Current186 ago

This is an excellent post and is completely on point. However, the correlation between sodomy and ritual magic for the purposes of increasing mystical power does have merit, especially in regards to illicit sex and ritualized pedophilia. This: Provides a very astute overview and summary of the basic concepts.

Votescam ago

Thank you and agree with you about understanding --

Unfortunately, our culture has in many ways been manipulated by Elites over a long period of time. Think we all recognize the violence and porn being introduced into media and it is certainly intended to manipulate our impressions of others in our societies and to make us fearful, as well as to introduce some to these perversions and violence. Certainly the fake Drug War has been part of that manipulation, though fortunately the public has come to see it for what it truly is ... I believe.

I think most of us now understand that drug addition should be considered a health problem, not a crime. But as Nixon's aide Ehrlichman made clear, one of the main goals of the Drug War was to entrap AA's for using drugs.

There are many ways to manipulate us and propaganda based in lies is just one way.

Both Cheney and Rove have often bragged about how they control our reality. And it's an old concept: Those who control the past control the future...

Secrets and lies and "false flag" events included ...


StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

We are likely in the great apostasy. Rome has returned to paganism. Germany has nude swimming pools, lovefest etc. France is run by a guy that thinks he is a jupiter god. It is like that all over Europe. Big gay disco orgy. Look up the Ara Pacis and the woman "europa" riding the beast etc.

BillRodham ago

Yep, I researched Antinous and posted the history months ago, but didn't get as much info as you. Unfortunately my post got deleted by the mods. Archive this thread immediately.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

The Bacchae by Euripides is about this, too, and one wonders if the unspeakable Eleusinian Mysteries celebrated in the woods by the likes of pedo-saint Socrates involves the same sinister ghoulishness as well. I'll say it again, take longer looks at wherever you find Latin and Greek studied, like elite child academies (a la Secret History) and, of course, the corrupted Catholic Church.

Dziewanna ago

I agree - especially the Eleusinian Mysteries that trace their origins probably to agrarian Danubian Cultures (into Greek via Thracians). If you have a look at Slavic folk customs, some celebrated even until now, you will see many similarities with Dionysian cult, mainly in agrarian sphere (ripping apart of an effigy on the field which is an echo of human sacrifice, orgies on the newly ploughed fields reminding of Demeter and Iason, sparagmos etc..). The origins of those customs are as old as agriculture itself, and basically one can find the traces of them in all cultures that were worshipping Isis and Osiris, Dionysus and Demeter, Cybele and Bacchus, Ishtar and Tammuz... and the list goes on. That is how I knew pizzagate is true - I was studying mythology and ancient agrarian customs for my MA thesis previously and noticed similarities immediately.

GeorgeT ago

Great post. We have to get into their heads - knowledge is power.

Votescam ago

In regard to FOOD and "fast food" ... we had a report last week on Starbuck's iced drinks being contaminated with fecal matter.

Reports of fecal bacteria in iced coffee at chains like Starbucks are a red flag for bigger problems, a scientist explains

And ...

Faecal bacteria found in ice at Costa, Starbucks and Caffe Nero, investigation finds

And also in regard to "fast food" restaurants which can be international ....

Most notably regarding #Pizzagate there was a link to a McDonalds restaurant, a Starbucks coffee shop and a Pizza Express. The children disclosed that employees at these three places were involved in child abuse and ritual sacrifice taking place inside these businesses.

That's the Hampstead Case of course .... which has been a long time in our view and I'm sure many of us continue to be concerned about the children. As I recall last, the maternal grandparents were trying were trying to gain custody of the two children involved - a young boy and a young girl. I've made a note to try to get back to the story for updates, if possible. Would appreciate knowing if anyone else here has any additional information on that case.

Votescam ago

Some might recall that last week we had a Yahoo report on Starbucks coffee being contaminated with fecal matter ...

Most notably regarding #Pizzagate there was a link to a McDonalds restaurant, a Starbucks coffee shop and a Pizza Express. The children disclosed that employees at these three places were involved in child abuse and ritual sacrifice taking place inside these businesses.

(back with this link in a minute...)

Votescam ago

All readers should keep in mind that the Catholic Church for 1500 years ran VILE propaganda against the Jews and spread these vile lies intended to demonize the Jews throughout the Papal States which certainly influenced the people of those areas against the Jews.

