YingYangMom ago

Yeah, all points to the shooter NOT being a cop because of two things:

  1. A cop would not agree to record the assassination, even to provide proof.
  2. A cop would not botch the operation.

But... A cop could certainly have finished the job, at the hospital.

YingYangMom ago

I have questions.

  1. Why would anyone, especially a cop, want to wear a body cam if they were going to assassinate someone?
  2. But if they were recording it, would it be so they could provide proof of the killing to their superiors, or the ones who ordered it?
  3. Wouldn't a cop make sure that his target was down before anyone else got to the scene?
  4. Was Seth Rich really alert and answering questions on his way to the hospital? And if so, doesn't that mean that the person who shot him wasn't a professional?

2impendingdoom ago

Some of the reports say that Seth was bruised and his watch torn. If he was on the phone until just before he was shot, when was he beat up? After being shot or in the ambulance? I think shooter cop roughed him up to make it look like the robbery. Or did he not really have bruises?

2impendingdoom ago

well that explains why the yellow always runs out first.

Notgood2 ago

Let's stop blaming this on John podesta. He is a great man and a wonderful chef.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Ummm... comment bot? I think you replied to the wrong thread. Analyze your algorithm!

MattHelm ago

Cops are the best hit men they can shoot you then wait a few minutes and show up to investigate the "shots fired" 911 calls but this cop was very sloppy so they had to finish Seth off in the hospital.

Stosh21 ago

Things that make you go hmmm... What about the reports by hospital staff that Seth was alive when he arrived at the hospital? Sure would hope that Robinson or his fellow officers have body cam evidence.

HighLevelInsider ago

Just wanted to let everyone know, I caught an FBI agent on here. He admitted to being an FBI agent and running sock puppets, and sent me multiple death threats.

fogdryer ago


2impendingdoom ago

we are all FBI agents, I would have told you that but its classified,

deadpoolswimsmlake ago

If this is accurate, this is really scary. I hope there is justice for Seth soon..

MaidenMotherCrone ago

Can someone post more info about how the documents were identified? The program that detects the watermark?

equineluvr ago

He contradicts himself. First he said Rich was murdered by Robinson, who responded to the call. Then he said that Rich was alive and was killed by the COPS (plural) at the hospital.

Robinson must be a shitty shot if he can't kill someone on the spot. How'd such a lousy shot make it on the force and keep his job?

"A pitcher of the corner" LOL

Then there is the first 20+ minutes of the video, where he claims "THEY" hacked and interfered with his equipment. CLASSIC tactic to gain credibility.

Scirel ago

Good points all. Thanks.

I figured Robinson had stayed with him into the hospital and waited for cover when he was there. If indeed the body and street cams were wiped, we are WAY into suspecting the police! But seeing this is an early report, and potentially we will get an interview on record where these questions could get cleared up, I will hold out on a judgement.

I do however like that there is no attempt at anonymity - this to me lends to credibility.

2impendingdoom ago

dont forget that they changed the original police report. First they said that officers heard the shots and responded to the scene. Later they said that shotspotter originally reported the shots. So why change the police report?

DarkMath ago

"Then there is the first 20+ minutes of the video, where he claims "THEY" hacked and interfered with his equipment. CLASSIC tactic to gain credibility."

Just when I think you couldn't get any dumber you go and do something like this........and totally redeem yourself!

I'm so confused right now. Please don't call me a fag and a homo again. I had the same exact reaction you did watching that youtube video. It looks like total bull shit. It was the "Oops, they just deleted the file proving the whole story. Damn it, let me recall it from memory for you."

I wish I was reading a thriller so I could peak at the end because I can't take the suspense any longer. This cluster fuck is messy as fuck.
