kazza64 ago

these are the original leaks how many fucking shills are there on voat anyway

VictorSteinerDavion ago

"well know figures" is an avenue easy to exploit.

Rules for all or rules for none - but a bit of forgiveness for the mods when they goof like this

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Agreed - there should not be a let it slide.

9933501? ago

so go to those subs and type harder

Millennial_Falcon ago

What do you mean by well known figures? Is "swordfish" well-known? It didn't ring a bell for me. Maybe I missed that one. If Swordfish is well-known, then it arguably already passed Rule 3. For example if someone posted "FBIanon leaks" that passes Rule 3.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

I had sex when i was 13 with people my age and somehow 14 years later I'm a pedo for it. Nice logic there you beta cuck.


Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Interesting, given that you are the one always making claims.

I state the obvious.

Yet we can prove you use alts you coordinate with a group

You can do nothing but prove I still use voat even though im censored. Actually looking at my accounts indicates im just a regular dude and nothing is coordinated.

in a restricted offsite chat

It's never been restriced and all voaters are welcome to it https://discord .gg/DDZSU39

and you have made sketchy comments about adolescents.

What you have there is a big nothing burger and I think you realize it even when you try to make that meme stick.

What else ya got, pedo?

9933150? ago

work in community and be presence!

that is only thing I know work. police selves but your's point(s) are very true...

law fagots brainwashed in dreams while living in safe spaces and the rest of us deal with real people daily. they enjoy making ideas but not care about time effort or cost, just how good they feel for thoughts.

emotional materialism will destroy all public processes.

9933058? ago

victims real, so crimes = real...

you don't know what smart people who get bored with lots of money can do when they think they are controllers

i think maybe people should ask local police for info sex cases. they learn a lot more happens quietly

Millennial_Falcon ago

I was going to let this title slide, but per @kevdude request, I will be a stickler and require that the title be descriptive (Rule 3). Please repost with explanation of "Swordfish" in title.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

This is the correct action - if we're to enforce the rules on some and not others we open the risk of becoming biased in our moderation.

Millennial_Falcon ago

It either breaks the rules or it doesn't dude.

No, it isn't that simple. Lots of users apparently know what this "Swordfish" stuff is about. Does every single user need to understand what a title is referring to for it to pass Rule 3? There is no way around the inherent subjectivity in everything. I do my best to be fair and follow the spirit of the law.

Millennial_Falcon ago

OK, fine. I will get flamed for this by users.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

The users will always flame, no matter the action from mods.

In this instance there is high value in connecting with the poster and pro-actively helping them draft a post that makes sense and ensures the information gets to the most people possible as fast as possible - while also being accurate and backed with explanations and evidence.

tranny_gecko ago

that's #11, Nice job kev!

"11: Claim your opponent is exactly what you are; a shill"

ASolo ago

This is NOT swordfish69 revelations, NONE of it is authored by Swordfish, but we have a mod and a bunch of retards claiming it is.

This thread is a great microcosmic example of the tiny minds and mods that have contributed to making pizzagate a muddied mess.

ASolo ago

This time his intuition is right but leaves it, its called cognitive dissonance, society is so bipolar the contradiction makes them unable to make decision based in reality.

tranny_gecko ago

one account, "oy vey everyone who disagrees with me is MYG/SaneGoat/Amalek/She/Grifter/Hitler!"

keep trying shill

tranny_gecko ago

I spelled it wrong, whoop dee doo. Now go log onto that alt and come pretend you are two different people

tranny_gecko ago

Lets look at forum sliding and shill tactics and count how many you can check off for yourself in the last week alone then let me know




Keep trying JIDF, anyone who doesn't question your motives or acknowledge what you pedos have been up to here is either blind, dumb, or a shill.

**Damn #31-35. You fucking nail those ones every day! That is an apt description for PV

ChipHarbor ago

I doubt your IQ is 180. You sound like a typical self-aggrandizing israeli douchebag. If you had the goods, you wouldn't need to go on internet forums bragging about it. You are a pathetic braggart. stfu jewboy.

remedy4reality ago


you wanna get in here and see if you can clear this shit up ?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Thank You! This is so confusing now!

tranny_gecko ago

Looks like a bunch of malarkey. Not interested in trying to determine what a bunch of shills are talking about. You are proficient at derailing posts though, I'll give you that.

There is no denying the manipulation and control you and your SRS crew use in PG and on Voat in general. Looks like pizzagaters aren't as stupid as you wished for because seems like lots of folks are catching on to the Pedo mods.

