HomerSimpson ago

I'll agree with everything you said but this part:

Discord is NOT interested in your security.

Just because it isn't end to end encryption does not mean they don't care about your security.

Don't make stupid comments. It kills your whole agenda.

Crensch ago

No, they lied about being very security conscious, then go and say that there will be no e2e. Besides, somewhere around here is the uhh EULA or whatever link that basically says they can steal your words and information and do anything they like with it.

HomerSimpson ago

That isn't the same thing as security dude. Security involves the backend so shit like exploits don't go wildly out of control and fuck your shit up. e2e is not needed for security. It just makes shit more secure.

23429082 ago

yup @crensch is just fake news.

Crensch ago

Ahh... Maybe I'm wrong all around with that. If so, mea culpa bud.

Crensch ago

imgtc is atko's i think - imgoat is discoball's i'm pretty sure

I'm... somewhat OK with the stance there. Not that I appreciate it, but legal is legal, and that's what voat/free speech is about. Disgusting to be sure, but I can't really fault discoball for that stance.

Disappointed ago

Atko's imghost is on top of the sidebar here on PV.

Crensch ago

Ahh, not sure how I managed to miss that.

Much appreciated!

Crensch ago

Gotcha. you think they're behind these other two imagehosts?

Crensch ago

Gotcha. They want both of them used? imgtc and imgoat?

Crensch ago

Member about a year ago when we all pretty much just accepted slimgr as our official host? Why did we do that? I mean what was it that convinced us all to do it?

Not sure on that, but I shitcanned veuwer as I had seen the maker(s) supporting cancermods and acting like SJWs at some point. I forget the specifics it was so long ago.

What you may not know is that many times the submission photos of those that verified were leaked after the users harp on getting verified.

You lost me here on "getting verified".

ILoveJews ago

then you are left with all SBBH attention whoring eachother :)

ILoveJews ago

to piss off @kevdude. That was why i called it that

jsac ago

except open source software, right?

jsac ago

read the EULA nigger, its right in there, TRUTH ;)

By uploading, distributing, transmitting or otherwise using Your Data with the Services, you grant to us a nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free, sublicensable, and worldwide license to use Your Data, subject to the Company’s Privacy Policy. https://discordapp.com/terms

jsac ago

which goes to show how dumb most people are that are online these days ;)

edit: >
Member for: 2 days (joined on: 5/10/2017)


Michael_Obama ago

it's obvious kev. Do you get off on fucking with people and them having to explain basic reality to you?

jsac ago

if anyone really wanted a legit voat chat off of voat.co it would be on an irc. PERIOD. these faggot 15 yr old girl 3rd party bullshit apps are junk. irc provides tools to protect yourself and your id and is much more robust than some facebook wannabe chat app.

Michael_Obama ago

A wild 1.9-day-old account appears to DEFEND DISCORD:

Because you downvoated his other account into the negatives.

There is nothing wrong with discord and you are fear mongering because we figured out how to have voaters in one place free to talk without restrictions (and even now we have pictures and gifs back and custom channel emotes).

ask @fagnig if i would ever for a second try to get voaters to partake in something malicious.

You are just pissed because its a conglomeration of people harassed by you and SBBH. That' doesnt sit well with you and I understand.

https://discord.gg/DDZSU39 (come check it out fagnig, its pretty chill)

Michael_Obama ago

Same baseless lies and accusations. No proof, just lies.

You used PV to witchunt, you really want to pretend that didnt happen? And now you pinned something trying to warn people not to use a chat outside of your control? Why do you think just saying "no proof" is an argument. You think like a jew.

There was subjective moderation. I called it out. KKWW asked me to help. The entire process is reviewable from the sidebar. Your empty accusations are getting old.

All bullshit. You had to establish control over a large community and probably justified it by intentionally having shitty mods there.

Doesn't stop you from obsessing about me.

Keep telling yourself that faggot. You really are pathetic and you know it ;)

Michael_Obama ago

All that is little horseshit that really no one ultimately gives a fuck about. What you do by censoring others with your buddies casts a far greater shadow than anything that benefited voat (in your personal opinion).

You are heavily suspicious alone for your involvement in PG, making it a splitting image of how high target subs are controlled on reddit.

But fuck it, doesnt matter what i say to you because you just lie. You're old news kev.

234234242 ago

@kevdude @crensch should happy to know that I decided in addition to Friday Morning Feelings group talk. Ive taken the personal liberty of adding Oral Hygiene Wednesday.

discussions will range from proper flossing techniques, to oral health care products reviews etc. I should know, im a dentist.

