Silverlining ago

Was he an habitual drunk? Perhaps his drink was spiked. Perhaps that was the plan. Perhaps he was kidnapped for a little light "interrogation." This would account for the "missing time."

George Webb surmised he was roughed up, dumped from a moving car and then shot by a slightly later passing car. [Day 210]

It sounds like he had a bullet left in him and there might be some sort of mark on the pavement or a wall which might give some idea of trajectory of the bullet that went through him.

I've heard two shots and four shots mentioned and three bullet holes.

One would expect some sort of forensics done at the scene of the crime - but perhaps murder is so rampant in the area, that not much investigation is done as a routine. There must be some sort of police report floating around - unless already "lost."

Also there seem to to me be two Wonderlands in the area. One a bar [with comedy club upstairs] that stayed open late and one a strip joint. GW filmed at the bar, but I didn't see him at the strip joint - that he seemed to think would have been a CIA operation with an [as standard] "interview room."

13Buddha ago

Adding some info that may be helpful to the investigation:

Here is a link to an informative narrative video, "Tangle of Seth Rich, Knots Unraveling," which discusses what the general manager of Lou's Bar, Joe Capone, had to say about Seth Rich's visit to the bar. According to Joe, Seth was headed to another bar after he left Lou's. The name of the bar is provided in this video. Also of interest is the fact that Joe Capone visited the White House during Obama's presidency.

Here is a link to the article, "Kim Dotcom Offers Congress Evidence to Prove That Seth Rich is Wikileaks Source." He provides a list of surveillance camera locations covering the area where Seth Rich was gunned down.

Saibra ago

Watch the last 3 days of George Webb's YouTube channel. He's done everything you just described.

Notgood2 ago

Nobody here has a investigation skills to look into Seth rich. Are you just trying to distract from pizzagate?

Violetti112 ago

Yes I have and I think there are more (international ) (former) investigators here. The Seth Rich case is one piece of the puzzle, so is PizzaGate. You have to research all the pieces to see the big picture clear.

Pizzalawyer ago

It's my understanding that Seth went to the Wonderland Ballroom after Lou's because it was open till 3 whereas Lou's closed at 2 am; however that doesn't explain where he was between 3 and 4:20.

Silverlining ago

George Webb had a theory. @ 4:50 Kidnapped - taken to Wonderland - interrogated - dumped and shot.

Dr Jack Sava turns up at medstar It was suggested he was Hungarian and changed his name - came into USA as a result of 911 need for medics - no Idea where I saw this.{}

We could just call him up and ask if he was the attending physician. His phone number is there

Languages: English

106 Irving Street Northwest Floor 3 Washington, DC 20010 Phone: (202) 877-5190 Fax: (202) 877-3173

Jack Sava, MD, is director of the Gold Surgery team at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. Dr. Sava's team manages a broad spectrum of urgent general surgical conditions (including problems of the intestine, gallbladder, stomach, liver, and other abdominal organs) and staffs the MedStar trauma unit, a Level-1 trauma center.

Medical School: McGill University (1994)

Silverlining ago

He was Hungarian(?) - name change from Alterjevik [or something like that] @ 3:45 Could he have been Bosnian/Serbian, I wonder? Plenty of trauma in a war zone. @ 2:40 - George Webb Day 210 part 8

This video also visits the Wonderland "Ballroom" but it has bar and grill on the sign.

Shillfest2017 ago

Where did you hear this? That is very interesting.

Silverlining ago

Info edited into post above.

Shillfest2017 ago

Thank you! That's great info.

2impendingdoom ago

Actually, some of the archived 4chan threads have suggested doing exactly this and they might have someone working on it. Hopefully they will get some new evidence.

The_Crux ago

He wasn't known to ever get drunk but that night he got drunk. I'd call that circumstantial evidence that he was under a lot of stress, which would be the case if you just performed the biggest whistle blowing operation ever. The paranoia he'd be feeling would be natural and excruciating and it's easy to understand why he'd want to tie one on.

seekingpeace ago

Exactly and I really can't believe he'd be wondering around on his own in the early hours of the morning.

Shillfest2017 ago

Yes that could be the case. But another theory I've contemplated is that he could have been drugged while in the bar. If Joe Capone was all over the White House and was complicit in this, then he could of looked the other way while someone dropped something in Seth's drink.

The_Crux ago

That doesn't really follow. If you drug him he isn't gonna be any more likely to give you what you want and he'll probably be driven home by taxi.

Shillfest2017 ago

I don't think they wanted anything but to kill him. The drug theory is only a theory. It just seemed to be easier to take someone out if they're too messed up to defend themselves.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Wouldn't the girlfriend know if he was blasted in that they were talking at the time?

Silverlining ago

The girlfriend is beginning to look suspicious. How long was he with her. Suggestion she's CIA. Maybe deliberately hooked up with him.

Shillfest2017 ago

It's possible. But if you check up on GHB experience reports on erowid, being roofied looks a lot like being drunk.