quantokitty ago

Stupid bitch needs to be in jail ... you know, that place where all the rest of her friends are going.

Have fun, kids!

flyingcuttlefish ago


SayWhatNOWAY ago

Donna the Ox is a Evil idiot LibTard! Another gullible female LibTard lesbian who was easy to manipulate! Katy Satanist Pedo Perry, Debbie (the real mother of Chelsey Clinton) Shultz, Huma the goat, Susan RiceaRoni, Valerie The Cuck Jarrett, Mylie Tongue in Sphincter Cyrus, Mooochelle I was born "Michael" Obama and the rest of the Penis Envy Guild of Ignorant Losers that hang on every word and sigh that comes rolling off of their two queen's holed tongued pie holes, HillPedo & Obunghole! These strap on plastic adult toy wearing fools truly believe they are menšŸ˜‚ It really is time to start labeling these LibTard MFing Satanist Pedo Cannibalist as terrorist!

srayzie ago

Why would Hillary adopt a baby? To play the family motherly type? I can see how she may look like Debbie. But, Chelsea looks just like Hillary. She may not be Bill Slime Ball Clinton's. But I definitely think she's Hillary's. Poor thing. I wouldn't want to have DNA from that evil wench.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I was jokingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I call Chelsea the Turd with hair! She def is Webb Hubbell's kid.

srayzie ago

Oh ok,lol

YingYangMom ago


srayzie ago

She does look like her in this picture. But, you can tell Chelsea is Hillary's. She looks just like her.

new4now ago

Wasserman was around 14 when Chelsea was born, A nice age for the people we are investigating

SuperShilly ago

They are so fucking ugly holy shit.

Joe10jo ago

@new4now Wow! They're dead ringers for each other! Can't believe I never thought of this before.

dickface888 ago

She's like a thief that wants to bring into the night the things that she found in the gutter or something.

Notgood ago

Who the F cares about SR? Has nothing to do with PG.

redditsuckz ago

Well (((Seth Rich's))) (((family))) dont really seem to care as they are laughing and smiling on TV when being interviewed about their son.

(((Kim DotCom))) AKA (((Kim Schmitz))) is now our savior and hero and will bring down (((The Media))).

Counter has been Reset

HereticalPeasant ago

The father and mother don't seem to be. It's more so the brother. Is something wrong with the brother? Like mentally? Which would make sense as to the smilling and giggling at inappropriate times. That is a possibility. Do we know if the brother has any impediments?

new4now ago

but yet you commented this on a SR Pizzagate post?

This Kim is a world's biggest troll. He had me is sitting up until 2 a.m. because he was supposedly going to release Hillary's 30000 emails.

Notgood ago

And what? It's true.

new4now ago

The allegations of Russia hacking is a red herring to keep Trump from going after Pedogate.

Maybe you should speak to the Mods and give them your reasoning for not wanting Seth's murder in Pizzagate,

but I think A LOT of people will disagree with you

Dressage2 ago

I was getting sick of pundits speaking of how wonderful Brazille was and then proceed to her lying. Brazille is a sneaky snake and needs to be put in jail with the rest of that cabal!

new4now ago

seems Brazille has been involved since the murder.

Mary Rich thanks Brazille for her enthusiastic involvement in Seth Rich investigation, vid dated Nov 21, 2016


Brazille also spoke at the Beth El Synagogue in honor of Seth Rich on March 26 2017


Brazille was Seth's new Boss after Wasserman stepped down

ā€œDonna Brazile came down, and thatā€™s Sethā€™s boss, three levels ahead of Seth, I donā€™t know of any boss three levels that comes down to help,ā€ she said.


wonder who the other 2 bosses are?