Petri_Krohn ago

Someone anonymous, who claims to be from the FBI gave a redacted FBI memo to Joe Biggs today. The document is dismissed by Wikileak as a poor quality fabrication.

Now this "FBI anon" has opened a Twitter account by the name of TruthWyspr. His tweets an hour ago:

Same day of Seth Rich Murder an FBI agent loses a Glock 22 40. Agent involved was suspended pending investigation.

Weapon used to shoot Seth Rich according to DC Police. Is the same. Gun was lost hours before the murder.

Now is it the exact gun that was lost? Can't say and won't speculate but I don't believe in coincidences

Nadeshda ago

We have to keep all these links together...

  • Just repeating some info from the link above, the "what does it mean" site... oh my gosh, I am a late bloomer, a lot on here, I didn't actually know... thanks for sharing...

*"Of the most important of these three believed to be assassins of Seth Rich, this report says, is Alpha Jalloh, whom though identified in his Washington D.C charging document as being 18-years-old, the SVR had previously identified, in 2015, as being 26-years-old and a “high level fence and shipper” belonging to an international car theft criminal organization operating in New York City and New Jersey.

In fact, this report continues, it was through the SVR’s electronic surveillance of Alpha Jalloh that concerns were first raised about Seth Rich when in early July, 2016, this international criminal, who had been “suspiciously” released after his 2015 arrest, and believed to be an FBI informant, was discovered to be in direct contact with both Hillary Clinton’s New York City campaign office and the DNC office in Washington D.C.."*

  • And secondly just, wow, is this real?

"The Trump administrations secret meeting with Kim Dotcom, however, was nearly thwarted though, this report continues, when FBI Director Comey arrived prior to CIA Director Pompeo in New Zealand to begin negotiations—but with Dotcom refusing to meet privately with Comey unless Pompeo was there too—and President Trump being so outraged at this “backstabbing” attempt, he fired Comey a fortnight later telling Russian officials that this FBI Director was a “nut job”.

Two days after President Trump fired FBI Director Comey for his attempting to sabotage the negotiations with Kim Dotcom, this report details, the SVR reported that a “dark web” “kill order contract” worth 82,900 Bitcoin’s (now valued at over $198 million) had been issued against Trump—and though the SVR is not claiming responsibility, a highly-coded “dark web” conversation held between approximately 5 of these conspirators in the United States intelligence communities “Deep State” conspiring to assassinate President Trump was “released” to the public showing their plot plans, and as evidenced in their “conversations” held on Wednesday, 17 May from 2:31 pm to 3:15 pm—and reproduced below: "*

  • What???? I know so little about things...And it goes on...

*"Codes used in this “dark web” “Deep State” exchange include: "RR" for Robert Mueller, "MF" for Michael Flynn, and "Limey" for Christopher Steele, a former British MI6 intelligence officer

Now cooperating with the “Deep State” against President Trump, this report says it’s important to note, is the family of Seth Rich, who are now represented by Brad Bauman, a radical leftist-communist and Democratic Party crisis communication expert advocating for the removal of Trump—but whose success can be noted in his being able to “arrange” the Fox News Network retracting their recent report showing the truth that Seth Rich leaked to Wikileaks, and his cowing the hugely popular rightist Fox News commentator Sean Hannity to “stand down” too. "

  • And more.... phew 😅 Here is the archive site if anyone is interested...

izze ago

another odd detail, the weapons were originally reported stolen "between 6:45 a.m. and 7:49 a.m"

lots of discussion here

Not sure what it all means, i just dont think this lead should be dropped yet. personally my first thought was this was done to cover their tracks in the event a murder weapon is found. If its traced back to the FBI somehow, they can say they didnt have it... but at this point idk...

Red_Pilled_Starlet ago

Seems a littttttlleeee fishy..

