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10000-20000 ago

whaaaat? don't be stupid. the sub is not for the murder of kids, if some sick fucks posted it, it should go. but that place has way more than that and most of it is suicides or nigger accidents

srayzie ago

You're sick

10000-20000 ago

for what exactly? i don't like people posting kids dying, but it is called watch people die. and children are people.

srayzie ago

Because you said it should go if it were kids. But, you seem ok with it being suicides or black people. That is SICK. It's not normal.

10000-20000 ago

if you're dumb enough to kill yourself, you did the world a favor. niggers gonna nig, so when they get caught or cant use any common sense and die, that's doing the world another favor. call it sick if you want, but the world is better because of it

srayzie ago

Ok. Cool. If they choose that it was there choice. But wanting to watch it and every other sick murder on there isn't disgusting to you? I really don't get why some of you guys are on this sub when you have depraved minds like that.

10000-20000 ago

watching videos like the one I linked to you really give you a sense of empathy believe it or not. when you see someone beheaded by a chainsaw, you realize, that your problems really aren't that big of a deal. it also reminds me to appreciate being a white american. also, just because I am curious about how fucked people are towards each other, does not mean that I want the same sick shit done to innocent kids.

srayzie ago

I don't know if you're joking or just a sick ass. But, I already have empathy. That's why I would never want to see someone in pain or in fear. Well, maybe Hillary and some of them freaks 😜

When I realize how lucky I am to be an American, that I was able to be educated, I don't have to cover my face if I am in public, that I'm not living in the Middle East with the constant fear of being bombed, feeling afraid that Isis is going to come rape me or my loved ones, that I'm not being used for human trafficking, that I'm not sacrificed by these Satanist, that I'm not brainwashed by the lying government and media and that I'm not someone who needs power or money to the point that I would sale my soul to the devil for it....

THAT gives me empathy. It makes me appreciate what I do have. It makes me realize that the hard things I may go thru is no way compared to what so many other people go thru. These are things I think about daily. That's why I am here.

10000-20000 ago

the hustle and bustle of life is a little distracting to me a majority of the time. watching Isis blow up a boat full of al Qaeda just really gets the American blood a pumping. but none of this has anything to do with the original point I was trying to make. the watchpeopledie sub has nothing to do with pizzagate, and I find it quite ridiculous that a goat would think it was.

srayzie ago

Ok well we are getting nowhere, we'll never agree so I would rather use my time doing something else now