Jem777 ago

This is unbelievable. This is Wasserman-Shultz and D-J. Spiers providing oversight to the capital police who were forced to take control of the Spy ring infiltration by Awan bros. They allowed foreign Intel agents access to top secret data based on multiple committees and got the TS clearance directly from whitehouse.

The equipment she is talking about is US government blackberries & laptops seized by Capital police after FBI did nothing.

For her to threaten is ludicrous her security clearance should be pulled immediately and why they are allowed to question much less threaten a police chief protecting national security is ludicrous.

Honeybee_ ago

Liz Crokin, spelled wrong in intro, and she is a BADASS! messed with the wrong gal. Great update of ACTUAL boots on the ground ♡

seekingpeace ago

Just to clarify, Secret Agent Webb no longer thinks MS13 were involved in Seth's murder? I can't keep up with all his theories.

crashing_this_thread ago

As a Norwegian who has been on this since November I am happy you are finally seeing some real progress.

NeverGiveUp ago

Great post! We always have to look closely to the 3 exterritorial states...Columbia, Vatican and the City of London. Everything what they do is pure corruption. And the men behind them, Synagogue of Satan, incest breeding fucks. I shit on their idols!

Nadakai ago

Hopefully none of the researchers mysteriously commit suicide with two shots to the back of the head

allconnected ago

OP what proof beside a post by Anon that Dr Sava looked after SR the night of the murder?

allconnected ago

GW hasn't given any proof it is DR S.

ThePedoHunter ago

Your pust vividly paints a scene and its giving me goosebumps.....this is fckingggggg huggggee. They're swarming them.....i love it.

May the traitors, murderers and pedos be outted, caught and hanged....die in hell bastards.

ThePedoHunter ago

This is awesome. The scariest thing for any establishment is when disruptive momentum and resistance builds.......and its building.

2b1ask1 ago

So the State Department are losers according to Trump?

Because once again, we have a hoax:

(This video keeps getting deleted - please archive).

Sentinel_For_Truth ago

Fantastic news!

Thanks for this info!

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

I am dumbfounded how we continue to stand up for dead Democrats while actual living Democrats are for obstruction e.g. Chris Stevens or Vince Foster or Seth Rich.

On Twitter, the liberal media is obsessed trying to stop this. Fox News has apparently apologized for pushing the story but Hannity has not, they are in full force attacking Hannity. The family wishes Hannity to stop or something. The family needs to be left alone or something. I 'm sure the media can shame with conspiracy theory all they want but the genie is out of the bottle. Solve it and make leftist heads explode. 10 months and no case is on purpose. Robbery where there was none. Democrats not calling for gun control. Media not interested in the case. Too many doubts to just say move along nothing to see here.

GhostOfSwartz ago

I thought hannity was a lost cause a couple years ago. He's starting to redeem himself. I can't believe they're allowing him to report this. Mark my words, he'll be thrown off Fox news soon!

Nadeshda ago

If nothing else people, get your knees dirty and pray for the force of HIS angels to be dispatched alongside the sons and daughters of righteousness that have taken on this beast. Pray!!!

Voopin__Voopin ago

I seriously just teared up.

May God be with these brave souls, because they are literally walking through the valley of the shadow of death.

GhostOfSwartz ago

As my Sunday school teacher says, praying is never the least you can do, but the MOST you can do. I agree with you. I believe strongly in the power of prayer. I'm praying with you brother or sister.

Nadeshda ago

Thank you, hoping this is the breakthrough we have been praying for. There are people across the globe who have been fasting and praying, once a week, for over a month and we will continue to do this until it is resolved.

Every Tuesday sundown to Wednesday night sundown, partial, full, whatever fast the FATHER places on your heart.

We can't give up now... this beast is going down!

Marfa-Lights ago

Finally... After all these years.... Pay Back Time!!

maltespier ago

They can smell blood, it is there for someone to go down in history. All they need is that one piece to tie it all together, and at this point anyone who doesn't think something seriously corrupt has happened is a fucking moron

I've got to say as well, the likes of Jack Posobiec, they're doing a great job being the feet on the floor for these online findings

MuhammadWasAPedo ago

This is Yuuuuuge

Omnicopy ago

Hope it really happens!!!

xyz_3 ago

George Webb makes a reference to Catherine Austin Fitts who was a whistleblower as undersecretary of HUD in George H W Bush's administration. I posted this link recently to her presentation: It documents the criminal financial fraud in D.C. that funds the Black Ops and crimes against humanity, and how the coverup is linked to the Oklahoma City bombing and the 9-11 false flag. It is well worth your time, IMO. Watch it!

