizza aligned with concerts, very specific

“You Should Never Have Opened That Door” - Cover of Ramones song about sacrificing a child “Black Magic Will Save Us All” - Photo with eye - Ty Segall Pizza - Ty Segall Pizza -

Thee Oh Sees

Sign of the Cult of Saturn - Pizza Logo @ Pitchfork Festival - Performed in Portugal with Chain and the gang, closely associated with Comet -]

Desert Daze Festival

Includes several bands from In The Red Records, Burger Records, Some that have performed at Comet Ping Pong Suspicious Map Includes several “pedophile” spirals and pizzas - Poster -

Godwillwin ago

Thank you swordfish. Stay safe and may God be with and protect you and the children

IamQ ago

Respect ;)

quiche ago

The Black Lips Video with Kenneth Anger looks like it was filmed at Ghost Ship. Ghost Ship was an artist space in West Oakland. The person who ran it was recently arrested for multiple counts of homocide. Ghost Ship burnt down during a rave in the biggest fire in the history of the city. Something like thirty people were killed. It was dedicated to Satya age and to Kali. Dia de las Muertes at Cloud 9 in Oakland: Ion Alameda on this video, just charged with involuntary manslaughter of thirty six people. Satanic stuff at the Ghost Ship:

9954632? ago

This is incredibly important. Note that on the night of the fire, Almena holed his kids up in a hotel, and was also absent from Ghost Ship.

Something about "crates of Balinese furniture" ordered not too long before...

9943666? ago

What about the "Arana/Spider" ring?

Fire_Fly ago

Folks, I think this is just the Introduction.

Godwillwin ago

That's what I'm thinking. But then I wonder if this not Being as "big" as some thought, will we lose viewers? Maybe big from the get go would have Been better? Idk. I'm not sure. I just want those babies rescued!

TheWordsTrue ago



edblings ago

no, that's disinfo. the post you linked to is bull shit

mathemagician33 ago

he most likely is aware, its a 9 hour old account...

redditsuckz ago


Horse The Band - WerePizza lyrics from 2010 - "Hungry for Pizza, The CANNIBAL Feasts"

Jackhammerman AKA John Powers - "I can get you gallons of the real stuff(blood)"

John Powers - Fuckin' Pizza Party!

John Powers New Rock Church of Fire band

john powers and friends: fat guy pizza party. - Pandahead Morgan blog(friends of Comet Ping Pong)

Abiku Band;

"Operation Pizza Slice was a success"

"The kids escaped the basement?"

"Tonights show is cancelled...something something pizza"

I have found hundreds of music videos other than Katy Perry and other mainstream "pop artists" (they aren't popular) that basically have satanic/pizzagate themes - Original Post by THE_LIES_OH_THE_LIES

Natlyco ago

I appreciate the depth of research and cataloging here! Fantastic work! But I'm still hoping for more impact to the whole sick community

logjam ago

I don't see how it's even possible to get more impact than the Podesta letters. It's all admittedly right there, and it's not going to get more straight forward than that.

That shit slid and I can't see how any of this can gain traction. I want it to, but those letters were the best we could have ever hoped for. It went nowhere.

hels ago

Sometimes the restart button needs to be pressed.

The only people who can do that at Voat are the mods. Old posts are not allowed but old posts linking to other old posts (and/or new information) could be allowed. It is difficult to continue redpilling since the massive redpills have already been given.

What can be done is allowing the best researchers to use previous information and linking it to other previous (or new) information. The more connections that are made will allow the side-line watchers to look into it further.

TheWordsTrue ago


4thDaGrymReaper ago

lol your reaching now.

Jem777 ago

@swordfish69 you have earned the highest respect. Not only for your research skills but your integrity and moral clarity to bring this forward. And I know there is more,

Edit: It is pretty amazing to watch some of the same trolls who spew hate but have done nothing now ask more from @Swordfish69. He shows his hand and waits those that want truth have been led to more truth. The rest of you are lost. If you really want to help stop attacking others and pay attention it is right in front of you.

Godwillwin ago

A little off topic, but does anyone know why the font with the lines of letters not fully connecting and some lines missing while others have extra lines seems to be so popular with these bands. Here's an example of what I'm talking about. Not saying Taylor is a pedo - but who knows if something has bee done to her. But I'm posting her show's link because it's a good example of the font

9943082? ago

I'm with jem777 on this . Much respect to you swordfish!