dickface88888 ago

I just do not understand how the mods can justify leaving up obvious disinfo and tagging it "possible disinfo" when really the thread is totally baseless and should be deleted. @Vindicator, why does shit like this with -25 votes get left up but other shit with heaps of upvotes and no disinfo and you will delete it. What's up with that? It's very fucking fishy to me actually, makes no sense.

ASolo ago

25 downvoats - very auspicious for a conspiracy forum.

ASolo ago

Bunch of goddamn weak ass pussies that can't admit you were WRONG electing this piece of shit, then automatically assume I'm part of some party at all, fuck em both, fuck em all and fuck whomever downvoated because the information above and below is indisputable.

ASolo ago

Melania was raised as a Roman Catholic in the Nation State of Slovenia bordered by Italy to the west, Austria to the north, Hungary to the northeast, Croatia to the south and southeast. Slovenes believe that they are descendants of Slavs who came to Central Europe in the 6th century AD. Some nationalists say that Slovenes are a master race that their ancestors (Venetic Theory) have lived in the lands of modern Slovenia since prehistory. The “Windischar Theory” argued that the Slovenes were actually Windischars (Slavicized Germans).[22]

On April 6, 1941 Slovenia was occupied and divided between the Nazis, Italian, and Hungarian invaders. The Nazi racial and purification policies were instituted and the mass killings began in Slovenia. ” … [T]here is hardly any trace of Jews within today’s Slovenia, and in Slovenian contemporary history.”[23] Melania is not a supermodel, and never has been a supermodel. Out of Central Europe, she became a notable model, but not a supermodel.

Paolo Zampolli said that he discovered her in Milan, Italy.

ZAMPOLLI is an old world BLOODLINE of the Italian AGNELLI/FIAT family.[24] The Agnelli family intermarried with one of the leading ruling families of old Europe that goes back to ancient Etruscans. They are part of the ancient HOUSE OF BOURBON.

The House of Bourbon is a European royal house of French origin, a branch of the Capetian Dynasty. Bourbon kings first ruled France in the 16th century. By the 18th century, members of the Bourbon dynasty also held thrones in Spain, Naples, Sicily, and Parma, Spain and Luxembourg currently have Bourbon monarchs.

The 37th Degree of Sublime Freemasonry, with that of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, were the Knights Templar, successors of the Ancient Knights of the Temple. Before his execution in 1314, the Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, transmitted his powers to the actual Grand Commander through an uninterrupted series of Chiefs of the Order. Among the secret Chiefs were recorded many Princes of the HOUSE OF BOURBON. (See, Elder David Bernard, Light on Masonry: A collection of All the Most Important Documents on the Speculative Free Masonry, Lodge of Perfection, William, William, Utica, NY, 1829, pg. 253)

The Royal Bourbons originated in 1268, when the heiress of the lordship of Bourbon married a younger son of King Louis IX (discussed further below). The house continued for three centuries as a cadet branch, while more senior Capetians ruled France, until Henry IV became the first Bourbon King of France in 1589. A cadet Bourbon branch is the House of Orleans.[25]

Roman Catholic Donna Virginia Bourbon del Monte (1899 – 1945) was the wife of Edoardo Agnelli and the mother of Gianni Agnelli, head of Fiat and the richest man in modern Italian history. He was the uncrowned King of Italy.[26] Gianni was a Roman Catholic, and a high ranking member of the Lucifer’s Network, the Black Nobility, Committee of 300, and the Bilderbergers. Zampolli may have learn the business of exploited women from Gianni. He was regularly engaged in orgies with high class prostitutes then take them to Mass. Gianni died in 2001.

However, Gianni wasn’t just interested in whores. He used Fiat to gain a strategic brand in Ronald Reagan’s classified Star War Programs, the Strategic Defense Initiative. Gianni got right in the middle of America’s classified and top secret research and development of Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control. (See Alex Constantine, Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S., Feral House, Port Townsend, WA, pgs. 36-37)

He was directly in the middle of the JFK Assassination. He was in the New World Order Satanic inner circle of the Rothschilds, and George Soros that allegedly was behind Hilary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.[27]

Paolo Zampolli has a Dominican diplomatic passport and is officially the Ambassador of the Commonwealth of Dominica for Oceans and Seas- an absolute joke. According to the UN’s Blue Book, Zampolli is Dominica’s (lone) Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN.[30] There is great concern that Zampolli is using his stable of MK ULTRA Sex Kittens at the UN to compromise and bribe foreign heads of state, officials, diplomats and ambassadors.

Paolo Zampolli is using the island nation of the Dominican Republic as a front in the old Masonic Agnelli Family business of running a secret international network of Luciferians, Mafia, SS, Nazis, Fascists, Mercenaries, Criminals, Prostitution and Pedophile rings for the Knights of Malta, CIA, and a Demonic New World Order.