Many of these quotes are traceable to this RCC propaganda.

And even after the Catholic Church's Jewish Ghettoes were forcibly closed by first the French and then by the Italian government, the Catholic Church continued on with yet another 100 years of vile propaganda against the Catholic Church again distributed throughout the areas the Church controlled and influenced.

We must also recall that similarly, the Catholic Church carried out VILE propaganda against women which eventually rose to the level of "Witch Burnings" based on the Catholic Church's writings in "The Hammer of Witches."

Women were closely connected to Nature in their studies of plants which are our natural medicines and drugs and which gave them the knowledge to heal which was shared willingly with all. This also included knowledge of childbirth, etal.

Organized patriarchal religion underpins Elite Patriarchy and both continue to be at war with Nature even today.

spacewitch ago

Great research! Someone should write a history book, the real one.

Votescam ago

What we usually find about "cannibalism" and "sacrifice" is that behind it all we usually find the white man having introduced these practices and blaming it on others -- usually native peoples.

Travellingman ago

Ass pie. Lol

Travellingman ago

Fascinating stuff

9791684? ago

Great post! I came across a later blood cake reference from around the third or fourth century A.D. :

The "Sepher Ha-Razim" is a Jewish witchcraft book referenced in the Cake of Light Wikipedia. Quote:

"praxeis which demand we eat cakes made from blood and flour"

I don't know what kind of blood but I think we can guess.

Also from a site called Jewish Virtual Library:

RAZIM, SEFER HA- ( [English translation is] "Book of Secrets"), early work of Jewish mystical literature. Sefer ha-Razim is remarkable for its systematic treatment of magic, witchcraft, incantations, and supernatural remedies, on which no special works have otherwise been preserved in Hebew literature.

Those engaged in magic recited the prayer to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob while invoking demons (Contra Celsum, IV, 33). Greek amulets which have been preserved show a marked relation to Jewish concepts. The pagans even attributed the worship of the sun and the moon to the Jews [...]

swordfish69 ago

Sounds like pizza

redditsuckz ago

The cult, worshipping the ill-fated boy, had has two basic inspirations. The greek Dionysian cult and Jesus himself, who they saw as a mortal being who transcended mortality through his own will and vigor. One could not simply worship Jesus, but one had to "become" a God like him.

James Alefantis "Jesus" pic

And heres a little Egyptian/homosexual symbolism + Ankh symbol in James Alefantis Instagram;

Ankh = Life - Human Captive - Food

Decapitation murals in Comet Ping Pong;

Marilyn Manson on his involvement with Satanism ( evidence) and Aleister Crowley - Being your own god

"Pizzagate isn't wholly new to me (I understood since I was in my 20's that the CIA runs world drug and sex slave trafficking), but the scale took me aback. The elite sacrifice children because it is the central Freemasonic rite of opening the "third eye" (butthole), and thus the pineal gland (as believed by them). Pizza was invented because it represents sodomy (AzzPi).

If you are too skeptical to continue, watch this exposé of almost 100 years of Pizza/sodomy symbolism in cinema. We will get extreme resistance from the powers that own this world because Pizzagate, at it's heart, is the uncovering of the core practice of the Illuminati, who believe that they "illuminate" themselves through ritual sodomy: "If I rape God, I steal his power".

The crux of their power is public symbolism. They believe that it's basically magic.

Aleister Crowley "The All Seeing Eye" Explained In His Own Words

wokethefkup ago

I dated a guy who was heavily involved in the practices of Aleister Crowley, he would drink a lot as well so take this with a grain of salt, but one thing that always stuck with me is one night he said "that's it. The 3rd eye is opened by the bhole" he said more but that part had me dump his ass. Mind you I was younger than 20 and naive.

bopper ago

I think I know this guy. Sir Paul McCartney, aka William Campbell Shepard, aka James Paul McCartney. Read all about it in "Memoirs of Billy Shears." How did you dump him? And please do not ignore this question, it's like breaking a chain letter if you do.

Cheesebooger ago

Spirit cooking is a kike thing.

carmencita ago

So these people just woke up one day and started to pick up on this Antinous? Crowley was the one that wrote that screwball book and they all decided to follow because they are all too bored and had to find something to make them feel above everyone else and special? I am so sick of them all I am going to vomit. Puke. If I am wrong, please explain. I am tired of trying to explain where they came from and why. They are all sick in the head and evil. No matter who they follow and how they "Cooked" it up, they need to be stopped. Once and for all.

