9955265? ago

Honestly, that explains a hell of a lot, especially if SuperConductiveRabbi is a regular on SBBH or ProtectVoat, because the OP here also seems to have been triggered by his ban from v/showerthoughts "before he even posted there" (probably not true, but that's his current claim, and like his constant attacks on Putt and Kevdude, he likely won't stop claiming he is right even after we show him mountains of evidence disproving his entire argument).

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Its best if you just judge for yourself.

Grifter42 ago

Putt remains silent on the issue, in the same manner that Spez remains silent on the issue of SRS.

Odds are they're either working with him, or they have dirt on him.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Your an asshole. You talk shit all the time and I really don't give a damn if a group of users have made it their job to harass you.

That's called karma, stupid.

Grifter42 ago

It ain't just me, man. Their job is to harass anyone who looks into how the site is run, and asks questions.

Asking questions like "Where did Voat get it's initial seed money.".

And being an asshole justifies people threatening to flood my inbox with child pornography? Rule 2 states that no illegal content is allowed on the server. What Beatle did amounts to conspiracy to distribute child pornography. But because Voat is so fucking gullible, Beatle can just shout, "LOL, JK, I WAS JUST TROLLING! FREE SPEECH!".

Fuck you, faggot. Yeah, I'm an asshole. But that doesn't change the fact that what these people are doing is calculated, and is the same exact modus operandi of SRS. It means the site is compromised. You people think just because you can say nigger, and faggot, that you've got free speech?

If you want to know who controls you, look at who you can't criticize.

heygeorge ago

Have you considered @dontforgetaboutevil's point that you may be an asshole? Because I notice your response skipped over that part.

It's far easier to blame others than it is to look at ourselves. I fear you fall into that trap hastily & frequently and that it may be hindering your personal growth.

sweetholymosiah ago

Maybe I'm a sanegoat?

sweetholymosiah ago

Poor sanegoat... how many alts I wonder?

sweetholymosiah ago

lol ok

sweetholymosiah ago

How was I brought into this?

sweetholymosiah ago


heygeorge ago

Thisismyvoatusername ago

If they are brigading then it should not be allowed and they should be banned. But you cannot hold yourself blameless. Hecho may be a disgusting fuck but the only reason I remember your account name is because everytime I ran across you, you were on some sort of mission to get rid of him and have him kicked off the site. Voat may be pro-free speech, but you surely haven't been acting like that is how you wanted it to be.

(Edit: I upvoted this post by the way, because I think this is a discussion that should be prominent on voat which ever side someone takes.)

Grifter42 ago

You think that what happened here isn't obvious fucking brigading?

For every submission upvote I got, I would immediately get an equivalent amount of downvotes. Too many, and it would be obvious to the average person scrolling through.

But inside the thread, after about fifteen to twenty minutes, once the group got word, it was mass-downvote time.

Every one of my comments was brigaded. No one attempted any rational discussion. Just calling names, and ad hominem attacks. These people are organized, and actively malicious.

They don't give a flying fuck about free speech. They use it as an excuse as to why not to ban them for continued violations of the site's rules.

"Yeah, we broke the rules, but to BAN us would be a violation of free speech!".

It's a load of horse shit and everyone involved fucking knows it.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I don't know if it was brigading or not. If you are right, then I agree they should be banned for it.

ratsmack ago

He's a one man comedy show. :)

Grifter42 ago

I'm not Texan Pride, but you know that. You're just practicing character assassination.

But you know what we do have proof of?

Hecho's pedophilia, and Beatle's involvement in conspiracy to distribute child pornography.

harry_nash ago

Upvote for using the term next level meta-mindfuckery.

ratsmack ago

Awww shit... quit your whining.

Grifter42 ago

And looking at your post history, you're a faggot leftist.

My point remains: SRS is active on Voat, and doing their best to silence people who call them out.

ratsmack ago

Suffer from paranoid schizophrenia much?

A leftist... looks like you can't read either.

Grifter42 ago

Looking at your most downvoted posts, you've posted anti-Trump propaganda, you've posted pro-trans bullshit, and anti-White propaganda.

You folks have no logical arguments when confronted with evidence of what you are, so you just result to ad-hominem attacks.

You're just running the ShareBlue handbook.

ratsmack ago

Aaaaaaand.... you're retarded too.

