Jem777 ago

I agree with a lot of which you say. The Jewish people that are left are rare and really are children of God (although they are blinded about Jesus as well) the others are cannonites who are of the serpent seed. They know exactly who Jesus is but will nick him because they honestly believe they will win this grand battle-:they will not.

They mock Jesus and mimic him relentlessly. There will be a price.

Jem777 ago

I believe their are real Jews alive. You ever see old rugged Jews come up for break and soup. These Jews are are rearely seen or observed.

Jem777 ago

There is an enormous difference between Christians and Catholics. In fact they are not they same at all. The same for the Templars which is why the Pope had Jaques DeMolay burned to death.

Regarding the Jews/cannonites as you say these are two seperate groups of people as well. The Jewish people were the children of God from the line of Adam, the cannonites were from the line of Cain and had an entirely different parentage.

It is a frightening fact to realize study with caution but will make the world make a lot more sense

Jem777 ago

The Romans did not hand Jesus over to the Jews for crucifiction. At that time the Romans were in charge of all aspects of society. The Jews went to Poncious Pilate and asked him to crucify Jesus for blasphemy. The Roman soldiers came and took custody of him. On the day of his trial he was stood in front of the people and Poncios Pilate had stated he found no fault with him but the Jews and the crowd chanted for his death when he proclaimed again he was the Christ. Poncious Pulatevthen ordered him to be crucified and he was at the hands of Jews and gentiles alike.

carmencita ago

WTH? WHY did this get deleted? I went out to get groceries, I come back and it is deleted. This is a Great Post and deserves Recognition. Thank you for all your hard work. I would say Upvoat4U but it has been DELETED!

ThePuppetShow ago

Because.... MF wont explain.

carmencita ago

I am so sick of really good posts (and yours is one) getting deleted. I don't know what to think about that Mod, for I have not had those problems because I do not usually Post. But I do feel for those that do and work so very hard on them. I certainly think your subject is connected. It is a disservice at best to our members.

ThePuppetShow ago

Thank you and I completly agree about the disservice. Hopefully this is eye oPening for the real members here. Somethng needs to be done about this.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Not every day reading here do I learn so much. Thanks, very well written. This rearranged my understanding of world banking and the often claimed Jewish control of everything. I am not optimistic it will dent the harping of the "It's all the fault of the Jews" crowd. Logic doesn't scratch 'em. Pedo's are ecumenical, they pretend at the church, cathedral or synagoge to be an ordinary happy joe.

ThePuppetShow ago

You're welcome. Unfortunately millennial_falcon keeps deleting it for some reason and wont explain.

AngB23 ago

Once again, great info. Thank you

Jobew1 ago

Give it a rest....sounding a lil shilly. No ones pointing at jews per se. Zionists n criminals. So youre saying the rothschilds were created by someone or something else? Sounds plausible....What about jacob frank n sabatai szevi......

ThePuppetShow ago

You're full of shit.. people here are constatnly blanket blaming Jews, shill boy.

Jobew1 ago

Dont be mad just cuz ur info is far from convincing. If anybody is shilling, its the one with daily threads claiming the jesuits run the world (including creating the rothschilds..)....same may go for anyone making blanket statements bout jews

Edit: btw pleae tell me who im shilling for (please say for the jesuits, thatd be priceless)

ThePuppetShow ago

LOL you roll with that... People who have been here know my history.

Jobew1 ago

Great response. Whatever...just dont cry shill every time someone questions ur daily threads about jesuits alone running the 🌎.

ThePuppetShow ago

Try presenting some facts instead of the Don Quixote "trust me" "I'm right" bullshit, shill boy. You dont have shit, you've been attacking with bullshit propaganda. All those daily threads are proving your full of shit MF. Piss off shill.

Jobew1 ago

Were here cuz i questioned ur conclusions from ur research. Keep diggong n doing ur threads maybe youll be proven right. If i dare question em ill be sure to lob a specific question or add a cite. I think youre at least partly wrong but i dont think ur shilling from other posts ive come across. I couldnt care less whether u think i am. So other than future posts, no need to respond

DarkMath ago

This is a great post. So many today especially the Black Hitler, a.k.a. @DonKeyhote think "The Jews(tm)" have run the world monetary system for the past 5000 years. They haven't.The Jews didn't run shit from about 70 AD to 1949 when they defeated 5 Arab Armies to create the state of Israel.

