They are SRS under a different name used for Voat and they are causing some issues. Initially they were never able to get a foot hold for 2 years even though they never stopped trying, but since December and the pizzagate and failed /r/The_Donald exodus they have been successful. Since this has occurred they stopped limiting their targets and would openly gang-stalk and brigade users that were completely innocent. Users that contributed a lot to pizzagate and other subs have been downvoated into being censored so they cant post often, and even users who simply don't agree with their witch-hunting have been harassed.
Some examples of their shit-flinging and shady behavior:
The same user again put this fake story in that sub again today:
The desperation and lies regarding the Voat discord is due to the fact that they (SRS,SBBH) do not operate it and they are pissed about it. Voat's onsite chat was spammed by this user until it was removed and had restrictions added. Once this 100CCP restriction was implemented, all the regular users in there got brigaded by these folks so we said fuck it and made a server they cannot ruin. I assumed this site had a lot of tech savvy folk and would realize that their claims are not only ridiculous but also impossible.. here is a post from today pointing out the user in question who posted these lies.
Among other things, they are pedophiles and openly support the most infamous pedo on Voat, @Hecho (click his account but NSFW)
Here is one of them (Cancer mod of Pizzagate sub, also a mod of ProtectVoat) desperately trying to prevent any voat users from communicating off site, out of the realm of their control through CCP restrictions and vote brigades, they really do not want people to talk freely to each-other despite their claims:
some more on Crensch:
I could go on and on and on because I note things i believe are worthy when it comes to manipulation of the public sphere and shills achieving positions of influence on sites dedicated to having your say.
If this is TL;DR then at least save it or bookmark it and check it when you have 10 mins. There is a big elephant in the room a certain group of users want to pretend doesn't exist.
Additionally, if anyone wants a text-based free speech chat room on discord relevant to Voat PM me or ask in the comments, im not going to put it in the post because something small like that, SRS would hang onto it like CNN is hanging on to Trump's tweet. I don't mean to knock voat but technically Discord has more reliable security and trustworthiness than a site that no one knows who actuallys owns or runs it(check the whois). It has been confirmed an autistic transexual codes for voat on github which is a conflict of interests for the majority of Voat users. Anyone who claims that won't have an effect on the direction of the site is being willfully ignorant.
inb4 i'm sanegoat/amalek
greycloud ago
pizzagate and the loli community don't get along well and most of that is pizzagate users getting pissed at the loli community that was here much longer. hecho used to be the batman of voat, people would troll him, he would troll back. i have always stood for free speech, meaning that i support both of those communities. but lets face some facts, the amount of harassment and open threats i have received has dramatically increased since pizzagate came to voat. i believe they have a right to free speech, but i also have a right to free speech.
can't take a little pedo promotion? than why the fuck are you on a site for free speech? think that down votes aren't a form of censorship? than eat some down votes. turn about is fair play.
also beatlejuice has trolled the shit out of me as well. he just likes to cause trouble and provoke a reaction. he stopped trolling me after a bit when i defended his right to troll me as part of defense for free speech.
Bacchus_GodOfWine ago
lmfao, get the fuck out pedo. ARCHIVED
VictorSteinerDavion ago
That's a nice inflammation of a point, injecting emotive assumptions as a means of persuading the reader.
Traditionally, when wanting to disrupt and online forum, groups, agencies and organizations have relied on the tactic of creating an offsite communications channel where 'divide and conquer' can be enacted by creating drama between participants in the community.
Personally, I'm against using offsite tools to discuss issues about the site, or members of the site. I would also not stop or hinder anyone wanting to do that, it simply taints them as possible subversives or a potential useful idiot of the disruptors.
I can't figure out what the agenda for SBBH is, beyond being asshats, but I would also never advocate the removal of it's community members ability to speak freely - no matter how annoying some may find it.
This post itself is something that makes me suspicious because it's promoting drama and singling out individuals, which in turn directs the energy of the community to infighting instead of the topics relevant to individual subverses (subversi?).
Promoting infighting is one of the least effort tools disruptions have in the tool set they use when wanting to dismantle structures that permit communication that can't be otherwise controlled or curtailed.
Identifying what the core problems with the mechanics of how the site works and proposing changes is something that can be done to avoid the creation of drama while producing meaningful results.
As a moderator of that sub I take all claims of corruption very seriously.
I see statements like thin being made all over the site, but whenever I ask for links to proof, or anything to support the claim I either get silence or walls of crazy text that are only useful as a replacement for lorem ipsum.
If you have real, unambiguous evidence that there is a cancer mod in the subverse feel free to privately or publicly message me so I can assess it and take action if necessary.
What is the actual problem with this?
How is it the first, and why do you presume to speak for the community in the second?
Attacks on personal character just invalidate your claims, unless you can re-enforce the assertion with facts?
Korean_Fan_Death ago
fuck off tranny lover. The mods of pizzagate are shills and were helped put in place by SRS users like kevdude and Crensch.
You are an extremely suspicious individual and I can assure you people are watching every single one of you closely. Fuckin pedo enablers.
VictorSteinerDavion ago
I can accept that opinion
Good, anyone with authority should be watched.
Proof or get the fuck out
You're either trolling or yet another delusional idiot
Korean_Fan_Death ago
Lmao, Kevdude even admits it openly. Ego and everything.
You pedos are fuckin morons, without protection built into these sites you would spill your spaghetti everywhere
harddrive ago
Gay pushing is apart of destroying white people I hear. So with a gay/srs in the higher rank, they would be able to push their agenda. Not sure if they are srs though, memory hazy.
VictorSteinerDavion ago
Watch what happens every time someone tries to do that, it never ends well.
Sounds hot
I don't see a problem with this;
This I can see as a problem, but I wouldn't conflate both together as the same thing.
People who do SRS's like things are usually the useful idiots being run by groups who's stated goals are the removal of freedom of expression from many segments of society.
Being an overtly stated goal I can agree those that identify as srs have an agenda and should be kept away from power.
I can also see that there are many srs types who are also homosexual, but that shouldn't mean that all homosexuals are srs types.
This is why I don't get why this is a problem here - I'm not aware of fuzzywords being a srs type.
harddrive ago
The discord was pretty cool. Sometimes i miss it. I really miss the voatchat with no log though. That was sweet.
Korean_Fan_Death ago
you can come back anytime, we still chill there :)
harddrive ago
Is that you Kevin?
Korean_Fan_Death ago
RIP Kevin not Kevdude
harddrive ago
You got downvoated wtf lol