srayzie ago

Last week, that anon said this: John Podesta uses SEIU people to do his dirty work. (more below)

An August 2016 tweet from Wikileaks revealed that Bauman is a crisis public relations consultant working with the Pastorum Group. A media release from the Pastorum Group reveals that Bauman previously worked for the DNC and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

Anon said this: John Podesta uses SEIU people to do his dirty work. I am not FBI anon but close. Jennifer Palmieri had Seth murdered, but Robby Mook and John Podesta found out about it and had Jennifer consult with Hillary and Huma and they all decided it was best to silence Seth. Once the deed was done, Palmieri and Mook started pushing the "robbery" narrative and the cops in DC went along with it. The DC police chief is complicit and covering up for them. He is also a pedophile. If you'd like to connect dots, look into SEIU people in DC that night, Jennifer Palmieri's strange "Tweets", and Robby Mooks insistence that it is Russia.

YingYangMom ago

Exactly. There's your connection. Bauman is part of the cover-up.

DrTeethateJanice ago

This is their all hands on deck moment, the Japs have sent the Kamikaze's. This could get interesting..........

YingYangMom ago

Or very ugly.

DrTeethateJanice ago

It's ugly already. I had NPR on in the car and it's constant Trump is a lunatic and gave the Russians classified info at a meeting etc...The shilling on reddit over the weekend was more than usual too, something may actually come out tomorrow hopefully. All we can do is sit and wait.

YingYangMom ago

Rich family spokesman Brad Bauman insisted that anyone who continued to push the story either had a “transparent political agenda,” or were a sociopath. But an August 2016 tweet from Wikileaks revealed that Bauman is a crisis public relations consultant working with the Pastorum Group. A media release from the Pastorum Group reveals that Bauman previously worked for the DNC and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

Yeah, ok, this just doesn't sit right. I'm thinking those poor parents are being used, played, told what to say, threatened, whatever. They probably were under duress the entire time.

carmencita ago

Yes. They have been working overtime to try to get us to believe that they are involved with pedophelia, lying and covering up truths. We know who the guilty ones are and it is not the Seth Rich Family. They are in fear for their lives. They are afraid they may lose the only son they now have. Anyone out there trying to change the narrative and bring out all of a sudden discovered clues are suspect, imo.

seekingpeace ago

Trying to label the family as pedophiles is disgusting and cruel considering what the family have been through.

There is another "YT Star" that pushed the narrative of Jon Benet Ramsey's father involved in a pedophile ring, when it couldn't be further from the truth.

YingYangMom ago

Yeah, I never bought that BS story and I took some heat for defending Rich and his family this week, but it's all good.

carmencita ago

Yeah, and we will be vindicated. They will keep on trying but we know who the real liars are. The ones that are trying to change the story. New fairy tales?