9784133? ago

@zyklon-b a popular loanshark story is "Iv got a friend on the inside" which is not true in most cases and it is a scare tactic. I am sure that they use a software of some kind to extract your ip. Ill try to reproduce it, i am no hacker but if i manage to find something, ill let yall know.

Edit: seems like previous methods were patched. Admins can see everyone's ips tho. Have you talked to that guy who got doxxed, did he maybe open an external link or something, just to be sure. srs is a criminal group, to have this much motivation to do damage like doxxing, there must be some extra interest. And i dont buy the shill story "omg yall are idiots so i am trolling you".

oiseaulibre ago

I mean I have had conversations with the guy here and there. I could just as easily say you are buddy-buddy with texan and grifter based on even more evidence.

You mod a circlejerk sub together and talk in voat chat with each other a lot. You're right, I would considered myself buddy-buddy with Tex. I don't defend stupid shit he does though. And there's no evidence of me being friendly with grif, every time we talk we but heads.

So everyone that posts to a sub is automatically a "crowd"? Good to know.

No. The mods are the crowd.

Wow, you really need to try to discredit the discussion in this post. Starting to seem forced on your part. To my knowledge it is the first one of his posts that I have entertained.

You entertained many of beatle's posts in the past. You should know since I have called you out on them and we have had similar conversations in those threads.

No, the problem seems to be that I engaged in conversation with a user who you think should be off limits

I don't think he should be off limits. He's been pushing this "sane group" narrative against users he dislikes for months with no evidence.

and I entertained some conspiracy theories about a group of folks who constantly concern-troll the site,

No, I didn't concern troll and neither does Tex. I started getting involved with this shit drama because chat was continuously attacked with all circumstantial evidence pointing to SBBH being behind these attacks.

a topic that you also seem to think should be off limits

No topic is off limits; but continuously shitposting and calling users part of a "(((sane group)))" with the mods of this sub not only not calling him out but also entertaining these baseless accusations is tremendously suspicious. Especially coming from you since you and zyklon/beatle are both part of the SBBH crew along with many of the other top commenters in these threads, like novice and george.

tl;dr I had a conversation that triggered you and now you are butt hurt.

Not triggered, just calling out your bull shit.

Fuck off already.

How about becoming a Protect Voat mod with integrity. I thought this sub was supposed to protect the site against reddit cancer mods. Yet, baseless "conspiracy theories" made to attack and silence dissenting users are endorsed by the mods.

KosherHiveKicker ago

((( Mark Potok ))) - Senior Fellow

Head of "research" which focuses almost solely upon "White Hate"

oiseaulibre ago

I'm not creating a narrative. You're buddy-buddy with zyklon, he's part of the SBBH/ROTR crowd. You know he's shitposting and pushing this "sane group" narrative against user's he doesn't like. He's been making baseless claims like this for months now. Not only do you not call him out, but you entertain zylon's and beatle's posts like they have substance. That is that problem.

oiseaulibre ago

I have been criticized for jumping to such conclusions in the past.

It is impossible to prove, but very evident when reading the posts and comments from these accounts.

Says you.

I have know way to prove your motives, but I came to this conclusion by seeing you "play the same part" time and time again whenever posts like this occur.

You know, that is a fair point. I am going to flair this as "unverified" because he did say he would provide proof within 24 hours and has not.

Thank you, but I think you are doing this to make it appear as though you are a neutral and fair mod who has voat's best interests in mind. Like I said before, I can't prove your motivations for what you do. However, whenever we have these conversations you seem to "compromise" and do little things like this, which don't really matter because the narrative has already been pushed to users. It seems like a way to cover your ass while you continue to get away with pulling the same stunt. Like I said though, I can't prove motive. I'm just stating my thoughts and observations.

I am engaging your concern troll here in good faith.

My comment's here are not concern trolls. I'm calling out bullshit as I see it.

How does it feel to have people make assumptions out of you, then draw wild conclusions to support those assumptions?

For a long time I thought Sar and those who made assumptions about the groups that control voat were crazy. However, I have learned that, much like Alex Jones, there's a decent bit of BS and a decent bit of truth. There are definite assumptions made about people, including yourself. However, after watching how you control the narrative in this sub as well as in other threads on the site with your SBBH/ROTR posse, you are definitely not innocent. There are wild assumptions and truths spread by Sar and others about you and your cabal, but these assumptions, much like some of the wild jew conspiracies, may be wild and false but originated and mutated from truth. I apologize for assumptions I may have made in the past, but currently, I am calling out bullshit as I see it and yours, zyklon's, and novice's comments in this thread are BS made to push the "sane group" narrative.

