Petri_Krohn ago


1) Guccifer 2.0 via Robin Young

2) Kim Dotcom

3) Rod Wheeler

4) Anonymous federal investigator who spoke to Fox News

5) Julian Assange strongly suggests but does not say so.

Two other people claim that they know first hand that the data came from a leaker but no not mention the leaker's name name.

6) Craig Murray

7) Ray McGovern

Guccifer 2.0 is generally assumed to be a hoax created as a cover-up for the leak by #DNC. This does not weaken the impact of Robin Young's evidence. The whole #RussianHacking narrative rest on the foundation that Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian hacker and there was no internal DNC leak.

Petri_Krohn ago

I predict the bullets in Seth Rich's body match the Glock-22 handgun allegedly stolen from an FBI special agent’s vehicle just 2 hours earlier:

FBI Offers Up to $10,000 Reward to Recover Stolen Weapons

Subjects Burglarize FBI Vehicle in Washington, D.C.; Steal Weapons

The FBI’s Washington Field Office is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the recovery of stolen weapons. On Sunday, July 10, 2016, between 12:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m., unknown subjects burglarized an FBI special agent’s vehicle and removed a secured gun lock box which contained weapons and other equipment. The vehicle was parked in the H Street Corridor near H and Seventh Streets, N.E., in Washington, D.C. The lock box, which contained the items listed below, was fitted for authorized use in a government vehicle.

More on Voat here:

FBI is looking for weapons stolen from a vehicle - On Sunday, July 10, 2016, between 12:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m., about 2 miles from where Seth was murdered, on the same night

MattHelm ago

The shooter probably thought two bullets to Seth's back was enough then the shooter ran away or drove away. We won't ever see the street videos they have already been erased. Cops show up (unless they were the shooters but we won't ever see the ballistics report) realize he's still alive and take him to the hospital where he was killed 12 hours later. Cops wore body-cams but we won't see those videos ever they were also erased. Hospitals are the perfect place to kill a target the hospitals are always busy with lots of "doctors and nurses" and hospital personnel always moving back and forth constant hustle and bustle easy to slip into his room and poison him to death.

2impendingdoom ago

Some reposts (the GF) say he had bruises and a torn watch band, so when was he roughed up? must have been After or at time of the shooting, I think. I think the responding officer is the one who shot him and roughed him up to make it look like a robbery, but other officers responded and interrupted (because of shotspotter) so he was ultimately killed later in the hospital.

RweSure ago

The responding officer is the one who shot him? What was the responding officer responding to?

Are you claiming there were two sets of gunshots?

survey_girl ago

I have my suspicions of this 4chan poster. but if the scenario you spell out is what happened... it would be interesting to see if the ballistics of the first officer's gun matched the bullet found in Seth. Weren't there also reports that no shell casings were found at the scene? That would point to a revolver - or a cover-up.

2impendingdoom ago

I think that something I read (so many threads, here and 4chan I forgot where) said that one bullet/casings was recovered in the body and other at scene, but no type of weapon has been disclosed. I would expect all that to be on the medical report which the parents should be allowed to get, also do hppa laws apply to crimes? I would think not, right? Can a lawyer contribute to discussion here?

carmencita ago

I remember reading something on reddit right after the attack that they had a bullet and matched it to some well known criminals but counted them out for some reason I cannot remember. Anyone remember this? I want to know where is that proof of the film from the SpotShooter?

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

I didn't see the point of any interrogation of him at that time but am now, slowly perhaps, coming to the idea that an interrogation of him then and there, before they kill him, would be to find out who else knows about the leak or has any info that it was in fact him.

2impendingdoom ago

Interrogation could be to confirm identity.