Gothamgirl ago

Well how many times is a government official going to have things stolen from his car? Shouldn't they be more responsible then a 5th grader lol. A few months ago, it was a laptop from the secret service. You can only pull the same psyop so many times, before people are hip to it.

carmencita ago

I can tell by your down voats that you are a shill not just by your name.

whatonearth ago

Hey, it's carmencita, the voater who once argued that is perfectly plausible that the vast majority of DC's nearly 700,000 residents lack flush toilets in their homes and somehow nobody ever noticed this before:

Carmencita apparently also believes that 2 miles is a short distance in the middle of a city. I wonder if carmencita has ever even seen a city before.

carmencita ago

Buzz Off.

carmencita ago

A while back there was some news that came out about El Chapo donating over 1M to Clinton. They of course said the sites were "not credible" and the articles mysteriously disappeared.I am thoroughly convinced that he did. The Clintons partner up with Sinaloa. .

carmencita ago

The Clintonsused to spend Christmas with the Kissingers , Barbara Walters and Chrarlie Rose at the home of Oscar de la Renta in Punta Cana every year, and still do even now that de la Renta has passed away. Would you notlove to be a fly on the wall? Kissinger and Rose are best buddies.This article always made me want to trow up since Haiti is right next to DR.

pbvrocks ago

THIS IS FROM 2016...Someone is pushing the Seth Rich killing/murder way hard on this board. Mods are letting it thru and while this does extend to pizzagate in my mind...far less so than other evidence I and others have presented. I am fine with all the Seth Rich info as long as it leads somewhere PG related...I am just pointing out that about 50% of the first page is Seth and Seth related...

Nadeshda ago

Its's called hacking away at a certain vulnerability in the wall in my personal opinion.

If Seth is the man who leaked the podesta emails, then he started this investigation for us. Perhaps the solving of his murder will complete the investigation.

I pray he did not die in vain. Just saying...

Riva ago

It's not that they don't know or care, Russia doesn't play ball with the world 'banking' situation, so they must be controlled and pushed out of the central decision making process.

Watch Oliver Stone's Netflix doc s about American history. It outlines the modern deep State and how they took power among other things.

anotherdream ago

I agree with all of you. If it smells like bullshit, - it probably is. - Fucking stealing the FBI's weapons. Give me a fucking break. - Seth rich probably was killed by an insider. Sick of all this deflection and the smear tactics. - Also, - I totally believe that the family is either A: Being threatened into silence, - or B: Are being paid off AND threatened. - or C: Really have no idea about where Bauman and his associates' loyalties lie: AKA Alefantis and Brock, the DNC, etc. I hope someone can nail those fuckers to the wall. Don't stop digging people.

cloakslanga ago

What's interesting is that the report says it was issued July 22nd 2016. However the Wayback Machine doesn't have any record of it before today? Dodgy as hell.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is true. In Racine, Wisconsin where they gives incentives for police confiscation. They allegedly give away the drugs, guns and other loot as payment and use the drugs at their gambling parties. They pay off everyone to ensure no one saw anything. They hire prostitutes that sometimes end up dead at the country club, and if anyone does not comply, like a judge, they sometimes end up suicided in the Root River. There is a major problem with trafficking, organ harvesting, pedo crimes, satanic abuse, prostitution, corruption, and racketeering in Racine. They control the airport, the interstate and the harbor. It is deeply tied to the mafia, the church, and elite secret societies. Officials are resigning, retiring and moving away like cockroaches when the lights come on. They know too many dots have been connected already and they are desperately trying to cover up what they can.

The police, DA and sheriff's offices in Racine and Racine County, Wisconsin could not be more corrupt or complicit to criminal corruption, and the FBI and DOJ in Milwaukee and Chicago are no better. Equal protection under the law does not exist, and the rule of law is selectively enforced. Racine is a hub for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. The FBI know all about Racine and how it connects to the Clintons and the most powerful families in the world. The Criminal Enterprise is "too big to fail". This is what Comey was admitting already, is that he had to make a call, and if everyone knew what was really going on, we would likely have a revolution on our hands.

Seth Rich and Racine, Wisconsin are both TABOO. They BOTH need to be investigated, and together they will lead everyone to the real truth. Our government is a criminal enterprise that betrayed the laws and the people it swore to serve, and the government is just an arm of the secret societies that are ruling our country and world in a state of complete tyranny. One major problem is the corruption and extreme complicity through the rank and file of our agencies including the FBI and others, the military and the police. Complicity to corruption begets more brazen corruption.

When the FBI begins indictments on all of the corrupt officials and their associates in Racine, Wisconsin, we will begin believing in them again, and until then, they are all guilty of misprision of criminal corruption and complicity to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption linked to Paul Ryan, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and a long list of others involved. Racine is a hub that connects all of the dots, and it's no wonder why Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan rose to such power as front men to cover up the real evils in our government and political establishment.

Vindicator ago

Whatever you think of Trump, his winning was the greatest historical plot twist in my lifetime. So much glorious salt. They really thought they had it all sewed up. Now...heh...shills gotta work very very hard!