MolochHunter ago

it may be a horse before the cart assumption. People fall into depravity, and because they are wealthy, vain socialites, they then go seeking some quasi spiritual arcanery as a faux sophistication of their motivations to aid in the suppression (or complete destruction) of their consciences

carmencita ago

That can also be. But we need to call out to some of these younger ones that have not been indoctrinated in their family's followings and let them know that there is hope for them if they choose to leave wealth behind and throw the lives others have chosen, behind. I see now that Hollywood Stars are stepping forward and maybe others will follow. We need to speak out and encourage all of them in that if they have strength in numbers they can combat this horrible life they are living.

equineluvr ago

"they all decided to follow because they are all too bored and had to find something to make them feel above everyone else and special?"

Isn't that the case with ALL religious cults?!

redditsuckz ago

So these people just woke up one day and started to pick up on this Antinous?

Probably passed down from generation to generation father to son...James Alefantis Father Achilles Louis Alefantis is a member of the Order of Ahepa;

Alefantis & The Freemasonic Order of AHEPA Is One Of Bush Sr's 1000 POINTS OF LIGHT

The GRECO/ROMAN Connection: Organized Crime; AHEPA; Comet Pizza and Cheese Pizza

Votescam ago

We really can't ignore that what we are seeing in CIA's MKULTRA is based on Nazi studies/program which themselves were based on ancient knowledge of the results of torture on human beings. Kidnapping for enslavement is something that we see throughout history and our own government later protected a system of SLAVERY here. Why wouldn't it follow that they would find ways to also enslave the mind through fear and torture?

And most frequently we see that these tortures and sexual abuse are connected to organized patriarchal religions and "churches" -- and also carried out generationally from father to child -- and that's true as well with what the children in the UK have told us of these abuse by their father and his wide world of abuse of children in the UK in the Hampstead Case.

And that is what has for so long given them protection of either religious authorities or "Royalty" who may have been the first "gods" among us.

The Inquisition by the Roman Catholic Church is a huge area that can't be ignored where new precedents of violence, torture, murder were introduced to the world. And the Vatican kept records of what was "accomplished" by this torture and violence.

If we do not find a way together to stop this spread of violence by the few among us, we will never be able to stop the evil that is corrupting our governments and societies. And the answer can only be a non-violent solution.

Whether violence is a flaw in the human race among the few, or whether it is something that has been introduced into our society is something we also have to consider.

Nor will we figure this out without compassion and love for those who have been pulled into these practices at very young ages. And I will remind us all this may include Bill and Hillary Clinton? For those of us who have read these stories, even survivors who have been forced to aid kidnappings of other children, even survivors who have been forced to spy on others for purposes of blackmail, and even those survivors who have been forced to take part in violence against other infants and children do deserve our compassion and help .... and we have to understand that.

sunajAeon ago

When Napolean conquered Spain he found 500 "employees" in the torture chambers-they were not just torturing people for fun, they were experimenting on these victims using torture, taking notes and methodically applying their technique-these are the forerunners of Nazi experiments and the Japanese torture experimentsUnit 731 in WWII

Votescam ago

Didn't know that ... !!!

In fact, know very little about Napoleon and his conquering Spain.

But, weird that with all the things that people could have been doing they chose torturing people for fun. !!!

Tyranny-News-Network ago

News reels of WWII give me a very dark impression of Germany and the "Nazis." But I discovered through research of various topics that much of what was written of Germany at the time and particularly since the '60s is propaganda. Few would disagree that Hitler stands alone as history's most evil man. The term, "Nazi" is one of the last remaining ethnic slanders still accepted for use.

My suspicions were many, but it wasn't until I researched Joseph Mengele that I understood the propaganda was near total as it relates to Germany and WWII. Much of the evil activities you elude to are purportedly committed by Mengele. But my research found no evidence that it was true. This greatly upsets people strongly committed to a personal system of assigning evil to clearly defined groups. I encourage everyone to look into this paradigm for themselves. I'm not a "Nazi" lover. More like a "Nazi" sceptic.