Say/Mighty/Grifter/SOS Sane posse

I only got lumped into to this "posse" after the chat was attacked by someone with very malicious intent. I didn't buy all their "crazy theories" until I started to watch them play out before my eyes. Chat was attacked with a purpose. That purpose was to censor it and control it. And the people behind that attack have succeeded. That's what I fought against and that's why I'm lumped in with this "posse". I haven't talked to Sar, Grif, Sane, or SoS in a long time. I think Sane left voat and SoS has been MIA for over a month. I made fun of mighty in a thread a couple days ago, but I haven't been keeping up with them or voat drama until I saw this post.

You have validated users who do.

I say that Sane was right about some things, and for those things, I will defend him. For all his other actions, I condemn him. Saying that he was right about a few things does not mean that I am validating attacking voat. It means I can look at things as a case by case basis and have different opinions on them.

Didn't you just get done telling me that appearing to validate others is literally the same thing a doing whatever it is those others do?

You are validating crazy baseless claims in this thread. Sane made countless crazy baseless claims and I didn't defend those. I can pull up archives of me actually condemning him for that shit if you would like. I defended Sane on a handful of occasions. If I can remember correctly I defended him when he was being wrongly attacked for something, which he was. And I defended him when people accused him of being the chat spammer when in reality Sane was very much against that spammer. Later, I believe I may have defended some of his accusations against SDBH and SBBH members. I did this only after I began to realize that there was some truth behinds Sar and Sane's ramblings. I never defended his baseless attacks on other users; I have never defended his actions as the TIL mod; and I have never defended his attacks on Putt and Atko. Up until the last couple months, where Sane got quiet, he used to attack me all the time. I know many of his claims are baseless, because I was also a victim to his madness.

I believe that there are suspicious and powerful groups on voat that can heavily influence the conversations without people noticing. If Sane was genuine, I think he stumbled upon these groups and how information can be controlled, and after stumbling upon this he became a paranoid lunatic. That does not excuse his behavior, but is a possible explanation for it. However, I have always questioned his motives and have been suspicious of what drove him. If you would like, it will take me a while to find, but I can pull up chat logs to prove that this is how I have felt about sane and his motives in the past as well. This may help give my claims more credibility since this conversation is just one person's words and interpretations against another's.

oiseaulibre ago

No, I don't. Please explain.

Reading through this thread and zyklon's other posts on the sub, this read's like a complete shitpost to attack certain users.

Other recent posts of his: https://archive.fo/jRimw, https://archive.fo/Vo6Lu, https://archive.fo/sWwop

Also, I have no proof that they are the same user.

If you've spent 5 minutes talking to nagarbagetrashonly, zyklon-b, or beatlejuiceX3 you would be able to tell they are the same person. The writing styles of all three are exactly the same, to a T. He doesn't hide it well, and he doesn't seem to want to hide it well. He's a shitposter, maybe just for the lulz, or maybe for malicious purposes. Either way he goes out of his way to attack users repeatedly and push his "sane group" narrative.

I can't help what assumptions you make about me. All I can do is be the best me I can be. Also, please tell me what "part" I am playing.

You're playing the part of the Protect Voat mod who always puts voat's best interest first. The problem is that's a lie and a mask. By running PV and endorsing Zyklon's and Beatle's attacks as valid theories, even though they offer no evidence, you are helping push his narrative. Users see that the PV mod kevdude agrees with the post so they think it's legit, even though it is a complete shitpost. That is the part you are playing.

Should I check with you before having discussions with other users?

No, but you shouldn't push lies to voat.

I am not concern trolling.

All your comments making beatle's and zyklon's shitposts seem like valid posts is concern trolling. You are pretending to care, but are actually manipulating the userbase.

I in no way will ever pose as being a potential ally of your group

I'm not a part of a group.

which constantly attacks this site.

