equineluvr ago

So much for the "bombshell!" It was just a whole lotta nuttin'. LOL

I'm sure the bombing was a FF to detract from it. LMAO!!!

PGIs____Retarded ago

You pathetic insane fucks.

GiantMillipino ago

I know, huh? the lengths they'll go to to terrorise the people.

HollandDrive ago

Some false flags are staged (Sandy Hook), some are not (OKC bombing and 911).

Just don't put it past these evil people that they won't kill w/out hesitation if that works better or easier or works with/for their agenda better.

Probably blew the hell out of an innocent man and woman in San Bernardino, lawyer says they were handcuffed when they pulled them out of the car after being massacred.



https://youtu.be/QJJFitq3lQQ?t=107 Three tall and athletic looking WHITE guys w/ assault rifles in military fatigues??

flyingcuttlefish ago

I think you are right about removing videos. I made a MIRROR copy and just uploaded it. https://youtu.be/iAw_AAxH5N4

The announcer thing was the clincher.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

What would the point be of an announcer causing a panicked shitstorm leading to more deaths by stampede? That is a real concern in these situations. Think of the announcement before watching a movie at the theater: "In case of fire, WALK, don't run, to the nearest exit". They say it every time.

flyingcuttlefish ago

except the other odd behavior - like a stage play set up. People pre-bandaged who limp away showing bandages with NO ambulance or medical people all around. The usual crisis actors ensemble + faked photos of dead kids who are very much alive etc. etc. etc.

argosciv ago

Definitely calling bs on this one. The photos of the evacuees, the footage of them 'running' down the stadium stairs and aisles... it's all wrong.

As usual, attempts to discuss this in social-media circles are instantly met with emotionally charged accusations of having no empathy.

All the hallmarks of FF are here, anyone noticed any shoeless victims/survivors yet?

fartyshorts ago

Here's a video of them rehearsing an incident last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JxoxWJIZss

Interesting story from last year: http://abcnews.go.com/International/british-police-apologize-making-fake-suicide-bomber-shout/story?id=39006507

A simulation of the moment a suicide bomber detonates an explosive inside a shopping centre in Manchester, England on May 10, 2016.

EricKaliberhall ago

Kim dotcom announcement tzuday. False flag Monday evening. The Monsters are really afraid. Keep fighting hard my fellow pizzagaters.

YingYangMom ago

Wasn't he INITIALLY supposed to release the announcement on Monday?

EricKaliberhall ago

Sit down with lawyers on Monday. -This must be done correctly (Kim dotcom) I hope tzuday is the day that the DNC will be exposed.

fartyshorts ago

As usual, no footage of the explosion, despite hundreds of people filming at the time. I remain skeptical.

V____Z ago

They did the actual explosion earlier that day - the cops, not some terrorist https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NBhdl3a_m4k

flyingcuttlefish ago

probably at request of Lynne de F Rothschild (joke) ....

equineluvr ago

A FF to distract from the Seth Rich story would likely be staged in the U.S,. not England.

For the simple fact that this event is covered more heavily across the pond. They aren't as wrapped up in the Seth Rich story as we are. So, wrong media market.

In addition, as I stated earlier, as someone who has studied FFs for years the Seth Rich story isn't big enough for them to do a FF. Only a fraction of the country even knows who Seth Rich was.

DarkMath ago

"A FF to distract from the Seth Rich story would likely be staged in the U.S,. not England."

Oh really, that's odd you would say that given all we now know about False Flags in say..........oh I don't know..........GHOUTA SYRIA?

"the Seth Rich story isn't big enough for them to do a FF."

Another sentence right out of left field. That's a head scratcher. Thinking................Horsefucker you never responded yesterday with who you think killed Seth Rich. Why is that? The only reason you wouldn't respond to that question is you're ashamed you don't have an answer or you know it was the Deep State after all and you have no justification to criticize George Webb. Isn't that about right?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're back with equineluvr is a shill. The flagrant Horse Fucker's out in left field being a shill everybody.

You Bein' Bigger Than God Horsefucker?


EricKaliberhall ago

I believe the Seth Rich story is big enough for a False Flag. If the DNC is exposed, PizzaGate will follow and then it's just a matter of time before the Global puzzle know as PedoGate will be exposed, full or partial disclosure depends on who sings.

DonKeyhote ago

What about Sandy hook, which i havent researched. They didnt get any legislation there was no crisis

V____Z ago

that would only make sense if the news didn't cover it. The whole point is to take over the news feeds of all major networks til the whole Kim Dotcom thing can be 'handled'. I wonder if even Hannity will have to cover all the deaths, and stories of innocent girls blown to bits at an Ariana (US pedo fantasy) concert.

equineluvr ago

Pfft. You are reaching. There are many Voaters who are asking who Seth Rich was; even they have no idea. Again, a FF here in the U.S. would SATURATE U.S. media. That would be the BEST way to knock the Kim story off.

Besides, nobody even knows if Kim Dot Com is going to come through. Based on his prior track record, many are skeptical.

As a veteran of this war, I can tell you that- Sean Hannity is a con artist, a "phony" conservative who operated a multi-million dollar swindle with his pal Ollie North. He flies via New World Air. He faked an interview at "the Ecuadorian embassy" (green-screened) of Julian Assange, who is backed by Rothschilds. And you idiots are fawning all over these FAKES.

EVERYTHING IN MEDIA NOW IS FAKE. 100%. It's been "1984" for several years.

The "two parties" are only for the sheeple. They all work together, lending further credence to the Seth Rich story being BULLSHIT.

All elections are FAKE. They are RIGGED by BLOODline. Every election since 1789 has been "won" by the candidate with more royal BLOOD. That is 100% FACT with ZERO deviation. Further credence to Seth Rich story being BULLSHIT.

V____Z ago

US media is literally saturated with this news right now, have you checked? Talk to me tomorrow - i bet you this is all over the news for at least the next 24 hours, and i mean all major stations. Possibly even keeping Hannity from doing his gig, forcing him to take it to his radio show. I don't see how you could get better results just by moving it to the US.

Benkitchen105 ago

UK is waking up to false flags, besides from pushing agendas and eroding civil liberties, its also a diversion tactic

V____Z ago

Yep. Do you think the recent car and truck incidents were real? I think the UK and the US do ops together pretty seamlessly.

argosciv ago

definitely staged. Someone here on voat posted about them at the time, linked to a dissection of events by uh... shit I forget his name! Bloody genius work though.

FOUND IT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQNPeYuXim4


V____Z ago

WHOA I LOVE this guy. THIS guy is for REAL. Thanks man!

Benkitchen105 ago

No, all staged. Crisis actors, prosthetics, ect. You can research most on YouTube. Nothing is real anymore, its all pre-determined / scripted to suit certain political agendas. 9/11, London 7/7, Sandy Hook, Boston, Westminster, Paris....

HollandDrive ago

Operation Gladio.