Votescam ago

You certainly should have a "dark impression" of Germany and the Nazis and the "propaganda" that you're referring to clearly seems to be connected to the right wing effort to try deny the Jewish Holocaust in Germany.

Don't know what qualifies you to do research other than as an ordinary person here, but if you seriously think you've found evidence to clear Mengele, then someone is pulling your leg.

Bye --

carmencita ago

I did not mean that this just happened recently, as you say and I agree with everything you say, they have picked up on this from others in their families, and also charismatic writings and secret societies that there families were in for decades. What I meant was that many of them had a choice and they made the decision to go along whether in recent decades or centuries. Somewhere along the way someone in that family decided to fall for this claptrap, that is what I am saying. Also this stupid Spirit Cooking Fool also woke up one day (or was a family follower) and decided it was a great way to make money while staying young. They are all fools, like those that have fallen for those Info-mercialls. Evil Svengalis that need to be called out. The Dumbell followers need to wake up.

PedoStomper ago

These people may have their little secret clubs that go back thousands of years, but one thing has never changed. There is nothing "elite" about the upper class. Shit eaters. Piss drinkers. Baby-rapists. That's all they are. They are the most disgusting among us, huddling together because they know there's safety in numbers, and because they know that if us, the masses, ever truly got wind of these activities and they could be proven without a doubt...these "people" know that their lives would be over, their legacies gone forever. That's why their main agenda is brainwashing people with what I call "The Tolerance Agenda," to make people have the "Do what thou wilt shall be the Whole of the Law" mindset. In 100 years I honestly believe that the common people will be tolerant of pedophilia. Hell, beastiality will be seen as "totally okay" in probably less than 20 years. Incest will shortly follow. It's all approaching us whether we like it or not.

Votescam ago

Keep in mind that most propaganda seeks to switch sides -- and project evil deeds done by them onto others. That has long been true of WICCA which is woman's wisdom of plants which are our natural medicines and drugs, of childbirth, etal. All of that had to be moved under male control which is quite a situation of turning the world upside down.

But the saying is: Do what thou wilt, harm none ... and that last part is generally removed.

Repeat -- **HARM NONE **which is frequented eliminated from the quote.;_ylc=X3oDMTFiN25laTRvBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEaXRjAzEEc2VjA3NyY2hfcWEEc2xrA3NyY2h3ZWI-?p=%22Do+what+thou+wilt%2C+harm+none%22&fr=yfp-t&fp=1&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8

Women's wisdom (WICCA) is based in Nature - in respecting and honoring nature.

Just as the Old World Religions were based in Nature -- and those religions existed long before organized patriarchal religion which came thousands and thousands of years later and which are based in control of the population -- mind control through FEAR which is why these male-supremacist religions invented the "Devil" and "Satan" and "Hell."

PS: This is also true of the Vatican having held Jews in Ghettoes in Papal states for 1,100 years, isolating them from society, forcing them to wear Yellow Stars on their clothing, barring them from education and professions, etal. And it was without doubt a thousand and more years of vile anti-Jewish propaganda by the Catholic Church throughout the Papal States which gave license for this confinement of Jews in these ghettoes. (Vile propaganda against Jews wasn't invented by Hitler/Nazis -- it had long existed to demonize Jews. And we also saw the talents of the Catholic Church for vile propaganda shown in their "Hammer of Witches" propaganda which demonized women.)

These Jewish Ghettoes run by the Catholic Church were closed first by the French (declaring "All are created equal") and then by the Italians who moved the Church back into the one square mile it now occupies in Italy. This was about 1864 at which time the Pope went into isolation and when he ended that self-imposed isolation he announced his invention of Papal Infallibility.

HOWEVER, over the next 100 years the Catholic Church continued to create and spread vile anti-Jewish propaganda which is still recited today as alleged examples of Jewish behavior. Needless to say, the Catholic Church had many means of spreading their propaganda throughout the societies they controlled and influenced through domination of the Catholic Church in these areas and their ability to print and create propaganda.

We should also note that we could easily add "NATURE" to the list of the Catholic Church's enemies, for Nature brings us truth.

We should very seriously question the existence of "Manifest Destiny" and "Man's Dominion Over Nature" which were licenses issued by the Catholic Church to allow Elites/wealthy to exploit Nature, the Nation's Natural Resources and Animal-Life -- and even other human beings according to various myths of inferiority which allowed their exploitation and oppression.

