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GoodGodKirk ago

Could it be implemented that you must post in introductions before posting here? Then you can keep the 0 ccp for commenting. Should throw bots for a loop.

Maybe even implement a no voting without an introduction? We'll spot the bots and report them this way.

VieBleu ago

interesting suggestion, I like it.

Can you weigh in on ownership question too

GoodGodKirk ago

I usually don't agree with take overs or ownership changes. It's how the SJW's get ownership of channels and ruin shit cause they seem like responsive friendly people.

Factfinder2 ago

Good point.

VieBleu ago

Better a change than two totally absent owners.

GoodGodKirk ago

Not if an overzealous SJW takes over

VieBleu ago

yes that would be worse.