Gothamgirl ago

I will thanks for sharing.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I am aware of what a fruit loop I am about to sound for this comment but .. being prepared for false flag UFO attack also feels valid at this point. They are running out of Plan B's, this is a worldwide problem. Would be a good way to distract us all.

V____Z ago

DO expect fakse flags/hoaxes. They've been legalized for a reason.

I highly doubt anyone died in the UK incident, which is obviously meant to give cable news something to talk about tomorrow instead of Dotcom. Whenever the news was bad for Hilary during the campaign, we would get some shooting (like the 100 people in Orlando yet there are no pictures except video of people en route to hospital, but going in opposite direction).

They're allowed to stage this stuff, the ban on domestic dissemination of propaganda was overturned in the 2013 NDAA.

Here's Michael Hastings on the matter, before the bill was passed

An amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on American audiences is being inserted into the latest defense authorization bill, BuzzFeed has learned.

The amendment would “strike the current ban on domestic dissemination” of propaganda material produced by the State Department and the independent Broadcasting Board of Governors, according to the summary of the law at the House Rules Committee's official website.

The tweak to the bill would essentially neutralize two previous acts—the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act in 1987—that had been passed to protect U.S. audiences from our own government’s misinformation campaigns

SayWhatNOWAY ago

So, ISIS blows up an Iluminati MKUltra'd (Ariana Grande) concert! 19 dead 30 injured! So, who are we to believe? ISIS planned this or Soros?

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

*ISIS planned this for Soros

Xax ago

The false flags will come. Don't focus on them. Keep on task where we have the upper hand.

zlomsocz ago

u spoke too soon arianna grande concert blew up in manchester moments ago

nitro169 ago

Its gonna take a new york city nuke to overshadow this one....

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Wouldn't put it past them at this point.

Harpua33 ago

This was what I thought sadly.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I think the narrative planned quickly is the WaPo live interview starting early with John Podesta. This came up as soon as came forward.

THE_White_Devil ago

I think you're all going to be very disappointed.

HighLevelInsider ago

Any pizzagaters in or near DC need to mobilize NOW!!!

Yes. And that means doing things in the real world, not just internet searches. You're not going to find any kids just from internet searches.

darkknight111 ago

I've already warned my white hat contacts about this potential false flag. Doing what I can on my part despite being on the opposite side of the country.

Riva ago

You understand that /pol broke this open with ' internet searches' right?

HighLevelInsider ago

You understand that /pol broke this open with ' internet searches' right?

Good. Do you have a single arrest? No?

Time for new tactics.

equineluvr ago

Based upon your post, I take it you have NOT studied up on false flags.

The Seth Rich disinfo campaign is small potatoes. They are NOT going to do a FF on it. What next -- a WAR? LOL!

nitro169 ago

They are fighting an uphill battle, as hard as everyone works on here and elsewhere it needs to be countered with 10X the effort. They are growing weary and cannot keep this up. The distractions are getting overwhelming to manage for those in power and overwhelming for the sheeple to absorb. They cannot keep up the russia facade and yet more damage control is needed. You can only prepare the dam for so long, if the water gets too high everything is lost. The water is at the top and it doesn't look like they can build it any higher, at the same time more and more keeps pouring in.... Its inevitable, they are starting to realize...

bopper ago

That's a pretty good analysis of what's going on. Thanks for the comment.

remedy4reality ago

I keep saying it and nobody will listen...

There will be NO major false flag attacks without cooperation from the Executive Branch.

0fsgivin ago

Who did Trump just sell abuncha weapons too?

HighLevelInsider ago

There will be NO major false flag attacks without cooperation from the Executive Branch.

Not true. Bush Jr. didn't know about 9/11 before it happened.

srayzie ago

What? Bush Jr was totally in on it

MattHelm ago

No they kept Dubya Shrub out of the loop he was too damn stupid to be trusted with the plans for 9-11 and they wanted his natural scared shitless reaction that made him much easier to manipulate. He was the perfect idiot puppet and Cheney controlled his actions.

HighLevelInsider ago

Watch the video of him reading to the kids. Then read the media reports about Air Force one being threatened by an insider with operational codes.

srayzie ago

I seen that video over and over. A president doesn't just sit there and finish story time when his country is under attack. I've researched 9/11 for years and in my opinion, Bush Jr and Cheney were involved big time. They needed an excuse to go to war.

HighLevelInsider ago

srayzie ago

That was an interesting read. But, who is the source? This could be anybody. I've never read this theory anywhere else.

