ExpertShitposter ago

Fuk off jew.

killyurmaster ago

Fucking bring it dead man.

Just_thinking ago

There is nothing to DOX and Fucking every one knows this is fried chicken being presented as bait.

Havengul ago

Don't worry @expertshitposter! Sanegoatiswear and I are just gonna throw you a surprise party... in a couple of months... when you forget!

ExpertShitposter ago

Will there be cake?

Havengul ago

Ofc ofc. Now forget about it for like 2 months.

Unrelated - if you die can I have your account? I'll admit it's a sweet name.

ExpertShitposter ago

Sure thing, i'll add you to my will.

Havengul ago

ExpertShitposter ago


lorlipone ago

I say we just all start PM'ing him pictures of our ballbags or something. A sort of Scrotum DDOS, if you will. If he hates all of us, he won't be able to focus on anyone.

ExpertShitposter ago

Long time ago hecho bombarded him with CP. I hate that disgusting fucker, but it made sane mad as hell.

lorlipone ago

"Enemy of my enemy. . . " and all that. . .

run-a-muck ago

Calm down Mitch, it's just a bunch of kids on the internet.

ExpertShitposter ago

I know, just having a laf here.

run-a-muck ago

Try going outside someplace rural. It will ease the paranoia and depression.

ExpertShitposter ago

That's a weird thing to say...but anyway, the point of this thread is to expose him for the shit that he is since he likes to ping putt to cry about users "harassing" him with pings.

Philosopher_King ago

you've forgot? Doesn't sound proper.

6double5321 ago

Don't be a pussy; own a gun and know how to work it.

ExpertShitposter ago

Thats a weird comment.

But anyway, he aint got shit, i'm just exposing him.

6double5321 ago

It's not a wierd comment. The 2nd amendment is there for a reason. Use it before you lose it, based on state.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well that's the weird part. Guns at home are easy, but you're assuming CC permit. Not an option for many people. Also, the toughest guys usually don't carry, as they can disassemble anyone in a few seconds.

6double5321 ago

I follow the law for my state. Constitutional concealed carry is a thing. Pistol permits are mute at that point

ExpertShitposter ago

US is different. CC permit is very hard to get where i am. And i wouldn't carry anyway since its a pain in the ass.

I barely take my wallet keys and cellphone.

onetriggerdeadnigger ago

When you raped a toddler?

0rion ago

OH SNAP! He just went there!


wesofx ago

When you've forget... when you've forget

bdmthrfkr ago

Who really cares? If you see something that you don't agree with just downVoat it; old sane, new sane... it's still insane.

Click the lower arrow and move on, rule #1 is don't feed the trolls.

Something that FNN is wishing that they had remembered.

onetriggerdeadnigger ago

No thanks you junkie piece of shit.

ExpertShitposter ago

With added dick pics on top of threat.

heygeorge ago

Lol I don't think so at all. What is/has been the point of his account outside of disruption commingled with PSA?

wrok-wrok ago

Don't worry, Its easy to claim you have information without providing it.

ExpertShitposter ago

I know he aint got shit. I called him out on it and he didn't provide anything.

ExpertShitposter ago

I have my name on some college papers but i have 0 social media and no photos uploaded online ever. There are some photos of me online drunk as fuck, posted publicly by club photographers. But due to 0 social media, i don't think anyone could ever link those together. Plus no address posted ever.

SChalice ago

Seems like a perfectly normal Voater to me:

Ina_Pickle ago

Just saw this. Feel free to link, although I don't think I went into enough detail to be letsnotmeet worthy.

ExpertShitposter ago

Cool story thanks. People like that need to be deported to psycho island and not allowed to leave ever again.

Well a name with out a photo and vice versa doesn't mean much i think.

wuzizname ago

"... when you've forgotten". Come on kids, study your English verb tenses.

friend_of_lizard ago

Thank you!

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes, do it @Ina_Pickle I might have a cool story to add if i can be bothered to write it up.

Ina_Pickle ago

Might? No. Must.

ExpertShitposter ago

K i'll do it today or tomorow. Will ping you when done.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its the BARS man!

OhBlindOne ago

Who cares? This guy's not going to do anything to anyone. Just some lonely child trying to stir people up.

ExpertShitposter ago

I know.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if they invade your property it's legal to kill them

onetriggerdeadnigger ago

You and your pals harass the fuck out of others and brigade them and then you run crying to daddy when you are threatened? Show us the rest of the pms between you guys. I will of course not be surprised when every comment and post I have is downvoated to oblivion.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hi new sanegroup alt.

Its the only PM. He is in the thread and would have shown if there were other PM's.

But wait...its you.

onetriggerdeadnigger ago

Anyone who disagrees with me or calls my bullshit out is saneeee!!!

WaterT ago

Let them come, anything that happens to them is self defense. They're all talk, they won't act.