SoSpricyHotDog ago

It's a piece of information. No more. No less. With a heavy dose of "What if" and speculation.

Do you know of a way to get the facts direct form the source? Follow up on this story? Connect more dots? Because right now, no matter how hard you actually shill... the official story is not holding water.

Sorry bro.

srayzie ago

Is that the same night Seth Rich got shot?

MelatoninDreams ago

Jew don't say.

carmencita ago

Drugs as a turn around, I can't even wrap my head around that. But as bad as that sounds it does not surprise me.

tbanidg ago

Anyone notice that it was posted on July 22, the day of the wikileaks release of the DNC emails?

obama_sin_laden ago

its like getting drunk ,crashing your car ,running home and when the police arrive having a beer in your hand and exclaiming that the crash was why your drinking

Nadeshda ago


carmencita ago

That is a harsh reality, but may be true. It is also sad.

4_InquiringMinds ago

So incredibly convenient isn't it?


Who makes this rubbish up. Come on Brock. Come on McCabe. You can do better than that.

Petri_Krohn ago


Hypothesis: Seth Rich was killed in a botched arrest attempt by the FBI. He was by then already under investigation for the DNC leak.

As part of the cover-up, the FBI agents had to dispose of the weapon. They staged I burglary and removed the TruckVault gun lock box from the FBI special agent’s vehicle.

I predict the bullets in Seth Rich's body match the Glock-22 handgun allegedly stolen.

nanowerx ago

The bad part is that they didn't even stage a robbery and didn't even take anything. Amatuer hour hit job.

SoldierofLight ago

Exactly. There may also be a spent slug they couldn't find/recover at the scene and they're concerned someone might find it or already has. So the FBI did a pre-empt and claimed (suddenly) that the guns were stolen in case there's a match with a slug that later turns up.

Greyhawk56 ago

That sounds realistic. Another hypothesis along those lines: There was no break in. Two clinton-loyal (dirty) fbi agents were watching him the whole evening, waiting for their chance to either abduct him or assassinate him, considering their directive. He apparently was ready and prepared, (full water bottle carried as a weapon on a routine basis when out at night, as per his mom) for an attack in d.c. even on a normal day. ER doc said he was covered with bruises, so apparently he fought for his life, at which point maybe he got away from them, and was running at which time they shot him in the back. In these situations, you were right SoldierofLight, they would check him for entry/exit points, and if there was a spent slug unaccounted for, it would be a possible piece of damning evidence if found by an honest person who would turn it into another honest person. (not associated with the Clinton network somehow). To keep this from happening, as you said SoldierofLight, they created the preemptive dialogue of the weapons stolen from the fbi.

SoldierofLight ago

I like your premise. In a courtroom, the chain of evidence would be broken if a civilian found the slug and took it. But, if it was lodged into a wall, or even found on the ground and left untouched and a non-compromised LEO or fed followed protocol and collected the evidence... part of me is hoping that one of the good feds knew what went down and saw his chance to nail these POS and knew where it would be likely to find this evidence based on where the shooting actually took place. So to get in front of that possibility, the feds claimed the guns were stolen.

Greyhawk56 ago

Or another hypothesis: maybe they first abducted him, interrogated him, then brought him back to "the area" (quotes because I have to admit, I am ignorant of some of the details known at this time), then they let him go, and as he was no doubt running if he was able, then shot him in the back.

kingforpres ago

So that Motorola is the digital set up and I'm 99.9% certain they can locate it based on its serial number.

carmencita ago

Thanks for the education. Do you think that Holder had anything to do with it? There is probably a lot of hiding that happened during his time in office. There is a lot of that in most governments but God, ours seems so wicked and corrupted in all aspects. How can we even stop it.

pby1000 ago

Do we know what caliber bullet was used by the DNC to murder Seth Rich?

carmencita ago

I wonder how often this happens? It just fits so perfect, The time is right on the money. I feel we are getting really close.

Warmoose76 ago

Even if you stole the lock box it would probably take time to get it open of it was locked. Probably take more than a day unless you already had the right equipment and or knew what your doing.

Nadeshda ago

Dang, it can't be good for Truckvaults business though, I wonder what they think about this...

slidy ago

Ohhh now it is making since to me. The gun thief needed a flash drive to run tails so he could sell his new guns on the darknet; that's why Seth Rich was killed. I can replay it in my head

Thief - "Freeze!"

