DeathTooMasons ago

I smell psyop. How about indict those that hired them?

Mammy ago


Narcissism ago

Thanks to GW for this one!

BIGLY17 ago

Holy fuck the house of cards is wobbling...

hojuruku ago

This guy reminds me of the paki baby rapist who used the gay lobby to get him a visa to Australia where he is today - even after his partner was extradited to the USA for baby sex porn.

What is it with the Ultra Left and corrupt paki's?

Here are some videos of the baby sex lover with his extradited gay anal sex partner he pulled from social media once I knew he was onto him.

FE_Rebekah ago

Guys, there's a very important Trump Russian investigation we should all be focusing on so we can find some evidence to back up all the bullshit MSM has been spewing.

DarkMath ago

"bank fraud and making false statements."


The guy runs a spy ring in Congress that lead to the shoot down of Extortion 17 and the murder of the Navy Seals who killed Osama bin Laden's body double. And all he's charged with is "bank fraud" and "lying"?


If anyone needs evidence Trump and Sessions are in on it well there ya go.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at any Navy Seal Team HQ right now. I bet it's dead silent as about 20 jacked Alpha Males slowly click in 7.62 milometer full metal jacket into magazine after magazine just to keep from going crazy. It probably's got kind of a Private Pyle in the bathroom feel to it.

Holy fuck. I'm positive civilian deplorables would never take up arms against the government at this point. But that's only because it's now more than likely the military is going to do it for them.


Pay back's a bitch mother fuckers. Greed is NOT always good. Sometimes it's very very bad.


novictim ago

You think the scum bag Awan family won't flip on lil' Debbie?

Hahahahahaha. Democrats in the know are petrified of what is coming down the pike at them. This is why Charlottesville is so important to blow up into some major event, to paint it as Trump-Violence. They need the flameless smoke to be so thick and noxious that no one will see or notice the DNC staff being lead out of their homes in irons.

Will it work? Heck, no! The Russia-Trump story is already dead and buried and no one is buying the Trump-KKK replacement story.

Loving it! Hey, and how is the Fraud Class Action against the DNC moving along? Damn, they had better not settle out of court or have a nondisclosure agreement!

Cheesebooger ago

Oy vey but the jews will go free. The jewdicial system will see to it! Cwawl my lawya!! This is like anudda shoah

Mammy ago

Spits tea laughing.

darkknight111 ago

Is this what Charolettesville was meant to be a distraction from?

carmencita ago

That was an amazing bit of news there. Police ordered to stand down. Amazing.

Gammi ago

DWS is saying this is just a distraction from the bigger story on Russia.... that is all they have.....Russia, and there is no there, there,... so now in come the Monument riots to distract from Seth Rich, PG, Hillary Pay for Play, Hillary emails, etc.... if they can keep the chaos going then the crooked Politicians, Deep State etc can continue on with their plans to destroy Trump......if the left can only break Trump and, get him removed from office before the truth comes out about them, they will feel like they have won the battle, and if the people allow it, they have. I just don't know if Pence will work to bring out the hidden things that have been going on for so long, he may be happy with the way it has been, the status quo.

Mej777 ago

Read my name....I spelled it backwards because I am banned from pizzagate.....this is incredible I informed GW.....

Best regards, Jem. @jangles @Dressage2 @DarkMath @carmecita @wolftrail7272.

UgTr2 ago

Millennial_Falcon banned me (as UglyTruth) from v/pizzagate as well. Looks like doesn't like people talking about the religious connection.

The post that got me banned:

UglyTruth ago

Will @Millennial_Falcon ban me too?

Jem777 Millennial_Falcon spam 8/17/2017 7:28:38 PM

Dear God Revelations is being fulfilled in real time.


The weapons of mass destruction are energy directed.? That is what happened on 9/11. Who controlled it and pulled the triggers.

Luceferians masked in Catholic faith by the Vatican I.e. Jesuits and plotted to make Israel under constant threat.

Plotted it out so they could use "the Jewish homeland" as a whipping boy and throw guilt on Americans & others. Why? Get Rich off constant wars making money off war, govt. contracts to enrich themselves. That is what has happened. It is not the Jews who live in stark desperation still in Israel.

Jesus said beware of the Jews who are not Jews but hide amongst you saying they even have a different father than God the creator....their father was someone else. Do the research on Cain and the cannonites? (Cannonites) is that the root word for cannibalism?

Research and find out for yourself?

Who is their father?

Dressage2 ago

Why did they ban you this time?? This is crazy. You need to speak to KevDude. Have seen him rip into MF FOR BQNNNG AOMEONE.

BIGLY17 ago

Hahahahaha what cuck would ban you? You're one of a select few I consider (at this point in time) to be absolutely genuine in your intentions here. Unban Jem for fucks sake, don't become like these other places.

srayzie ago

Oh no.

2impendingdoom ago

Jem777, what caused you to be banned? Its becoming the badge of honor.