HollandDrive ago

Yeah he knew the basics, that's why he didn't get up from reading to those kids till they confirmed in his ear that the second plane had hit. That's what I believe.

Joe10jo ago

@HollandDrive, bingo! I always said the same exact thing, that he had to have been expecting it to happen because the normal reaction would be to leap out of one's seat. Although the one person I know who could maintain some form of composure was my grandmother but even she would let out some sort of shock. So yeah, Bush knew and you can tell by his composure.

HollandDrive ago

It's so obvious. Thank-you.

HighLevelInsider ago

That's absolutely correct. That same day a camera crew tried to gain access to him, same MO as the murder of an Afghan leader. And his plane was threatened, including a specific codeword that meant Department of Defense was in on it.

HollandDrive ago

9/11 bugs me the most. I show people the ghost-plane sliding undamaged into the tower like a cartoon and they still get mad.

Whatever happened to physics. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Oh well, I'm "forum-sliding."

tippyc ago

Any tall building in NYC is designed and built to withstand hurricanes without moving more than a few feet at the top. Those buildings were quite a bit stiffer than your average construction. A plane hitting them is gonna give a jolt, but any swaying the buildings experienced probably wouldnt be perceptible to anyone outside them. And in the end it doesnt even matter if its a plane or a hologram covered missile or whatever else you want to call it, the "subsequent" explosions had way more of an impact on the outcome of the event.

FE_Rebekah ago

Planes and buildings don't disintegrate while passport survives.

HollandDrive ago


HighLevelInsider ago

Read this

HollandDrive ago

Thanks. I skimmed some of it, will try to read it later. What do you think brought down the towers?

HighLevelInsider ago

Read all of the reports of people who heard explosions.

HollandDrive ago

I like Dr. Judy Wood's hypothesis. Explosions with her theory too.

remedy4reality ago

lol my ass... btw, can you name all the cabinets of the Executive Branch and who heads them ?

HighLevelInsider ago

I forgive you for scoffing when I told you the truth. It's not your fault you've been lied to your whole life. But it is your responsibility to decide if what I said is supported by the facts.

srayzie ago

Where did you get the idea that Bush Jr didn't know? He's evil like the rest of them.

HighLevelInsider ago

Where did you get the idea that Bush Jr didn't know?

Watch the video of him reading to the kids. Look at the press reports that Air Force One was threatened, including an insider with the code words.

He's evil like the rest of them.

You are thinking in binary memes. Shoplifters are evil, doesn't mean they were in on 9/11.

ArthurEdens ago

All those guys knew since 1968

HighLevelInsider ago

Bush Sr. is not the same as Bush Jr.

And stop fucking parading around like you know all the answers.

You are repeating a story someone told you. Get facts to prove it, or don't share.

ArthurEdens ago

Hearsay is all any of us have, no?

SoldierofLight ago

I take it that you're making the assumption that Trump is absolutely no way part of the cabal/NWO/Satanists? I sure hope he isn't, but there are many things about Trump's recent actions I can't explain any other way, including this:

remedy4reality ago

ha... I know, isn't that nuts?

I hate Saudi Arabia. I hate everything they stand for.

JeremiahSinclair ago

That was a photo op the Saudis organized, Trump couldn't just be like "naw, I'll stand over here while y'all put your hands on the orb." There are certain things he has to do in order to keep doing his job.

ArthurEdens ago

Give and take

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I agree with you.

Clinker ago

Likely targets: The hospital, the bars he was at that night. DNC Headquarters. DC Police headquarters.

carmencita ago

Yes, I have commented that there might be false flags. When will people realize what is going on? At first, yes it might be missed. But now, they are coming faster. If people are starting to question 911 then why not false flags. Kim Dot Com must have security of the highest order.

SecondAmendment ago

Yup, @carmencita. I used to drink the Koolaid until some very smart, well-educated people with doctor-level degrees and powerful jobs slapped me upside the head and told me to "wake up" to what's really going on around us. I question everything now.

carmencita ago

Yes, remember how the little children sometimes get abused, they do not question authority. Even those close to you can cause you harm. Love everyone but keep your eyes and ears open and question everything. I have become so conditioned now that something goes off in my head when I know something is not right. Then, Bingo.

srayzie ago

I find myself questioning everything now

carmencita ago

I think almost everyone on here does, at least since they started here, I always did, but much more so after what they did to Bernie. I just figured if they could get away with throwing the Robert's Rules out of the window, then they can get away with anything. Seth's murder frosted the cake.

