sinclair ago

says the 3 day old member. yawn

sinclair ago

no, that's dumbass goat. Same family of animal, so I can see the confusion. Did your feelers get hurt. I'm sorry. Really. Back to reddit faggot.

sinclair ago

so how's the larping going then faggot?

Pizzalawyer ago

Wikipedia (groan) indicates that Drudge had a long time relationship with DC landscaper David Cohen, not Brock which Cohen acknowledged. Brock on the other hand only describes Drudge as coming on to him, but no affair.

matheasysolutions ago

I like how Drudge puts Pedosta right below the headline haha

jbooba ago

Watch now all the #fakenews outlets jump the ship like rats. One by one.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Maybe not. This morning Fox News website was still reporting the Fake News that Seth's Family wanted the story dropped and that Seth had never have any contact with Wikileaks.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

God Bless Drudge!? Why?? All the Drudge is doing is reprinting pizzagaters hard work. Hannity was the first MSM personality to report the TRUTH! I don't even like the guy, but he's getting a lot of push back from his own orginazation. I hope he doesn't let the story go, or get Andrew Breibarted!

dirtydirty ago

Shill Shillary, Shill Shillary, Shill Shill Sharoo

The Shills are a Shillin'

Cus they know they are screwed

<to the tune of chim chimney from Marry Poppins>

HighLevelInsider ago

Just wanted to let everyone know, I caught an FBI agent on here. He admitted to everything, including running sock puppets and sending death threats.

equineluvr ago

Kim Dot com is not reliable. That has been discussed here countless times.

Drudge is Brock's BF now. NOT to be trusted.

ben_matlock ago

Um...come again? I saw a rumor a couple months ago about drudge hitting on brock at a party or something, but I personally am having a hard time believing it. Frankly, it just doesn't make any damn sense. Is there a good source for Drudge being 'Brock's boyfriend?'

MattHelm ago

Yes a book was published long ago they were boyfriends at one time then had a bad break up Brock was a crazy jealous fag he had a hissy fit in a gay bar and stomped on the foot of another guy who was talking to Drudge.

ben_matlock ago

Ugh...if true, that is one of the most disappointing things I've come across during this investigation (and, obviously, that's saying ALOT).

GeorgeT ago

Anybody who is Brock's Boyfriend (Brock was boyfriend of CPP owner American Psycho) has little credibility. What are the odds that Drudge is involved in PG cover up.

The_Crux ago

I guess Drudge doesn't have any evidence or we'd be seeing sirens. Not even red text.

carmencita ago

None of MSM is talking about this. Hmm. I wonder why. Are they hoping it will just blow over? Not this time.


This is Yuge!!!!