Texan_Pride ago

chat set up by Sar, Sane, and Mighty in discord.

much better than you, Mick, ExpertShitposter, Beatle, and heygeorge.

Kev you are welcome to join the discord, i can't guarantee people will treat you nicely tho. You have done unforgivable things.

234234242 ago

yeah and reinstate @frogbaits lost ccp too for promoting Mental Illness Awareness Week

Texan_Pride ago

yes they have, Putt siad its a nice set up too

23429082 ago

again, you fail. when will you ever learn kevdude. you cant weasel your way out. @ recsh is activity violating pv rules, yet you sticky it. you selectivity enforce "having your way"

your a fucking fake,

so tell me fuck face, how much cock you gunna suck tonite?

Is this an example of "holding a discussion"?

yes you cunt, still cant hold yourself to admit can you.

Texan_Pride ago

you got rekt dude. own up to it

ExpertShitposter ago

Well he is jewish, and they are smart....according to themselves tho. But all IQ is in vain if you don't have your emotions in order due to a life long abstinence from sex.

23429082 ago

you lie, now go post pictures.

23429082 ago

no, you are pro-censorship, your brigades dont work. you've helped turn voat in a degenerate place with zero thought or imagination.

your, lol, "consultation" in pizzagate was a fucking joke. you pride yourself over others, like elite patriarchy. you are what voat was against.

you a phony, a fake, you do no good. you cant hold to a discussion. you fail at every attempt.

your only card is to down voat brigades and censorship. Exactly what voat stands against.

so tell me fuck face, how much cock you gunna suck tonite?

Palaver ago

v/beginnings is still up for grabs. No admin or mods. It's not a parody sub, just the sub you deserve.

Palaver ago

Mumble may be an option security-wise, though I have zero desire to hold a live chat with any of you fuckwits.

Michael_Obama ago

the discord is safe, as many sites like reddit have it on their front page and use it to organize, and Voat discord is not mic live chat. it's a chat box with many more options and features. I will admit i havent used it long but it worked perfectly as a replacement in a time of need. People can use voice chat in a separate room in the chat.

It's actually pretty sweet, this reaction from SBBH (kev and crensh) is because the new chat restrictions were their idea and they dont like to see people finding a way to work around them.

feel free to check it out https://discord.gg/DDZSU39

Crensch ago

the discord is safe, as many sites like reddit have it on their front page

TFW you reference reddit in a sentence about netsec as a support for your position.

Michael_Obama ago

discord is safe, i think it's funny you are on voat and complaining about netsec when we have no idea who runs the site, and a tranny codes on github for Voat.

Crensch ago

Anyone reading this, check the user's ccp.

As of this comment, it's -66.

Michael_Obama ago

https:// discord.gg/Hr7cpM

ExpertShitposter ago

But you are to magic memes and drama threads in PV. Plus i still remember the self doxing in SBBH.

ExpertShitposter ago

You are one of the regular posters and not a shithead.

23429082 ago




The_Cat ago

Spams and trolls voat chat 24/7 to make the service absolutely unusable. Then complains about shills and trolls when people try to set up a secondary system that would actually be usable, spreading misinformation to try to keep people from trying it out. This toxic vitriol is why we can't have nice things.

digitalentity1497 ago

Well put.

Texan_Pride ago


Womb_Raider ago

  1. I highly doubt they give a fuck about profiting off of the server, and I don't think it's possible to do so anyway. Pretty sure all profits go to Discord directly, because the service is free and they want to turn a profit.

  2. I highly doubt this, because I don't think discord gives them the tools to do so.

  3. This may be, but you have to remember that the discord was launched because the normal voat chat is being handled incompetently. The spammers are still spamming 24/7, unaffected. Nothing is being done about it days later. The time for waiting is over.

I respect your opinion, but I'm tired of using a flawed system.

Womb_Raider ago

I told them calling it 'official' was disingenuous, but it wasn't my call. That's a reasonable complaint. The rest is nonsense.

Womb_Raider ago

I've been using discord chat longer than voat chat. It's not my fault everyone else is wary, it's one of the most used english-speaking chat services on earth.

Crensch ago

Not even harass really. Just launch an inquiry to for fucks sake.

That is, of course, what I meant. "Harass" was tongue-in-cheek.

Crensch ago

Member 1.9 days. Yep, archiving this.

Crensch ago

im flattered that you think is "my" app

Nothing to be flattered about, kike.

discord is used by millions of people, along with game delopers to keep people connected.