S. Rich - "Oh God, hollow point be thy name. Thy kingdom come, on earth.."

Thief - "Give me your thumb drive or I'll blow your fucking brains out you average looking son of a bitch!"

SR - "Just make it quick pls kthxbye"

The_Crux ago

Seriously? When was the report issued? Was Comey worried about something traceable so had to make the weapon stolen after the fact? Sounds too crazy. I'm expecting this to be a hoax report.

snefru ago

They don't have a choice now. They have to somehow connect Seth with Russians. Any connection will do as long as it muddies the waters. Not saying this is bogus yet but heads up because the "mainstream" narrative is already putting those connections into place. Anonymous sources making major claims. The usual. Did Russian hitmen steal the weapons? Was Seth communicating with Russians? Did he get on the wrong side of the Russians? Daily Mail is already floating the Russian connection narrative.

"According to Burkman, his team is currently looking into the theory that Russian agents may have been behind Rich's death.

'We had [a former U.S. intelligence officer] approach us and say that the Russians did it. So we're looking into connections between Seth and the Russians. We, too, are looking into connections between Seth and Wikileaks, we haven't found anything,' he said. 'We don't go on hunches and inclinations, we go on evidence.'"

Mad_As_Hell ago

'We don't go on hunches and inclinations, we go on evidence.' It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic and a young man's murder didn't remain unsolved. Would they really be dumb enough to take the 'muh Russia' angle again??

Vindicator ago


The_Crux ago

Then it's Kasparov controlling Putin's DC operations. He positions himself as a Putin critic. But he would claim to be a critic to give him the daylight.

RweSure ago



How do you jump to Kasparov?

Nadeshda ago

They are trying to coughcoverup..cough some stolen FBI guns? Wow 😳 How did this happen?

Am I reading this correctly ? The whole safe was taken ? If this is the case then they must have had a good bit of time to do this... here are the fitting instructions of one of these similar looking safes...

Secondly; I checked out some of the break in video's for these, this aint easy looking either... maybe just to these novice eyes that is... look for yourself though...

I really wonder how often this sorta thing happens... hmmm... interesting...

Drunkenmoba ago

Looking at the mounting instructions I can see a few ways to remove it in under 15 minutes. Especially If I had 3 or more people working with me and a pick up bed.

Equipment could all be purchased at a hardware store without raising an eye

Nadeshda ago

Well, it is a possibility, I will say that much. When looking back over the last year in Washinton, I only saw this incident; so now this looks like the only known time that this has happened...

So possible but improbable...sure guns get stolen all the time, but not complete custom fit truck vault lock boxes.

And to further prove how "safe" these specific boxes are, they are pushing for Law to force gun owners in Washinton to have lock boxes or face fines...

"OLYMPIA, Wash. — Two gun control measures discussed in Olympia Thursday included one that would raise the age to buy semi-automatic, assault-style rifles to 21 and another that would require gun owners to safely store their weapons or face prosecution."

  • So this would be regarded as an embarrassing incident; to say the least. Also, who are the agents involved ? Were they careless ? What is the process involved?

Is there some sort of Watch dog, that oversees these sorts or reports on these things?

According to OP's article, the agents reported it to the cops, is there a case number ?

So many questions...

Drunkenmoba ago

Jesus, fuck Seattle. Its the only way that legislation is making that much progress.

It really is just another 'tax' to impede the 2nd Amendment. I really wish I didn't live in a full retard state when it comes to 2A.

Nadeshda ago

Come to Texas brother and open carry your heart out...

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hey @Nadeshda

I checked TruckVault's Facebook feed. Just to see if they posted an opinion/the article. I noticed something very odd. It's not evidence of anything, really, just the opposite.

They post very regularly. 2-4 days, or about every 3 days on average. This is true pre-July and post-August 1st... up until today.

There is a massive gap in their post timeline from mid-July to August 1st.

Perhaps they were busy meeting with the powers that be during that 2 week period? I know that a nice way to make good on negative PR is $$$. It would be awesome to see if the US Government put in a purchase order for TruckVault in a very high amount during this gap in activity.

RweSure ago

You call a two week gap in the middle of the summer massive?

I call it the social media guy was on vacation.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Based on the frequency of posts, it's the biggest gap I could find. Didn't see a gap like that the previous summer either. Any social media guy worth a small salary knows you can schedule posts to go out automatically... in fact, that's what it looks like they are doing (Via Hootsuite).

