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Millennial_Falcon ago

Flairing this Fake News as disinfo.

EricKaliberhall ago

Why not delete it, like you did with this one

Millennial_Falcon ago

Does it break any rules?

ThePuppetShow ago

Trump hasn't been connected to pizzagate, same thing you told me about the Rothschilds. Why is hearsay okay here, but actual connections through Clinton and Alefantis aren't okay for the Rothschilds?

ThePuppetShow ago

<crickets> and a downvote. hahaha

ditch-digger ago

I've seen this a lot where the article writer deletes the post then people think you did it. Or they link back later and blame you. This shit gets stupid really fast.

remedy4reality ago

you must be joking... Lead Mod MF has ZERO fucking credibility on this sub..

ditch-digger ago

He deleted my post, now I'm butthurt because I couldn't drop the information in ANY OTHER SUB.

Sorry, but that's what I hear any time somebody tells me about credibility. You want to convince me he sucks give a rundown of the shit he's deleted, why it in fact didn't break the rule, and that he was the one who deleted it. Then I might acknowledge this. Otherwise, fuck your group think.

remedy4reality ago

Hey shitbag... how about you go fuck yourself, faggot ?? You obviously are a fucking moron and a newbie.. GroupthinK ?? HAHAHA .. listen you stupid cunt.. I PERSONALLY EXPOSED MILLENNIAL FALCON AND DESTROYED HIS CREDIBILITY ON PIZZAGATE

ditch-digger ago

And now a simple translation

Hey shitbag...

Hey you who doesn't agree with me. Pay attention. I need your attention to correct you because you don't listen to me.

how about you go fuck yourself, faggot

I don't like the words that come out of your mouth.

You obviously are a fucking moron and a newbie..

You haven't paid any attention to anything I've said

GroupthinK ?? HAHAHA .. listen you stupid cunt..

Blah blah blah blah blah


I'm millenial falcons personal harassment bot net leader.

K got it. You're a faggot with faggot words coming out of your gaping faggot asshole.

remedy4reality ago

cunt... trying to reverse the destruction I'm raining on you by employing my tactics ??

Anyone aligning with MF is a cunt... You are a cunt.. You want to act like a mod, then become a mod, you cunt.

ditch-digger ago

And not an ounce of proof in this whole argument. Funny that.

EricKaliberhall ago

Wrong! Proof that you are a CUNT!

ditch-digger ago

HAHAHAHA, you go me.

ThePuppetShow ago

Well, you made me look. Interesting comment…

Millennial_Falcon removed 2.1 hours ago on 8/4/2017 3:26:10 PM

"@za-throwaway: Rule 3."

ditch-digger ago

Interesting. I was under the impression that this was still under the (had to post rule break in a comment of the post). It was a format that easily distinguished the two. Haven't been back here for some time (too many shills). So totally my mistake.

ThePuppetShow ago

Agreed about the shills.