Not to keep them connected to the kinds of accounts that would get them fired/killed/hunted though, I bet.

its a direct competitor to Skype at this moment. your actions are not only silly, but childlike.

... using (((Skype)))as an example where NetSec is in question just really invalidates anything else you have to say on the subject.

Crensch ago

OK so you know I am always watching. May not comment, but I watch this bitch like it is my job. Recently as in the past week I have seen a shitload of 2yr plus accounts becoming active. Now some dismiss this as whatever, but I got a tin foil hat.

Noticed this as well. Usernames I've never seen nor heard of and 1.8-2 years? Hardly likely that they'd show in droves all of a sudden in the subverses I frequent.

For fucks sake there isn't even a chain of command with this platform. I hate pinging you as I am ex military and I have it in my personality to handle at the lowest level possible.

I try not to bug putt, too. Would be nice to have some lower-level monkeys to harass about the everyday shit.

MrPim ago

Youre saying you have official Voat sanction to call this the official channel? If not you can be told by Voat inc. to stop saying that.

My data is limited right now, so i keep my net usage low. So im afraid i probably wont join for that reason. So the Sec quesestion is moot to me.

Crensch ago

it was created by like minds who are tired of being silenced, tired of dealing with voat manipulation. im currently subject to it.

Notice how he didn't respond to your question about it being official, and instead wrote this claptrap?

i recommend the desktop app

Yes, goy! Download and install my app!

If that doesn't sound like some "tee hee singles in your area and i'm horny but cautious, so download this and sign in so we can meet!" crap, I don't know what does.

MrPim ago

Yeah. Im certain the correct answer is no. I wanted to get a Y/N out of him for the record.

Crensch ago

MrPim ago

Ill let others de w the security questions, they dont need my help there. But i want to ask about this 'Official' title you keep using. How is it the official channel? You have an agreement w Putt or Atko or something? Because if not you might want to stop calling it that.

ExpertShitposter ago

In my defense..i bend 50ish SBBH posters, including all mods. ;)

Fibbideh ago

Not an argument

TH3_1D10T ago

Is there an official discord?

23429082 ago

yes my friend, you are welcome to it


the official voat discord server

Texan_Pride ago

its not official by the admins of voats standards, but its official to all the goats who keep getting censored because they know how to pester SBBH and SRS. It's official in the sense it's actually for users and free speech. https://discord.gg/jPekMq

Feel free to check it out. Voats whatever chat is just beatle and his freinds trying to control people speaking. The sad part is that Putt backed them up when it was them spamming in the first place. So if we dont have Putt on our side we just started a new chat. It's pretty simple actually.

Crensch ago

No. That's how they're presenting it, though.

TH3_1D10T ago

How could clicking on the link give away information?

Womb_Raider ago

They can't. Crensch is being dishonest. Discord is in no way more secure than voat, both platforms are only as secure as their ownership is ethical.

Putt could screw us, Discord owners could screw us, but beyond that they're identical in terms of security.

TH3_1D10T ago

Figured as much. He's been fear mongering for a while. Doesn't discord handle all the back end stuff, not the admins?

Womb_Raider ago

Yep. Server owners aren't given the keys to the castle. They don't get to spy on everyone that joins, as Crensch is trying to imply.

I don't understand why he's trying so hard to kill the idea, personally. He didn't even make use of the voat chat feature until today.

TH3_1D10T ago

Again, he's a fear monger. It doesn't surprise me that he's doing it. I like discord than ircs personally.

Crensch ago

1) can tell discord where you clicked the link from

2) gives discord any connection information

3) I posted where discord lied about being concerned about security, not really a good start

4) No idea what others with code/program can glean from you joining their chat.

5) cross-pollination of your internet fingerprint

ILoveJews ago

you are forgetting the part where channel owners dont have access to any of that information. Intentionally forgetting.

Crensch ago

I'm not forgetting shit. Just because you wouldn't have access to that information doesn't mean there's not a way for people to get it, and still doesn't address the employees of discord.

Fucking kike.

ExpertShitposter ago

You should be ashamed of your hasidic Judaism.

Fibbideh ago

you see crensch, im intelligent, you are retarded. its a simple concept. I will not tolerate this defamation of character from you any longer

Not an argument.

Then the rest of what you're saying is just "come to the server, no, really, it's okay". Stop being a kike and address the issue.

> inb4 "there is no issue."

TH3_1D10T ago

...no. no he isn't the death of voat.

Disappointed ago

I wonder what the word official means here. I don't care if they have somewhere to talk but if they are pushing it as official(endorsed by Voat admins) and it's not then thats bullshit.

