BlissNarwhal ago


WordsAreMagic ago

Interesting bloodline connections there.

JesusRothschild ago

I understand posts regarding this topic are deleted but I wanted to write this anyway.

Having realised for a long long time, the nature of the 9/11 attacks and their occult

The 9/11 attacks relate to pizza gate because the news media were complicit, as are the news media complicit in this debacle.

So yes, the secret about Little Caesar Pizza, is that it represents The Holy

Little Caesar was also called "Chosen by Ptah" - God of Architect and Crafts Men Tekton is a mistranslation of carpenter, it actually means Architect In Islam, Jesus is known as "Isa", son of Son of Cleopatra, who is a relation to Alexander The Great, both Ruddy haired, like Ramesses, a Rothschild. AKA 666 atomic number of man and the pyramids...

Whereas outside Pegasus museum it said 616... The original number of the beast found in The Dead Sea Scrolls. Which reduces to 13, the number of stars on the coins of](

Are you seeing a pattern?

Why DID The Fox Rothschild sponsor Wikileaks...

Why do Hillary Clinton and Obama make Discordian jokes?

Are you living in a virtual reality?

Why Did The Rothschild Produce The True Man Show?

The Apollo Line. Was that Dolphin or Unicorn skin that covered the tabernacle?

Why Did The Rothschild provide residence for Eyes Wide Shut

Why did Kubrick have NASA lenses?

Why did The Shining Boy wear Apollo on his Jumper?

Why did Mia Farrow play both The Last Unicorn and The Mother Of The Antichrist?