BigDaddy69 ago

It makes sense. @RestrictedNigger is a confirmed virgin and the involuntarily celibate are the statistically most like to be kiddie diddlers.

9807864? ago

He's backpedaling hard today.

End_Times ago


End_Times ago

What were you doing when you were 13? I lived on a lake and camped out and fucked for the majority of my teens. Compared to what im doing right now? I'd kill to go back in time for that.

End_Times ago

i suggest just leaving me outta all your pings and all your posts as you know what happened to sane (((group))) and you last times yall got me goin.

Remind me because all you did was make it obvious we needed to move off site to have reasonable discourse outside of your control.

look it can stop just quit bullying Fuzzy and leave it at that man. is just ridiculous for some1 to be so hateful and obsessed and is a battle that YOU will lose.

@FuzzyWords I hope you kill yourself you pathetic cross dresser

End_Times ago

i said if i were 13 i would fuck twice as much as i did before. What were you doing when you were 13? I lived on a lake and camped out and fucked for the majority of my teens. Compared to what im doing right now? I'd kill to go back in time for that.

A tranny runs Voat and im the one who is getting roasted, lel

End_Times ago

let it out you filthy triggered pedophile jew. FuzzyWords is a pathetic excuse for something shit out of a womb, and should be executed for protecting you real pedophiles

Korean_Fan_Death ago

Fuzzy is a pedophile tranny and gives you and Hecho and the rest of the voat pedos the greenlight to share CP privately. It used to be done on voat but now you guys moved to your discord which I'm logging right now

Korean_Fan_Death ago

go for it, all you are doing is showing anyone who lurks how fuckin retarded you are, SRS pedo shill

Korean_Fan_Death ago

Only on voat

Korean_Fan_Death ago

yeah its a great joke and i stand by it

Korean_Fan_Death ago

did you forget you weren't talking to @FuzzyWords for a minute?

RestrictedNigger ago

i said i had sex when i was 13, not that i want to fuck 13 year olds. Nice try tho pedos, you will not deflect your pedophile behavior onto an innocent. Especially me lmao. Good luck, ill document every thing you spam then make a post about it a day later to show how insane and belligerent you SRS pedos have become on Voat.

BigDaddy69 ago

OP is what happens when parents don't beat their children

ExpertShitposter ago

I think the issue here was too much beating, and maybe penetration from dad.

RestrictedNigger ago

Oh, surprised to see your faggot ass here. It's like any meta post and all you shills come out at once

BigDaddy69 ago

Faggot is superior to autist,

RestrictedNigger ago

Honestly I thought you were a beatle alt. speaking of autists, you mean like @FuzzyWords the autistic tranny who codes for Voat on Github?

ExpertShitposter ago

Did your parents abandon you and your stepdad raped you your hole childhood? There is no other way to explain your efforts. Sad.

RestrictedNigger ago

took me literally 30 secs, nice projection tho

ExpertShitposter ago


I like how even a year ago you knew you're gonna be restricted since you know nobody ever liked you, weather IRL or online. You're the kind of loser that couldn't make a friend even in a cesspool like /b/.

I also like how you're open about your race.

RestrictedNigger ago

this account was made after i lost 8k CCP in 4 hours thanks to your tranny friends. The site was changed spcifically because of your bots if you don't recall.

ExpertShitposter ago

I thought you're not sanegoat. I thought you claimed sanegoat left. Cheap drunk nigger from a texas basement.

ExpertShitposter ago

Firstly @MightyYetGentle = sanegoat = amalek = jew.

Secondly that never happened to anyone except the sanegoat.

Thirdly, when putt banned the bots all ccp war restored. But only to sanegoat, since nobody else got hit.

Go beg your mom for forgiveness for begin a failure at life and ask your abusive dad for money to buy a hooker so you can lose your virginity.

RestrictedNigger ago

Secondly that never happened to anyone except the sanegoat.

@Fagnig @SarMegahhikkitha

Thirdly, when putt banned the bots all ccp war restored.

This was over a year ago and no CCP was returned. Atko reset my CCP to 0 after it was -3k after 1 hour, but then it went back down to that. And the admins let it happen.

Go beg your mom for forgiveness for begin a failure at life and ask your abusive dad for money to buy a hooker so you can lose your virginity.

You literally cannot stop projecting when you talk to me

ExpertShitposter ago

You spend 18h per day in chat, on reddit and voat, watching gore, talking about trannies, studying trannies, jerking it to CP, telling redditors to kill them selves and voaters to go back to reddit, while being a massive redditor

Nobody is more of a neet loser than you. Its just factual that you are insane.

Korean_Fan_Death ago

none of that is accurate. Please, it is starting to get annoying. You literally project every comment you send to me. I should archive all of this

ExpertShitposter ago

No matter what you say, know this: you will always be the loser that you are. Nothing will ever improve for you, for you are broken beyond repair.

Take another sip out of that bottle.

Korean_Fan_Death ago

are you projecting on purpose

ExpertShitposter ago


The standard 4channer damage control. A single word used 6 million times on 4chan per day.

You need another sip of that brandy neckbeard.

Korean_Fan_Death ago

are you implying im drinking or something?

And yes, i know you may not realize it but your comments are fucking primo examples of projecting onto someone