EyeOfHorus ago

You deleted your first (different) reply before this latest reply. Something seems off with you, but what do I know.

Altmight ago

I think therefore I am anti semetic. Truth is anti semetic.

Vindicator ago

No comment.

Love this. Thank you for your service. ;-)

MattHelm ago


Astronautilus ago

You're literally retarded if you think every naysayer is a nazishillmra undercover agent.

Astronautilus ago

I tracked the IP. FBI COINTELPRO is responsible for the majority of anti-semitism online.


jesus_is_lord ago

I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

jesus_is_lord ago

and what is Talmud and kabbalah?

YingYangMom ago

Or... we could all just ignore and move on to more important stuff like researching :)

Ziggystrife ago

Shit. I wish I was in the FBI being paid to troll. I'd show these bitches how to do it right.

HighLevelInsider ago

People only laugh about this when they don't know the FBI's history.

Chatman ago

Please just report this to pizzagatemods and move on. Any metadiscussion just helps to fuel the fire

jesus_is_lord ago

@HighLevelInsider what is wrong with being antisemitic?

YingYangMom ago

As you can see by my comment, I left room for doubt. I always like to give the benefit of the doubt when I'm not convinced of something. So, gullible I am not :P

YingYangMom ago


This comment of yours might have triggered some: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1878126/9214962

... as well as your "attack" posts on the Masonic Orders.

Or... this is just a distraction.


YingYangMom ago

Statistically, that would be most probable than not.

HighLevelInsider ago

I can't stop laughing, please, never give up!

It doesn't even match the text you posted!

BerksResident ago

I think DarkMath is legit, not familiar with the other ones

HighLevelInsider ago

The guy running around telling you to kill the Jews, yet miraculously isn't in jail, and his posts haven't been removed?

JeremiahSinclair ago

Maybe instead of FBI, they're genuinely just antisemitic douchebags?

pimpinainteasy ago

Consider Voat's user base, that's likely the answer lol...

HighLevelInsider ago

And here you are claiming you're an FBI agent, running alt accounts, making death threats and inciting people to violence.


ArthurEdens ago

Do not fuck with masons. How can you tell who is looking at your history?

HighLevelInsider ago

Do not fuck with masons

Why? If they're abusing kids.

How can you tell who is looking at your history?

No comment.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

They aren't protecting the country. That's propaganda. They protect the rich. The rich see us as public enemy number one because we are immune to the lies. That's why the world's worst people watch the happenings on this site. I would go as far as to wager Seth Rich's murderer has opened this site on a computer recently.

mooteensy ago

If you actually care about anything regarding pizzagate or Seth Rich, this thread is useless. I just wasted my time reading 75 ultimately worthless comments.

kestrel9 ago

It's a Troll Show...which are generally intended to waste people's time.

SuperShilly ago

Nailed it lol.

HighLevelInsider ago

you've been harassing me for 2 days

You have sent me 47 private messages in the last few hours, and threatened to kill me, once in public.

SuperShilly ago

Yep I deny all of that. I'm really Kim Jong Un I have an unsuccessful mission launch to attend so I'll pop in here later to call you a faggot kike again :)

HighLevelInsider ago

You triggered? The Triggered Traitor?

pimpinainteasy ago

Antisemitic, anti-Muslim, homophobic remarks...

We are on posting on Voat, am I right? Which is basically the Reddit counterpart to 4Chan/8Chan....

HighLevelInsider ago

Antisemitic, anti-Muslim, homophobic remarks

I don't particularly care about the language., it just shows a linkage between the accounts.

SuperShilly ago

It shows that you're a fucking retard that doesn't know what free speech is. No go back to your safe space you triggered douchebag

HighLevelInsider ago

You have been sending death threats and admitted to being an FBI agent

HighLevelInsider ago

You admitted to being an FBI agent.

Astronautilus ago

I warned you, if you bring in new accounts in I will expose them. u/Astronautilus is a main account, and I think it was previously operated by another agent

This guy isn't even original with his trolling lol

SuperShilly ago

It's not working, I enjoy this though lol

SuperShilly ago

POST THEM then with haste! I LOVE evidence, and the truth... both are things you are severely lacking

SuperShilly ago

lol I don't have alts. I call shariablue out from one account.

And I'm about a 10 hour plane flight from Hawaii lmao

SuperShilly ago

Post the private messages I sent allegedly lol. Don't take too long I know you're going to have to fire up photoshop. He burden of proof is on you since you said you had those (((PMs)))

Astronautilus ago

That's the third time I've been called someone's alt by different niggers. It's really fucking annoying.

EyeOfHorus ago

How do you know users IPN? How do you know FBI VPN IP?

Astronautilus ago

He doesn't. He's bullshitting.

SuperShilly ago

He doesn't. He's lying. Tell him to post the DMs/PMs because I know they don't exists.

