ArrestMe ago

It also correlates creepily well with this supposed map of underground US tunnels which is damn interesting.

Underground Tunnels

goodguy1367 ago

The Southern Cali Logistics airport is pretty damn close to the one in Southern Cali

goodguy1367 ago

Well would you look at that! Maybe now we can check what Logistic companies are either near or on top of these tunnel entrances?

Mad_As_Hell ago

Great post! The shoe thing reminds me of JA's coffin-making buddy werkingonmynightcheese's Instagram, lots of creepy photos of kids' shoes, almost like he kept them as a trophy/memento. Also that video two people did of CPP and tunnels in the surrounding area, where a bunch of young boys in mismatched shoes were filmed being jogged out of the venue by a worried looking man

cheese_pizza_lover ago

You tin foil hat wearers are so sad. Maybe Bigfoot got them! Haw haw haw. Now go chase Bigfoot you loons. Pizzagate is fake news. Fake news hurts real people.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I have tonnes of common sense but get lost in the bathtub. So I think people like me just shouldn't go into the woods unless there is a very well worn path. Or go with someone who is good at that stuff.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Human hunting parties!

goodguy1367 ago

High possibility because the article says that no one with a firearm has ever gone missing!

Laskar ago

Thanks for this post.

The missing shoe thing is masonic BS.

carmencita ago

I have hated Amazon for years. I have suspected them of something nefarious with Immigrants or worse. How do you think they are complicit? Bringing in trafficked humans in boxes and ships and airlift? I would love to see them exposed. They opened and expanded a huge place in Joliet Ill That would be near two airports and near the docks of Lake Michigan as well. Stop using Amazon.

4thesakeofthekids ago

So some anonymous guy on 4chan says to look at blue districts and missing persons and everyone starts overlaying maps? Implying that higher concentrations of democratic voters abduct more kids? It's been said on many a post that child sex trafficking knows no political party and I don't see how looking at blue districts and Amazon distribution centers is going to solve any mystery.

National park disappearance can also be explained by the vast amounts of wilderness, novice hikers and lots of wild animals.

Yall do your thing but this sounds like a waste of time. What if this anon said to look on the map of white supremacists organizations and starbucks? Would there be another call to dig dig dig? I just hate to see so many resources directed at this "tip" from an anonymous person on 4chan whose post was vague, without any real substance and seems a lot like an attention seeker looking to get folks running around for his own pleasure. If he had connected any of those things he cited than why ask people to to do it again with little to go on? Why not just report his findings? (Hint) He had none.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

This is a crazy good find! Wonderful job! I went on and found this snippet: "Taking off one and handing it to him with whom a covenant was made was a symbol of sincerity.Removing “both” shoes signified quite another thought.

These are separate and distinct symbols - in Freemasonry both are used - and it is wise to distinguish between the two, not to miss the beautiful implications of entering that place which is holy with both feet bare"


BlackManta2 ago

Is that Sedona being pinpointed in Arizona? That is a weird place with weird vibes. John McLame lives there too I think.

Intheknow ago

Tom hanks: The man with one red shoe

Awoke_AF ago

Yup. Not saying that high population centers wouldn't be the focal point for any type of illegal import/export business, but blindly saying "holy crap they match" is misleading. Clearly the targets of the traffickers are consumers, and by default more consumers are in high population areas.... Reminds me of the Ice Cream sales vs. Violent crime link from back in the day. They aren't related to each other, but they are both related to warmer weather.

Gandolf ago

Umm... isn't this a missing 411 map? this is David Paulides it not?

And btw he never says who or what is happening to these people, just that they go poof. Gone. sometimes they find remains, more often than not they don't..but when they do..they usually don't have shoes on.

je-sui-pepe ago

Yes I have read all his books but it's not Masonic rituals and elite that are making these particular people disappear.... it alludes to a very sinister otherworldly type of being or beings...

quantokitty ago

Interesting stuff. Upvoat for you. Had no idea about the shoes. It's another good reason to hang out here. You can learn so much.

Eyes open and dig, dig, dig.

mooteensy ago

I never knew about the shoes either! This is a VERY quality post. Great job, OP!

quantokitty ago

Totally agree. It adds a lot to the forum.

Awoke_AF ago

Just to make it clear to everyone.... the "blue" portions of the map also represent the highest population density areas in the US. So anything would be over weighted statistically to those portions of the country. If you really want to say "OMG, all of the kidnappings are around blue portions of the election map", that is great, but statistically it would be that way by default. It's simple math.

Jakestr ago

There's a YouTube channel is called into oblivion and this guy basically does a serious on every disappearance in a national park, someone might find this helpful

nnfx ago

Here, have an overlay of both maps for direct comparison.

Gorillion ago

Explains why Amazon has never gone bust.