And thus our struggles to separate truth from fiction - but clearly the Catholic Church's "enemies list" included Women, Jews, Homosexuals. And certainly the Catholic Church encouraged violent against their enemies and still even today the echoes of their VILE propaganda against these groups can still be quoted and read and still serves to confuse the public.

11-11 ago

I don't agree with everything you said but thanks for this informative, well written piece. These long comments are a lot of work to write.

It is appreciated

Votescam ago

Too often I'm overstating, but I think and type fast --

and often I'm repeating something I've said before in case someone was unaware of it.

Thanks for acknowledging it. :)

2impendingdoom ago

that was very informative, thank you.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's up to us be part of the change process.

Votescam ago

There's a very old saying ...

"Behind all great wealth is great crime."

bopper ago

Wait a minute. I thought it was behind every great woman there is some great man. Right?

It must have been cold there in my shadow, To never have sunlight on your face. You were content to let me shine, that's your way. You always walked a step behind.

Votescam ago

bopper --

Female, but didn't especially identify with the plot of "Beaches" --

Historically, we still find it's "Behind every great man is a great woman." :)

Basically, I think we should all get together and pull the plug on cable TV all at one time.

Most noticeably, they are trying to move organized pornography into mainstream programming, as others here have noted -- to further the effort of debasing and demeaning women, but also to spread as much violence and torture and fear as possible over cable.

There's an interesting movie which touches on that subject -- "Every Day" with Liev Schrieber and Helen Hunt. IGNORE the family situation which I think was put in to keep people from actually watching the movie -- except for the homosexual son -- but I think it's probably a very true picture of what has long been happening with the right wing effort to spread violence over and into our programming at every opportunity in order to try to desensitize the public to violence and gross behavior and to increase public fear, of course.

pushthis ago

right wing effort to spread violence over and into our programming at every opportu

Left wing is the establishment they control tv programing faar more

Votescam ago

The Establishment is right wing and will use violence to hold control.

Royals morphed into "Elites" and then into "Corporations" and it is at the least corporations which control our media.

Our military has always protected Elites/The Establishment ... See: Brig. Gen. Stanley Darlington Butler/"War Is A Racket!" for the answer on that.

If you're truly concerned with why we don't have a free press, you really should really at least scan CIA's Operation Mockingbird which was being drafted two years before the end of WWII by Cord Meyer and which was run out of the CIA by Allen Dulles.

The two essential companions to that Operation were Paperclip/200,000 ex-Nazis brought into the US and used to found the CIA, funneled into the FBI and other government agencies and to "hot" spots around the world to ensure the rise of the Fourth Reich ....

and Operation Gladio which was set up to keep right wing governments in place in the nations over which the US had control at the end of WWI -- Germany, France, Italy, Japan.. but we've seen this, as well all over the world as the US/CIA ran coups in many countries to remove democratically elected heads of government.

Probably about 100 CIA programs are known but I don't think any knows if there were hundreds of programs or thousands.

pushthis ago

The (((elite)))is not left or right.

The media is left.

Votescam ago

If you read any history of those who control the nation's natural resources -- (a right given to them when our Founders actually created an Elite Patriarchy while proclaiming "all are equal") -- you will see that behind all great wealth there is great crime. Great crime requires criminal and/or violent action.

The media are corporations and all corporations are right wing. Corporations are part of the system of Capitalism which is at the least right wing, but basically fascism.

Capitalism is a system intended to move the wealth and natural resources of nations from the many to the few -- and it has done that successfully all over the world.

It is quite amazing that the right wing can tell you that corporations/networks are liberals and so many -- I guess since the days of GHWB -- have actually believed that.

"It is harder to convince something that they're being fooled than to fool them."

pushthis ago

Who cares what republican means to you. Trump wore the label and is making right. Behind great hoards is great crime. Behind great wealth is seciritu

Votescam ago

Elites are not just Republicans .... they are Democrats as well. If you watch the old patterns of conquest, co-opting a nation to take it over is very common. Both Christianity and Capitalism are tools of conquest and have been used all over the world, along with the government's military might in order to force and frighten people into submission.

If you actually read our Constitution, you will see and understand that what it actually does is betray the people by setting up an Elite Patrairchy AND turning the government and the wealth and natural resources of the nation over to them.