Obergruppenkraken ago

I can't take anything @Grifter42 says seriously anymore.

Grifter42 ago

Come back when you've been harassed and threatened over and over and over again.

Someone does know where they live. I never said it was me. If they want to play bullshit games with me, I'll play the same bullshit games back to them.

ExpertShitposter ago

The fuck that has got to do with me? Talk to beetle.

Ps, post addresses faggot!

Grifter42 ago

Beatle is your lackey, and you people have been harassing me ever since I called out you folks for infiltrating FPH and replacing the mods with liberal faggots.

Water_Thug ago

Holy shit, you've really lost your god damned mind.

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL! What the fuck are you talking about. FPH were liberal jew niggers form the start. They are standard redditors that happen to hate fats. They always hated all the 1488. If i was behind it the why did i get banned the fuck out for racism:

Obergruppenkraken ago

I don't know who's jewing who to jew who because they're jews anymore

ExpertShitposter ago

Because its the same (((group))) sharing accounts. Sanegoat, texan_pride, and a dozen more.

Grospoliner ago

This is about as serious a threat as all his cries of lawsuit. Petulance.

ExpertShitposter ago

I must find him and kill him first. Just to be sure.

ApprenticeShitposter ago

Do we have to kill him, or can we just give his balls the laser hair removal treatment?

cyclops1771 ago

Like it has balls

ExpertShitposter ago

Kill and livestream it on voat.

ExpertShitposter ago

I must conduct a preemptive strike. Its the only way.

ExpertShitposter ago

This can only result in an equal and opposite response!

ExpertShitposter ago

This is sanegoat in case you're wondering. And it was pretty unprovoked as i didn't talk to him in weeks.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

just unprovoked as a made up story that made it to top of Protect Voat? Random?

And we have already establish BeatlejuiceX3 is the Sane alt on voat.

Hopefully you are exposed for the jew you are. Grifter triggers you SRS kikes hard.

ExpertShitposter ago

Fuk off Texan. Beetle does what beetle does. And if you look at the date, this message was sent 7 days ago. But you know that since you sent it.....

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

it must get confusing trying to keep up with shadows that aren't actually real. You need clinical observation for a 72 hour period of time then diagnosed.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its not hard when its the same person or maybe a hand full of virgins. You all talk the same so its supper easy to track.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

you are an extremely weird person and cringey often. Do you socialize outside of the computer?

ExpertShitposter ago

Mostly outside. Unlike you with 2000 alts.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

what alts? I only have this account. Not everyone has the urge to manipulate and spread false hoods like you do

bdmthrfkr ago

Just relax mane, this whole idea that "insanegoat" is a consortium of powerful people is a total myth. It's what he wants people to think but I remember when he first came to Voat, he is just a very misguided person with (apparently) a lot of time on his hands.

He doesn't have your address, he doesn't have your name... shit, he doesn't even have your phone number. He's just "ahem" shitposting like he always does.

Just keep your guns cleaned and handy, you may end up becoming Voat's first actual Hero! I wonder if puttitout will create a badge for eliminating insanegoat....

ExpertShitposter ago

I know, i am practically undoxable, and if @grifter42 ever did show up i would knife him up in the face and then post pictures.

bdmthrfkr ago

I personally always carry this:

and I keep it razor sharp. More importantly though you have risen to the tier where (((they))) are starting to notice you, it just means that you have made an impact that they can't easily ignore.

Good work Goat, some day I hope that I rise to the level that they threaten me!!

ExpertShitposter ago

I just recently acquired this:

bdmthrfkr ago

A solid blade and worthy of your kit. Fortunately you won't need it for the insane crowd but it may come in handy with random encounters in urban environments. Carry it always.

SeanBox ago

Knife him in the dick too

ExpertShitposter ago

If i can hit an object thinner than the blade it self....

SeanBox ago

Did I wire this up? His butt is currently hurt from the looks of things. I pinged you both in the same comment a few days ago.

ExpertShitposter ago

No he sent this a week ago. I think this is what triggered him:

I never pinged him for that but he monitors all our subs.

SeanBox ago

Good gif. The up vote count makes it hurt more.

ExpertShitposter ago


Ina_Pickle ago

Typical stalker behavior. You didn't give him attention so he escalated.

ExpertShitposter ago

I heard about that. You have personal experiences with a stalker?

Ina_Pickle ago

Years ago.

ExpertShitposter ago

Story tiem.

Chiefpacman ago

Yeah everyone I dislike is sanegoat too.


You guys accused me of being sane a couple months ago. Its a strawman attack. You dont have to explain yourself, he's just sane.

This is the internet. You will get death threats.

ExpertShitposter ago

You guys accused me of being sane a couple months ago

Wasn't me and who ever it was it was probably a joke or troll.

Anyway i'm just exposing his trolls for fun. There is after all stil a few dumb cunts that think he din du nuffin.