In the scheme of a "normal" business, 2 weeks, 4 weeks or even multiple months wouldn't be massive. Just noticed that the only gap in posts occurred at this very same time.

I also noticed sales of Truck Vault spiking via a PDF order form on the domain, but, despite being indexed by Google the domain DNS is blocked from anyone outside of their network/firewall.

Nadeshda ago

Not sure how to establish that but I did find this interesting....

Spotlight Series with PoliceOne Sponsors Brought to you by TruckVault

  • Spotlight: TruckVault is revolutionizing weapon security for police officers TruckVault’s custom in-vehicle storage goes far beyond theft prevention

"We are involved in many at a local level here in Washington State and support many LE tradeshows across the country. We also donate generously to fundraising requests through our Frank Hagel print program. We donate annually roughly $80,000 worth of product to be auctioned off in many fundraisers primarily driven by our print giveaway program."

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Holy shit man... that break-in video is serious business. If an FBI agent slept through that thing being opened? They probably shouldn't be an FBI agent.

Drunkenmoba ago

Thats the break in. Far easier if you steal the whole vault and get into it later.

Edit: watched video and the break in is going the wrong way. Get under the vehicle and destroy the mounting bolts. The entire vault slides out after that.

Nadeshda ago

LMAO no kidding... I was interested in one of these for my vehicle, I mean what sorta guarantee is in place for this rather barbaric theft process that would have to take place?

Then a two man job at least and you better have a drill handy if your manually uninstalling it... plus some cutters for ties...

Let's just say that those agents were possibly away from their vehicles and no one noticed 2 guys literally raping their car to get a lock box out... dang you got me...

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Interesting. I see too many forks down the road at the moment to have words.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Whoa whoa whoa... is the insinuation here that the weapons stolen were used to "off" Rich?

If so... could this simply be a cover story to make a claim that the FBI officers implicated in a possible shooting didn't have their weapon/know the perpetrator?

That's some deep shit and some scary foresight if so.

Who the fucks robs the FBI's weapons? Seriously?

Dome_Checked ago

Well, yeah. It's a probably a Russian assassin who broke in and stole a civilian's weapon then MURDERED Seth Rich...

If I'm not mistaken. The gun control laws in DC are extremely strict. So, just a forethought. They're going to find the "criminal" who owned the weapon, he's gonna be a white guy, mid 20's, and now we have an angle and diversion. "Yes! Seth Rich was murdered... By a person who illegally obtained a firearm. We need strictor stronger gun control policies. If something like this can happen in our nation's capital, we are can't imagine what's going on throughout the USA." So, now that Russia has been touched and that narrative is falling apart let's have a distraction or, take it in a different direction because, as we all know, Trump was working with the Russians throughout his campaign. So, obviously Mr. Rich had some pretty damning (evidence). Sorry, I mean (((evidence))). Just my two cents.

anonOpenPress ago

FBI is not investigating the murder of Mr. Rich, only the Police is (of course, that doesn't mean that these weapons could not be related to that)

YingYangMom ago

Who the fucks robs the FBI's weapons? Seriously?

Who the hell robs a secret service laptop from a car?

Deja Vu?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Good point, this read very similarly... makes no sense.

DerivaUK ago

Same thoughts at same time.

PG_____IsRidiculous ago

Whoa whoa whoa... is the insinuation here that the weapons stolen were used to "off" Rich?

Yes of course, but only in a circle of detached from reality conspiratards.

mathemagician33 ago

so you honestly believe the Seth Rich murder was a robbery gone bad?

palmitespo910 ago

Don't feed the troll. He's a recurring subject, always showing up with a new pg is retarded variation. Shill status. Just downvoat and move on. Report his comment if you want, mods are aware of him.

mathemagician33 ago

oh I know, I've had many unpleasant interactions with him.

palmitespo910 ago

I don't know if he does or does not believe what he's spewing, but I know that either way he's a malicious being for doing it. Shame

artfullyours ago

Can you believe that? Do they think we are that simple minded...this stuff makes me sick!!!

nuworldblue ago

Seems desperate.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Seems like a fucking Russia angle hail mary.

If they seriously go Russia again with this....

They can't. They wouldn't.

palmitespo910 ago

Never underestimate the enemy

Gothamgirl ago

Sounds like a bunch of crap.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yeah exactly. The D.C. FBI office was and probably still is completely compromised

carmencita ago

I think someone informed the person that stole the weapons and lock box that the weapons would be in that car. Someone like Podesta would be able to have or obtain that information. Could he have passed that info on to an SEIU clean up worker? Good chance.

