flyingcuttlefish ago

Surgeon in the Seth Rich homicide contacts 4chan and leaks crucial suspicions about the way the way Seth Rich's case was handled. DON'T LET THIS STORY DIE.

DoItForKeks ago

Posted this in v/pizzagateTeamwork/1883867, should do something like this for his reddit posts/comments. I don't really know where else to post it to get some eyes on it.

... Hi anon posted some info dump on megrimlock4's only "guilded" reddit comment. I looked at it, but it's hard to parse out.

https:/ /

It looks like a dump of the comment and some sort of attempt to identify all parties who respond to the comment. There are a couple of users of interest. It think the goal is to find out if this was code or if it was just a legitimate comment in r/aww. Megrimlock4 posted A LOT in r/aww (see snoopsnoo link) so it might have been somewhere to talk in code before he created the panda accounts - or accounts we haven't found yet.

Interesting users in the dump:

u/herpderppanda (I know rite?)
u/Eat_The_Muffin (suspended, seems to care a lot about Seth Rich)
u/lolmonger ([r/The_Donald]( mod!) also mod of:

Also, in a follow up comment, megrimlock4 throws out this URL (jew DVM with a parrot): -> note:

And lolmonger throws out this ling about dogs and 9/11 (

Can't make this shit up.

Need to look at all users in this thread and look at any coded language in megrimlock4's posts (related to espionage and known events). We need to look at all users who interacted with megrimlock4 and the other reddit alias(es) to create a network. Seth could have been the tip of the spear.

Look more into original info dump on that thread to see if you can pick out more. Like I said, it was kinda sperg and all over the place.

DoItForKeks ago

I forgot, this was posted on 8ch also where I originally saw this link

gun freak, esp long guns

physician with atls training

ATLS = "Advanced Trauma Life Support"

drives or drove an xtera

from/in PA area

probably nothing

anonOpenPress ago

This list is part of at least one collaborative project on Seth Rich, aiming for a press backgrounder for bigger medias. Please join


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Again, thank you. The list just keeps getting longer and longer and ...