wokethefkup ago

I am late but hell yes I agree!

VieBleu ago

) good to hear from you. No changes thus far, not sure Vindicator is actually vindicated after all, as no action taken despite overwhelming support. New places are being explored.

13Buddha ago

Agree, @VieBlue, with all that you said and your choice of Vindicator. Would like to see this sub evolve and become more credible.

I am relatively new to pizzagate whatever, normally posting to pizzagate until I was banned by Millennial Falcon (MF) 4 days ago for spam after being a loyal member and poster for 6 months. I feel the need to explain my story to somebody, and I am sure this isn't the right place, but after 4 separate and detailed private messages pleading my case to pizzagate mods since banned, I have heard nothing and feel puzzled, confused, and not sure what to think about anything related to the pizzagate sub.

"Not over it," for 2 reasons, the 1st one being completely innocent as to the meaning of spam as it relates to pizzagate. A mod explained after I was banned that it meant I reposted after MF deleted my post. MF's reason was Rule #1, speculation, providing 1 short sentence to back it up. I immediately delved into new research, knowing that my prior post, even with my input and 4 credible links, had to be strengthened to suit MF's claim. I reposted with 3 additional links along with additional input and further explanation to disavow the "speculation" theory. I worked hard on this post and believed in it 100%. After reposting, MF sent me the message that I was banned from pizzagate with a ":("

My defense plea is that it was not a repost of the initial post and questioned as to whether or not MF even read the repost that contained a lot more additional info. To date, I have heard nothing, nada. If the mods still want me banned, so be it. I'll immediately be over it, but for that to occur, it is only fair and just that I receive a response to my plea.

Anyway, I posted the exact same article 2 days ago on this sub that remains under "Hot," the post discusses puberty blocker hormones, a topic that bears watching, and the possibility and potential of it benefitting pedophiles, sex trafficking, and the fact that it has been labeled as child abuse by pediatricians.

VieBleu ago

I agree on so many accounts.

I posted an article about how a study of teachers in australia showed that 40% of them were reporting strange highly sexualized behavior in young children and that they were confused about whether it was because of abuse or the internet. THAT was taken down.

You are supposed to be able to resubmit and we specifically called for a definition of Spam, as 2impendingdoom, also a regular, was banned by MF. But there is not definition of Spam here. It has been asked for. SO FAR, OUR COMMUNITY VOTE HAS BEEN IGNORED. In case you didn't know, DarkMath was also banned. both of them have been reinstated

I am not so keen unfortunately on Vindicator now, as they have completely ignored this community call for change, especially the CCP points. It was supposed to be made into a sticky but never has been, never has been addressed, neither have the other things asked for so far.

Instead of spending time here, or on pizzagatewhatever or any new sub here, i think people should spend their time scouting for a new home on another forum for us. This is not the supposed free speech forum on the internet, there are others. It is not free here anyway. I'm inclined more than ever to see this place as a honeytrap that is not worth any investment in.

Keep us posted Buddha13, thanks for your comment, it is totally appropriate, as is anything else you want to say. Thanks for your dedication and your work these last months. lets all hope we can find each other somewhere more hospitable to truth and justtice.

13Buddha ago

I so appreciate your info and support. Every time I posted on pizzagate, there was trepidation, not from the replies of Voaters I may receive as we all know many can be shocking, but trepdation from mods, particularly MF, and a feeling that can best be descibed as paranoia. It sounds ridiculous, but I always had this uneasy feeling after posting. It's as though the pizzagate mods take the part of Jekyll and Hyde, never knowing what to expect.

I remain optimistic, not for reinstatement to pizzagate, as my mind and heart are convincing me more and more that something is definitely askew.

Please keep us posted @VieBlue, regarding a new/different forum. In the meantime, we will continue to fight the good fight. Peace.

VieBleu ago


sorry for the late ping - have pinged 200+ five at a time, ping anyone you wish -- thx

3141592653 ago

I vote for vindicator

carmencita ago

I am inviting @3141592653 to join in our new sub Always stands up for our children and the Corrupt Crimes of the Elite on the American People. A Valiant Fighter.

carmencita ago

I would like to add the name of @fogdryer We have all read his most enlightening posts on Racine Wi. He will be a most wonderful asset to our new sub.

VieBleu ago

lovely @UnicornAndSparkles the party doesn't really happen until you are here (and vote, opinionate, etc).

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Thank you VB for taking the time, effort and consideration into this. I have always valued your comments and posts.

I completely agree with the changing of CCP for downvotes .. the submissions I'm not sure. I worry that long time lurkers or people who have suffered abuse and share couldn't finally pluck the courage up and post without having to be involved in painful conversations. However writing this I feel like maybe a link to the PGVictims sub in the side bar could be a way around this. I feel not enough info on other relevant subs have been included in the main PG side bar as time went on.

Couldn't agree more that the Pizzagate / Pedogate subs need to me merged. They are big pieces to one universal sado pedo pie.

Millennial Faggot is without a doubt only there to please his master and slide important information.

As for the Vindicator situation it isn't something I believe is a good idea (sorry if you read this - I just can't figure you out so this is a gut thing) and if he/she was to go forward as part owner I would ask you out stipulations or rules in place that would halt any "dark side" behaviour on remove them from the sub/remove any responsibility.

As I have mentioned in another comment. I literally beg you that the "what is PG" sticky be completely redone. In a normie .. non Voat .. easy to read .. organised way. When I made my PG stickers not long after PG broke I didn't include this site details for that reason. I kick myself now and have new ones with Voat on .. but as a technophobe who can google and like things on twitter the layout of it was offputting to me.

VieBleu ago

No prob you are not putting me out at all with your thoughtful opinion agree or disagree. You bring up some good issues. Overall I think there should be more of our subverses on the sidebar - told that to Esoteric they shouldhave an Esotericpizza subverse.

REdoing the sticky is a good idea actually. But it is a LOT of work, and I'm not willing to do it. I have a book to write at present and I cannot self-sacrifice to martyrdom. If you feel you could do it or organize it, it should be brought to wider attention.

EVERYONE agrees the 100 CCP for downvoats is good. i have to stay with submissions. A person who is well intentioned can wait two or three days, and the main forum is too rough for survivors anyway in my opinion. Would like to see more attention on your survivor sub. People being able to instantly submit here without an email is what gives us the rep of the most shilled place on the internet besides 4chan.

Well this is what discussion is about. Thanks for weighing in thoughtfully and honestly.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Awwww! Thanks you guys ❤️

anotherdream ago

It took me a while to build up 100CCP, but I don't even make posts here. I'm a lurker for the my part. I always try to upvoat the posts that make the most sense so they don't fall too deeply down the page. I'm all for the 100CCP, and while I have noticed a bunch of freggin nonsense going around lately, I wasn't aware it'd been reversed. As far as ownership goes, I'm not in an informed enough position to comment on this. However, not knowing who the mods are is a bit sketchy. I do hope this gets worked out. I was a lurker over at reddit and jumped ship when voat got started up. I've seen the shills flooding in and it has felt like only a matter of time before this places is overrun again. LOL I read somewhere in the comments about Zerg rushing. - That's pretty much what it seemed like when reddit when down. I'd hate to see that happen here. Voat is the first and last place I visit every night. It keeps my fires burning to know I'm not alone in how I have felt about this world; the things I have seen. And there is a possibility for justice as long as people are fighting. For this, 100CCP is certainly not too much to ask. People complaining about it should just suck it up and start commenting and upvoating the people who are clearly in the trenches on this thing.A CCP reset? - Perhaps that's fine and fair. However, It seems like it would spark a race to dominate the boards. If you start such a situation, you'd better have a plan to win it. It seems the shills never sleep. Keep fighting the good fight.

