Texan_Pride ago

@Oiseaulibre Please fix the discord back to english man

sound_of_silence ago

Dornt forgit which side ay th' river tweed ye belang!

oiseaulibre ago

lmao it looks fine to me right now. You fix it?

Texan_Pride ago

yeah nvm false alarm

oiseaulibre ago

No hablo ingles.

sound_of_silence ago

Did ye jist mention th' feckin' sassenach?

Cock_Slap ago

Ваша кожа - это цвет моего дерьма

oiseaulibre ago

White shit doesn't sound healthy. You should get that checked out.

Silverlining ago

https://voat.co/v/SethRich/1908320/9397975 First, Foxacid is told what web site it has to spoof. It then makes a copy of that web site on a powerful computer. Then Foxacid integrates with the DNS system, and tells the DNS servers to send everyone to the Foxacid copy. On the back end of the Foxacid copy (or whatever other NSA app it happens to be) all requests, image loads, EVERYTHING, is duplicated and sent to the legitimate web site, so everything there looks normal. At first, everyone goes through Foxacid. But as people are targeted or cleared in the system, more and more are sent to the real version of the web site, until only the targeted individuals are completely isolated. Once this is accomplished, the targeted people are screwed to oblivion, getting bugs planted on their systems and they will only get the holoweb version of the web site. And the holoweb will not match the real version on top of that.

At this point, the targeted individuals become 100 percent troll managed, and absolutely everything they do is compromised completely. They can see and confirm that they wrote something, and it won't be written, they can see and confirm they sent help somewhere and it won't be sent, and trolls will back manage everything, to make sure the target becomes demoralized and totally ineffective. Forum posts will show to them and no one else, comments will show to them and no one else, they will be erased and abducted by the holoweb.

That's the new reality. Fortunately, up until now, only targeted web sites and individuals are affected, and both have to be compromised for it to work. The internet is still mostly real. Don't bet on that lasting much longer if we sit on our butts and do nothing about it. https://archive.is/bJtQn

https://voat.co/v/SethRich/1908320/9397879 https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/55fa39/david_brock_hacked_on_his_chat_network_the/ http://archive.is/ly6jK

we have a mod who is with Brock. Everytime this post gets traction it gets cut,

Yeah I've definitely seen some patterns that indicate a portion of the mod team is compromised. Best thing we can do is just push forward relentlessly.

Wasn't going to say anything for risk of sounding crazy, but two days ago my net was going super slow. I'm just high enough speed to notice when something saturates my connection. I checked my ddwrt bandwidth, and my computer was running 750 connections. I had a ton of tabs open on my browser, but most weren't loaded. On a hunch, I closed the 8chan page because it looked frozen, and watched my connections drop to 60 within a minute. Something is going on with the chans, DNC must be scared of them.

Well, well, well Dr Eowyn picks it up for his http://investmentwatchblog.com/democrat-operative-david-brocks-chat-shows-nsa-surveillance-used-to-identify-and-disable-online-trump-supporters/ http://archive.is/ph4Zo

And Dr Eowyn was fingered as NotFBIAnon - Dr Sava's medic.

From links at bottom of article

Cock_Slap ago

oh my bad i thought you weren't a shill for a second. Carry on.

Cock_Slap ago

What were you doing to hunt down peados before pizzagate?

A lot of stuff that involved reddit and SRS. Admins and even former CEO's have all been aware of the heavy child-porn ring ran through a few subs.

You say (((them))) for want of a better nonsense are running ops to stop people looking into pizzagate, well it's mission accomplished, we all think you're insane. I say all, which isn't true, most have forgotten about this long ago

They simply D&C and pick random stuff to remove to maintain a curated sub that won't get too much attention. It's already worked too.

However merely saying Richard Branson and Epstein isn't evidence of anything, even the aforementioned fuckwits realise this.

It was mere speculation. That is how people come to conclusions, by discussing things and looking for stuff not talked about. They are running the sub exactly as reddit admins (which ties perfectly into my theory Voat was created purely as containment for all the unsavory reddit users they wanted to rid the site of considering this occurs every single exodus).

They aren't even allowing discussion. That is a good way to signal you don't care about voat, you care about image.

DonKeyhote ago

What if we downloaded AOL instant messenger or something heh

Cock_Slap ago

well actually we have a voat discord that is text-based and its pretty fun but we havent really tried spreading it

https:// discord.gg/DDZSU39

lemon11 ago

Isn't discord a way to harvest IP addresses?

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Discord may harvest IP's just like every single other service on the planet but people who start servers can not. At this point in time, with a company that has 25 million users daily, i would trust it over the security of voat. Especially considering the admin changes, the new coders implemented, and the new found confidence of SBBH users in regards to the admins giving them the green-light to curate the site and turn it into reddit.