Grifter42 ago

Way to prove my point.

ratsmack ago

...you're a faggot leftist

You started it... what can I say.

Grifter42 ago

It's called consensus cracking. You agree with part of a statement, turn it into a strawman representation of the original argument, and then discuss the strawman as if it were the original statement.

Grifter42 ago

Yeah, but his alts have been on here.

Grifter42 ago

And looky-there: A SBBH member using their favorite tactic: Calling people Sanegoat to shut down discussion.

Grifter42 ago

Claims? That's a fucking fact. Beatle was spamming chat, Putt shut it down, said he was going to do something about it, and just waited for people to forget about the front page post that called him out. Then, he reopened chat, and Beatle was back in as fake-sane, still spamming.

And your point about the bans from SBBH for calling out SBBH's shit? Yeah, of course they'd fucking ban me. They don't like people pointing out what they do.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Is Texan Pride still around? Haven't noticed that account in a while.

Le_Squish ago

Your ((( friends)))?

Pot calling the kettle black.

Grifter42 ago

You sure know a lot about SBBH. And you're back to resorting to their favorite tactic.

eagleshigh ago

"Anyone who disagrees is paid for it."

SarMegahhikkitha ago

@antiracist Leftists witchhunting "Sane" (i.e. everyone who exposes them is sane), and look who this faggot is siding with

antiracist ago

What about getting a handy or head from your dad's wife?

@eagleshigh @bojangles

ExpertShitposter ago

SarMegaKike If anyone is a national socialist on this site than its US. Go back to Israel you mega kike.

107 submissions to v/OrthodoxJudaism <---- kill your self kike.

Grifter42 ago

Your strawman argument is bullshit and intellectually dishonest and you know it.

9955300? ago

He said that your argument boiled down to

Anyone who disagrees is paid for it.

You said in your original article

There exists a group on Voat that's [sic] only purpose is to brigade, harass, and subvert the values you and I hold dear.

You have no idea what values anyone other than you yourself hold, so the last part of the statement only serves as a persuasion technique meant to make the reader emotionally attach themselves positively to your words (because no one wants to have someone else randomly attack their values for no reason).

You then continue on, and after linking to some responses to you by Hecho and some SDBH trolls, you randomly add:

Now, both of those posters are SDBH, and they exist as Voat's counterpart to SRS. They're utterly degenerate, and they act as Kevdude and ExpertShitposter's lapdogs.

You don't list any evidence for this claim, you don't cite any sources, you don't even try to give an argument for why this is true. Up until this point, you have only been attacking Hecho, SDBH, and SRS. Then, as soon as you think you have established your case, you suddenly shift topics, claim that @Kevdude and @Expertshitposter are somehow the "masters" to the "degenerate lapdogs" of Hecho and SDBH, shift topics again, and claim that "now that I've spoken the truth, I'll be downvote brigaded".

That isn't an argument, it's a diversion tactic used by sociopaths that is meant to confuse the reader into agreeing with you when you don't have any facts to support your case.

This entire post is nothing but a baseless hitpiece, and it deserves every single downvote it got.

It's also interesting how you're the one who keeps using all the psychological labels for these argument techniques and fallacies, and yet you're always the one initiating them with your blatant lies and attacks on other Voat users.

ExpertShitposter ago

Save your breath, the dude is retarded, there is no reasoning with him. The little bit of sanity that he might possess he uses to troll, so just forget him.

9955879? ago

I know, just offering longer breakdowns of his tactics for those who look back on these posts in the future for evidence of his stupidity.

Grifter42 ago

Same fucking people.

SeanBox ago

Like you and sanegoat?...

ISmellShills ago

In one of Putts recent announcements he claimed he would punish brigaders. Surely he is a man of his word!

HAHAHAHAHAHA! What a joke.

Grifter42 ago

Yeah, and Putt also said he was gonna do something about chat spam. All he did was close it down for a week or two, and when it opened back up, SDBH/SBBH was still flooding it with Woody's got wood, and other degenerate shit.

gaskikeshangniggers ago

Why not ping all their shitty alts so people know how many they run? I was gonna ping beatlecucks alts but figured you should get a chance to get your message out before they signal to one another.

Grifter42 ago

I'd rather not alert them, because that'd get them to brigade me earlier.

Hopefully, the average voater will get a chance to read this.