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ElderflowerJam ago

Mods deleting good posts...

Child porn on the site.


gamepwn ago

They delete this and leave child porn up. Exactly. Fucking sick

Vindicator ago

We absolutely do not leave child porn, hentai or any other adult material up here. These are against v/pizzagate submission rules and we remove it as soon as we find out about it. If actual CP is posted, we email PuttItOut directly to have it permanently removed from the Removed Submissions area (which is all mods have the power to do. We can't make a post disappear).

I have spent more than one night deleting wave after wave of hentai shitposts from Hecho et al...all night long until I had to ice my arms from tendonitis. Voat is not compromised. Voat is Voat. Anyone can make a sub and post whatever they want to it and if it's legal, Voat anti-censorship rules require it be left up.

The very same rules, I might add, that allow us to document so much of the corrupt bullshit committed by people with actual power in the real world that gets removed and repressed everywhere else, including Twitter, Fakebook, Reddit, Wikipedia, and even Google search!

Concern trolling posts about how everyone should leave v/pizzagate because it's "compromised" are against our submission rules because they are a major source of forum-sliding and disruption. They have their own subverse: v/pizzagatemods. The fact you chose to ignore those rules and make this post here, instead of where it belongs, which you knew would be removed so you could then cry about how mods are pedos speaks volumes about your intentions.

gamepwn ago

Thing is I wasn't trying to concern troll. I found it revolting that the website dedicated to fighting all this shit has that content on it. I'm allowed to my opinion. Also, no I didn't think it would be removed I thought it had every right to be here my post.

Vindicator ago

@srayzie @Esotericshade @SurfinMindWaves @EricKaliberhall

Please read the full comments of this thread, notice the ages of the accounts and who is saying what. This was an orchestrated attempt to discourage you. Don't fall for it. You'll notice PuttItOut himself replied when pinged; a rarity. My response to the OP:

srayzie ago

Who is PutItOut?

Vindicator ago

Head of Voat and only Admin

srayzie ago

Oh wow

srayzie ago

Thank you @Vindicator. But, I think the OP was referring to a different sub. Not Pizzagate. We were discussing different subs on voat and reddit. When I mentioned some people coming over here to defend themselves, that was just them arguing with us. I've never seen child porn or anything on Pizzagate. From my understanding, we were talking about a different sub. Or, am I missing something?

SurfinMindWaves ago

Thanks for the heads-up on this. I tend to avoid all the drama that goes on around here. I appreciate your efforts to keep CP off the site.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, it's a weird conundrum, isn't it? We've become so accustomed to censorship that we don't even realize the implications of wild-west speech. They say politics makes strange bedfellows and that has never been truer than here on Voat. I despise the subs that have been mentioned, but if they are not violating Voat's user agreement, not a lot can be done. One thing I will say: I've never heard of shills trying to infiltrate and undermine them to get them banned, as happened to both r/pizzagate and damn near happened to v/pizzagate. If that doesn't tell you something about the odds our investigation is on the money, I don't know what does. We regularly have our best investigators witchhunted, smeared, intimidated, etc.