vanievilgenius ago

I was under the impression his name was simply in the black book, not the flight logs. And then he did kick Epstein out of his club personally after a reported incident with a younger lady.

throwawaa ago

Would you trust Robert Steele?

The compromised guardian did a piece on him in 2014, and the stress how he was "opposed by the CIA". How can someone be "opposed by the CIA" and still be doing stuff in public in the USA?

Maybe I'm too cynical.

carmencita ago

Why bother planting it HA HA It is already there. What a fiasco. Stupid Idiots people will believe anything. They of course are in the Fake News Mode and yes getting out ahead of it by the CYA Mode.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

What is the source implicating Priebus? Did I miss something along the way?

Furthermore, just a thought, perhaps the "Wisconsin-based coven" is a play on words. Wisconsin's #1 food export is cheese. A loose reference to Pizzagate?

Still seems loose on sources/validation. But, again, I'm only diving in as much as my time allows me to! I could have missed some dirt of Priebus.

BeezleyBillyBub ago

I remember I wrote my name in big black letters on my hockey stick. ROBRET. I didn't even notice the mistake until my sister laughed and pointed it out.

srayzie ago

I was surprised that George Webb said Marco Rubio was deep into Pizzagate and the drug and money laundering. I've never liked McCain so wasn't surprised about him.

Freemasonsrus ago

Recently escaped the cesspool of SoFlo. Rubio is dirty. Look at it this way, anyone who was propped up by the GOPe is involved. Ex: Paul Ryan. They have some kind of epic dirt on him for him to have acted the way he has and to even be named SOTH in the first place. They put him in that position bc he has that "awe shucks I'm a good guy" look to him. Knives came out for both Cruz and Trump. Not a big fan of Cruz, consider him slimey in his own way, they just haven't succeeded in getting blackmail evidence on him.

srayzie ago

I've wondered what they have on Comey to make him ruin his career and look like a fool

Mooka_Molaka ago

Yup, Comey has a loooong history of 'letting the Clintons off the hook'. Or being part of the group that fixes shit for them.

In 1996, after months of work, Comey came to some damning conclusions: Hillary Clinton was personally involved in mishandling documents and had ordered others to block investigators as they pursued their case. Worse, her behavior fit into a pattern of concealment: she and her husband had tried to hide their roles in two other matters under investigation by law enforcement.

Taken together, the interference by White House officials, which included destruction of documents, amounted to “far more than just aggressive lawyering or political naiveté,” Comey and his fellow investigators concluded. It constituted “a highly improper pattern of deliberate misconduct.”

srayzie ago

I can't believe that they let him handle Hillary's email investigation since he had a history with the Clinton's. they make me so mad. So either Comey is sick like them or they blackmail him with something else. Because he's ruined his career. He's being pressured.

Freemasonsrus ago

He's been in bed w satan since the 80's.

bopper ago

They all suck. Esp. Ryan. Cruz too.

Freemasonsrus ago

Cruz is all about me me me me me. Like he's been standing in front of a mirror for 30years practicing his speeches that he imagines are going to be written down in history books as the most amazing speeches ever. Trump calling him out and the absolute implosion by known Cruz supporters (Glenn Beck would be an example) was entertaining to say the least.

bopper ago

It was great. Never understood people not seeing through Cruz, so gross, Paul Ryan, so gross. Trump, so real.

DustyRadio ago

Yes. Cruz is a creepy mofo, if some horrid thing was revealed on him I would not be the least surprised. Same with Ryan. Those weightlifting pics were as bad as "Carlos Danger".

bopper ago

Nat'l Enquirer had/has something on Cruz. Apparently Rubio was a fag when younger, and Ryan, man he's sick, there's gotta be something on him, big league, he's definitely controlled. Hard to describe what a thrill it's been to see alpha male Trump kicking butt all over the place, unbelievable, and they couldn't get any dirt on the guy that stuck. Great times, hope it continues.

Freemasonsrus ago


party1981 ago

SOTH, just like Hastert.

Someone on VOAT/youtube said that they asked shops around CPP about CPP, and they said Ryan went there all the damn time. Big surprise.