VieBleu ago

Hi there- so glad you spoke up and gave us your views. First i agree and I think most do, a total point reset may be an ideal but practically speaking - nah. In general nobody wants to do something that radical.

Please explain Zerg rushing if you have a chance

So glad you explained how this place works for you. It is so important to hear this from users and lurkers, everyone really. Keep those fires stoked! : )

anotherdream ago

hehe Zerg are evil alien horde species from the game Starcraft. Their strength lies in the fact that they can expand quickly and build up overwhelming forces in a very short amount of time if they are left to their own devices. - So, one of the main tactics employed by users of this team is to swarm, surge, and overwhelm enemy positions. - It's quite a site, but admittedly I stopped playing most online games years ago. However, the comment gave me a chuckle. - http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/zerg-rush . Glad to have provided some help, and see you around!

JeremiahSinclair ago

I support all of those ideas!

Piscina ago

Sorry for late reply. I agree with and support your proposals.

star_boi ago

yes--- agreed to 100 point reinstatement. and yes, for Vindicator... absent landlords are of little use. as for the rest, i have limited understanding of the technical side of things, thanks to those that do!!

10038629? ago

I agree with reinstating 100 ccp rule, and Vindicator gets my vote for sun owner

10036247? ago

i don't submit a lot so i'm not actually versed in what the hinderances have been for people. my only thought is perhaps someone has big information and needs a quick burner account or is someone like an insider who doesn't use forums much and needs to share some info, they'd have trouble getting thru. but the likelihood of that vs. the high volumes of bullshit posts from shills lately might convince me.

VieBleu ago

I hear your concern and it is just about the only small negative that is brought up. Generally it takes only a few days to garner enough upvoats to reach 100. We have never had a newb with breaking news that no one else had, but we have been swamped more than once with new accounts posting garbage and shilling in comments.

10041699? ago

good point, and true; i hardly log on and comment and it took very little time to garner upvotes, if you have good intentions and are rational.

Badattitude ago

Don't get discouraged by all the bullshit. This feed here can fill up pretty fast with hate speech and disinformation but there are still a lot of people out there doing the work to stop corruption and child abuse. This video is a great update on pizzagate/pedogate research. Honeybee and liberty columnist on Victurus Libertas talking about EVERYTHING that we are talking about here. Honeybee and liberty columnist are working on a documentary. Honeybee reveals Emma's identity. They talk about swordfish. And a lot more! Lets keep it up folks. We're almost there. Stay focused on helping the kids. This isn't political. This is about the kids.

A moderator of the Pizzagate subverse should have a Honeybee type mentality. At the current time the Pizzagate subverse has someting so alien to this type of mentality operating the mod controls (Falcon) that it is grinding the subverse slowly to pieces.

Badattitude ago

The disturbing component of this is the fact that Mil Falcon has demonstrated that he is not here for the good of the subverse and it's mission, but is here because he considers this subverse his own personal universe to do with as he pleases.

Falcon has demonstrated that the preferences of the voaters is of minor importance in comparison to his desire to be the Boss King of the pizzagate subverse.

This cannot be denied as he is banning posters who express their discontent with his moderation policies. He has made no attempt to openly and publicly discuss the subverse problems with voaters. Instead he sits behind the mod buttons like a king in an ivory tower wielding the mod controls in a dictatorial fashion.

This ability to mod this subverse has become more of an object of power for Falcon than a desire to do what is right and best for the mission of the subverse. The quality of the material that is allowed to exist in the subverse has been greatly eroded as a result.

Sure Falcon gets rid of obvious off topic trash, but at his sole discretion, Falcon throws out very much on topic, relevant, and important subject matter. Falcon disregards and enforces the posting rules at his discretion according to his personal preferences and not on accordance with the rules themselves or the desires of the voaters that make this subverse what it is.

Without the posting Voaters Falcon would have no mini universe to lord over. This situation is EXACTLY the same as the way the United States is run by it's government. Voaters have no real say in how things are run. Voaters, for lack of a better phrase "do as they are told or else."

This subverse, for all practical purposes, has been subverted, and diverted onto the rails of the ego of one person who has demonstrated unequivocally that he cares only for his own perspectives. A tyrant.

This topic of discussion will NEVER be free to operate and function in accordance with the mission until this subverse is either operating without Falcon or moves to a venu that is moderated by people that are here for the mission and not their own ego. I do not think this can be denied.

Falcon has demonstrated that he is more than willing to hold on to control of this subverse no matter how many people have to be banned or how destructive it is to the subverse. Falcon is so obsessed by remaining in control of this subverse that he is willing to ride it all the way into the ground because he knows nobody can get to the mod controls and remove him from the Ivory Tower.

The honorable thing to do would be to step down from the mod position for the good of the subverse and it's mission. Apparently that is not going to happen.

VieBleu ago

The subverse needs to see how it functions without MF, and MF needs a break.. I think he should take a vacation through the end of the year

Gothamgirl ago

Agreed, you have my vote.

icuntstopswearing ago

Minimum CCP to downvoat - but not necessarily to make submissions - must be returned to 100. Who changed this rule? By all means give Vindicator ownership. MF needs to look beyond petty infringements of rules and consider who benefits the subverse (2impendingdoom and Dathmath) and who doesn't (DonKeyote and Equinelover) before arbitrarily banning users.

4warned ago

Yes! @ Carmencita is an example for us all!

Gothamgirl ago

Definitely you have my vote.

4warned ago

Yes I agree- 100 points needed for comments. Thanks!

druhill007 ago

I support :)

VieBleu ago

thank you - check out the update link at top when you have time - its a summation, quesitons for vindicator, community suggestions etc

abcdefg222 ago

Way to go VieBleu! Thank you for initiating this really importantant conversation. I'm with you!

VieBleu ago

good to hear from you : ) It's a bit dense but check out the update too https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2033192#submissionTop

Mammy ago

Aye from me on both motions. But what, pray tell, is a "ping"?

VieBleu ago

I hear you. at this time I did not include a rules change regarding this issue. I think it is how the rules are being implemented that is the main problem. I suggest you start a subverse on PizzagateEsoteric. I think your approach to the topic is interesting, and it could have its own subverse that could be put on the sidebar, but I agree that because it is not evidence based per se, it does not belong on the main sub. For example, the weak link in your post is that CERN is known to have had occult rituals.. That may or may not be true (some video indications, but not proof - it could have been a joke, larp, trolling, etc) and even if it were true, a random occult ritual at CERN does not prove a link to your other arguments

Thanks for commenting i'm sorry I couldn't be of more use to you.

10028802? ago


3141592653 ago

yes yes yes

The1stLantern ago

I'm here and with VB - they are everywhere, we are facing a full blown shill onslaught.

