DarkMath ago

Why is that son laughing? It's so out of place. I know a guy who didn't get along with his brother at all. He would go on for hours about what pompous ass hole his brother was and that he never saw him anymore and really didn't have any desire to see him again. Then one Saturday his brother got killed. He'd been drunk and fallen off a roof at a party. My friend was distraught and in shock. He could barely speak and was holding back tears and that was for a brother who he hated with a passion. It took at least 6 months for my friend to get back to normal.........There is something wrong with the brother in this video. You wouldn't be laughing at a time like that.

dickface888 ago

What gets me is that it just doesn't add up for him to be holding back laughter. Even if he hated Seth or even if Seth was actually safe and in protection and the bro knew it, still you would put on a game face, it's not hard to do especially in that situation. It just doesn't make sense. I personally don't think he was trying not to laugh, but something else unknown to us was going on.

redditsuckz ago

^^^ that interview was 2 days after his supposed murder...

Here they are smiling again at the scene of the crime a few weeks later...even Seth Rich's girlfriend;


From the youtube comments;

"did you hear crisis actor #1, playing "pops" say "people and bullets aren't a good mix"...?! That'd be like you making a joke about "needles and old dogs" (I've been there twice; once recently.) NO ONE makes jokes about how someone they love DIED. ("Twice in the back" was kind of a little too much info. Why would you be so specific? Anyone who wasn't a crisis actor would say: "He was murdered" or "He was shot". Sounds like "pop's" script-writer was a "Guns Kill People" Clintonite/Obamite. Here's an "interesting" pic of this lovely family at the site of their son's -- supposedly -- murder scene!


First, WHY WOULD THEY GO THERE...?!?! Do you want to go back to the vet's office and relive your best friend's last minutes?! That's not "rational" or logical, or emotional, or ANYTHING natural/normal. Their masters want these actors to MAKE FOX LOOK BAD. Talk about fucked up priorities, eh?!?! Notice their facial expressions. The actress playing "GF" is trying to look sad. Brother Giggles is stifling still more laughter (I'll have TWO of what he's on). "Pop's" motivation for this scene appears to be "it's a beautiful day". Mom is kind of smiling because she's passing the propaganda her masters told her to provide to the shill press. You notice who's missing? YES! THE PANDA! Sorry about your dog. We're suffering over our dogs 100x more than these satanic slaves/shills are suffering over the murder of the "son". THEY'RE AT THE FUCKING MURDER SCENE!! I'M SURPRISED THEY AREN'T LICKING THE FUCKING SIDEWALK! If the camera wasn't there..."

And if our Jewish saviour Kim DotCom AKA (((Kim Schmitz))) cant save us then who will?...


millennial_vulcan ago

discussed at length in a post yesterday

ibepokey ago

teleprompters, or a practiced script.

equineluvr ago

It means that SOMETHING STINKS with the Seth Rich story.

eyeswidewoke ago

I have watched this several times and although it seems he is in fact mouthing what she is saying (just as the camera pans away), I now think that he is just nervous, or he is licking his lips after speaking and coincidentally is looks like he is mouthing her words.. if he was looking at her whilst doing it I could draw a larger parallel. (Edit spelling)

lobsterguts ago

I dunno, I think he's mouthing her words, and the way he looks to the corner towards her as the camera pans over is odd to me too. And the brother -- I dunno, maybe they're all just nervous, but the emotions conveyed don't seem to align with the subject matter.

eyeswidewoke ago

I agree that the emotional display from all 3 is not what one would expect

dickface888 ago

Why on earth was this so weird???

V____Z ago

Best summary to date.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

After watching it over and over I can't see any evidence of the tape being doctored. This man needs to enroll in the actors studio for some brush-up improv classes.

V____Z ago

It means it was scripted. The question is, why?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Not only why, but was it under duress as well?

V____Z ago

They seem pretty relaxed, but i bet things have changed since then. I bet they've been threatened.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Relaxed, maybe. I was thinking catatonic.

lobsterguts ago

I'll tell you why: because nothing is going to be kept to chance. This was scripted just like the 'family spokesman' was assigned to do their speaking for them now.