In 2004, ID Models boss Zampolli was exposed as a former business associate/partner of the infamous convicted Pedophile Island financier, Jeffrey Epstein. In 2004, Zampolli and Epstein unsuccessfully tried to buy Elite Model Management at auction. Now, very few if any tie these two figures together in the inner circle of Donald Drumpf, Bill and Hilary Clinton.[34] ,[35]

Zampolli- Vatican- Ninth Satanic Circle? Raffaello Follier was an Italian businessman that moved in Zampolli social circle claimed Vatican ties into getting financial backing from the billionaire Ron Burkle on an exclusive real estate scheme to manage and sell excess Vatican real estate in New York. Burkle had social and financial ties to former President Bill Clinton. In 2008, Follier pleaded guilty to real estate fraud. Well, it seems that it was Zampolli that knew more about Follier and inside Vatican sweetheart real estate deals than anyone else. He had long questioned Follier‘s inside ties to the Vatican.[36]

People like Zampolli aren’t in the business of making poor Central European bloc young ladies legitimate models or superstars. He is an old world criminal Luciferian/Masonic pimp– a white slave trafficker. Zampolli manufacture “Executive Whores” for the elite, wealthy, famous, powerful politicians fascists, bureaucrats, master criminals, and world leaders.

He does the old fashion DEVIL’s work around the world as the ILLUMINATI Bloodlines have been involved in for generations- evil, crime, corruption, espionage, assassinations and white mail. Nothing but poisonous fruit fall from Zampolli’s tree.

He brought Marina out of Milan, Italy to New York where his front, ID Models, paid her rent. A Slovenian magazine, Suzy, investigated Melinia and Zampolli. Their conclusion was Zampolli was a pimp, and she was a Zampolli executive “WHORE.”

Zampolli runs an illegitimate international escort racket with stables of mind controlled East European Sex Slaves. He passed down a “sex kitten” charter from the Old World Ruling Houses of Europe, Knights Templar, and Freemasonry to Donald Drumpf, Jeffrey Epstein and the Mossad [Ehud Barak].

THE DEVIL AND ROMAN EMPEROR CALIGULA IN THE WHITE HOUSE, DONALD DRUMPF, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, THE RED MASS BLOOD RITUAL, FALLEN ANGELS, DEMONS & SPIRITS https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/2016/11/22/the-devil-and-roman-emperor-caligula-in-the-white-house-donald-drumpf-knights-templar-the-red-mass-blood-ritual-fallen-angels-demons-spirits/

ASolo ago


From an early age, Ivanka has worked as 'a model'.

At the age of 13, Ivanka signed on with the new look department of Elite Model Management - under the tutelage of John Casablancas.

Mother Jones has an article about Trump’s modeling agency and its treatment of a young, largely immigrant workforce.


I've worked with Trump Models "Casting". We all knew of the trafficking

— Wade Turnbull (@Wade_Turnbull) July 19, 2016

[@harrysiegel](https://voat.co/user/harrysiegel) ](https://twitter.com/harrysiegel)) They'd ship in models, Eastern Euro's who had absolutely no chance of working in NYC. It becomes a debt slavery or fresh meat

— Wade Turnbull (@Wade_Turnbull) July 19, 2016

Trump's friend John Casablancas "was a skilled groomer..."

"The playboys - in particular John Casablancas - were used to living by a different set of rules...

"None of these men were shy about their behavior, and the fact that they were bedding models as young as 12 on a routine basis was well known..."

The Untold Story of Trump Model Management.

Trump/Clinton: We Are Staring "The Devil" Right In The Face

10058529? ago

We have to come to terms with the fact that ALL of them are corrupt. It is Mutually Assured Destruction played out with dossiers instead of warheads

carmencita ago

"There appears to be a story" "If true this could spell doom" There seem to be a lot of "ifs ands and butts" in this article.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Flairing this Fake News as disinfo.

remedy4reality ago

Yeah MF...

what the fuck is with deleting that important post ? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2039314

EricKaliberhall ago

Why not delete it, like you did with this one https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2039314

Millennial_Falcon ago

Does it break any rules?

ThePuppetShow ago

Trump hasn't been connected to pizzagate, same thing you told me about the Rothschilds. Why is hearsay okay here, but actual connections through Clinton and Alefantis aren't okay for the Rothschilds?

ThePuppetShow ago

<crickets> and a downvote. hahaha

ditch-digger ago

I've seen this a lot where the article writer deletes the post then people think you did it. Or they link back later and blame you. This shit gets stupid really fast.

remedy4reality ago

you must be joking... Lead Mod MF has ZERO fucking credibility on this sub..

ditch-digger ago

He deleted my post, now I'm butthurt because I couldn't drop the information in ANY OTHER SUB.