srayzie ago

I've had my eyes open to government and the elites for years. I got into it deep with 9/11. But I had no idea how bad, how many of them or the Satanic aspect of it. Now, I when I think of charities, I would think twice or three times! Anything to do with kids I would be suspicious of now. All the violence since the election and everything too. I'm just seeing a side to people that sickens me. So many people are hateful! Now, if there is some tragedy, I immediately question it wondering if it's a false flag attack. Sometimes it sucks knowing so much about all of this!

bopper ago

Ignorance is (was) bliss, in many ways.

srayzie ago

You mean like the democrats? Lol jk

bopper ago


srayzie ago

Drain the swamp!

bopper ago

I'm all about it!

carmencita ago

I know, sometimes I want to just close my eyes and ears and scream. The things we have seen on here and read are heinous at times. But I have a feeling, as I, that you would really never have it any other way.

srayzie ago

Yeah, when it comes down to it, I'm happy to know. I get so frustrated tho. I'm sure almost everyone feels the same tho.

carmencita ago

I did not know which one was in order so: :-( :-)

HollandDrive ago

Those are usually the worst :) But good for you and them.

SecondAmendment ago

Perhaps the explosion in Manchester, England is a false flag. It's the first thing I thought of when I heard the news right as it broke. But yeah, I think you're onto something. Upvoat, lad.

GeorgeT ago

99.9% false flag - they sure get their timings right! On Sep 11, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld anounced $ 2.3 Trillion (yes trillion) missing from the Pentagon Budget .... next day..... who the hell cared!

Makingspace1 ago

right on schedule...deep state at work in Manchester. News wires gonna be saturated with this tragic news.

fartyshorts ago

Are there are videos or photos of the actual explosion and/or victims? I've just seen clips of people running out of the arena.

artfullyours ago

Me too...and Billie Bush digging up that old story of Trump talking bad about women.

DabbaDan ago

Seth and the whole pg thing is largely an American issue. I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't think it's that great of a distraction - across the pond, to most over here, it might as well be over the moon.

anonOpenPress ago

You're wrong. PG is an international issue with global criminal enterprises, running on billions of dollars crime business. UK, Ireland, Belgium, Vatican, Saudi Arabia, UN playing a big role. All nations not yet revealed. Trafficking of children is an issue in at least 127 countries. Wouldn't be this size of an issue without international, organized rings. Requires corruption in the international logistics. In the military. In the police. In the court. In the governments. In the royalty.

If all these instances were against child rapes, they would have solved it a long time ago. But they can't. High profile persons are blackmailed within the ring. Trust is based on videos of child rape / sacrifices on each other. Children are sold, for real, via internet auctions, some of them going well above $300,000. No arrests are made in the highest level. Billionaire Epstein was an exception, getting months, not years, in jail. And only for 6 nights a week and the Sunday. Yes, he was doing business during his sentence, allowed by the court.

This is my opinion, based on looking into this for months.

SomewhatNeutral ago

Billionaire Epstein was an exception, getting months, not years, in jail. And only for 6 nights a week and the Sunday. Yes, he was doing business during his sentence, allowed by the court.

And it was a plea deal. There was no chance of any (probably powerful) co-conspirators being discovered.

Are_we_sure ago


QueenAlt ago

Except that it centers around an American celebrity.

DabbaDan ago

Who's that?

srayzie ago

Ariana Grande had just gotten done singing at her comcert when it happened

hels ago

So let's expect the sensationalist headlines of "Ariana Grande's status unknown after bombing at her Manchester concert!"

srayzie ago

So far 19 are dead and over 50 injured. That will probably headline news tomorrow distracting from Kimdotcom

HighLevelInsider ago

Perhaps the explosion in Manchester, England is a false flag.

Do you have any hard intelligence to go on?

Better to know one hard fact than have 100 unproven theories.

HollandDrive ago

Reminds me of "Better to have questions that can't be answered, than answers that can't be questioned."

DerivaUK ago

I wasn't aware of this. Have to go look. Thanks.

GhostOfSwartz ago

First thing I thought of as well. Sad huh?

crashing_this_thread ago

I doubt it. Doesn't fit.

Probably gonna turn out to be regular old diversity and cultural enrichment.

equineluvr ago

PLEASE, critical thinking is frowned upon here.

Don't you know that EVERYTHING is related to PG? Even when it's not?!

Dressage2 ago

I agree.