new4now ago

The Lawyer Joseph A. Ingrisano, was selected to Super Lawyers: 2013 - 2015 , he also has an office in Washington dc. This dude was brought in to shut down any talk of Seth and WikiLeaks.

A lawyer for the Rich family sent a cease and desist letter Thursday to Rod Wheeler, a private investigator and Fox News contributor who had been working on behalf of the family.

In the letter obtained by The Washington Post, an attorney for the Rich family warned Wheeler to immediately "cease and desist" from making any statements about Rich, the murder and the investigation

"Your improper and unauthorized statements, many of which are false and have no basis in fact, have also injured the memory and reputation of Seth Rich and have defamed and injured the reputation of the members of the family,'" wrote the family's lawyer, Joseph Ingrisano

The letter sent by Ingrisano also alleges that Wheeler violated his contract with the family by speaking out about the case without its approval.

So now we know why Wheeler backed off, and this sounds like a warning shot out to whoever is going to air anything said of Seth and WikiLeaks

I know the Lawyer has an office in Omaha, but where did he come from?, who recommended him?

The Democrats involved with Seth's murder are shook, They sent in a Lawyer to do a Negan and shut this shit down.

evademoney2 ago #Tyler - #PIZZAGATE related video. what are the four laws? - Pizzagate Network Found On Dark Net

Silverlining ago

Stumbled upon something crazy read before link ( May 20 ago by @ishkotar

Twitter message with a "secret" code and MKUltra-like messages.

And then...

Slightly weird hacker(?) Quinn Michaels claims "Evil" apps produce child porn if you type in the correct bot/cusomer id code

This is the code he gives - means nothing to me - c513989a7e3e778c - you may want to check I got it right @ 5:40

My take is that they might be entering an access code in these weird messages to access Child Porn.

I have low confidence in my theory, but someone might make something of it.

This came from

@evademoney2 @ishkotar @cantsleepawink

In another video he mentions that they work for The Alice Foundation @ 3:50

quantokitty ago

Awesome! Maybe there are some people that care about a young man losing his life because of doing the right thing. Upvoat for The Guardian.

HollandDrive ago

Wow, this is making the rounds.

Jem777 ago

Yes props for the guardian!

QueenAlt ago

No props. They're calling it fake news and a conspiracy theory while they run down all the "facts" that debunk it.
Bit at least it's getting out there.

V____Z ago

The Guardian agreed to smash the hard drives containing all the info Snowden gave them, and after that put the co-founder of Orwellian Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, on their board - that's when i knew they'd gone to the dark side. It's been shite since then.

BobMorris ago

I suppose you're right. The Guardian is a lefty rag but like the NYT and WaPo everybody knows they're biased.

Jem777 ago

A little props for airtime! The more the better