Just another bizarre coincidence? Frantic shill for Seth robbery scenario linked to Spirit Eating actor William Dafoe (pizzagate)
submitted 7.7 years ago by icuntstopswearing
Sean O'Leary was so insistent that Seth's murder was due to a botched robbery - https://mobile.twitter.com/stholeary https://mobile.twitter.com/RussianEmbassy - I dug a little and apart from being a Georgetown graduate (of course) he is also linked with William Dafoe. Both Linkedin and Whitepages seem to be banned domains on here - look up STH O'Leary. Here is Dafoe with the fragrant Marina - http://i.magaimg.net/img/l2s.png
JeremiahSinclair 7.7 years ago
Correction -- it's "Willem Dafoe," not "William," FYI.
DrTeethateJanice 7.7 years ago
I would say at this point, most of Hollywood is fucked, proper fucked.
JeremiahSinclair ago
Correction -- it's "Willem Dafoe," not "William," FYI.
DrTeethateJanice ago
I would say at this point, most of Hollywood is fucked, proper fucked.