kazza64 ago

ive always suspected that is john podesta actually

Thorshamster ago

Do they mean 'real ham'? Are we causing real ham?

noskerdycatusa ago

Is there an archive link to article? Im blocked for not being a subscriber.

Pizzalawyer ago

Podesta also uses the word "insane" as in PG_is_insane. Come to think of it we haven't heard from our friend in a few days.

pcdebol ago

Funny when Comey testified he said they didn't believe the DNC emails came from Russia. Poesta's they thought came from there but not the DNC email's. Guess we weren't supposed to pay attention to that part of his testimony though.

quantokitty ago

Bring t on WaPo!!!! We know what the deal is and that you've stopped so low as to protect pedos and murderers. The real threat is wanting no corruption in government. It's how the Cannibal Elite line their pockets with money and can afford to indulge in perversities. So every time you insult us, you do us honor. We won't give up, but what about you? What are you going to do when the truth is exposed and there are pages and pages of this propaganda showing you took the wrong side. How will you ever explain that or reclaim your integriity?

waxdino ago

I always know exactly what these articles are going to say, but it never fails to enrage me. What did John Podesta mean by make an example of the leakers?! Fucking address that, just once! Stop bitching about the term you coined, fake news.
Why bring up pizzagate over and over?

Surely even some brainwashed retards are catching on that the "pizzagate = Hillary pizza parlor sex ring" bullshit they repeat is an attempt to control the narrative.

ArthurEdens ago

Reminds me of the pol shills saying go to sleep all the time

The_Crux ago

The DC cabal have no theories about the murder. The DC police chief said: "We have more questions than answers". Their investigation has obviously gone nowhere. It's a cold case. And the thing they are worried about is alternative theories to the failed theories and failed non-theories? And using the parents' feelings to justify no further investigation into the murder? The optics are extremely curious with this.

mathemagician33 ago

according to the anon that came on to 4chan the other day (said he was "not FBIAnon, but close"), the DC police chief is complicit in the cover up of Seth Rich's murder. The aforementioned anon also stated he (the DC police chief) happened to be a pedophile.

YeezusKTrump ago

Fuck, this is like Biden groping daughters of congressmen...

They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

anonOpenPress ago

Journalist note: "By Editorial Board". On "opinion". lol. Fake news, "So overused and misused is the phrase", carrying no name to blame.

By no surprise, "pizzagate" got yet another mention. With the same debunked article link. Wonder how many times they've linked that - must have been important. lol

Topic "The absurd conspiracy theory ... causes real harm " is so strongly sourced in the article too: "They are lies. They do great harm." lol

This news is debunked even without a need to fact check. Thanks WaPo for what you're doing to the ethics of journalism too. Sad.

Chatman ago

Opinion piece attributed to "editorial board". So basically the same credibility as a 4chan post, actually less because you can reply and refute a 4chan post. I hope whatever podesta is paying wapo covers what they lose in credibility because once he is done with it putting wapos name to something will be like the liberal slander breibart.

SecondAmendment ago

The only "real harm" in this case is the harm that was done to Seth Rich.

2impendingdoom ago

he wouldn't be freaking out if he were innocent.

SecondAmendment ago

You're absolutely right. If he were innocent, he'd be suing everyone for defamation, too. But since "truth" is a defense to a claim of defamation (according to Wikipedia, anyway - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defamation#Defenses)), none of the people implicated in this mess has filed a lawsuit against anyone making the claims about Pizzagate-related things. Pretty telling, if you ask me.

HollandDrive ago

Podesta on the Comet Pizza fake news story. Never gets old to me.

Alefantis is a "friend of me and my brother" and runs a "high-scale pizzeria in DC," and "volunteered" to do a fund raiser for Hillary. LOL.