They are like fucking locusts - screeching their bullshit at us, reporting, down-voting, and crafting their paper thin divisive narratives.

We need to bring back 100CCP before this place gets zerg rushed.


This place is our last bastion. This is the Alamo. Helms Deep. This is the last line of defense. If we lose this ground, we lose the war. There is no place else to retreat to from here.

The line must be drawn - and you have my full support in taking whatever moves are necessary to protect it. @Viebleu

In addition to the changes - I recommend we sticky a permanent "How to Spot Shills" post - along with the leaked psyop tactics document we obtained earlier in the month. New users need to know how to avoid upvoating them and how to spot and filter their trash.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Not only a how to spot shills sticky (humorous for newbies maybe) I beg and plead that the Pizzagate sticky be rewritten with extr info added and unnecessary wording taken out. It is not newbie to PGfriendly at all I feel.

The1stLantern ago

It really isnt and youre right - but when we started this operation, it was the best we could do - the information it links to has been fought over in the info war since the beginning, and if not for a few dedicated goats, wed have lost what little we have there many times over.

Dont just suggest - be proactive, if you think it looks like shit, help us change it and send me the revised version. Ill see what I can do about getting it posted.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Wow. I have seen your name around but didn't realise you were a dedicated goatee. I can't thank you enough. Truly I mean that. Thank you. And to anyone else who he been here from the beginning and fought this.

MF did ask a while back for new info to include and I think some good contributions were missed by him. I thought it was his baby and we can only add/suggest.

Thank you for such positive words. Challenge accepted!

Vindicator ago

I'm not sure @Millennial_Falcon ever finished the revised Executive Summary and posted it. He has been pretty much single-handedly manning the morning/day modding since sensitive got waylaid by a death in the family.

Vindicator ago

In addition to the changes - I recommend we sticky a permanent "How to Spot Shills" post - along with the leaked psyop tactics document we obtained earlier in the month. New users need to know how to avoid upvoating them and how to spot and filter their trash.

I agree -- we can add this to the sidebar. Also, if we added an introductions sub, we could easily hook them up with the info as part of our welcoming comments. The only downside is, we would be drawing attention to what we are watching for when the new user we are welcoming happens to be a shill account.

The1stLantern ago

If they are here, they already know we are watching, no?

Vindicator ago

Probably so :-)

SturdyGal ago

I support these changes, VieBleu. Also, I support the reinstatement of DarkMath. I have never understood why DarkMath was ever called a shill. True, I am not here very often anymore so don't follow the drama, but DarkMath has always been an original thinker and I believe sincere even though I don't always agree with him/her. However, I am always interested in what DarkMath writes.

srayzie ago

Yeah it shouldn't be one persons choice that is known to pick on others

witch_doctor1 ago

Hey fam...checking in from shitposting at T_D. Thanks for the ping, and I agree with the 100 SCC rule...after being active here and on T_D and lurking /pol/, I can definitively say this place gets shilled hard. But, go figure, pizzagate is what they don't want investigated...

srayzie ago


Takeitslow ago

Yes for the CCP. It seems like at key breaking news moments forum posts start getting nuked. It's like people lurk and wait till something breaks then downvoat all related context.

Big yesfor #1

wincraft71 ago

It's an outrage they even took away the 100 ccp requirement to downvoat, that's a great way to keep things from being too easy for those with malicious intent. However, I believe anybody that's not banned should be able to submit or comment. Also I am cool with Vindicator so that's all well.

What I would really like to see is a new option on the Report button to flag posts as being non PG-related as per the sidebar rules. That way, mindless posts about pizza pictures and spiral logos that go nowhere can be removed from the sub, with a suggestion to take them to v/pizzagatewhatever. We have to have standards for content and everybody should have a chance to let their voice be heard, but not everything should be allowed especially when it offers no well thought out value or its too abstract or unrelated. For example, not every prostitution or pimping arrest is pizzagate related.

I think people really stretch the definition of what's directly related and we shouldn't let it water down the front page, thus the report option that will help mods clean it up and focus on the good content.

Commoner ago

I can support 100 points before downvoting. That is how it was when I started and it really didn't seem too difficult to get the 100 points if you had an interest in pizzagate.

I don't have a strong feeling one way or another on ownership. I think Vindicator would be a good choice, though. And like you said, give it a try. I am all for reinstating @2impendingdoom and @DarkMath.

P.S. Do you or does anybody know if drainingswamps was banned too. As far as I can tell, they have been silent since release of last pizzagate cards. I am concerned they may be feeling some heat over them .

Judgejewdy ago

Why don't those of us here who give a shit start our own? @VieBleu can be the owner. I'd say just use this now that we all know we're here, but I'm not sure what the owner/mod situation is. This could work. I get wanting it out in the open for others to find/join, but not at the expense of investigating/sharing info. Maybe the regular pg sub can be used for more vetted topics, ones we vet here?

VieBleu ago

there is a contingent that definitely supports this idea (not nec with me as owner) and there are some other subs operating - its just a matter of consolidating somewhere.

carmencita ago


srayzie ago

Yup. I'm like that until I get royally pissed

quantokitty ago

I was pinged by @2impendingdoom.

Given the current situation going on, I would support the 100 CCP point rule. I do think Vindicator's initial ruling in getting rid of it is theoretically correct. It was one of the things I liked about the forum and subverse. I joined and posted pretty much immediately. It's the way it should be, but not when new accounts are being used to spam the forum with junk posts that push valid ones into oblivion, and that seems to be the tactic being used -- and effectively.

As for subverse ownership, don't know. MF is very inconsistent in post deletions, but don't see it as being maliciously done. I've had more positive reactions with Vindicator so I would more apt to support that move, but then again, I haven't had any bad ones with MF. Well, other than posts that are relevant to pizzagate getting deleted for no particular reason. Could just be he's overwhelmed by the massive amount of junk posts. Don't have strong feelings on this one.

On the subject of banning, yes, I would like to see 2impendingdoom reinstated. I didn't even know posting links to deleted submissions was a bannable offense. I mean, people can open up the link and view them. My interactions with 2impendingdoom have been nothing but positive, even when we disagree it's positive. Feel 2impendingdoom is an asset to the community and enjoy reading his posts.

VieBleu ago

Vindicator didn't get rid of the CCP - that was done by KevDude when he was assigned a clean up of the forum very early on, before vindicator was here. Unfortunately he did this without notifying the community. there is a reason for removing it as when in place it makes the PG sub invisible to /v/all. I and others feel that this is a small loss to the subverse for what is gained. Also we have been told repeatedly ad naseum how much the rest of voat hates this subverse, so it is no great loss to them.

VieBleu ago

sorry I didn't ping you - I tried to get everyone and that was definitely an oversight!

quantokitty ago

No worries. I'm very forgettable.

VieBleu ago

actually, I think you have one of the best hames around - you are a coding or numbers/ financial whiz, yes?

quantokitty ago

None of the above.

I'm just glad I didn't want to be film director ...

VieBleu ago

oh, I assumed it was this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quanto

quantokitty ago

Nice. I'll borrow the definition.

2impendingdoom ago

shut up (just this one time)

quantokitty ago

Who me? Did I say something incredibly stupid?

And I thought I was doing so well ...

2impendingdoom ago

Please do not say that you are forgettable. Not here. :)

quantokitty ago

Thanks. Appreciate it.