I'm not a nerd so i don't know much, but i know that as server admin i can't get anyone's IP. the room has been around for almost a month now and there hasn't been a single alarming instance. The worst you have to watch out for is BeatlejuiceX3 joining and trying to send you phishing links and scat porn, but that hasnt happened in over 2 weeks, and you can manually disable PM's from anyone not on your PM list.

lemon11 ago

Hm, okay.

sound_of_silence ago

voat harvests your IP as well.. please try at least a free VPN (cryptostorm.is has the best free one i've seen).

Michael_Obama ago


Don't let the shills prevent you from connecting to other voaters.

lemon11 ago

To be fair, I can connect here on Voat. I would prefer any alternatives to be more robust and decentralized than these silo systems.

sound_of_silence ago

decentralized platform - this is ultimately what it's going to require to preserve the pizzagate truth movement.. no matter where we gather, there is always either a) oversight or b) lack of actual server decentralization - these are the two things pizzagaters have been calling for repeatedly here, in the past 4 mos. i've been on voat, but an actual alternative like this hasn't come about yet.. altho i hear one is in the works and frankly can't come soon enough..

i've made some great connections on voat in the pg sub but over the past few months large groups of folks have left to try to establish better communities.. not to mention the fact that we have over 30 pizzagate subs... we all need to get together on the new platform and establish the entire community (not leaving voat behind or abandoning it, but it will never survive long-term as the only central home for the pg truthers).. hopefully the decentralized location will be up and running in the next month or so.. and we can all re-gather there while still being able to spread the word across the rest of the traditional platforms like voat, gab, etc.

i do think regardless of where any of us go to discuss pizzagate, whether here on voat, on discord or any other chat, etc. - we should all be using as many proven privacy tools as possible.

Michael_Obama ago

you can't connect here on voat. Not well at least. Individually it works but groups going against certain (((narratives))) are heavily prevented from congregating. The discord should have happened over a year ago tbh but most of us in there aren't IT specialists and just simply got fed up.

Some smart folks in there though that saw what happened and dont stand for it. Give it a shot, its just a fuckin chat lol. If you don't like it you can leave but it's based on the values that brought most of us to Voat initially a couple years ago.

Crensch ago

Look at the caliber of usernames pushing you to get into that discord server.

Your netsec is your own, but I wouldn't trust these faggots.

DonKeyhote ago

Is it invite only? Thats the whole point

Rotteuxx ago

That's a SaneGoat alt, don't trust him.

DonKeyhote ago

Lol whos sanegoat. Obviously you'd have to convince me with a good lead to get the invite, i could find maybe a dozen worth inviting. But i refuse to drop nuclear bombs in this place for sure.

Cock_Slap ago

Rotteux is part of the group on Voat that brigades and harasses users. They don't want anyone who comes to this site to speak openly and genuinely to each-other. They want it in the realms of CCP and being able to go around and accusing people of being part of a "sanegoat" group (which makes them seem mentally ill for saying it so often)

Discord isn't anything special it's just a place for anyone to discuss voat shit in real time. We had that here on the site for awhile but people like rotteux started losing their ability to convince anyone they didn't like was a shill so they absolutely nuked the chat.


They made posts like that for a week after we decided to make a chat that wasn't under their control, and if you notice, the OP of that post is one of the cancer mods in pizzagate making this even more meta.

Come check the discord anytime you like and see. No censorship and all topics are open for fuckin discussion

Rotteuxx ago


Nice one SaneGoat

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Not @SaneGoatiSwear but It's nice to see he is occupying space in your mind rent-free. When you spill your cheetos and tendies on the floor does it spell out "Sane Goat" in your mind?

Rotteuxx ago

You guys are hilarious

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

and you are a mentally ill tranny. Wish i were joking but it's current year

Rotteuxx ago

Rolling out the alts, eh ?

Rotteuxx ago

It is a great way to make genuine anti-Voat shills like you work harder.

Michael_Obama ago

i loved voat until a mentally ill tranny stared coding for it a few months ago @FuzzyWords indicating the direction of the site. A Pedophile tranny, mind you.


Kill yourself you weak shill.

Rotteuxx ago

Nice link to nothing... you haven't been on top if your games lately, is something bothering you ?

Cock_Slap ago

its open to anyone. it's voat related but it's just a replacement for the on-site chat we lost due to spammers.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Wtf are you talking about? You faggots lost your sub? Hahahaha. That's funny. Still, as annoying as I find you that is wrong if it is true. What are you talking about?

Notgood2 ago

Are you pizza gate is retarded? If so, what do you think about all of the hints that FBI Anon left for the researchers here in his Communications?