Fuck I'm so flattered for being called out. Was me exercising my free speech too much for HighLevelInsider? I think they are butthurt that my autistic side caught onto his bullshit immediately. Also I'm getting upvoted because OP is a frauding child fucking asshole

SuperShilly ago

Also I've never sent a PM on here. Pizzagate brought me here and I was sick for a week after going down that rabbit hole. Have fun (((@HighLevelInsider))) I'll continue to comment on any bullshit I see from you in any sub. My language on this site is for the purpose of freedom to of speech and none of you cunts can stop me

HighLevelInsider ago

Also I've never sent a PM on here.

Right. You use the other account, which just stopped sending me PMs as soon as you flipped.

Have fun

Leaving so soon? So your alt is going to go back to barraging my inbox?

SuperShilly ago

Only ever posted from this account as I've only had one. Burden of proof is on you ya fucking shariablue dipshit

Astronautilus ago

This directly contradicts what you said above about the account @SuperShilly sending PM's. Fuck off, kike faggot.

HighLevelInsider ago

This directly contradicts what you said above about the account @SuperShilly sending PM's.

Never said that, nice IP address, notice how a new round of downvotes all came in when this account arrived.

Fuck off, kike faggot.

Same language.

Astronautilus ago

Never said that

Lol yes you fucking did, nigger. You said

Then starts sending PM's that destroy any shred of credibility

Don't lie so blatantly, it's unbecoming of a kike.

Nice IP address

Yeah, this guy is bullshit. I doubt @SuperShilly lives in Hawaii.

HighLevelInsider ago

Yeah, this guy is bullshit. I doubt @SuperShilly lives in Hawaii.

Who said anything about Hawaii? Why do you know where that user lives? Why are you doxxing people?

Why did the other account admit to being an FBI agent?

Astronautilus ago

Lol shut the fuck up and go back to jerking it to whatever degenerate porn you kids watch nowdays.

SuperShilly ago

HighLevelFaggot doesn't know how to deal with Goat Austists.


SuperShilly ago

Hahahahahahahaha I wouldn't work for the fucking government if I was tortured t do so. HighLevelInsider is the frauding kike faggot that is telling Pizzagaters to go around and follow powerful people in government around trying to catch them doing something. Only a complete idiot would do that.

Don't listen to me I don't give a shit. My credibility doesn't matter just ask someone on here with credibility and they will tell you it's a terrible idea.

SuperShilly ago

Post the PMs immediately then I'd love to see them. (Much like Comeys memo none of these PMs exist)

The difference is I'm telling the truth and the truth always wins. Anyone that sits outside a politicians house will most likely get arrested for stalking.

Just a guess though. ;)

HighLevelInsider ago

Why are you replying to yourself?

Do you deny being an FBI agent,sock puppet user, and sending death threats by pm?

Why did the other account admit being an FBI agent?

SuperShilly ago

Still waiting for screens of my alleged PMs. Sound like Comeys fake memo

HighLevelInsider ago

Oh what do you know, a new account arrives, right when the other one just stopped sending me a stream of threatening PMs.

kike faggot

Same language and all.

My credibility doesn't matter just ask someone on here with credibility and they will tell you it's a terrible idea.

For some reason, I just don't trust what you're telling me. Maybe it's because you're defending an account that admitted to being an FBI agent

SuperShilly ago

Haha this is fantastic...and people should trust your advice and go around with microphones and video cameras and sit outside politicians houses as a way to further discredit pizzagate as a bunch of conspiracy nut jobs? There has been wayyyyyy too much good work done on this site. Sounds to me like Shariablue is getting REAL worried how close we are to finding out the truth. I'm glad you took aim at me on this site though, at least the real investigators don't have to be bothered. I just shitpost to triggered cunts like you :)

carmencita ago

Maybe that is what they have been required to do? There are really good people in the FBI that know what is going on and want it to end. But there are others that want it to continue. They are involved? The Royal Order of Jesters may be behind this and there probably are people in the FBI that belong to that Order. There are some Sick People out there and you just may have hit a nerve.

Vindicator ago

Maybe that is what they have been required to do? There are really good people in the FBI that know what is going on and want it to end.

This explains why so many of the shill posts and comments are so completely retarded. They are being as obvious and ineffective as they can about it, because their hearts are not in it.

HighLevelInsider ago

Maybe that is what they have been required to do?

Sadly, yes. He just admitted he's FBI Cointelpro.

There are really good people in the FBI that know what is going on and want it to end.

Who do you think tipped us off?

The Royal Order of Jesters may be behind this and there probably are people in the FBI that belong to that Order.


carmencita ago

We are behind you. This is what happens when we hit a nerve. We can only imagine who they really are.

HighLevelInsider ago

Admitted to being FBI Cointelpro. Fishing for me to say something threatening to get a warrant, can't handle questioning his Authori-TY. Department of Defense doesn't act like this.

SuperShilly ago

Please cite where I said that between saying like and faggot. lol you're a fucking joke

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Beware of the quiet dogs not the ones that are barking mad trying to keep you away. Good on you for fighting for truth.

HighLevelInsider ago

He admitted to everything. Look around this post, he's playing games with downvotes, too.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I tedn to agree with you

HighLevelInsider ago

He admitted to everything. Trying to hide it by flipping accounts and vote manipulating.