2impendingdoom ago

Has anything new happened/revealed today so far? I've been off line all morning...thanks in advance

HollandDrive ago

Yeah I've been busy too. This clip is from yesterday but it's a "catch-up." And Bill Still usually gets his facts straight. When he doesn't he will issue a public retraction, seen him do it before.

2impendingdoom ago

thanks for posting it. I'm still catching up here too.

HollandDrive ago

Sure. Just heard Sean Hannity gong crazy over this story. He even said he didn't care if they "took his microphone." That he'd find another way to get the truth out. Sometimes I think I believe him. I think the main thing he doesn't understand yet is that it's not the "DNC" that's the bad guys, it's who's behind them.

Though he does say the "deep state." They even mentioned that the family spokesperson was appointed by the DNC. I dunno, maybe he knows more than I think (he actually said he does).

2impendingdoom ago

I think the based on comments I read in various sites, generally speaking nobody but pizzagaters are comprehending that the parties are a scam to divide us, and keep the elite/corporate/cia/deep state in control. There is still this idea out there that the other side is the enemy, when in fact the "other side" has the same overall interests and should be the greatest ally.

HollandDrive ago

Yeah, Limbaugh, though useful if you're already informed, propagates the left vs. right narrative. He's not helping by doing this. But he's not going to go farther than this (although to his credit he also has been talking about Seth Rich lately).

This paradigm keeps everyone confused and hating each other when it's the banksters and cultural Marxists (Soros) that are behind it all. Both parties are warmongers, both parties are afraid of the banks and big corporations.

But I'm preaching to the choir. Honestly, there are other people besides here, who "get" what's going on. A lot of them are on facebook talking about it, and they've formed different groups, it's surprising and encouraging.

2impendingdoom ago

thats good to hear, I'm not on FB so out of the loop there.

HollandDrive ago

I quit going there when I joined Voat.