2impendingdoom ago

imo, you are one of the best researchers here and I think that m_f was allowing (actually willfully causing) all of your Kamala Harris posts to get buried. So previous to being banned, I didn't really have any contention with M_F, but I think my banning was more to do with retribution for questioning HighLevelInsiders credibility and intentions. They worked hard on creating that fake/shill account.

VieBleu ago

I've been told by vindicator you are reinstated - yes?

2impendingdoom ago

I didn't get a notice, I'll try to comment there and see if it works. That would be cool! What about DarkMath? Also, PLEASE tell us that mf is out!

EDIT: not yet, I'll try again in a bit. there is probably some lag time.

VieBleu ago

Vindicator wrote and said it had been done, I'm going to ask her about it

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you, I'm still banned. (8pm est Tuesday).

VieBleu ago

have you gone to the new thread? I pinged you in it if you didn't get the ping I need to know.

In it I relate what Vindicator stated you should go there and comment that you are not reinstated https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2033192#submissionTop

quantokitty ago

You could be right. You have a much better sense of what's going on here than I do. I didn't know any of this until you pinged me and I read what's going on.

I'm not aware of anyone but shills creating a block of spam posts that cause rankings to be skewed and posts to go bye-bye. I also notice that new members post three or four ridiculous question type of posts. Since we're helpful here, they attract a lot of people giving answers. That also plays havoc with the rankings.

I remain blissfully unaware of anything going on other than what the shills dish out. Yes, I have received enormous pushback and take note because it means we're doing something right.

I do hope they reinstate you. I have no idea what goes into making that kind of decision, but damn! You post good stuff and are a definite asset to the community.

srayzie ago

Yeah we need to be adults. Donkeyhote and Equineluvr....horrible. But the ones that get banned are the ones that actually contribute instead of shill ever thread.

carmencita ago

Thank you for your kind words:)

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Agreed on all points

Yeah about time someone addressed this. I am tired to argue with shills about pizzagate/pedogate not being true on this Forum. I just ignore them now and down vote. But for me the hole point of having mods is that they prevent this.. "We are already on a forum for people that believe in PizzaGate.. And we are trying to investigate it. "Thats what the PG forum should be all about".

Not for us to be harashed by shills that dont belive in the investigation. Or have our posts deleted just b/q we rise new questions that might not directly linked to PG but is pedo related. (thats how new leads are found) . And definitely not ban researcher that has been around for a long time.

Thats in my eyes, preventing an investigation from being done.

@DarkMath. I don´t like M_F, he delete posts left and right. (Without a really good answer, why?) There has been a lot of talk about him being a shill. How can we get you reinstated? Hate to loose a sane voice in this investigation.

I am all for having better requirements to make comments, downvote´s and more active and involved moderator´s.

Thanks for a great post @VieBleu @Vindicator

sugarskull ago

Interesting I didn't know it had changed to 0...I think 100 is better.

badastrid ago

Thanks for pinging! I fully support the two points. Also, kinda freaks me out that DarkMath was banned, I've always been ok with Vindicator, but never really got what people were bitching about re: MF. I happened to catch the exchange in question, and now I see what the problem is. I've always thought that voat IS the deep state; it's kind of a petrie dish for pizzagate study. Ima ping my favorite lurker @fartnigger.

