PigSlapper ago

Uneducated ignorant moron. Go back to your trash heap trailer park and run your Klan meeting. Being a racist piece of shit is as bad as being fat. Plus your type is ALWAYS fat. Choke on a cheeseburger and die fatass.

HomerSimpson ago

Bait is bad. Please kill yourself. @mick tie your users in a fucking cage.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its just a term. Melanin has nothing to do with it. All arabs and africans lack IQ and are wiling to kill non Muslim for being infidel. They must be removed.

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Why would you degraded yourself like that Muhammad?

ExpertShitposter ago


I_Go_To_Neckbeard_U ago

I think we've got a fatty here who thinks we'll tolerate him if he hates groups of nonfat people.

ExpertShitposter ago

Shut up 1 month old redditor. Go back to reddit Jew. I was in fhp 1.5 years ago while you were still crying about elen pao.

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Sorry kiddo only fats are worth hating on universally. The fat cheeto president is equal to the fat black woman is equal to the fat oil prince is equal to the Technicolor SJW, all fats are hated equally. Go back to whatever safe space you came out of.

ExpertShitposter ago

But we must kick out the muslims immigrants or face death 10 years from now.

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Why do you care fatty? You'll be dead in 5. Unless you've already lost a foot, then you'll be dead in 3.

ExpertShitposter ago

Not fat at all. I have my fair share of shitlord posts dating back 1.3 years.


Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

OK, Run along now boy.

ExpertShitposter ago

No, i must secure the existence of my people! There must be race war!

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

No really, bring me some of that awesome Middle Eastern food you Arab dudes are so good at making

ExpertShitposter ago

Get da fuck out of here cuck. A eint no sandnigger boei!!

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

AHAHAHA, Triggered the self hating Arab! Tell me cuck why do you Arab dudes wear sandals all the time?

ExpertShitposter ago

You're not mad? I wont reply to you anymore, its only fun for me if you get mad OR Heil Hitler with me. Bye.

Heil Hitler.

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Hey Jafar, why you down voting me kid? Man up and reply. Come on I want to learn about your country, send me halal recipes and shit.

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Seriously Ali I need you to answer the question, unless you're just some beta cuck.

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Come back Saddam, I want to learn more about your culture

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Sure you won't Muhammad. Also you didn't answer my question. Why do you Arab dudes wear sandals all the time?

ExpertShitposter ago

Did too. Mentally at least.

Sniktun2 ago

Seems OP is a keyboard warrior. People don't choose where they were born, they choose to become fat, which is why we hate fat people and not "people who weren't born within a hundred miles of me"

ExpertShitposter ago

Of course fat people suck. This isn't about that. And don't call niggers people. It's offensive. They need to go back to the desert.

Sniktun2 ago

And where do you think you came from? are you religous? do you believe in god?

ExpertShitposter ago

No atheist. White beautiful European. Superior to the negro.

Sniktun2 ago

And when did modern homo-sapiens migrate to europe from Africa? roughly 100,000 years ago. So up until then your ancestors were African, and so in turn your bloodline is from Africa. The colour of a person is purely down to the melanin pigments in the skin due to sun exposure dependant of where you geographically live. You by pure random chance were born in europe, but this somehow makes you better? why would you think that?

ExpertShitposter ago

Hey....we have an IQ of 100ish, they have 75ish. We steam boats with electricity at the time when they had mud huts. They want to kill me because i don't give a shit about Mohamed.

They must be contained to the sand lands. Or else we all die in a race-war.

Sniktun2 ago

I would greatly argue your IQ.Honestly listening to your thoughts is almost painfull, do you not realise the advancements of the west was largely down to the natural resources available at the time? do you know why for hundreds of years the east lived in mud huts? because all they fucking had around them was mud! And you say "they want to kill me" you do realise you are generalising literally millions of people? nobody gives a shit about you let alone millions of people

ExpertShitposter ago

Who cares? Niggers are incompatible with a civilized European society NOW, and I'm not willing to wait 300 years for them to become civilized. I want my children to be able to play in public with no worry, and i want my taxes spent on them and not unemployable migrants.

