Rebort Steele, Shot across the bow! (pizzagate)
submitted 7.9 years ago by X_Bandit_X
A Shot across the Bow... Oh My! Quote. “I explicitly accuse Reince Priebus of betraying Donald Trump by sacrificing the protection of Donald Trump and the longer-term healing of the country to Preibus’s own vested interests in protecting the short-term triumph of the Republican Party, and the pedophile Establishment of which Preibus is at a minimum an enabler and protector if not an actual participant, not only in relation to the nation-wide pedophilia cabal, but the Wisconsin-based coven that will show the Franklin Scandal in Nebraska to be the teaser that it was.” BOOM! Things MUST be getting CLOSE to being uncovered.. As Dennis clapper, Is talking about Planted Child Porn on Folks Computers.. Done by,, EE-Gads, the Russians! I'm betting "everyone" is going in CYA Mode! Top US spy chief says it's possible Russia could plant child porn on American computers
Notice! Robert Steele says,, Wisconsin BASED.. Coven... there's a Awesome HINT.
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Millennial_Falcon 7.9 years ago
REBORT? I'm seriously lmao. Be careful typing your titles folks. Can't edit 'em. :)
Edit: >I'm a amputee" typing one-handed.
I feel bad now, lol. I mean, he's trying. Everyone give him a hand! :D
ZalesMcMuffin 7.9 years ago
Careful. He could be armed.
Theupsidedown 7.9 years ago
Everyone give him a hand? Gee whiz, man...
ThePuppetShow 7.9 years ago
Amazing the people we let "moderate" us.
remedy4reality 7.9 years ago
no shit.. tasteless MF owes the guy an apology
Hermesthriceborn 7.9 years ago
Ad hominem backfires bigly.
witch_doctor1 7.9 years ago
It's like when you make a Momma joke only to find out that the kid's Mom recently died.....
lawfag123 7.9 years ago
hahaha just noticed that too
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Millennial_Falcon ago
REBORT? I'm seriously lmao. Be careful typing your titles folks. Can't edit 'em. :)
Edit: >I'm a amputee" typing one-handed.
I feel bad now, lol. I mean, he's trying. Everyone give him a hand! :D
ZalesMcMuffin ago
Careful. He could be armed.
Theupsidedown ago
Everyone give him a hand? Gee whiz, man...
ThePuppetShow ago
Amazing the people we let "moderate" us.
remedy4reality ago
no shit.. tasteless MF owes the guy an apology
Hermesthriceborn ago
Ad hominem backfires bigly.
witch_doctor1 ago
It's like when you make a Momma joke only to find out that the kid's Mom recently died.....
lawfag123 ago
hahaha just noticed that too