crashing_this_thread ago

Anyone consider that stuff like this are meant to make us ease off on the pressure?

I hope it's true, but if it's not it would be a damn shame if we gave them an inch right when they were just about to break. They get sloppy when there is too much to cover up. They can only handle so much. I'm sure that if it's real the leakers would appreciate us putting pressure on them from this front too.

Giving them that opportune moment to leak.

privatepizza ago

Absolutely we should consider that, naturally. And no way should we let up for a nano second. I feel if they're legit, these anons, we are working together and if we can help them find an opportune moment, or by keeping the pressure ON, lets just do that.

Ocelot ago

I wonder, perhaps all the "white hat" anon no-source stories are meant to lull us into a false sense of security and to get people to stop researching because they believe that work is already taken care of.

crashing_this_thread ago

I suspect it is. However uplifting it is, we can't let wishful thinking get the best of us. We've been strung along before.

privatepizza ago

You know I wondered that myself, naturally. However I don't think this'll stop, and we shouldn't until this whole thing is stopped. Thanks for your thoughts.

Yates ago

I want to believe.

Notgood ago

"are waiting for an opportune moment to pounce"

Does anyone remember the alleged video of Hillary screaming at a black woman? It was supposedly going to be released right before the election so the Democrats would not have time to replace her. This reminds me of the exact same thing. Damn anons!

SecondAmendment ago

I call bullshit on @privatepizza and the "anonymous source" mind-fuckery. What the fuck is "AN OPPORTUNE MOMENT TO POUNCE"? If you are real, tell these fucking pussies to man up.

privatepizza ago

I call BS on the MSM. Head over to /pol n ask them?

Yates ago

/pol/ is not one person. /pol/ is anonymous, anyone can post anything. If you ask, who will respond? When you get multiple contradicting responses, how will you know who to believe?

privatepizza ago

I know. We have to take what these anons say and make our own minds up.... or simply file it for later. We don't know, but it could be a piece of the puzzle which we'll realise farther down the road.

Yates ago

All the anon screencaps have been posted in the SR threads multiple times. Some believe, some don't. Some days it seems like there are more shills there than not, like right now. If you're looking for assurance, and I don't blame you, best to trust what you know from your own research. Developing discernment is key. Don't let the blabbering msm get you down.

privatepizza ago

I hear you. Cheers man

Annon365 ago

If I had a pound for every time I heard this zzzzz

thisHoCwilltumble ago

American here. If I had a pound for every time I heard this I would would be extremely overweight.

privatepizza ago

Where else did you hear it? Do you have any info? If I had a pound for every time I'd heard it I'd have like.... £1.

Annon365 ago

Not this actually story , but anonymous sources promising leaks and arrests since last July when 'FBI annon' came along. To be honest I lost count a long time ago

privatepizza ago

I hear ya.... me too... but we gotta have hope

fr33europe ago

If this is real,


privatepizza ago

Lets believe

Freemasonsrus ago

GW said today he heard that people are wanting more reward money, like 250k, before exposing who the people involved are. Hell, I'd just want witness protection!

MysticMa ago

Actually he said that if the money was 250k people would be more inclined to take the risk...

privatepizza ago

Exactly... money ain't gonna help you

privatepizza ago

Shills are in fast on this one

Freemasonsrus ago

No doubt! Hmmm..

privatepizza ago


Notgood ago

Ahaha! Gullible indeed! CatAnon: meow meow meow. My human forgot to feed me today. PG Researcher: OMG! It's a talking cat!!

privatepizza ago

Who's gullible? You're the one bumping up the post to 'hot' with your comment, Forest.

DarkMath ago

Gullible? Holy fuck. 6 people associated with Wikileaks are killed almost immediately after the DNC emails come out and you're calling US gullible? Words have a hard time describing the insanity you put out.

This is one of those times I think you're just coming here to gauge the temperature of the rage currently harbored against the mother fuckers who did this.

No human being could be as dense as you are.

Sorry. I've seen you come here too many times and demonstrate so much insane retardation you being for real is impossible.

Freemasonsrus ago

I mean, cause no one inside the PD could possibly be talking! Trolls will troll and shills will shill.

privatepizza ago

Here here

allconnected ago

is this another anon leak? blah blah

Freemasonsrus ago

No one picked this up the night it was posted. It was in the middle of a Seth Rich thread on /pol/.

privatepizza ago

Yep. We fight back against the MSM blah blah with our white hat anon leaks.

redditsuckz ago

You mean (((This Media)))?

I thought (((Kim DotCom))) AKA (((Kim Schmitz))) was our hero?

Lets just hope Anonymous is not another (((CIA))) operation

I also thought he was going to prove that (((Seth Rich))) was the leaker?...I just hope (((his family))) stop laughing and smiling on TV when being interviewed about their son

Counter Reset

privatepizza ago

Thanks for your awesome research and posts as always. I saw that (((media))) pic yesterday, a fabulous redpill.

Although The Daily Mail suckz big-time, its great that the msm are reporting something similar to what's going on. It'll be interesting to see what Kim.Com releases tomorrow. Let's see.

As with all msm and alt media, we have to take what we read and make our own minds up. There's no proof that any anons are legit, on the other hand, if one has inside info, what can one do but do this?

Re the family, could they be / have been ---

A: In Shock / Denial ---

B: Hypnotized ----

C: Otherwise mind controlled ----

D: Happy Their Son Was Killed ----

E: In On It --- (Thanks @redditsuckz )

F: Seth Rich is still alive and the brother is in "dupers delight" --- (Thanks @redditsuckz )

G: Other ---

redditsuckz ago

B and E might be the only options since they did the interview like 2 days after his supposed death...

But I would add F and G;

F. The family is in on it

G. Seth Rich is still alive and the brother is in "dupers delight".

privatepizza ago

They're good, and covering all possibilities

privatepizza ago

Thanks for your support in bumping the thread, genius