Arrvee ago

It's fucking nothing. Some mexican dude has a good union job with the local government that gave him enough money to buy a daycare business to give his retired gramma something to do, and code enforcement shut it down for the stupid reason that gramma was the only adult in the building but the building has TWO rooms! You need a supervisor in each room! That changed the business model from gramma working for free to the family having to hire people they can't afford, so they shut it down and you have an abandoned daycare that nobody goes in or out of.

Everything else that came up had a reasonable explanation. The first responses that kicked off the speculation were LARPing or heavily overreacting. The chinese import records were from a corrupted database that had fake records for other companies. The family started keeping watch on the site after it became a tourist attraction and dickheads were carving pentagrams into the building, so you had "mysterious" mexicans going in and out. No one knows what the rabbit means but it could have been added by a local tagger.

carmencita ago

I am so sorry you had to endure that. I have come to realize that some of our members are victims of the horrid crimes we are researching. I commend you and thank you for stepping forward to fight for our children. You say there is something else going on there, but what. It surely can't be transplants for they would have to have quite a set up and really the recipients would be arriving there and some are quite well known. That leaves CP filming and being sent out over the internet globally.

carmencita ago

Think CP. Remember all those places where they were sending out CP over the dark net. Maybe they are even making some there. So, probably need to dig a little deeper. Think about what may be going on there and it will make you want to get to the bottom.

The28th ago

Reminded me of this Daycare Center in Baltimore. Look at the mother of all antennas on the roof; Today's Pizza in same complex and tarped makeshift playpen next to it. Also storage sheds photo - vented - included in Google Maps Local Guide link to the DayCare and Today's Pizza complex

carmencita ago

You did some really good work there. These places, imo, are all over the country hiding in plain site. CP is being sent out over the dark net maybe. To clients all over the country and the globe maybe. IDK, what do others think. Am I the only one that sees this.

Micheal84 ago

Lots and lots of info here,,154.0.html?PHPSESSID=090dee5259e91b1145d41cfa3e7033cd

Some people did some good diggin.

Micheal84 ago

Here's a building permit from someone who worked at the adress, did something to the electrical system.

Eva solano 100 amp overhead service change

Valuation $600.00

Permit Type Commercial Electrical

Status Closed

Permit #BLD2012-04471

Parcel #16-07-378-035-0000

Project Name Eva Solano

Client Solano, Eva

Permit Fee $49.21 paid to Salt Lake, UT

Contractor Employees Spencer Rose

License name on building permit Spencer Rose

License number on building permit 6406334-5501

carmencita ago

Wow this is a sketchy piece right HERE:/u/jortr0n reposts his original comment I mentioned above "This gets deep. URL is owned by a city employee. Why does the cities multimedia manager own the URL? The county assessor's office says it's owned by Chunga International LLC. They have failed to renew their business license since 08/26/2014. The registering agent has the same last name as the SLC employee. Fun Time Kidz Kare hasn't been registered since 05/24/2006. What's with the fresh paint?" Well, this says a lot, imo.

carmencita ago

Upvoats for your work. Thank you.

carmencita ago

WTH is she doing there and who is she? I do not know about her. But, why is she THERE as someone else asks. There is def something strange going on there. Too many shills chiming in is a Big Red Flag.

Micheal84 ago

This isnt something new, people did invesigate this place before.

From an old voat post,

"After reading a post about this Kidz Fun Time "Daycare" I was very interested in finding out more, so I looked at was everyone was posting about it and this seems to actually be kind of big. So yesterday afternoon I went to the daycare and I parked outside in the back. I was there for about 5 or 7 minutes and for the first time in my whole life of going past there every day, a child and his mother came out. So I walked up to the door she came out of and I knocked a good 5 times, then waited and knocked again. After a minute I was going to leave but a Mexican guy with a thick accent opens the door just a crack ( maybe 6 inches ) to peek out. He waited a minute to say something and then he said "hello? What's the problem" (that seemed weird to me but that's not even weird to what happened next) it took me a minute because I was looking past his shoulder and the inside of the building was very dark on the inside. Definitely not a daycare feeling vibe. I answered him and said "Yes, I am looking to enroll my child in this daycare" and immediately he opened the door and grabbed my shoulder and said "you need to get off the property! You need to leave!" And he escorted me off! So I went back to the car and he kept looking out the windows to see if I was gone. This is definitely not a daycare"

carmencita ago

WTH? This is so obvious it is staring us right in the face. Thanks for your work. I don't know why this is not getting more traction. It is so very clear to me. I have done research on some things in St. Louis and this def looks like a CP factory, imo. What do you think about that? They are all over the country hiding in plain site.

conspiracyprincess ago

When you purposely tint your windows or shade them that clearly means you don't want anyone looking inside right???? 100% sketchy and 200% creepy that this place is even a daycare for children. Any photos of a playground of some sort? If there's no outdoor play yard that's even fucking weirder...

carmencita ago

Look up Operation Cathedral. It was a global operation. @Michael84 and one of the operations was in St. Louis

DeathTooMasons ago

Here is another shady Logo, this one from Kidz Klub. Title Here

conspiracyprincess ago

Klassic swirly logo. I can't stand that crap and don't understand why sheepeople can't even catch on to it.

carmencita ago

Oh, two down votes when this has only 5 UpVoats. Wonder who's doing that? Hmm. Come on people Vote This Up.

DeathTooMasons ago

The derailing shilly comments are suspicious. Trying to make people embaressed to keep pushing by saying I think I saw Will Smith in there and Joseph Smith even! There were many derailing comments.

crashing_this_thread ago

Don't they understand the shilling exposes them? The shilling alone is pretty compelling evidence.

carmencita ago

YES, I noticed that too. Certainly a Red Flag, imo. Quite a few actually. There should be more people on this. It was never really completely researched on here I believe. I did not read the other links they gave from other posts, but I am going to try to read them all.

carmencita ago

Forgot to mention one thing. It says in the reddit post that the guy at the house speaks several languages, German English URDU, etc. Urdu is spoken in PAKISTAN. Could this be connected to the Awan Bros? IDK, but anything is possible.

carmencita ago

@UnicornandSparkles If you are up and want to get on this I am saying it is very strange and something is going on in this bldg. Read my other comment. I was on reddit at the time it was posted and remember it. The bldg has high skinny windows in the front and that is where the kids are probably kept so they cannot get out. The are up high and skinny and small for a reason. Dead give away. I may not be completely right, but it feel it in my bones. There is something very wrong going on here. @ESOTERICshade @fogdryer

carmencita ago

I was on reddit when this was posted. I remember it all. This is sketchy as heck. Yes, there is def something nefarious happening there. It appears that it could be a safe house/black site posing as a child care center, but I think possibly they could be filming CP there. That is my feeling and I think others thought thee was something strange going on there. Who would think that was going on in their hood? No one. People just do not want to believe that. No one but us. We know such things exist. Totally a CP Operation, imo. I have not read all of it am finishing it now. By the way those windows are tiny so a child will have a hard time getting out.

DonKeyhote ago

I consider that a challenge and i accept. Wait for someone to suggest one and we go