Freemasonsrus ago

Really? Doesn't surprise me at all. He's actually gotten a lot skivvier (think I just made up a word). Throughout the election I wanted to throat punch him. It makes sooooo much more sense now why he was the VP pick 4 years ago. Also, look at his appearance lately. He looks terrible.

Hopevoats ago

Any rational Floridian will attest to what a slimy piece of shit Marco Rubio is.

abortionburger ago

Floridian, can confirm. Not as bad as Rick Scott though, that piece of shit.

Hopevoats ago

Two shit peas in a shit pod!

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Never trusted Reince and Ryan, was sickened Trump kept em round...I wish we'd wake up and the military was everywhere for a week, and then they shot all of them, then get on with fixing things.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I think Trump has dirt on all of them.....first he threatens to use the dirt on the dems...gets his footing in office....then begins showing his hand on the Repubs......something like FBI ANON suggested.......throwing the book as some and forcing others into retirement. But honestly I want everything to come out and let the chips fall where they may.

tehthu ago

I don't imagine Trump will allow justice to be prevented.

I'm of the mind that we'all end up with a global Nuremberg trials with one witness/defendant opening up investigations into more and more until the entire cabal is revealed for the naked Evil it really is.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

That's not what Nuremburg was. That's what the people who put on the Nuremburg show wanted you to believe it was.

But, yeah. Historical accuracy aside, your basic point is solid. We'll start finding out soon how realistic it might be to actually expect it to happen...

Flat_Truth ago

Either way.....we could say, "based on what people believe the Nuremberg trails were".....Nuremberg type hearings coming soon to America.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Let's avoid talk like that :) Remember, we're better than them! Don't sink to their level... Continue digging and leave out the thinly veiled threats. Or in this case, the direct and wishful threats.

Orange_Circle ago

Even the DNC were commenting way back that he was not doing a good job despite the info he had to work with in attacking Hillary.

"Weak sauce."

Orange_Circle ago

I never had a high level of trust towards Reince Priebus.

Steve Bannon, yes. RP, no.

Sharipie ago

Same here. do you think Paul RYNOs in the Wisconsin-based coven?

tehthu ago

Most definitely compromised.

Not the first person with inside info saying this. Didn't FBIAnon say something about Paul?

Compromise, promote, install, extort . Repeat

Orange_Circle ago

He's about a scummy and dishonest as they come.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I certainly would believe it

OrwellKnew ago

Agreed. I always assumed a deal was made with RNC to smooth over things and one unfortunate result was RP

Orange_Circle ago


X_Bandit_X ago

Sorry it Robert Steele, My bad. (I'm a amputee" typing one-handed..)

ravensedgesom ago

according to my research into the ensuing turmoil from an anti establishment candidate like trump this brief article is the case. We need to stay strong as this intensifies.

Z11Mama ago

Whatever the take is on the comment that created this reply, let us ALL see the lesson here. Think about it. THIS is why people like us get so mad at people who are jerks and have a skewed sense of entitlement. X_Bandit_X took full responsibility 'my bad' and apologized. Unlike others we all know who would start crying 'discrimination' or 'harrassment' or whatever. In the midst of this mess, it is an honor to be around people that have this kind of attitude about life. X_Bandit_X, you rock!

derram ago :

Top U.S. spy chief says it's possible Russia could plant child porn on American computers  | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

Haldelos ago

Something to think about: That info might be leaked by high ranking Dems early because they see the writing on the wall...when things come out then they can say: "'s the Russians planting Child Porn...just like we told you months ago..."

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Says you and basically everyone else on the Internet. ;-)

Millennial_Falcon ago

REBORT? I'm seriously lmao. Be careful typing your titles folks. Can't edit 'em. :)

Edit: >I'm a amputee" typing one-handed.

I feel bad now, lol. I mean, he's trying. Everyone give him a hand! :D

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Careful. He could be armed.

Theupsidedown ago

Everyone give him a hand? Gee whiz, man...

ThePuppetShow ago

Amazing the people we let "moderate" us.

remedy4reality ago

no shit.. tasteless MF owes the guy an apology

Hermesthriceborn ago

Ad hominem backfires bigly.

witch_doctor1 ago

It's like when you make a Momma joke only to find out that the kid's Mom recently died.....

lawfag123 ago

hahaha just noticed that too