The niggers can go back to learn to be civilized in their own sandy continents and we can hang out together in 2317.

ExpertShitposter ago

You sound like a nigger that's 200% MAD!

ExpertShitposter ago

fat white hillbillies are every bit as disgusting as fats of any other color.

Of course they are, i never implied they aren't.

ExpertShitposter ago

You spelled "real man" wrong.

Anti-Social ago

Sigh. Go away fatty

ExpertShitposter ago

I'm not fat you cuck.

Anti-Social ago

Sure fatty. Go jump of a cliff.

captainbuttpirate ago

Flair up.

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Just an Arab

ExpertShitposter ago

I am also known as truthsayer. Because i say the real truths of our times.

lifting_cat ago

I bet you are also know as a stupid fuck. That is the truth of our times.

ExpertShitposter ago

Fuck off known gay.

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Aka Muhammad. The elusive self hating Arab.

Convair990 ago

This FPH(fat people hate). I can't stand islam, however there's spaces for that. This isn't one of them. This is for hating, and reviling the most vile of all creatures. Fats, nothing else. Not food hate, not (insert another thing you hate) hate. Fat "people" hate.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes but hatred of degeneracy must be ever present in all aspects of our lives if we are to survive the coming brown threat. If post a fatass with a title "fatass nigger thinks she is beautiful" everybody downvoats and complains about racism. I didn't take away anything from the fat part by adding nigger part.

I_Go_To_Neckbeard_U ago

hatred of degeneracy must be ever present in all aspects of our lives

Dude this is literally the exact same thing as intersectional feminist SJWs. They tell me that feminism gave me the gay rights movement -- it didn't -- so I have to accept and tolerate stuff like fat people and Lena Dunham being a pedophile -- I don't.

ExpertShitposter ago

All fascists are alike, left or right. But they cant coexist. That's why the right must eliminate the left. With violence.

Convair990 ago

Um dude don't forget there's black people, muslims, christians, whites, Jewish, wiccans, gay, straight, atheists, hispanics, asians, etc etc etc on here. All united in the glorious shitlord army against the fat menace. So yes you'll get downvoated into oblivion. The only goal here, the only focus is the war against fats. That's it. THIS is the example of universal global peace, against fats.

ExpertShitposter ago

Umm....i only want to shitlord with the masterrace.

Convair990 ago

I'd rather simply shitlord with the master species, human. Here it's color blind, get used to it or get out. I'm also a right wing, gay, Patriot, so I'm also not a cuck.

ExpertShitposter ago


Terrible. I knew this place war full of wrong thinkers. You should be a shamed of your self. Also, most niggers are barely human.

Convair990 ago

Speak for yourself, I have nothing to be ashamed of, unlike a obvious piece of shit like you.

TimGadget ago

Why even entertain a piece of shit like this guy? He's a useless piece of garbage and probably a basement dwelling fat fuck himself.

Convair990 ago

I was stuck in a meeting and was very bored lol.

ExpertShitposter ago

You were born as a deformed man. You cant really contribute to life with two children with out forcing yourself. If all were like you, the human race would die.

Very shameful. I bet you've had black boyfriends and were touched by someone when still a child.

Convair990 ago

You're obviously demented. If all were like you the world would be a shitty place. Nope not a black bf. Indian, Hispanic and White yes. Nope never was touched as a child, so fail there. However usually the most anti-gay bigots seem to like to touch children, and worse.

ExpertShitposter ago

Just consider the following:

The basis of a species is the ability to "self replicate" by mating with the opposite sex. Gay people do not wish to mate with the opposite sex.

If 100% of people were gay, this would be the last generation of our species. (unless they forced them selves to engage in sexual activities they don't like).

The only reason why the human kind lives on is because 99% of it is NOT like you. Just think about those facts.

They are irrefutable proof that you are a deformity. And a cuck at that too.