Also @Mellenial_falcon mod of this sub is Kevdude's alt. I'm sure folks here remember the shit you pulled on that alt.

carmencita ago

Ha Ha Really funny. You think I am equieluvr? Boy are you wrong. You make some really wild accusations. 16 minutes on here. I have been here over 7 mos.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Looks like this maybe fake info😎 Hope Swordfish69 clears this up!

carmencita ago

I just recently figured it out. I think they are posting a bunch of posts that keep us busy. When they do not know the rules, it is a dead give away it is not connected to the real Swordfish.

tranny_gecko ago

Look how the pedophile in you can't help but project your evil onto others.

silverbug ago

sounds like a bunch of confusion to me now.

It is simple swordfish said 24 hours he/she would release

why are you trying to confuse the matter now? seriously , lets wait 24 more hours and he or she either releases 100% proof or he or she doesnt

its that simple

JusticeChristJester ago

I know this might come as a surprise to your low intellect but people around here, THINK FOR THEMSELVES

ASolo ago

Ur a fuckin retard.

People should downvoat you into nonexistence what a transparent shill.

RedditApoc ago

Agreed, down vote womb_raider to fuck.

Womb_Raider ago

16 min account. Are you trying to prevent people from thinking for themselves?

tranny_gecko ago

**The deleted comment was an accurate comment stating the mods are pedophiles themselves. I don't know why it was deleted

Yup, been saying the same thing for 2 years because before this sub popped up they ran other subs too, such as ProtectVoat (where the mods overlap with this sub)

The mods here are cancer and intentionally keeping people contained and pushing away new or contributing users. They have protected pedophilia openly on this site in other subs, and now all of a sudden have power here. Watch the downvoats come in for this comments. I'm looking at you @Kevdude and @Crensch

FoxMcCloud11 ago

This doesn't match up with the swordfish original message... plus you have a brand new account? Sounds like a bullshit to me. Careful everyone - possible disinformation campaign

redditsuckz ago

All these accounts made in the last few hours to spam this bullshit;







Then there is the (((David Seaman))) and the Swordfish connection;



Its possible this whole thing is BS.

JusticeChristJester ago


Womb_Raider ago

16 minute account.

JusticeChristJester ago

Try patronising some of the smartest people on the internet again, I am sure that will work.

independenceday ago


Millennial_Falcon ago

Because the original posts gave no description of what it was, other than "SWORDFISH." This isn't 'Nam. There are RULES. The title is still breaking Rule 3. I'll let it slide.

ASolo ago

Why are you letting this float, there is no relevancy, NOT posted by Swordfish, and the links are bullshit (NOTHING 'riveting' as swordfish promised.)

I don't believe this thread has anything to do with Swordfish's work at all.

JusticeChristJester ago

Listen you MI5 piece of shit. Your time is up.

ASolo ago

Who the fuck are you addressing like that? Not me. I'm no MI5 but I do know this thread has nothing to do with swordfish's work. This thread is a ruse. Who the hell would leave this up when there's not even follow up or commentary by swordfish themselves, none of the links are credited or made by swordfish, so fuck you and get your head out of your ass and gain some discernment.

thelandofchocolate ago

All the links are intact, what are you talking about?

JusticeChristJester ago

Are you sweating hard?

remedy4reality ago

and here come the CUNT SHILLS

right on fucking cue

JusticeChristJester ago

Who the hell would downvote these leaks also??

carmencita ago


SynapticRevolt ago

Third link is dead

JusticeChristJester ago

No robot.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Then that nut job Lindsey Logan is speaking some kind of accent lately.

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

Please don't call SRA victims nut jobs.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

You are right, I apologize.

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

No problem.

2impendingdoom ago

Can you just compile them all and provide a summary? Does stringing things out like this have a purpose other than being annoying?

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

I am also running multiple windows sharing the links, do you understand?

cantsleepawink ago

So what is 'leak 3' meant to demonstrate?

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

I used to be friendly with the head of Billboard.

ChipHarbor ago

i don't give a fuck about billboard

MossadMadManIQ180 ago


Freemasonsrus ago

Third link then had pop up saying computer infected with virus. One of those stupid pop-ups that happens on weird websites.

You're going to need to provide some written info along with links so people can catch up. Not sure what "murder" implies besides the obvious.

I understand that the FB post w Phil Collins was demonstrating their sign to each other within network that they're still in business after comet was revealed.

JusticeChristJester ago

Shut the fuck up you obfuscating prick.