Jem777 ago

Yes I have seen it thanks for posting it. Everyone should watch. There is an additional video I will post that documents how the US government is actually still sold out to the Vatican & the Church of England. A whistleblower from the world bank went on record stating the stunning amount that is paid. Will find it jaw dropping.

Are_we_sure ago

You've fallen yet again for these hoaxers. The folks who held up Rape Melania signs and blamed it on the anti Trump folks. The folks who claimed Clinton knew Silsby before the arrest. The folks who made up the food code. Like chickens to feed y'all are.

tbanidg ago

Blatant shill

DerivaUK ago

You have been called out for the asshole shill you are and your many guises by many, including the most eloquent but cutting adversary @DarkMath. I choose to leave my eloquence on a shelf and lapse into the vernacular to say simply; fuck you and fuck off. You're running out of time mofo.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

This sounds absolutely amazing!

srayzie ago

I'm not seeing anything on Jack's periscope or anything. Do you know if we can watch Live?

YingYangMom ago

I love, love, love, love this! Thanks, OP :)

NoBS ago

Respect to all fighting for lost innocence.

facevalue ago

Fucking hell your name just made me throw up in my mouth a little

srayzie ago

Thank you!

quantokitty ago

OMG!!!! My heart is racing a mile a minute!!!!

We did it ... we're doing it!!! Thank you to all those brave souls out there who refuse to settle for lies!

Jem777 ago

You courageous souls are awesome! Equineluvr took a parting shot at me again but had to delete.

For those that seem upset at KimDotCom it is surprising. Realize that what he did was put the entire US government on notice including the "special counsel" who is supposed to be investigating Russia for hacking the DNC. Trump fired Comey because he knows it is a lie. KimDotCom stated through Attorney's that he has evidence that Seth Rich is the leaker because of corruption. Seth is murdered he named Special Counsel Mueller openly to provide safe passage to personally testify.

He is offering to testify on a capital murder case of a political assasination in the US with direct evidence. If Mueller does not immediately stop the fake Russia investigation and realize this is a capital murder case it is over. He must do this. That will force pedogate, HRC emails, CIA lies, FBI collusion, all of it. Stick with it do not get discouraged. Kim is one part all of you citizens are the majority. DC is paranoid and being watched.

Honeybee_ ago

It's absolutely IMPERATIVE that this is done properly and delicately. This could be the smoking gun that brings it all down. I mean let's be real here, if DC POLICE are responsible for covering not just one crime, (pizzagate), not just two crimes, (Anthony Weiner laptop) BUT 3 major high profile crimes, the truth about the coverup of Seth Rich's murder will most likely destroy everything, FAKE NEWS Russia Narrative will cease to exist and people will be going to jail. I am praying for the light to be finally shined on the hell hole called DC...

JeremiahSinclair ago

Yup, you're completely right. People need to realize that KimDotcom is an adult, and he did what any adult in his position would do, and talked to LAWYERS before making his big statement. I'm sure he wanted to say more, but his lawyers told him what he could say without screwing himself over & putting himself in severe, life-changing legal danger. Ignoring the advice of his legal council would be absolutely terrible idea. People who are criticising him need a crash course in how the real world works!

privatepizza ago

Absolutely !!!

YingYangMom ago

I'm 100% with you on this.

equineluvr ago

"They just went the FBI headquarters and George stood in front and called out to Andrew McCabe (FBI director)to come speak to him "

That IS NOT INVESTIGATING. That is being an attention whore.

cdglow ago

Good for you. They're on the ground actually doing shit, and you're being a negative nancy on the internet.

I'm pretty sure professional journalists & investigators try all sorts of tactics to get in touch with people who don't want to talk.

Shillary ago

They are incredibly brave.

Jem777 ago

Your a self-serving ass. Why don't you stick to your script of calling everyone a Jew or since all these guys are working together & you are finding out the truth you are stuck with new names like whore.

Get out on the street in DC horse lover you are so brave show everyone what a real investigation looks like.

Dressage2 ago

Just love it!!! Take those D.C. bastards down!

GumShoe ago

This is awesome! Thanks for the post.

privatepizza ago

Fucking A !!!

YingYangMom ago

"Don't tell God how Big your storm is; tell the storm how Big your God is. Keep your eyes on the Lord and see Him MAGNIFY HIS POWER in you. With faith in your heart, you will move mountains. When fear fills your heart, mountains will move you. BE A MOUNTAIN MOVER." - Unknown

Nadeshda ago

Amen, Amen and AMEN!

privatepizza ago

Love It <3

Omnicopy ago

Amen with God all things are possible!!!

Jem777 ago


20Justice4All17 ago
