MattHelm ago

Gutman a Jew shill for the Deep State his job is to divert your attention from truth to bullshit lies.

Whattheheck321 ago

We need to encourage Sean Hannity on this one. Help keep him strong

crackingthecode ago

seth rich was not apart of pizza gate.....

remedy4reality ago

Freudian slip ? 'apart' is the opposite of 'a part'

SmokinDave73 ago Video going over written testimony of Doctor that worked on Seth Rich saying he did not have fatal wounds and was going to live. Was written on /pol/

4_InquiringMinds ago

Chaffetz retired because his family was threatened after he tried to Audit the Fed.

From what I read (like who really knows) Chaffetz split town bc his coverup of Extortion 17 is surfacing again. What I do know about Chaffetz is he supported trump bombing Syria. I guess it's okay to threaten brown skin people that are not mormons bc the airbase that was bombed was protecting a christian town nearby. Isis and AlQaeda however praised trump.

Petri_Krohn ago


1) Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails, he was killed for that.

2) He was secretly a Bernie Sanders supporter.

3) RussiaHoax aka RussiaGate is a cover-up for murder.

4) The conspiracy is huge: DNC, FBI, media, Deep State.

I suspect FBI under Comey was part of the cover-up. The Russian hacking claim was the cover story. Everyone spreading this hoax story is part of the conspiracy and accessory to murder.

Did the FBI ever ask Wikileaks if Seth Rich was the source of the DNC leak? If not, this would mean either of two things:

1) No one has ever properly investigated Seth Rich’s murder, or…

2) The police know already, because they have access to Rich’s laptop and email.

andrewweiner ago

He died instantly and then he was talking afterwards and his parents were there talking with him and they were in Nebraska at the time and the bar owner helped him get a cab and the bar owner wasn't there and he didn't take a cab he walked and on and on and on. Not worth trying to figure out the details of any of the cover stories at this point. Hopefully the real story starts to get sorted out, though, because even if the DNC leadership did not order one of its own staffers assassinated at least the air needs to be cleared so that particular story doesn't keep lingering. Otherwise the Republican party is going to be the only viable party going into the next election and the Republican party is almost as lost as the Democratic party. If Trump hadn't hijacked the party it probably would have seppakued itself last election as well.

Julie12 ago

I wish that were true but i suspect the Elites are in perfect control or HRC would already be in jail.

carmencita ago

That is why they are putting people on 4chan and on here making up all kinds of last minute stories to confuse us. So they think. Not I. The Joe Capone bit is really bogus, first he was interviewed? and now he was out of state? Yeah, sure. The dog ate the homework one will be next. Let them be scared. Good.

pby1000 ago

Could this be why Chaffetz is retiring? Maybe he sees all the people about to go down.