Sorry, but that's what I hear any time somebody tells me about credibility. You want to convince me he sucks give a rundown of the shit he's deleted, why it in fact didn't break the rule, and that he was the one who deleted it. Then I might acknowledge this. Otherwise, fuck your group think.

remedy4reality ago

Hey shitbag... how about you go fuck yourself, faggot ?? You obviously are a fucking moron and a newbie.. GroupthinK ?? HAHAHA .. listen you stupid cunt.. I PERSONALLY EXPOSED MILLENNIAL FALCON AND DESTROYED HIS CREDIBILITY ON PIZZAGATE

ditch-digger ago

And now a simple translation

Hey shitbag...

Hey you who doesn't agree with me. Pay attention. I need your attention to correct you because you don't listen to me.

how about you go fuck yourself, faggot

I don't like the words that come out of your mouth.

You obviously are a fucking moron and a newbie..

You haven't paid any attention to anything I've said

GroupthinK ?? HAHAHA .. listen you stupid cunt..

Blah blah blah blah blah


I'm millenial falcons personal harassment bot net leader.

K got it. You're a faggot with faggot words coming out of your gaping faggot asshole.

remedy4reality ago

cunt... trying to reverse the destruction I'm raining on you by employing my tactics ??

Anyone aligning with MF is a cunt... You are a cunt.. You want to act like a mod, then become a mod, you cunt.

ditch-digger ago

And not an ounce of proof in this whole argument. Funny that.

EricKaliberhall ago

Wrong! Proof that you are a CUNT!

ditch-digger ago

HAHAHAHA, you go me.

ThePuppetShow ago

Well, you made me look. Interesting comment…

Millennial_Falcon removed 2.1 hours ago on 8/4/2017 3:26:10 PM

"@za-throwaway: Rule 3."


ditch-digger ago

Interesting. I was under the impression that this was still under the (had to post rule break in a comment of the post). It was a format that easily distinguished the two. Haven't been back here for some time (too many shills). So totally my mistake.

ThePuppetShow ago

Agreed about the shills.

2impendingdoom ago

they will have to find proof of this, same way we do... hard evidence.

Commoner ago

I think this is great news. It means that they know that child trafficking charges are coming their way and they are trying to muddy up the water before hand.....trying to throw a little dirt on Trump, so that when they are charged, they can bring him into their mess. This makes me more hopeful than ever that things are happening...in a good way.

10059370? ago

It is Game Theory. The Prisoners Dilemma on a global blackmailing scale. If every player remains silent, they all continue to rule the world. If just one person reveals the truth, they all lose the game, the floodgates open, and it's peasants with pitchforks time.

Recall the Cold War. The point of making weapons of Mutually Assured Destruction and flaunting them around was Kissingers idea of a "Stable State". The weapons, like the dossiers, exist to control by forcing players to stay in the Game. Not supposed to actually be launched.

Stable State is a lie. Life is Dynamic Equilibrium, as all indigenous wisdom exalts.

Commoner ago

"If every player remains silent, they all continue to rule the world. "

Trump is not one of the"'players". He doesn't have to stay silent to succeed like they do. He is outwitting them in the game they are trying to play on him.

ToMuchBS2 ago

Phase 2 blame Russia

10058629? ago

The article turns this concept back on PG by saying Trump was projecting it onto Hillary. It is a hall of mirrors. Imo, both /all of them are dirty as the day is long.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I don't remember reading emails confirmed to be Trumps staff containing obvious peadophile code while refusing to dispute the allegations. I don't see a death count following Trump everywhere he goes. Nor do I see him popping up foundations to take advantage of poor children over the world and staff caught smuggling children across borders for his rich friends.

So which part is Trump projecting? The only nod to what Hillary really is from Trump I have seen is the "it takes a village and Hillary has stolen many".

Commoner ago

Trump is not one of them, but they sure are trying to make us believe he is. It is what Hillary and Obama did best. If they knew evil things they did were going to be brought out in the open, they would start charging others with it. It is clear evidence that they Hillary and her cabal traffic in kids.

10058922? ago

Did you read the post from the other day about his history with Cassanovas Elite Modeling? I am not saying Trump and HRC operate the same exact way. She corrupted our government and charities from the inside out As evidenced by the emails and code. Whereas the modeling enterprise have a veneer of legitimacy, because like Hollywood, it is an Open Secret that modelling = sexual abuse and trafficking. Same game, different team.

Edited to add: it's like Professional Sports has Baseball, Football, and Basketball. The game is different, but the pyramid scheme and abuse is the same.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I read that the Russia conspiracy was debunked. Followed swiftly by accusations his modelling agency was a front for human trafficking. Hence my theory of projection.

Commoner ago

Trump is not a pedophile and he didn't traffic in kids.

10058032? ago

That's right ! #TRUTH

DarkMath ago

"Trump Allegedly Procured Young Girls"

Of course because after everyone saw the video evidence America elected Hillary for President.

Right? You don't remember it that way?

Oh wait.......


Liberty_NYC ago

Was this before or after the Russian hookers pissed all over him in Moscow? What a load of shit haha