I've never once attacked the site. I've called out a few user's who have attacked the site, such as the chat spammer, but I have NEVER attacked voat.

oiseaulibre ago

You're playing dumb. You know zyklon's (beatle's) MO. You know he is fucking around. Yet, you play dumb and act the part. The biggest irony of this sub is that you call out "concern trolls" in the side bar, yet concern trolls are consistently upvoated to the front page and the mods themselves concern troll.

ExpertShitposter ago

Nah i know he is full of shit. I am undoxable. Plus, he is a pussy and i'd kill his virgin ass.

Disappointed ago

Don't let the wrinkles turn into creases.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its like 1300 now, he got exposed as fuck.

oiseaulibre ago

@Disappointed, this is exactly what I was talking to you about. Kevdude is literally just making shit up and zyklon-b is nogarbagetrashonly and beatlejuiceX3's alt. He is shitposting. I knew PV was corrupt, but not this corrupt.

Disappointed ago

Well if you think that you need to call them out and let the people decide for themselves. BTW that chat ban script guy hasn't got back to me yet.

oiseaulibre ago

I've been too busy to be on voat much the last few weeks, so I haven't talked to engel since that last comment thread. Maybe shoot him a message? He may have forgotten or has been busy himself.

Disappointed ago

I think he's working on it.

heygeorge ago

You're worried about his hair? More importantly: @zyklon-b what the fuck is up with that giant watch?

heygeorge ago

Voat is not big enough quite yet, but I think that what will happen is not CNN (although it may be published on CNN$) but another entity is going to release info they have already been collecting on Voat in order to push the "disgusting" narrative and subtly say this evil is what happens when you have free speech! without actually saying it. @PuttitOut's real name will come up, but it will also allegedly be a pseudonym, because otherwise Voat cannot continue to be a useful "enemy".

heygeorge ago

Fuck off doxxers

auto_turret ago

Nah not really.. should have been common knowledge by the time I mentioned something in texvet's thread at that time. I was merely reminding folks.

Grifter42 ago

Bull-fuckin' shit.

auto_turret ago

Damnit I told y'all so!

ExpertShitposter ago

@OzarkMountainMan looks like he could eat jews for breakfast and you look like a party animal. You should self dox in RoR

OzarkMountainMan ago

Go for it @zyklon-b.

ExpertShitposter ago


Shinsha ago

Hah! Dox away. What are they going to get out of it? It would only give me a world level platform to thumb my nose at them with. Here is some help... Old, hard working and now physically disabled, dirt poor, Christian, registered independent voter, conservative, build that wall, vet those refugees, term limits, free speech, pro second amendment, constitutionalist, white woman. (╯°□°)╯︵[CNN]

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL mane! Dat really you guys?

ExpertShitposter ago

heygeorge ago

Right out of the insane/ammy playbook!

Ammy said late last year (before he 'went to jail' that he had approx 2k alts to burn through. Many of those are in the negative, but hundreds post real easy comments & submissions that fit the "Voat is raycis" narrative, which then get upvotes by... Hmmmmmm I dunno, an army of alts, many of whom look like "good goats" as well as well meaning and actual "good goats".

It's not a surprise that I have been targeted numerous times by this assclown group. Coincidentally, it always happens after I call out their bullshit.

ExpertShitposter ago

I made an even better thread with 700+ views: https://voat.co/v/whatever/1978265

heygeorge ago

You mean 900+ views, (for the comments section only!) which means that most of the core of Voat has already seen it and hopefully some more will see what garbage is trying to lower the level of discourse here.

ExpertShitposter ago

Ima break 1000.

heygeorge ago

Easily. 46 more views in the last 15 mins. I wonder what the image's view count is.

ExpertShitposter ago

Pow! 1014

heygeorge ago

Awwwww if only 1990 views. Have to get @zyklon-b to hack Voat database and/or @cynicaloldfart to run the viewcount bot.

What say yous?

harddrive ago

Watch them say no. haha what a mind fuck this site can be. I just want freedom to prevail. Fuck russia and china.

harddrive ago

I used to go on the discord. I'm still not sure about either group. Do you have proof of the dox @zyklon-b?

NorwegianBlackMetal ago

Most who get doxxed have Facebook. With IP alone they can't really find you unless your ISP gives you up...

OzarkMountainMan ago

I'm honored.

piratse ago

You can dox me all you want. I'll still tell cock suckers to fuck off. People need to start owning who they are, then you take away the power. If your job fires you because some liberals (or right winges) dox you, you were at the wrong job anyways.