Convair990 ago

Not everyone is gay nor is everyone straight. Clearly you have a one track mind, not every straight couple can reproduce either. Doesn't make them any lesser either. I'm not a deformity, lol a creep like you definitely is though hahahaha 😂

ExpertShitposter ago

Those couples too are a deformity. As are you. As is a downs syndrome person. As is a man born with no legs etc.

Of course we can't hate them....its not their fault. But we must be aware of the facts.

I would forgive you for being gay, you were born that way. But gay + cuck + race mixer is unacceptable. Thats too much. Must gas.

Convair990 ago

I don't need forgiveness. Forgiveness implies something wrong, to which I've not done anything wrong. You sound like you've been huffing too much gas. Lol you keep calling me a cuck, hahahahahaha you're really projecting a lot.

ExpertShitposter ago

I'm no longer entertained by you faggot. Literally a black cock sucking faggot. And he thinks he has something say back to me.....am i in a parallel universe?

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Defeated by a gay, so much for that strong master race crap, Eh Muhammed.

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Does Allah allow you to believe in a parallel universe?

Convair990 ago

😂 yeah I've gotten bored with you🤘🏻 I'm here to hate fats, not banter with a racist.

ExpertShitposter ago

Le racist LeLeLE.. You should have never left reddit weak ass lefty :D

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Wait am I getting your name wrong,? It's probably Apu after the monkey from Alladin

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Come on Muhammed, stop being so hard on yourself, it's not your fault you were born Middle Eastern.

Lostmyabilitytoeven ago

Listen Muhammad why do you hate your own people? I thought the Arab community was united?

DiabetoStinko ago

If you're a fat piece of shit, you're a fat piece of shit.

Fat knows no race, religion, nationality, creed, color, gender, gender identity or political affiliation.

I'm too busy shitlording fats to hate on anything else. If you're a shitlord/lady/person, then we're cool.

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't like fatasses. I would put them in a concentration camp to help them. Release when they are under 18% body fat. Tho i don't bother with hate since there aren't many obese people in my country and i don't follow social media.

Sandniggers and Jews tho, will destroy the universe if left unchecked.

lezzmeister ago

No cuck here. I am the BBC, I am the cuckolder.

Now where is your petite white girl? This bull will show her what is what. A nice halfbreed baby to take care of is what you need. I will fill that womb and take my friends along after I take her Blacked cherry. Front and back.

ExpertShitposter ago


Are you a nigger?

lezzmeister ago

I am 50% nigger. That means longest cock around. I am 50% German, that means thickest cock around. I stretch hotwife pussy till breaking point. And if the cuck husbando is particularly pathetic, I ram his boipucci too. I am many things, but sexist I am not.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hmm...seems like the best place for you would be in the gas chamber. 50% nigger i could tolerate. Gay tendencies i could tolerate. But both errors at the same time? Sorry. Must face the gas.

Convair990 ago

You're a asshole. 🖕🏻

ExpertShitposter ago

u mad negro bro?

Convair990 ago

I'm as white as white can be dude. However this isn't a racist space. Look around on voat you'll find a space to be that.

ExpertShitposter ago

But then how can i have my echo chamber?

Convair990 ago

By finding it elsewhere.

ExpertShitposter ago

No u.

Are you the one downvoating me?

Convair990 ago

Myself and many others I would imagine.

ExpertShitposter ago

All my replays to you have exactly one downvoate atm.

You should be a shamed of your promotion of censorship. But then again...you're a liberal gay cuck....hmmmm.

Sniktun2 ago

I downvoated you as well keyboard cunt.

ExpertShitposter ago

Of course you do. You're a jew/nigger of some kind.

Convair990 ago

lol you're the cuck. Um no not a liberal either. Quit projecting yourself onto others.

ExpertShitposter ago

I am a white man that sucks black dick and wont have children.

I am not a cuck. I am a right wing.

Nigga, you're gonna have to pick

lezzmeister ago

So the best movie of all time is something you do not like? What is wrong with you?

ExpertShitposter ago