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Mej777 ago

Read my name....I spelled it backwards because I am banned from pizzagate.....this is incredible I informed GW.....

Best regards, Jem. @jangles @Dressage2 @DarkMath @carmecita @wolftrail7272.

UglyTruth ago

Will @Millennial_Falcon ban me too?

Jem777 Millennial_Falcon spam 8/17/2017 7:28:38 PM

Dear God Revelations is being fulfilled in real time.


The weapons of mass destruction are energy directed.? That is what happened on 9/11. Who controlled it and pulled the triggers.

Luceferians masked in Catholic faith by the Vatican I.e. Jesuits and plotted to make Israel under constant threat.

Plotted it out so they could use "the Jewish homeland" as a whipping boy and throw guilt on Americans & others. Why? Get Rich off constant wars making money off war, govt. contracts to enrich themselves. That is what has happened. It is not the Jews who live in stark desperation still in Israel.

Jesus said beware of the Jews who are not Jews but hide amongst you saying they even have a different father than God the creator....their father was someone else. Do the research on Cain and the cannonites? (Cannonites) is that the root word for cannibalism?

Research and find out for yourself?

Who is their father?