OzarkMountainMan ago

You are alright M&M.

MrPim ago

Ive considered doxxing myself right here on Voat. I dont remember why, i was drunk and it sounded like a kick ass idea att. Drunk me is weird sometimes.

AssaultMonkey ago

Me too! Make an alt if you're going to, to test it first.

The need to connect is a strong drive and anonymity hinders the connection.

matthew-- ago

I hope they do, and I hope whoever they dox is smart enough to record all the info (particularly the blackmail part), and wins big (millions) in court.

OzarkMountainMan ago

What's wrong with my shirt faggot?

Rotteuxx ago

This my favorite link for shutting him up, pretty effective

123_456 ago

If this is true: SUCK IT, DISCORD!

Boyakasha ago

He has no interest in debating his points. I've politely attempted to debate with him on his points, and he doesn't reply. He's just here to stir shit against Putt and to create some sort of conspiracy that Voat is really controlled opposition, or some stupid shit.

He's nothing but accusations, bullshit, and spam.

MrRain ago

And this is why i didnt join discord... Guess i was right afterall!

Boyakasha ago

When you hear someone on voat railing against the admins for squashing free speech or asking about voat "seed money", it's always sanegoat.

toobaditworks ago

Right on.

toobaditworks ago

You can anonymously submit it to the police or FBI cyber crimes division. Just show the proof that these people are threatening someone online. Get the emails or screenshots of it. Post it someplace and send it the "authorities".

gazillions ago

Oh definitely, but you need a vpn for the internet in general.

toobaditworks ago

Yeah that's illegal for them to do. Get police involved. FBI and shit will be able to track them down. They aren't untouchable.

Grifter42 ago

You know that they're full of shit, right?

It's just SBBH pulling some more character assassination.

They don't want people using Discord because they don't want me to be able to discuss their vote manipulation and campaign of harassment that they've enacted against me.

You notice that Zyklon didn't name any fuckin' user? It's because there's no such user. His story is made up out of whole cloth.

But Zyklon keeps pushing his lies, and trying to convince people that I'm some sort of public enemy.

The truth is, they're doing this because I called out SBBH on their brigading. They're trying to sabotage me by any means possible.

Which is more plausible? That I somehow know the CEO of Discord and am using it to dox random fuckin' people for no reason, or that Zyklon, a known SBBH member, is just throwing bullshit at a wall to see what sticks?

toobaditworks ago

It doesn't make sense how anyone could get someone's IP from discord. You would have to hack the discord servers or work there and access them, or like you said know the CEO. Which none of that sounds likely.

Grifter42 ago

And they brigaded this shit to the front page.

There's no way that 97 people are that fucking stupid to believe this shit.

They're trying to make me into the next Sanegoat, or Amalek, because they don't want anyone to call them out. They want to make an example of me, and they don't want me to be able to give my side of the story.

Rotteuxx ago

This is what they want... poof goes the Canary

toobaditworks ago

It's on discord not Voat. Discord has no canary.

carnold03 ago

Welcome to Zombieland, observe the rules and behave accordingly.

Islamiscancer ago

How about just use some form of privacy? Its simple.. And it doesnt just solve the discord problem..

What happens when voat is infiltrated and your ip is leaked and you get doxxed from what you say here? Then what? Oh just stay of voat..

Just use protection..

wesofx ago

I'm undoxxable. I don't think a picture of me, my full name, or my street address exist anywhere on the whole internet. Try and dox me scrublords.

gazillions ago

I don't know how good the VPN is but the Opera mobile browser has a free vpn called guardian. It might be Opera mini mobile. It's one of them, you'd have to check it out yourself

toobaditworks ago

They may be in violation of cyber bully laws. Look it up in the country of origin and they themselves may be doxxed by the police/lawyers/courts.

Fight fire with water.

Islamiscancer ago

Its almost like you retards not using a VPN or Proxy is a mistake..

Heres a thought: ise a VPN or Proxy.

If your privacy is such a concern for you, do something about it.. You massive mouthbreathing fuckmooks..

People have only been shilling private VPNs since voat pretty much came about..

Private Internet Access.. .com i think. Go there, sign up, stop beimg such fucking retards.. Jesus christ

MrPim ago

Stay away from all chat and disable css. Thats a start. People are retards

Wowbagger ago

That's the problem with services like Discord.