VieBleu ago

~~~ I happened to catch the exchange in question, and now I see what the problem is


could you give details or a link? I dont know what occured

badastrid ago

I have to run out the door soon, but I will look for it if I have time today. It was 7-10 days ago, darkmath was being darkmath, and MF was a total dick. Then I didn't see darkmath for awhile. Honestly I almost deleted voat entirely with all the shills, jew bashers and George Webb lynch mobs.

VieBleu ago

our soul is here, underneath all the rubbish chaos

Amino69 ago

You have my full support on all the points you've rasied and it's concerning that so many of us (inc myself) had no knowledge that the CCP req had been revoked. Well done for putting this together and Admin, reinstate the accounts @Darkmath & @2impendingdoom. Quit manufacturing internecines to justify your existence!!

redditsuckz ago

  1. On the main page sidebar it states - "Minimum CCP required to downvote in this sub: 0" I want to return to 100 CCP points (comment points) required before a new account can MAKE SUBMISSIONS OR DOWNVOAT.

To downvoat yes it should be reinstated but not for no comments or submissions until 100CCP. Or else you give accounts that shouldnt be banned like @darkmath @2impendingdoom too many hoops to go through when they make a new account just to get their voices heard. Meaning sucking up to the "hive mind" of the day to get points in order to place a submission.

Also I think that negative CCP restricts new users to like 3 posts an hour(?) and you cant message anyone until achieving 100CCP(?). And new submissions by shills or what not I consider harmless since they get downvoated any ways and it gives MF some work to do to make it look like he is doing something.

  1. Vindicator would be willing to assume one Ownership slot

Dont care...the stale mod accounts should be removed tho.

VieBleu ago

ok thanks your view is appreciated esp cause it has some detail!

First thoughts - I don't think the hoops are too much, takes a day or two to get up to speed but not that much. I think I was wrong with no comments - that's how you tell if someone was a shill for example - but I still think no submissions is fine. It's a small initiation and otherwise shills just create new accounts no email required and shill with garbage submissions on the main page at will which stay up for hours and provide a shill haven. Makes a lot more work for the mods too which hurts everybody in the end as you get short tempered mods from that.

duhiki ago

You've got my vote.

Absolutely yes on the minimum CCP. Given the topics being discussed, it begs for shilling to derail. Why enable that?

VieBleu ago

hey duhiki! wondering when you'd weigh in. So you are also for Vindicator owndership? if not, that's ok too just want to poll on both, plus DarkMath and 2impendingdoom renistated from their ban (that came up in comments, plus some other issues).

duhiki ago

Yep on Vindicator ownership, yep on both reinstating DarkMath and 2impendingdoom.

My main concern is the impact of shills, both the blatant and subversive (posting old, already covered topics or non PG related things) and to me, quelling that asap is in the forum's best interest. Secondary concern is the scope of topics PG entails; not just the DC aspect, but the logistics, the players, suppliers, enablers, the historical precedents and breaking news aspects... One could have a sub for each aspect, ya know? I wonder if there's a way to bring some order to the chaos, because a lot of relevent information gets lost in the noise.

VieBleu ago

@DarkMath may be of interest

I hear you, it's the biggest challenge. When I think of how much we've already lost, over this last 7 months with just the tiny sliver of ice showing at the top of the burg here, including the images. Thanks for weighing in

EricKaliberhall ago

I am definitely game, salute you VieBleu for taking the lead.

VieBleu ago

thanks for that! give us your definite thumbs up on both issues plus reinstatement of DarkMath and 2impendingdoom (that came up in comments) if not just what you think on the issues cheers

EricKaliberhall ago

Thumbs up on both issues! Did not even know the 100p rule was gone, and DarkMath got my FULL support.

EricKaliberhall ago

And 2impedingdoom got my FULL support as well.

Jem777 ago

I am with you 100% thanks for taking charge and putting this post together.

sunajAeon ago

I also support ownership to user who is active in subverse sunajAeon

sunajAeon ago

I concur return to 100 CCP points (comment points) required before a new account can COMMENT OR DOWNVOAT sunajAeon

VieBleu ago

what do you think about the ownership topic? thx for weighing in

sunajAeon ago

I am totally in support of an owner that is involved with the subverse-as far as who I would support I am afraid I am not qualified to judge anyone at the moment, I'm not familiar with Vindicator, but I do know the Mod i would like to see banished:) sunajAeon

FoxMcCloud11 ago

I agree. Should reinstate some rules to help clean things up.

HST ago

If im not mistaken having anything but 0 will make the sub not appear on v/all

VieBleu ago

Yes, I believe you are right.

Time to address that. While there is some downside of disconnecting the forum from the rest of voat, I argue

1) It didn't hurt the subverse at all when it started, on the contrary that was a very trafficked time here

2) We are reviled by almost all the rest of voat - deeply reviled and despised lepers of voat who are mocked and complained about since the very first day. i highly doubt other voaters would toss a fig if they couldn;t see what was going on here. They may look at it as a positive even.

3) What we would gain would be greater than any potential loss of not appearing on v/all

Factfinder2 ago

I agree.

Factfinder2 ago

Thanks for pinging, VB.

1) I agree with reinstatement of the 100 CCP rule before receiving downvoating privilege.

1a) We may want to consider restarting everyone at 0 CCP in order to jettison the current shills that have been here a long time and have gathered points.

1b) I suggest that we encourage participants to bestow their upvoats mindfully so as not to encourage shills--based on the reading of an intentionally misleading headline, for instance.

2) I agree with installing Vindicator as an Owner who will be actively engaged in the subverse and effectively serving as a moderator.

3) I suggest that Millenial_Falcon rotate out of his moderator position.

4) I suggest that you, VieBleu, rotate into a moderator position.

5) I request that the term “spam” be officially defined and included as one of the posting rules so that we know what we’re being accused of when banned for it and ideally to avoid it in the first place.

6) I suggest that the subverses pizzagate and pedogate be combined because they so often bleed into each other and because much moderating and posting time is wasted in trying to prove a relationship to pizzagate and in deciding where to draw the line between them. Also, potential research connections are easily missed because of this separation.

DerivaUK ago

Excellent suggestion

Dressage2 ago

Excellent suggestions as well.

2impendingdoom ago

Excellent suggestions!

Factfinder2 ago

Thanks. It sucks that you were banned. I've been there too thanks to MF deciding I was dealing spam, but I just changed my handle and went back in. Hope to see you there.

2impendingdoom ago

thanks! I have't done that yet, I'm holding out that Vindicator will be promoted and unban me and DarkMath, maybe you also. :)

GoodGodKirk ago

Could it be implemented that you must post in introductions before posting here? Then you can keep the 0 ccp for commenting. Should throw bots for a loop.

Maybe even implement a no voting without an introduction? We'll spot the bots and report them this way.

VieBleu ago

interesting suggestion, I like it.

Can you weigh in on ownership question too

GoodGodKirk ago

I usually don't agree with take overs or ownership changes. It's how the SJW's get ownership of channels and ruin shit cause they seem like responsive friendly people.

Factfinder2 ago

Good point.

VieBleu ago

Better a change than two totally absent owners.

GoodGodKirk ago

Not if an overzealous SJW takes over

VieBleu ago

yes that would be worse.

Tanngrisnir ago

I would be more than happy to vote for Vindicator and a higher CCP downvoting requirement..

VieBleu ago

what about the other proposal to bring back limits with first 100 comment points.

carmencita ago

Has @srayze been added? If not she should be! She agrees to all.

VieBleu ago

oh yes, and you were pinged by me and others.

ping everyone who is not an outright shill (sorry DonkeyHo)

carmencita ago


Tanngrisnir ago

I joined six months ago when that that policy was no longer in place so it would seem hypocritical if I wanted newcomers to have it a lot harder than I did. While I can see the advantages of it I'm not completely convinced. If I recall correctly, the guy who discovered the page sized boy lover logo used by the Pierre Trudeau Foundation may had that as his first post to the forum. He wouldn't have been able to post that submission right away under the old rule. So the rule could also possibly deter some quality submissions (or lead them to posting them in unrelated places).

VieBleu ago

It didn't take more than a few hours usually to earn the points People that came here to help could get through that phase easily to post something of value. What it cut down on shills was pretty palpable I do understand your positions though, thx for the explanation.

Tanngrisnir ago

I'm not really strongly against it. You have no idea how sick I am of those narwhal posts. Just trying to weigh the pros and cons of the change. No problem!