Cock_Slap ago

I'm not a big pizzagater and ive been looking for pedos before that term was popularized, but back in december reddit banned pizzagaters so they came here. Following this PV and other SRS voat users got into the mod team and have turned it into shit intentionally to get people to stop looking into pizzagate.

I forgot they did that for a moment and posted a shower thought there that would generate discussion but he removed it in the middle of it's front page climb. The mods are claiming the Epstein connection between branson isn't worth investigating. The only sources they want are their own, not any speculation or further pondering.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I remember when pizzagate came over. It was annoying. The entire front page was pizzagate all the time. Mostly with senseless posts. I blocked the sub for that reason. I've since unblocked it but rarely see it.

But if it had been taken over by CRT/SRS, I'm sure it would have been apparent on the rest of the site. I suspect it is more like what happened to FPH. It is just the faggots who came from reddit, but they only want their own echo chamber. Since no one else pays any attention to them anyway, they can censor to their hearts delight even here on voat.

So you aren't dealing with CRT/SRS, you're just dealing with control freaks who have their own small kingdom and guard it overzelously.

Michael_Obama ago

But if it had been taken over by CRT/SRS, I'm sure it would have been apparent on the rest of the site

It has been.

So you aren't dealing with CRT/SRS, you're just dealing with control freaks who have their own small kingdom and guard it overzelously.

Those aren't the same people who found out about pizzagate initially. Those are the SRS.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I haven't really noticed anything on the rest of the site. There aren't a bunch of pizzagate posts that would lead me to think they don't have their own sub. Is there a replacement sub different than /v/pizzagate then?

This is interesting to me. I haven't seen SRS successfully take over a sub, unless you maybe count /v/gunsarecool, but I don't think that was SRS so much as one individual.

Cock_Slap ago


Your days are numbered you pedo fuck. People are paying close attention to damage control whores like you regarding pedophilia right now in this point in history.

ThePuppetShow ago

This guys bullshit isn't new. The dude has no moral compass. Reminds me of a SJW. Look what he had to say to an amputee about a typo.


DonKeyhote ago

Jews are noted for their verbal abilities and cynicism

Michael_Obama ago

yeah you would fit right into the discord. We got merchant memes. If you join in there I'll get you a verified status thru PM so no one can fuck with you. There are a couple kikes who tried to troll with scat porn but we nipped that in the bud so only trusted people can post images inline.

DonKeyhote ago

Its an app like whatsapp? Can i still get the scat ?

Michael_Obama ago

There is an app which i recommend because it makes it easier to reconnect without having to find the invite, but i made it where you dont need an email and you can load it through their webpage.

If you want scat you are free to share it through PM's to anyone who asks, which is like a separate room. Overall the users there associate scat with SBBH trolls so we keep it out of the main chat. I just recommend jumping in and doing your thing. It's chill

https:// discord.gg/DDZSU39

ThePuppetShow ago

Yeah.. As if everyone else in the NWO is going to let the Jews cuck them.

oiseaulibre ago

Texan_Pride (01:08:41 UTC):where is a good place to buy replacement lego bricks for my star wars mellinuim falcon

Cock_Slap ago

I've seen pizzagater frustrated with this type of abusive reddit mod behavior and maybe mention other places it was discussed. Is that still the case or has pizzagate been totally subverted?



sound_of_silence ago

yes it is. deleted discussions is still the best place to read content.

the whole investigative truth movement desperately needs to move to a truly decentralized platform where this kind of censorship and subversion cannot exist. the mods are the most influential shills in the sub.


hojuruku ago

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It's been subverted. The big push now is nothing going on in the world of peodophilia today folks, here have a shitload of Seth Rich instead.

nottfadeaway ago

this is very true, but Seth Rich is in a line of dominoes that will take these fuckers down. just IMO. a LOT of shilling for limited hangout disinfo agent George Webb...

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I have no problem taking a peodo down any way possible(and I do mean any), after all look at all the criminals in history that have been caught for crimes other than the ones everybody knew they did (aka. Al Capone). But it is awfully suspicious to me that even after setting up a separate sub for Seth Rich the posts in PG just kept coming ad nauseum. The mods won't delete them, why? The same people keep posting them, do they post them on v/SethRich too? SMH.

nottfadeaway ago

you know when I just lurked (I didn't know there was a separate SethRich voat, thanks), I was thinking Seth Rich was a giant slide. That seems to be the case.

Thanks for the link.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are welcome. Enjoy.

nottfadeaway ago

Yeah I've been posting some stuff about webb (he's really a mossad disinfo agent) but I don't want to slide, so, i'll take it there.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I hope you don't misunderstand me, I'm all for the SR investigation and also subscribe to the link, it's just easier to actually investigate leads if the two subjects are kept separate. So, maybe I'll see you there.

nottfadeaway ago

I agree! subscribed!!!