Votescam ago

Could it be possible that Seth Rich not only had info about DNC to pass on --

but Pizzagate, as well???

flyingcuttlefish ago

this report says so --

BOMBSHELL! Seth Rich Murder Was A PizzaGate Mob Hit

Votescam ago

Apologies -- didn't see your replies.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention --

Was the murder of Seth Rich a PizzaGate “mob hit”? in this special report, David Zublick interviews Thomas Horan, who believes that the information Rich gave to Wikileaks contained evidence of email communications regarding the pedophile sex trafficking scandal that is rocking Washington, D.C. and the rest of the country, and that a contract was put out on his life for doing so. This scandal is a worldwide crime syndicate that will eventually bring down some very powerful people…people whose lust for power has put them in some compromising positions, which, when exposed, will rock the very foundation of our country But many have already lost their lives for getting too close to exposing these people. The truth about Seth Rich’s murder is about to be unsealed!

flyingcuttlefish ago

maybe this will yeild something -

Reddit and 4chan Trump supporters set out to prove Seth Rich murder conspiracy

Votescam ago

Definitely adds to understanding ... and recommend that readers check the link --

Why has this resurfaced now?

In a Fox 5 DC news report on Monday evening, private investigator and former police homicide detective Rod Wheeler claimed to reporter Marina Marraco that there was evidence on Rich’s laptop to confirm that he had been communicating with WikiLeaks before his death.

“I believe that the answer to solving his death lies on that computer, which I believe is either at the police department or either at the FBI,” said Wheeler, who was hired by a third party to explore the case on behalf of the Rich family. “I have been told both,” he said on camera.

“I have a source inside the police department that has looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘Rod, we were told to stand down on this case and I can’t share any information with you.’ Now, that is highly unusual for a murder investigation, especially from a police department.”

flyingcuttlefish ago

I figure his killers (maybe associated with Podesta) used e-mail chain headers etc. to trace leaks back to him. Somehow using web traffic stats or something to find how WikiLeaks e-mails got a old of. But couldn't those same forensic techniques be used to find Seth Rich killers? I don't know enough about internet traffic tracing etc.

The people at 4chan might know. That FBI held Huma laptop must be a hot potato.

Votescam ago

Hi --

Not familiar with "email chain headers, etc." so don't really understand how could be used to trace leaks back to Seth Rich . . . . but glad someone here understands it--!! :)

Wish I did have a clue as to questions you're asking here -- I'm computer illiterate.

But, wouldn't Rich have been suspect because of his position?

Also wondering where he began . . . Whether he realized first the suppression of voting that the HRC campaign was doing - or whether he came upon something re the trafficking first/Pizzagate.

And whether he passed it ALL onto Assange immediately?


flyingcuttlefish ago

luckily, all these compute experts all all over this :)

Votescam ago


Gothamgirl ago

Another great video Titus!

new4now ago

Police Chief Lanier on the board also, she announced retirement on Aug 16th, 2017.

her salary was just over a quarter of a million dollars a year. She'll retire with an annuity worth about two-thirds of that.

, Lanier will be stepping down to take over as Senior Vice President of Security Operations for the National Football League

Lanier says the NFL reached out to her and she only really decided to take the job Monday

Timing is everything.

2dys between offer and acception

wonder who set that up

DarkMath ago

Titus Frost is a righteous soldier of Truth. I agree with 99% of what he has to say but I wanted to add the following for the record because I'm feeling another "I told ya it wasn't John Podesta in the Fatherhood video" moment coming on. :-D

Here's the comment I made on that video and just copy pasta'd it here:

Titus I've posted this before but it's worth mentioning. I agree with almost everything you believe but you need to consider that those encrypted child porn files on the CPP website may be innocuous garbage put there to make it LOOK like child porn. The reason they'd do that is to sabotage any investigation. There would be the biggest Geraldo Rivera moment in History if those files are opened and they turn out to be just the "Lorem Ipsum" web page filler text and the bytes of the intro portion of the "Thomas Crowne Affair", the first one not the remake which was a piece of crap knock off but I digress. Otherwise you're doing great work. You are an American Hero bro.

Votescam ago

Not likely. The people who contributed the comments aren't complaining that someone has attached Child Porn to their posts.

Also those involved are well known to have been involved with Alefantis -- i.e., Carris' mother worked for Alefantis at CPP.

DarkMath ago

"people who contributed the comments aren't complaining"

I'm not quite sure I understand your point. The possible child porn files on the CPP secure download page would only be opened in the event someone cracked into them which no one has been able to do yet other than the possible shill who "found" them.

It's possible somebody did crack them and found nothing and obviously hid that fact because they didn't want to be embarrassed but who knows.

Votescam ago

There is a picture of a man holding a baby with yellow beads around their necks. As I recall this -- and I know this is in the archives -- that is the "Chickenlover" photo.

Plus, some of the "entertainment" from CPP by the HOST obviously also refers to sex with children.

The original paintings on the walls of CPP were also suspicious as suggesting sex with children. Those paintings were removed about Pizzagate broke but believe videos of them still exist.

Since I'm not good at grabbing Archives, but the man in the photo was identified, I believe. And I believe the child he is holding is "Carris" -- the child who is so often discussed here.

At any rate the baby "Carris" is show in photos where as a baby she is chewing on foreign currency. That child is the daughter of a woman who worked at one time for Alefantis/CPP.

Will try to confirm this for you -- but it may take a bit of time.