Banking was invented by the Knights Templar and then refined by The Venetians and the Black Nobility. It was finally perfected by replacing "Church and State" with "Bank and State". It's a Bank, it's a Church, it's a State. No! It's The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Rothschild-Jesuiette!

It's able to traffic drugs and weapons, lend money at interest AND worship God all at the same time.


ThePuppetShow ago

Thank you, unfortunately I got home to find this..

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2012768 has been deleted by: @Millennial_Falcon on 7/23/2017 12:26:34 AM

Reason given: @ThePuppetShow: Rules 1 and 2.

MF wont explain what he wants either. Blatant shilling if you ask me

Vindicator ago

It's pretty hard to argue this is directly related to the modern trafficking of kids by the global happened over a thousand years ago. Indirectly, sure. But y'all know where indirectly related posts belong.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I'd like to argue that it is related to today. We have a constant rain of the "Jews do it all" comments" It's revolting unless one has grown accustomed to it, and, I believe directed at offending new comers into clicking away in disgust. It's carefully crafted. They are skilled at using a minimum interference in the public eye, within the illusion of freedom, for the maximum effect guiding that illusion.

Jews and Banking are linked in the public eye negatively. That controversy is raging here daily. What are the origins of banking, is it all Jewish? I thought it was they got in early because of the restriction on trades available to Jews back in the middle ages, plus the Christians following some long forgotten bible passage not to charge interest. So Jews who might have been tailors or bakers gradually became bankers. That's roughly what I'd picked up before this article. Knights Templar seemed like Disneyland, now I want to know more. Current references to their present existence would be useful. The article was linked (it worked) at the bottom to the BBC page. Just my two cents. @Vindicator

ThePuppetShow ago

This is pointing out who the global elite really work for. Follow the money.

DarkMath ago

@Vindicator is looking for new mods and I'm pretty sure @Millennial_Falcon is too busy these days.

You should become a mod PuppetShow.

ThePuppetShow ago

Vindicator already accused me of being part of a "disinformation campaign", that's not happening. haha

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Real community begins to happen only after hard feelings are forgiven.

Jem777 ago

This is exactly correct.This will take you back to the beginning actually. Many people do not understand that Christianity and Catholicism are not the same thing. In fact Romans were the rulers of the time and some of the Jews and the Pharisees had become so corrupt they handed Jesus over to the Romans to be crucified. This was carried out by the Romans who then attempted to co-opt Christians, the crucifiction and the life and death of Christ by creating the Roman Catholic Church and applying cannon law to scripture. Then added a Pope and priests as direct conduits to God the very thing Jesus warned would be a sign it was from the enemy.

That is not to say the Jewish people who were blinded hold or held no responsibility. One still denies yes. But one crucified then took credit when it was opportune and pretends to Holy.

Whether you believe in God or not history is still written and tells this story. As you clearly show with the banking elite.

VieBleu ago

Interesting history. Clearly the Protestant and Catholic establishments have just as much slime, murder and corrupt mud on their hands as the Jewish establishment. They are all frenemies united in greed and control agendas. This is a problem of elites vs the masses whom they harvest- and they are all happy to harvest their own kind if it nets them one more twitch of power or one more penny.

DonKeyhote ago

An article written by the bbc you say LMAO well i saw this movie with one THOMAS HANKS bitch

Deuteronomy 23:20 â–º Verse (Click for Chapter) New International Version You may charge a foreigner interest, but not a fellow Israelite, so that the LORD your God may bless you in everything you put your hand to in the land you are entering to possess.

ThePuppetShow ago

GeorgeTown Law Journal, Vol 71: pages 1179-1200’ you will see it's stated the Norman and Anglo-Saxon Kings own the Jews.

DonKeyhote ago

Theyre called court jews you imbecile, yes it makes them very powerful, indeed

Redpill_Bluepill ago

Research : Sisters Of Isis-Swiss octagon-Knights Templars.

ThePuppetShow ago

Amazingly that's a new one to me, I will do that.

Redpill_Bluepill ago

Long way down that rabbit hole.

wgvdl ago

Ridiculous. You have to dig deeper. Then you will get to know that christendom has been corrupted by jews from th very beginning.

ThePuppetShow ago

I disagree. I started digging many many years ago and all roads still lead to Rome. Would you care to present some facts rather than just your opinion? I've presented many facts that say you're wrong.