Judgejewdy ago

Agree with the 100 CPP points. Mods should be voted on by the group, or some other kind of selection process that creates accountability. Or maybe we just make a rule that posts with a certain # of downvotes get removed, put it in control of the people rather than 9 questionable "leaders." This control-the-narrative-by-fiat bs we have is outrageous.

carmencita ago

1 More Vote! I agree that both @2impendingdoom and @DarkMath should be reinstated. They have always been valuable assets to our cause and ready to fight our adversaries (if you know who I mean). Also I agree that Millennial Falcon has caused some members much aggravation and is not easy to deal with. My vote is for @Vindicator being much easier to reason with and has been more of a help than a hindrance, like some. Also I would like to say that no shills should be suggested for the list, please. The down voating has been profuse, for many of us, as you all well know. I only request one very special addition to be added @Wolftrail7272

V____Z ago

Dark Math? The one who insists i am a useless cunt? He's the whole reason i left, he's destroying this community.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Dark Math? The one who insists i am a useless cunt? He's the whole reason i left, he's destroying this community.

The community can only be destroyed if ppl allow it. I was not aware he called you such a vile name (quoting carmencita). What I am seeing is more and more abusive name calling among members. Results of trolling to create division? Probably yes to some extent and then the sheeple mentality that follows. Free speech is one thing/being abusive to each other is another. If ppl keep falling into that trap then all of the heart that is invested in helping the children is washed down the drain.

It is essential to develop a thick skin and let abusive behavior roll off. It's so much more than being offended...what is happening to the children (and babies sigh) needs ppl to be strong and steadfast in the face of great adversity. It's not about us, it's about them. We have to as a community learn to coexist in a respectful and courteous manner. How can we expect anything to change when we bicker and fight among ourselves?

V____Z ago

IT's not about my having been called a nauty word, not at all. It's that this community has embraced Dark Math as one of their most trusted, when he should be the LEAST trusted. To see why this is one must really watch him, not just judge him by his prolific top comments on nearly every post, but to watch when he's trolling good people who are calling out the shills. Watch when he defends George Webb, even Mossad. Watch when he argues in circles and then resorts to ridiculous name calling when someone calls him out. Voat is ruined because people don't have enough time to see who the real shills are, and once those shills become beloved members of the community, their words will be trusted.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Ah thanks VZ...very very informative/point taken.

Voat is ruined because people don't have enough time to see who the real shills are, and once those shills become beloved members of the community, their words will be trusted.

One of the reasons for sure but we can toss in corrupt mods who are not necessarily 'beloved' by any means lol. A through plan being executed to destroy the investigations imho. Create division then control it. I really don't have the time or patience to put up with this kind of negativity. The pizzagate forum has become irrelevant to me after seeing the mod cren in all his gutter level flaming glory. Stupid devious ppl I don't waste my time on or places where they have 'control'.

Good to hear from you!!!!!

V____Z ago

Yeah, you too.

I agree about the mods, you have a really good point. It's quite obvious what is going on. Once the mods are infected, there's really no hope.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I know what you mean.

carmencita ago

I am so sorry. I know you two do not see eye to eye, but I had no idea he called you such a vile name.

V____Z ago

Yes. I gave him a chance to back out of it, and he only reiterated his statement. He likes to call others who disagree with him, "horsefuckers". What's gross to me is that he simultaneously acts like a nice guy and posts a lot of popular stuff. Until people say no to this type of behaviour, i have no business being here.

10036211? ago

DarkMath is a weak link who presents okay information but whose arguments in defense are circular and unhelpful, and often easily exploited by Are_we_sure.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I've noticed that game too.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Which are we sure? There is so many shill accounts of this variation I can't even figure out if there is a real one.

10051482? ago

they're all him. he's openly admitted to me that he has multiple alts (up to 4 or 5 now) because there is a 10 comment limit, and 10 comments a day simply isn't enough for him.

mooteensy ago

I will relay the idea to @Wolftrail7272

carmencita ago

I would not want to leave one our most Courageous Researchers behind.

srayzie ago

Add me to the list! I agree with what you said!

carmencita ago

I pinged VB to add you.

carmencita ago

Holy Cow! You are not on there? What a Catastrophe! You must have missed you, but I will add you.

srayzie ago

No silly lol. I meant I agree with what you said. Like I second that. haha. Sorry, I should have been more clear.

carmencita ago

OOPS! I still am not too sure about some of the lingo on here. Dingbat Carmencita Strikes Again.

carmencita ago

OOPS! Believe it or not I am still not too sure about a lot of the lingo on here. Dingbat Carmencita Strikes Again.

srayzie ago

I have a hilarious story. I didn't really get online much until the election. So I got Twitter and stuff and found voat. So, when I signed up here, I knew NOTHING. So, this is what happened to one of my earliest posts or comments, I can't remember which.

Someone sent me a private message and said "I can see you're new here, so let me help you word what you said better". So, they wrote out how I should change the wording so it would stand out.

So, I went and edited what I had put. Well, I don't remember what word it was, but they put (((( word )))). So, I being new and having NO CLUE, thanked the person for helping me!! They were so nice lol. I thought they were helping me to get something to stand out better! It wasn't until months later that I found out that surrounding (((( )))) around the word, meant "Jews"! 😂

I totally fell for it. I had never heard of people being prejudiced of Jews until I got into being social online. I always wondered why people said what they said. You see on here how much people talk about it. So, I just thought it was funny because I didn't know the lingo either and totally got tricked lol. I wish I could remember who did that to me haha.

carmencita ago

Well have another hilarious laugh on me. I have been wondering what all those brackets put together, really meant. Now I know! I was afraid to use it, because I might do something dumb (I have done many others). Ha Ha!! That would have been horrible for that is something that really angers me. I am of German ancestry and to this day it angers me that my people fell for the Hitler lies and ours too. So you can imagine how upset I would have been. Whew! Thanks for your story.

srayzie ago

lol you're welcome

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Yep... Agreed 100%. Anything we can do to ensure legit contributions and quiet the shill forces.

carmencita ago

Amen To That.

VieBleu ago

agreed on both points?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Yes, assuming @Vindicator is willing/able and interested... anyone with a strong background/history here who has followed a smart moral compass on /PG and stood the test of time as a Moderator should be able to take ownership IMO.

2impendingdoom ago

I think that's what was meant.

3141592653 ago


VieBleu ago

let me know your votes

3141592653 ago

voted for vindicator. hope that makes sense

VieBleu ago

yep no problem - noted.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

To be clear, requiring 100 comment points to 'comment" would require a user to earn all those points from "posts?" Or do I have the terminology mixed up? I believe the only limitation I've had here and in other subs is the inability to downvote with less than 100 comment points .

Beyond that clarification, I don't think I'm qualified to provide much helpful input. I'm not a big social media guy and have only been here a few months. On the plus side, you won't find me posting stuff just to toot my horn or earn points.

Lastly, I do generally oppose pinpoint censorship of any speech including antisemitism. The argument that it makes us look bad seems too weak to justify censorship.

I will say that I admire @Vindicator and others for the devotion of their time and withstanding the scrutiny for their efforts. I just choose other heroic acts to save the world. ;-)

VieBleu ago

thanks for weighing in - when the forum started you earned your first 100 points before you could downvoat or make a submission as I remember it. It made it a bit harder on the shills.

Judgejewdy ago

Correct. You got points by commenting.

VieBleu ago

help me out - i remember having my account drained by a couple of mods with voting brigades after that post I did getting people to subscribe to the forum, and when it was below 100, I couldn't comment until I earned over 100 CPP again. does having to have a certain amount of points to comment ring a bell?