BOTH parties are corrupted and criminal and so is our entire Electoral system'

YOU have no leverage or control over those in office because our votes are meaningless.

pushthis ago

Capitalism is feeding off a persons wallet with their consent.

Your attention to what is inappropriate if the goal is making sence of corruption.

You cat like a shill

Votescam ago

There is NO consent when there is only one choice and no alternative.

Meanwhile, it's pretty much embarrassing to even be replying to your posts and I must now say --


pushthis ago

Srry if i was an buthead. You just sound silly

Votescam ago

Move on --

pushthis ago

^^thats not capitalism btw^^ dayum

pushthis ago


pushthis ago

Both parties are not equally corrupt. The constitution is worth keeping

pushthis ago

Noone controls anything. Many people influence manythings.

Tellin me i dont control whoose in office.. You cant rationalize.

bopper ago

@Votescam Ah we agree on something. Very nice.

And do you not think there should be order in a family, man and wife, that a wife "subjects" herself to her husband, not as a matter of inferiority but for the sake of order, and that a husband should cherish and honor his wife, to the point of laying down his life for her? Or should I just go ahead and delete this right now?? (My wife is the boss around here just to let you know.)

Edit: For example, there is a disagreement. The husband should consider all avenues for peace, and to satisfy his wife in the matter, yet in the end, his decision is the final. There must be order. You know how many musical bands have broken up because no one agreed to divest a final decision with one particular person or leader? All the ones I was ever in suffered this type of dysfunction. And all the successful ones had a leader.

Votescam ago

You might not have noticed I EDITED the reply to you quite extensively .....

Only right wing Evangelists and male-supremacists believe what you're reciting ...

WHY not have men subject themselves to their wives for the sake of order?

Men shouldn't have to lay down their lives to protect women which is still a common theme that females need protection in our society. From whom? And WHY? The men in our societies who create great violence are not only feared by women, they are also feared by men. And you're probably better off if your wife is the boss --

Many try to deny the power and value of leadership, but it is the sole reason that so many of our liberals and progressives are assassinated.
And, if you recall Princess Diana you might say that she was the new rising of the goddesses among us ... and interesting that she landed in a "Royal" and royally corrupt family.

I don't think there has to be "order" because there has to be a sharing of knowledge for all to consult and consider together. Dictatorships like "order." When you have people who are trained to OBEY than it is easier to control them.

Bands break up for many reasons -- and they break up even when there are successful leaders who want to move on.

bopper ago

Men shouldn't have to lay down their lives to protect women which is still a common theme that females need protection in our society.

Well I've always said, that when my draft number came up for Nam, I would've been elated had some female taken my place :)

The men in our societies who create great violence are not only feared by women, they are also feared by men.

And they will be held accountable for misusing what was entrusted to them.

And you're probably better off if your wife is the boss --

This I have to agree with. Sort of. But she makes shipwreck of plenty of things and decisions.

Princess Diana you might say that she was the new rising of the goddesses among us

I never did dig her much, but Gloria Steinem I always thought was attractive. And I normally go for looks only.

Votescam ago

1 - Women are now permitted to replace men in war though I find it difficult to imagine why they want to do that -- however, I hope they very quickly make make swiss cheese of the whole thing.

2 - We have no way to hold anyone accountable -- which is Snowden's message and the message of our two corrupt political parties and our corrupt voting system. Your vote is meaningless. See: Votescam - The Stealing of America Also see the Trio Operation Mockingbird, Paperclip and Gladio, the latter ensured that only right wing government would hold power in the countries over which the US had influence and control as WWII came to an end.

3 - Remember we're all only right about 50% of the time ...

the trick is guessing who's turn it might be to be right each time!

4 -- Well, those of us who are anti-MIC and like peace in the world did appreciate Princess Diana as

was made clear to the world at her death with the overwhelming response not only in UK but everywhere. Gloria Steinem was put in place because she was "attractive" versus Betty Friedan who was a genius. CIA was backing Steinem and she more or less brought the feminist movement to a halt. She alleged she was working for the CIA, but "for the liberal wing of the CIA" .... and whether that's cover up or ignorance is anyone's guess.