Psychanaut ago


goodguy1367 ago

Yes i know that but if you read the article it says that most that go missing are children between the ages of 20 months to 12 years old, it also says most of the others are elderly people, which is easy to explain. The article also says that no one with a firearm has ever gone missing. What i would like to know is why the kids that are found have NO shoes with no cuts or bruises on the feet? And can't remember what happened to them.

Psychanaut ago

You're just wrong. I'm not trying to anger you. You obviously don't know about Hunters 411. You're just not up on it like other people. Tons and tons of NOT children. This has nothing to do with molesting children or sex trade. In fact, if you bothered to actually do the research into 411, no offense, but they state outright over and over again that they look for sexual assault. In 100% of cases where bodies are recovered not one sexual assault, because that is always everyone's first thinking, it's what they check for and they rule it out. It has never been found. You need to research this further and stop just posting cool stuff because you have some interesting facts.

goodguy1367 ago

Probably the same people checking for sexual assault that rule out murder to the people found dead with 2 gunshot wounds to the back of the head.

survey_girl ago

Can you also compare a map of sanctuary cities? I remember a lot of the blue/dnc voting cities are sanctuary cities. These places might be easier to traffic children in and out of.

ArthurEdens ago


Benkitchen105 ago

There was a news / chat show interview on UK television after the London attacks. The victim went on national TV the NEXT DAY after the attacks with no shoes on because they were been cleaned?!!. You could not make this shit up. He apparently walked to the studios with wet socks. Masonic symbolism.

goodguy1367 ago

If you haven't watched the video i posted from Ole you should check it out its extremely interesting.

Silverlining ago

105 Sorry, but all I get is a wall of videos. Could you find the address of the specific video and post it, preferably with a time to look at in the video. Thanks.

fartyshorts ago

Wtf?! I'd never seen that before. "And unfortunately, um, your shoes are still being cleaned, um, after yesterday..."

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

goodguy1367 ago

Ahah yes that would be the bloke he also showed in the video, I was wondering who he was. His shoes were getting cleaned haha fuck so he couldn't find another pair anywhere at all to wear on TV, they just threw themselves under the bus right there!

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

The amount of clothes and shoes This Morning receive for product placement is ridiculous. NO WAY did they not have spare shoes for this guy. On a lighter note .. if a "terrorist" attack happens close by me the first thing I will be doing is removing my shoes and pretending I was a crisis actor!

Benkitchen105 ago

Threw themselves under the bus just like the mannequin dummy they used that day! Hahaha. Its a joke how people are so gullible not to see what's going on under their noses

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I can't find the video or even a screen shot. Any ideas?

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

The mannequin under the bus I meant sorry.

Benkitchen105 ago

It was a photograph, google image it. Its a dummy under bus with only legs showing. Its behind the wheel, not flat, no blood. They just presume "she's" dead without pulling her out. Its comical

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Best picture I can find! Pretty certain protocol isn't leaving someone under a bus and presuming they're dead. No doubt false flag.

BerksResident ago

Excellent post - this calibre has been missing from voat recently. Big upvoat!

goodguy1367 ago

Thanks! Things just start to line up if you're heading in the right direction, I just started with the missing kids map search and ended with this post lol

palmitespo910 ago

I stumbled upon this thread about an hour ago. I have it saved so I can get back to it and dig a bit. Thanks!

goodguy1367 ago

I'll edit to add your post about Amazon as I think it's all tied in and extremely relevant to this one

Benkitchen105 ago

There was a news / chat show interview on UK TV after the London attacks. The victim went on national TV the next day after the attacks with no shoes on because they were been clean. You could not make this shit up. He apparently walked to the studios with wet socks. Masonic symbolism.

SoldierofLight ago

I've been separately researching the astonishingly high number of people who go missing every year in our National Parks. Sometimes it's entire clusters of people all at once-- adults as well as children. But of course this is not reported in the MSM so most people are blissfully unaware. I hadn't heard about the children reappearing and shoeless though. And they definitely sound like they were traumatized somehow. I think your theory is worth looking into more.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Who do you think is behind this?

SoldierofLight ago

I don't know. And it could be a combination of things/people/explanations/or... something else.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes they are doing a documentary out this year about it called missing 411 about people missing in national parks and the odd circumstances surrounding their disappearances.

SoldierofLight ago

The documentary is already available:


I would like to tell OP that this is likely in part due to population density differences. There are more people in DNC voting counties, as they are usually urban.

EndThePizza ago

Also, there's a lot of national parks on the west coast, and probably few in the plains/Midwest.

So not only do the coasts have higher population, they also have more national parks.

42times5 ago

Do you have a link? TIA

SoldierofLight ago

David Paulides is a former cop who has been investigating this for years. Here's a video about some of his findings: I haven't watched it yet so can't vouch for it. His books on the subject appear to be out of print.

42times5 ago

Thanks SoL :-)

ETA - I came across the name today so this is great.