Michael_Obama ago

its official voaters chat. https://discord.gg/DDZSU39

its actually fun, i think i told u earlier to try it

Disappointed ago

Well, if that was you, I'll reply to both comments here then. Real time chat isn't my thing, I never used the old IRC when it was popular or the new chat. If it's fun for you guys then thats great and I hope it does well and I can see some of you have been pushed out of the normal chat with downvotes. I think using the name of "official voat discord" though is dishonest and puts the whole thing at odds with the owner and people who support them. It gives your enemies ammo to fight you with and people a reason to stay away. I actually liked the name from your other comment "official chat of free speech loving voaters". Anyway after a sleep it's not that big a deal. Good luck with your new chat.

Crensch ago

That's how it's being presented/sold. "Voat's Official Discord Server!"

Crensch ago


i agree with this statement.

voat official discord server carries the ideology of voat core principals.

Notice how this "user" keeps talking about voat core principals[sic] but not addressing the real issue with discord. "Yes goyim, we believe in goyimfreespeech just like you! #wearewhitetoo"

ExpertShitposter ago

For those that don't know, frogbait is a sanegoat/texan_pride alt or part of that (((group))).

Texan_Pride ago

Frog is part of Team Voat, a gaming orientated group.

Voats official discord is better than the regular chat. More features, people can block spammers on their own, no CCP restrictions, and a drunk redneck runs it so good luck with the security scare.

https://discord.gg/jPekMq anyone is free to check it out. This is literally @Crensch @kevdude @beatlejuiceX3 and @SaneGoatsIswear trying to keep people from finding out there is a better voat chat that is ran or catering to SBBH.

ExpertShitposter ago

Team Voat

We like to refer to you as (((sane group))). We could change it to (((Team Sane))) or (((Texas Trannies))) or (((Mighty yet Faggots 7))) etc.

PS, nobody is gonna go to your chat. The client might be superior, but ultimately chat quality comes down to the people in it, and nobody wants to talk to fat old virgins with no life outside of goonwaffe.

Texan_Pride ago

as Hecho is posting he likes to fuck 14 year olds literally right now in chat. Yeah, enjoy those people there. The interesting people have already joined the discord.


23429082 ago

you brought absolute nothing when you joined last night, im confused?

ExpertShitposter ago

I just joined for 5 minutes to see the band of virgins, not to actually participate. Same as with sanes "voat" alternative he was building a few months back.

23429082 ago

not to actually participate.

lol, fag

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

As if anyone cares what a 2-day-old shitposter-alt account thinks. You don't even have the moral courage to stand by your convictions with your real account, after all.

23429082 ago

As if anyone cares what a 2-day-old shitposter-alt account thinks. You don't even have the moral courage to stand by your convictions with your real account, after all.

23429082 ago

you are weak, im the iron fist. can you do the make butmunch?

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't know what that means but you should get a hooker.

23429082 ago

I don't know what that means

its because im smarter than you, sorry.

Womb_Raider ago

Discord works exceedingly well. I think you're being sensationalist. Voat chat is just as vulnerable by your logic

Crensch ago

This random slut could have the herp, but so could your girlfriend. Great logic. Let's just raw-dog every website we can because the one we chose wasn't exactly the best with netsec.

Any users concerned with their netsec here have things set up to hide themselves here, and here alone, and do not go elsewhere to avoid fingerprinting.

Thanks bud, glad you piped up about it.

Texan_Pride ago

discord is for regular users, the majority of people who want to talk to eachother freely arent behind proxies and shit.

If there was an issue with discord, the plethora of sites that promote it (including the front page of reddit) probably wouldnt be using it. I'm very new to the program but it already fits our needs. A free speech chat room that doesnt restrict lurkers and people hit by you and your friends DOWNVOAT brigades.

Womb_Raider ago

Any users concerned with their netsec here have things set up to hide themselves here

By this logic, they could do those same things on discord.

Crensch ago

Read the rest of my comment, faggot. If you're serious about this shit, you don't cross-pollinate your computer's fingerprint with shit elsewhere. You use a different comp/connection for other shit.

Womb_Raider ago

Then do so.

Crensch ago

Still can't provide any info into discord's netsec.

Crensch ago

Says precisely DICK about what they actually do in the way of security, moron. "hey find bugs for us" =/= secure chat.

Crensch ago

You've provided precisely dick in the way of support for the assertion that discord is safe.

Crensch ago

You are.

Crensch ago

discord is secure

Not buying it.

Crensch ago

I don't consider people spamming an insecure platform to be legitimate users of this site. Fuck off.