RweSure ago

Podesta would have or be able to obtain that information? In what universe?

An SEIU clean up worker?

You're spinning far above terra firma.

DarkMath ago

"An SEIU clean up worker?"

I heard it could have been a nurse Ratchet who put too much potassium in his I.V. line. Of course we could settle this point if there was no gag order on all attending hospital staff and we could see the autopsy results, the cell phone meta-data of all involved and the DC police body camera videos were released. Aaaaaaaand maybe, cross your fingers, get a peak at Seth Rich's laptop if it still exists.

Someone off'ed Seth Rich AreWeSure. There's only one rational explanation for how 6 people associated with Wikileaks all met untimely demises starting almost immediately after John Podesta wrote he'd like to make an example of someone. If you believe that was a coinkydink then I've got some ocean front property in Arizona I'd like to talk to you about.

Seth Rich is an American Hero and I dislike people like you who say otherwise. Seth Rich will be worshiped as an American Hero right up there with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Mark my words.

And you whoever the fuck you are will be mocked and vilified in perpetuity from one end of the Interwebs to the other. Scientists will study your behavior to better understand the principles behind Mass Delusion.

And I'm going to love watching every last fucking second of your painful re-entry into Earth's atmosphere. Never get high off your own supply AreWeSure and @RWeSure and @Are_we_sure

Never take the panties of that cunt demon, she'll eat you alive.


jangles ago


And you whoever the fuck you are will be mocked and vilified in perpetuity from one end of the Interwebs to the other. Scientists will study your behavior to better understand the principles behind Mass Delusion.

carmencita ago

You are really out of the loop if you think JP does not have Top Security available to him.Yeah, clean up worker as in Janitor. I see your spinning your tales again. bug off Shill.

RweSure ago

You are really out of the loop if you think JP does not have Top Security available to him.

This is miles away from your claim.

So John Podesta now has an army of janitors that commit crimes for him? That's where this lunacy has gotten to?

carmencita ago

It is not lunacy. The definition of insanity (or lunacy) is doing the same thing over every day and expecting a different result. That is what you are doing. Expecting people to believe your CTR paid lies. Nobody believes you we are all on to you.

Are_we__sure ago

Please explain the non-lunacy way in which John Podesta is involved in the the theft of weapons from a FBI vehicle. I'm particularly interested in how he knows about the vehicle and the weapons.

Also you said there was a good chance of this. What is your definition of good chance?

I think someone informed the person that stole the weapons and lock box that the weapons would be in that car. Someone like Podesta would be able to have or obtain that information. Could he have passed that info on to an SEIU clean up worker?

carmencita ago

Possibility. Now Buzz Off.

DarkMath ago

"Subjects Burglarize FBI Vehicle in Washington, D.C."

I wonder if the agent was driving a 2010 red Porsche 911 twin turbo. Nah, that couldn't happen. He's not that stupid. I mean seriously. There are coinkydinks and then there are coinkydinks.

You know what I'm saying?

And btw how high did you mother fuckers get anyway(1)? PSA: never get high off your own marketing smoke.

Isn't it time we finally turn our swords back into plowshares?

Let's get back to what really matters because this looks like one helluva ride.


(1) Sorry flat Erfers but this bitch is round.

carmencita ago

Porsche 911 What is that suppose to mean? 911 Is he really kidding or what? He must be insane. Not only is it a much too flashy car, the number 911 is really insane. McCabe is really pushing it , imo. 911, is that some kind of message?

DarkMath ago

"He must be insane."

Nope, he's just drunk with power. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I think these perps had things going their way for so long they got lazy. Hillary losing was a very big surprise I'm thinking. They got over-confident and high off their own marketing smoke. They should have known you never get high off your own supply.

I don't think the Clintons and Podestas are going to be remorseful. They're going to be irate they got caught holding the bag. Why? Because this charade has been going on since the Deep State killed JFK in 1963. They've run the table for 50+ years. It would be hard to NOT get overconfident. They're asking themselves "Why me?" all day long.


cult_of_philanthropy ago

Maybe "why me?", but I doubt "Why me God?" ;)

DarkMath ago

"Maybe "why me?", but I doubt "Why me God?""

Duly noted and updated. Thank you for pointing that out.

carmencita ago

You make so much sense. But God, how stupid. Yeah, they are drunk with power, but it will be one heck of a hangover.