TimeForPitchForks ago

Awe yea, curb stomp..have a upvoat for your excellent problem solving skills...

janedoemadashell ago

What's wrong Skippy? Trying to make a last ditch effort? I'd be willing to bet there is a prison out there that has a mop with your name on it....

srayzie ago

I love how John Podesta keeps freaking out. If all of this coming out didn't make him nervous, he wouldn't be commenting on it over and over. That shows it's on his mind all the time and he's constantly distracted by it because he's appearing on shows and writing articles. It's consuming him. That gives me warm fuzzy feelings.

You know Hillary ripped him a new one when those emails leaked 😂🤣

carmencita ago

Ha Ha Ha. Could not have said it better. Time to exterminate those rats. @GreenSahara

NoBS ago

Is this Podesta talking, or the CIA puppet Jeff Bezos Rag? The Washington comPost is guilty of inciting Riots and Sedition.

GumShoe ago

Breitbart just got in on the fun too:

John Podesta Still Complaining About Popular Vote http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/05/22/john-podesta-still-complaining-about-popular-vote/

directly below that:

Obama’s ICE Released Nearly 600 Sex Offenders http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2017/05/22/obamas-ice-released-nearly-600-sex-offenders-countries-refused-deportation/

EyeOfHorus ago

I saw that too, recognized its not a coincidence, and got a laugh out of it.

YingYangMom ago

Nice catch OP :)

ProudTruther ago

That's what we need.wake up dad!

HollandDrive ago

Upvote this.

carmencita ago

"They know their about to be exposed." Well Skippy is about as frightened as all those little victims of his. I can't wait for the tables to be turned. I hope the time comes and when it does I hope the punishment will be as vile.

ben_matlock ago

anyone know what that script above the "KIM DOTBOMB" article says?

Commoner ago

I used bing translater to go from English to Hebrew. I guessed and typed in "peace" and got this. Looks similar to Drudge headline script.


ben_matlock ago

If you don't mind me asking, what made you guess the word 'peace?' And what does it mean in relation to that article?

Commoner ago

I saw that the script was below the pic of Trump at the Wall, so I figured it was meant to go with the pic. I actually clicked on it and it realized it was a link to the Daily mail, I believe. I believe he is trying to bring peace between Israel and Palestine, as all other presidents before him have tried to do. It was not the first word or phrases I guessed, but , I stumbled on it.

ben_matlock ago

Ah, that makes a ton more sense. I was viewing it on an app on my phone and the script was paired with the dotcom article for some reason.

ben_matlock ago

drudge is a master of juxtaposition.

HollandDrive ago

Indeed. Good observation and comment. He's one sly fox.

ben_matlock ago

Drudge is my spirit animal.

HollandDrive ago

Lol. Surely it has something to do w/ the Mandela Effect.