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Millennial_Falcon ago

REBORT? I'm seriously lmao. Be careful typing your titles folks. Can't edit 'em. :)

Edit: >I'm a amputee" typing one-handed.

I feel bad now, lol. I mean, he's trying. Everyone give him a hand! :D

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Careful. He could be armed.

Theupsidedown ago

Everyone give him a hand? Gee whiz, man...

ThePuppetShow ago

Amazing the people we let "moderate" us.

remedy4reality ago

no shit.. tasteless MF owes the guy an apology

Hermesthriceborn ago

Ad hominem backfires bigly.

witch_doctor1 ago

It's like when you make a Momma joke only to find out that the kid's Mom recently died.....

lawfag123 ago

hahaha just noticed that too