Gotta go --

bopper ago

Good comments. I usually employ a bit of dry humor whenever I respond to people. But then, there's more truth in jesting so watch out! Take care.

pushthis ago

You digress with the best

bopper ago

Lol. Did you downvote me? Or is that a compliment?

Votescam is always knocking white male supremacy religions and homophobia. Which I see nothing wrong with :)

pushthis ago


pushthis ago

Yea your post, musings on gender roles, had othing to do with the post you replyd to.

It shouldnt baffle you

carmencita ago

You almost had me laughing at the first few lines. Then I read the rest, and all I can say is: Oh my God, I hope not.

Tanngrisnir ago

Excellent find, Swordfish! I archived the links to for you.

pushthis ago

As a result, the Carpocratians did "all those things which we dare not either speak or hear of" so that when they died, they would not be compelled to incarnate again but would return to God.

Very buddhist. How there is a deathlessness but our craving for becoming keeps us from it.

The way these people you describe tackle the problem(how to reach deathlessness) have it really backwards: there is no virtue, no rest for anyone- practitioners or victims.

Current186 ago

It's actually much closer to being a Shaivite (shiva worship, who is also glorified at Cern) Hindu ideology. Vam Marga, or left handed Tantra, prescribes the eating of human flesh, waste, blood, and fucking in cremation grounds or even on dead bodies as vehicles to trascend physical desire and achieve magical powers called siddhi, ultimately leading to liberation. This is practiced at length by a group called the Aghori. Hinduism is pretty awesome when it's taken on its own and from primary sources, just like the Biblical New Testament, but these sects are fucked up.

I guess the point is that the notion of using ritualized pedophilia, cannibalism, murder, and incest to obtain mystical power and liberation is almost omnipresent in human civilizations stretching back to the very first ones and continuing up until today.

pushthis ago

At work will read thnks..

Blacksmith21 ago

Sounds definitely like the Jews to me ; )

Thanks for breaking this down simply without too much detail. Of course, spirit cooking traces back to Antinous. Nothing surprises me anymore. Thanks!

DonKeyhote ago

Levi's innovations included attributing the Hebrew letters to the Tarot cards, thus formulating a link between Western magic and Jewish esotericism which has remained fundamental ever since in Western magic. Levi had a deep impact on the magic of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Through the occultists inspired by him (including Aleister Crowley, who considered himself Levi's reincarnation) Levi is remembered as one of the key founders of the 20th century revival of magic.


bopper ago

Levi was busy in San Fran making blue jeans out of tent material and getting rich selling them to gold miners. A Jew!

ThePuppetShow ago

Hahaha right!

DonKeyhote ago

You should have the good sense to STFU after YOUR LAST EMBARRASSMENT, FAGGOT

ThePuppetShow ago

I was wrong.. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Why not show everyone our last conversation?

DonKeyhote ago

Post any i have had with yall. Its brutal people also notice you both opened an unrelated thread WHITE KNIGHTING FOR THE JEWS, BE MORE SUBTLE DUDE

ThePuppetShow ago

White knighting for the Jews? Ohhh you mean the thread proving that the Rothachilds claim Roman Catholic and control the Vatican treasure? Does the truth hurt your little feelings? Did I crush your propaganda? Suck it shill boy.

DonKeyhote ago

No i mean this thread and others where you say "look guys hes not jewish" EVER HEARD OF DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH


ThePuppetShow ago

The Vatican is the wealthiest institution on earth. You can't even talk about how much money they have, it's a secret. FACTSFACTSFACTS

DonKeyhote ago

I heard they had a kajillion dollars.


ThePuppetShow ago

Wrong. Sovern Military Order of Malta controls the banking system, CFR and the UN. They aren't Jewish, retard. We've been over this sooo many times. LOL

DonKeyhote ago

Any 8th grader knows the UN was set up to STALINS demands by JEWISH BOLSHEVIK TRAITORS



ThePuppetShow ago

Why did the Rothschilds never attend a Jewish Synagogue before 1900 but they have records of being Roman Catholic at that time? Why are they know as the keepers of the Papal treasure?

DonKeyhote ago

I dont give a fuck true or not thats still only one family dipshit. Catholics were never accused of sacrificing children, SORRY

DonKeyhote ago

...for centuries in every country LOL

ThePuppetShow ago

Correct. The Roman empire was founded in 27 bc.