2impendingdoom ago

IDK its possible it has changed. Didn't voat change ownership? PutItOut could have changed this when he took over.

VieBleu ago

No, it was a mod and I remember specifically when it happened, it was when the forum was "cleaned up" and new rules implemented about 2-3 months in. I'm just trying to remember the commenting CPP policy. That's okay, asking around.

DerivaUK ago

I've been here about 6 months and remember at first being able to comment (otherwise how does one get points) 100 points were necessary to downvoat but I also remember being limited with upvoats to about 10 per day as I received a message telling me so once when I exceeded. I agree with the 100ccp rule and also that @DarkMath and 2impendingdoom should be reinstated - they're both valuable contributors from whom I've gained much. I too, think the pizzagate and pedogate subs need now to be combined to prevent missing important detail. And yes, VB would be a fantastic replacement for MF. Can we also have the search bar reinstated/serviced?

2impendingdoom ago

ok, Idk, just trying to remember too. I signed up on Nov 30, feels like forever ago. I do remember being really excited about getting those first 100 upvoats. I think it was mostly from comment submission points, so we must have been able to post.

EDIT: I really don't remember how I got my first points. sorry, I don't mean to be confusing things here.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Sounds good.

VieBleu ago


AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Sure, yes.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree with both! Thank You for including me in the vote😀

VieBleu ago

what about the change back to 100 comment points to downvoat or comment?

VieBleu ago

points for commenting - 100 limit before commenting or downvoating keeps shills from making new accounts constantly and running wild

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yes to both suggestions.

VieBleu ago

great name - lovecraft?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


VieBleu ago

lol I knew a parent that called their baby daughter that all the time, only partly in jest

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

My husband never jests ;) He says it came from an old BBC show in the 70's.

MolochHunter ago

Rumpole of the Bailey. Great TV proto-legal drama

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Most people have never seen it.

darkknight111 ago

I agree to these changes.

Given the incident a month ago with that mass scale false flag attempt against both us and r/thedonald, should we have a rule 5? One against "false flag baiting"?

I'm glad that and the change to "evidende planting of anti semitism failed. Good thing I got that tip from my man on r/thedonald regarding CNN and sounded the alarm here.

I'm still a bit on edge, being on "Yellow Alert" status or this entire month.

2impendingdoom ago

What is yellow alert status?

darkknight111 ago

Yellow alert is basically code for a state of extended vigilance.

One step below "Red Alert".

We're still being plagued by "evidence planting" (as in trying to get us set up for a false flag designed to discredit us) comments, namely from a few certain users like Donkeyhote.

2impendingdoom ago

I notice that, I was just wondering if it was a warning that you would be banned. I got no warning. I think my real crime was not tolerating Highlevelinsider suggesting that we commit crimes irl.

mooteensy ago

SecondAmendment ago

Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to research these proposed changes and post this, @VieBleu. Mad props to @Vindicator, too, because I've seen you take on a Herculean task and handle it very well here. You both most certainly have my support, and if there is anything that I can do to help in any way, please let me know. I have been here since Day One, although I lurked for the first couple of months (under a different UserName). I lurked for a relatively long period of time, and by the time I was ready to post -- BAM -- I had forgotten my password. I had to create a new account and start from scratch, so here I am.

Back in the olden days of the Pizzagate Forum (i.e., November 2016), new accounts were not allowed to join right in. I distinctly remember how much more civil, peaceful, and pedagogical (a GOOD kind of a "ped" word!) this place was in the early days of this sub. I'm sure that the reason it's gone downhill into a shill-infested swamp is because of the CCP requirement changes that you mention.

So I, for one, would love to see the minimum CCP requirement return. Think of it as our very own Wall, and Mexico doesn't even have to pay for it. This place is a tough enough place to visit, even without the shills, simply because the subject matter is so shocking, gruesome, and nauseating. If we can reinstate the CCP requirements I think the forum will become a much more focused, streamlined place, and we won't have to waste our time dealing with downvoats and insults to the shills who are among us.

So my vote is "YES." Thank you, @VieBleu. I'll help if there is anything I can do. #MakeVoatPizzagateSubforumGreatAgain

3141592653 ago

Vindicator is my fave mod

mooteensy ago

You've got my full support!!!!

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks for the PING! I have been BANNED from Pizzagate for linking to the removed submissions where a lot of great posts were indiscriminately deleted by M_F. I was accused of SPAM :) I know that DarkMath has also been banned. I can no longer comment in v/Pizzagate

I would like to be reinstated. Anyway I think that, as a community, there should be some consideration of what M_F is really doing here. If he isn't going to apply the rules consistently either he should go or we should think of migrating elsewhere. Anyway, thanks for the opportunity to comment and forgive me for adding five more good posters to your list:

@ESOTERICshade, @independenceday, @Godwillwin, @Jem777, @flyingcuttlefish.

3141592653 ago

I have also had problems with MF deleting my posts. sometimes it is warranted, other time's it's not -- and that is very frustrating. I posted about snopes last week and MF deleted it... someone posted the same exact thing two hours later, and that wasn't deleted, and ended up getting over 100 points. I even emailed MF and kindly asked for an explanation, so as to help me understand the rules better, but I never got a response. I have things deleted by MF that wouldn't be deleted by other mods.

Godwillwin ago

Shocked that you were banned! He's removed lots of my threads but this is the first I've heard of him banning

quantokitty ago

Nobody asked me, but I would like to see 2impendingdoom reinstated.

flyingcuttlefish ago

a while back everyone was complaining about pizzagate mods on other subverses (I think on pedogate).

yeah, everyone frustrated with super-strict mods.

Good alt thread - https://voat.co/v/pizzagateuncensored

srayzie ago

I didn't even know someone could be banned unless you make threats! Is this temporary only? This is ridiculous.

Silverlining ago

I agree - MF is not an asset to the v/pizzagate sub.

ThePuppetShow ago

That's bullshit! When did this happen?

2impendingdoom ago

ME? about five days ago. I think I was being punished for my mocking of HighLevelInsider, DarkMath was banned a few days ago.

ThePuppetShow ago

That was quick...

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2031156 has been deleted by: @Millennial_Falcon on 8/1/2017 2:07:20 AM

Reason given: @ThePuppetShow: Rule 4. Original Submission

ThePuppetShow ago

Let that thread stand in the main sub if you're that cocky.

2impendingdoom ago

that was good of you! thanks! M_F is a turd.

Millennial_Falcon ago

That's a compliment coming from #2impendingdoo

VieBleu ago

DarkMath is BANNED? He is a fixture here, and a popular one I thought. WTF - @DarkMath if this is just a rumor let us know

Also I am sorry you are banned I had a lot of positive interactions with you from way back. This needs looking at

Dressage2 ago

I wondered where DarkMath was. I think we need to put him and 2impendingdoom back in the group. Both are excellent contributors and I do believe both are working for our common cause. I also agree with everything VieBleu has written. Great points. Thanks for all your efforts as well. @jem777

VieBleu ago

I'm glad to see this opinion coming forward about DarkMath and 2impending. I believe we will be told to put it up in PG mods It may be an open letter to the mods with a combination of what has been discussed here being put forward

The CCP almost universally agreed upon with one dissent DarkMath and 2impending reinstated is newly on the agenda but important to many defining spam is a good idea Vindicator as owner has quite a bit of support may want to ask her if/how she wants to proceed I'll look through everything and also give it some more time and summarize at top

Voat works (is SUPPOSED to work anyway) like anonymous - everyone is equal. Anyone can make a post like this or post at pizzagatemods.

Dressage2 ago

Well said.

srayzie ago

This isn't right. I request that @Darkmath and @2impendingdoom be unbanned. I see people that are horrible that have not been banned. You guys don't deserve this. 😔

VieBleu ago

simply put - I agree. I don't know what happened, so I have to be up front about that. But those two are regulars here and it has to be chalked up to a bad day between them and the mod

Dressage2 ago

I agree. It is ridiculous to ban them. Let's get them back in the group asap. If he wanted to ban someone he could ban AreWeSure. Is he still in?

VieBleu ago