10209459? ago

Many thanks to @truthplease5 for timely work.

10209431? ago

carmencita ago

Awan and other IT aides for House Democrats have been on investigators’ radar for months over concerns of possible double-billing, alleged equipment theft, and access to sensitive computer systems. Most lawmakers fired Awan in February, but Schultz had kept him on until his arrest in July. IF most lawmakers fired Awan, what was he doing for YOU Debbie, Huh?

mudcatca ago

IF most lawmakers fired Awan, what was he doing for YOU Debbie, Huh?

He was just following her orders

carmencita ago

If he was following her orders, that is why he is being indicted.

jabba ago

Can anybody find more information. Where is he in jail? Who indicted him? Which court is handling this?

bopper ago

Drudge is carrying the story now, I haven't checked it. There's a link on the right at the moment.

2impendingdoom ago

And the police already have "the laptop"... now they are free to look at it I suppose. I wonder what was on it that DWS wanted back so desperately. And if she is involved, the brother will have to recuse himself.

quantokitty ago

Let the dancing begin!!!! As for this:

“The former head of the Democratic National Committee suggested it's all part of an effort to distract from the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign and possible ties to President Trump's team.

“Any opportunity they can to pull people’s eyes and ears away from that they take,” Wasserman Schultz told the newspaper."

Really? I thought the fake Russian Pedosta narrative was to pull people's eyes and ears off the human traffickiing.

Judgejewdy ago

Narcissistic, psychopathic lying pos's always accuse others of what they are doing themselves.

quantokitty ago

Isn't that the truth?

Upvoat for that.

Blacksmith21 ago

I hope Awan and his wife have a good security detail.

Mammy ago

This, perhaps...And I hate to say it, but I have just become so cynical that I have to wonder in what nefarious ways this could lead to a big nothing burger. Debbie kept him on her staff for months after others cleared away from him; I can't help but to wonder if that just bought time to set up a ruse for him to seemingly be the "fall guy" whilst in the background he's being well taken care of. I mean even if he does time I am sure he and his family will be well-compensated. It's not like we haven't seen this sort of thing before. Take Hastert's light sentencing for example. And Larry King. And I am sure there are more. Forgive me, but I just don't think we should celebrate too vehemently.

Gammi ago

My fear are soft sentences as well, just like Hastert's, those who are making the laws are the crooks, and they will take care of each other, put on the appearance they are doing something, then hand out light sentences, only the common people, the serfs will see hard time.

carmencita ago

Yes, or all our hopes will fly away. I think possibly even they would not want to risk a death right now. Of course, this would certainly cause anyone to commit suicide.

Blacksmith21 ago

I think there are already a few bodies in the wake of the Awans. Maybe not by their hands, but by their actions.

carmencita ago

You are right about them having to need Protection. Can you imagine the three ring circus if anything happened to them?

Blacksmith21 ago

Everything changed after Ailes went for a ride down a flight of stairs.

carmencita ago

What do you mean? Please explain.

srayzie ago

I think he's talking about Roger Ailes, the former CEO of Fox News.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

oh boy, and julian met with a us politician. It might really be happening this time stay safe on monday

ScalarWhaler ago

Prayin' for humanity!!!

JOIN ME!!!!!!!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

to die?

ScalarWhaler ago

Everybody dies...

Judgejewdy ago

Pray for trump, too. In my 70+ years I've never seen one non-genocidal man under so much attack!

Mammy ago


srayzie ago

In a recent interview published in the Sun Sentinel, Wasserman Schultz blamed the “right-wing media circus fringe” for the attention on Awan.

She blames the right wing media circus and Imran Awan blamed pizzagaters.

Priceless! You know you're doing something right when you're blamed for everything!

madhatter67 ago

Especially when it has fuck all to do with the charges against him....

So why would he mention it? Very strange indeed!

srayzie ago

I know! I think it was a warning to them. Help me out or I'll throw you all under the bus

madhatter67 ago

Fingers crossed.....things may be about to get interesting!

swasagon ago

The funniest part is that they are defending the Awan's, then blame the right when he gets indicted, to hide the fact the are covering for a criminal, because they are all criminals.

srayzie ago

They're idiots lol

Commoner ago

1st - tick tock

mudcatca ago

I wonder if the second will be officially pardoning Assange in exchange for confirmation it was a leak & not a hack

TimeForPitchForks ago

Are we gonna see a plea deal??? If we do, we know he's gonna roll over..

GumShoe ago

He has So much dirt on DWS. She is totally shitting herself constantly these days. Makes me smile...

theoldones ago

if imam walks out free the same day DWS gets fired then mysteriously gets fatally mugged, i will NOT be surprised in the slightest

HillBoulder ago

Or concerned about finding her killer REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

srayzie ago

Lol me too. From ear to ear 😁

Mammy ago

Relates to Pizzagate as it provides further linkage of DNC staffers to fraudulent money-laundering schemes.