exactly But I wouldn't even ban Rwesure - because even though he/she may be a shill and have an agenda, he is never obscene, violent etc like certain mods and actually makes critical points with merit sometimes. So there is NOTHING DarkMath or 2impend would have done, based on their long records here, to get permanently bahished. Let's be charitable - maybe MF really just made a mistake. I think he should resign just sheerly out of not liking this subverse and its population. He must be miserable every time he comes here.

Dressage2 ago

Yes I agree, besides @DarkMath would miss AreWeSure.

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks for that, I have been posting less but remain committed to the cause. I believe that M_F was punishing me for mocking Highlevelisider's suggestion that we put spy cameras on our senators homes.

VieBleu ago

if he is punishing you for that, which would probably be denied, then that is an irresponsible position. It's not official, but generally the community DOES NOT WANT individuals to take action through calls for action posted here - at all, ever. Asking for trouble and we have enough already.

2impendingdoom ago

Right, we don't need more Edgar Maddison Welchs, or anymore of us locked up. Whatever happened to the guy in North Dakota who was put in the psych ward last spring?

carmencita ago

Oh yes. Someone was checking on and off. I feel guilty for not looking in on him.

DarkMath ago

"DarkMath is BANNED?"

Yep, it's true. I got into a tussle with Millenial_Falcon who really didn't like my post about Imran Awan and the Ohio Fair "Accident". I finally posted it here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2029114

So long story short he banned me. I seriously question whether Millenial_Falcon is on our side.


Gothamgirl ago

Oh this makes me mad. I really like you Darkmath, you have a great sense of knowledge, your dedicated, and you have educated us all.

DarkMath ago

I got reinstated. Millenial_Falcon felt guilty and let me back in.


Gothamgirl ago

That is awesome ☺

2impendingdoom ago

I also posted about the Awans with a link to TheDailyCaller.com with the details of his step mothers accusations of kidnapping and extortion in court documents. M_F deleted my post, and claimed Imran Awan was not pizzagate related, however there were about 20 other Awan posts that he did not delete. M_F was very inconsistent in following the rules. When I reviewed the "removed submissions" there were some really good posts or relevant NEW material that he trashed some with many comments and upvoats. I am all for getting rid of narwhal posts and even reposts of old material that add nothing, and for consolidating the 27 in-one-day Gordon Liddy's son's arrest posts, but M_F wasn't doing any of that.

DarkMath ago

"Imran Awan was not pizzagate related"

Yep. Clearly Awan's youtube subscription to "Seven Super Girls" brings pedophilia into all this.

2impendingdoom ago

There is also the clear link vis DWS to the DNC and getting HRC fraudulently elected. That is completely pizzagate related.

srayzie ago

🙁 That's so messed up.

Factfinder2 ago

Why not change your handle to DarkerMath or something and start again. I tacked a 2 onto mine after being banned and went back at it.

Tanngrisnir ago

I actually agree with MF that those pictures are too blurry to use as proof of anything. But you know what, who cares? Reasonable people can disagree. You by no means deserve to be banned because of that. And the so called "spam" deleted threads you posted did legitimately contain a lot of good topics for discussion. It pisses me off that you are banned while that MRothschild guy is still making spam "Little Nero" submissions.

Judgejewdy ago

MF has been on my @ss since I joined here under a different user name (and was banned by him for bogus reasons). There are certain things he does not want mentioned. He is not nor ever has been on our side.

DarkMath ago

Well said.

2impendingdoom ago

In support to the suggestions by VieBleu, I would like to second the request that @Vindicator be given owner status and petition for unbanning of Mr. @DarkMath and myself.

Another Rule I think we might want to consider is no "JEW Shilling" where accusing whole swarths of people, be them Jews or Catholics or Libtards, is counterproductive to our agenda.

VieBleu ago

I am really shocked as you were the most popular name with Honeybee put up for mod.

Can you weigh in on this post anyway? your opinion counts around here.

DarkMath ago

I think we should all create an entirely new group.

srayzie ago

I don't know why so many didn't like you. I always liked you. I agree.

VieBleu ago

I'm not against this idea at all.

Silverlining ago

First mover advantage - it's been tried and failed. But try, try and try again. Third time lucky? Maybe support the no mod sub and nick all pizzagte's best material. @darkmath I've spent less time on pizzagate sub, partly because of MF. https://voat.co/v/PizzagateNoMod

DarkMath ago

Something's got to be done. Voat is half the problem. It allows in too much spam and is too easy for Deep State shills to attack.

Judgejewdy ago

I don't mind the spam half as much as the fact that we have self-appointed leaders making decisions of what can be seen. If we have CPP, I'm not sure why we can't police ourselves by allowing downvoats to determine what gets eliminated. Then again, it probably is a voat problem. It's easily manipulated to not register up (or down) voats. :/

DarkMath ago

"it probably is a voat problem"

It has to be. Voat ran out of money for a reason. The site is very clunky and awkward. I'm pretty sure that alone turned a lot of people off. I'd often post a comment and wait for 10 seconds for it to take and often it wouldn't even do that. It was frustrating as hell sometimes.

Judgejewdy ago

Well, didn't the ownership of voat turn over rather quickly when PG broke? Pretty sure the PG sub is the def of a limited hangout. But I'm not techy enough to know where else to go.

ThePuppetShow ago

I can't vote for Vindicator as an owner, especially with this kind of crap going on. All of the mods have been chosen in private and that's sketchy as fuck.

VieBleu ago

I think it could be an interesting turn of events - an actually crowd elected owner may be more responsive - one who wouldn't be made owner without us. But your reasoning is understandable. We are talking about radical solutions at this point.

2impendingdoom ago

I heard this, but check the list (at the bottom of the sidebar)

SoldierofLight ago

Agreed on all points! Thank you for leading the charge.

10018887? ago


VieBleu ago

lol I read that as two votes yes on the two issues - can you confirm?

10021156? ago

Yes definitely. Sorry for the delay !

Criticalthinker615 ago

Change #1 sounds like a no brainer. I can't believe it had changed either.

VieBleu ago

thanks for pinging, I've added to the master list

2impendingdoom ago

@TrishaUK FYI, only the first 5 pings will send. You'll need to separate them and send multiple messages for all these voaters; me, jem, carmencita, DarkMath, kazza are already pinged.

TrishaUK ago

Thank you, like I said I don't know much about 'tech/internet' things :0

Jem777 ago



VieBleu ago

good advice.

ThePuppetShow ago

You have my vote.

I had no idea this was removed. That's ridiculous.

  1. On the main page sidebar it states - "Minimum CCP required to downvote in this sub: 0" I want to return to 100 CCP points (comment points) required before a new account can COMMENT OR DOWNVOAT. The forum started like this, most of us went through it with little problem, and it provides a thin membrane of protection for the sub from new account shills which are our worst problem. This CCP requirement was removed without notification months ago, and it does this forum no favors in the shill department. I want to see the 100 point requirement reinstated.

On a side note.. Voat only registers the first 5 pings. Do the others 5 at a time in the comments.

star_boi ago

YES!! reinstate 100 requirement!!

ThePuppetShow ago

I was all for it, but it isn't the same as it used to be. Apparenty, now it doesn't restrict new users from posting threads, just down voting and that's already restricted site wide. Essential what it would do is shadow ban us from v/all and stop people from accruing points in v/pizzagate. It supposedly changed with the coding for the Linux switch.

truthseekertx ago

I concur with the 100 ccp requirement!

3141592653 ago

I agree also; also didn't know it was ever removed

VieBleu ago

yes thx

hypercat ago

I don't see why not. I like the side bar information.

angry_mob ago

what is this? what about me? i've never voted on anything one way or another.

VieBleu ago

pinged dozens of commentors across the board to look at this post and comment. That's all, nobody is fingering you! lol

angry_mob ago

okey dokey.

AngB23 ago

Well, I wasn't invited to the "party" but read through. I guess I'm also last to know darkmath was banned?!?! WTH? Hopefully reinstated by now

VieBleu ago

My apologies - total oversight - everyone welcome! it was hard to get a list together and then I had to ping people 5 at a time

AngB23 ago

No problem and thanks for doing this

KingoftheMolePeople ago

I believe only the first five of your pings went through. Maybe thats only for comments, Im not 100% sure.

VieBleu ago

what do I do? Only 5 pings at a time allowed? thx I didn't know that.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

If I am correct, Youd have to break it up into a bunch of comments. Or I guess PM all those people.

VieBleu ago

thanks! that was timely and really helpful.

remedy4reality ago

AND YES !!!! I was just thinking about this the other day..


VieBleu ago

it is like our fig leaf - not much coverage but better than nothing.