mooteensy ago

If this doesn't red pill left-wing democrats, I don't know what else will.

quantokitty ago

It will be a red pill if his murder is connected to the DNC. If that's done, and whoever is responsible convicted, it'll go a long way in waking people up. It'll also prove the the the narrative about the Russians was all a badly-constructed lie used to cover up what was done and interfere with the running of the government.

culofiesta ago

Good to see a Bernie supporter not sitting down. Whenever I hear someone bash Trump I asked them if they like Hillary

"Not really, but she was the only option. I wanted Bernie."

No you didn't. You rolled over and allowed yourself to get fucked with a warmongering hateful psycho murderer. I don't like Bernie either but the way his people just lied down is pathetic.

banenya ago

That's because that's what our leader (Bernie) did. Never said a word about voter fraud. Never stood with the People. Never apologized to the 13 million who voted for him. Caved in and was terrified of the Clintons. He left us holding our "Future to Believe In" signs, utterly demoralized and confused but hell bent on one thing: getting out of a hideous abusive relationship with the Dem Party. And millions of us did. What are you on the TrumpTrain gonna do when the red pill kicks in on who he really is?

culofiesta ago

Bernie has a thing for crooked, thieving women

equineluvr ago

"Caved in and was terrified of the Clintons."

If he was so "terrified" he wouldn't have had to be PAID OFF.

HereticalPeasant ago

Well that explains, why his mom was holding a little panda in the ABC interview. Seth really loved pandas bears. That interview looked very odd to me.... but now having seen their home video where it's just the two of them, the moms and the dad, I now tend to believe they are being genuine. The ABC interview was totally rehearsed and phoney. Bet ABC told them what to say.

carmencita ago

Seething Disgust for Hillary? The line will be long and will form on the right and the left.

icuntstopswearing ago

Hope to see you up at the front of the line carmencita!

carmencita ago

I have been in that line since Bill was in the WH. Had I see that horrible thing she said about calling black kids "super predators", I would have been already recruiting others as well. She is so two faced she can see herself coming AND going. When I saw her standing beside him after saying He did not have sex with that woman, I nearly had a stroke.

autism_speaks ago

he figured out hillary camp set up fake voting stations. she was rigging the election to get rid of bernie. seth helped make a voting station app for washington dc. he realized people were voting at fake places and delivering the votes to the real places. bernie votes were being scrubbed and replaced as hillary votes.. the really pissed off seth rich... honestly wouldn't be surprised if seth rich voted for hillary clinton posthumously at this point.

there are traitors in America. and the whole world stage is lit up because we know.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

He was a total leftist but unlike those on the left, I have sympathy for his plight and want to find his killers. His death is the beginning of the end for this Satanic/Pedo cabal.

Gorillion ago

The difference between him and most leftists, is that he was actually possessed of virtue. He didn't signal non-existent virtue like all the others. He got shit done and put himself at great risk as a result. He outed criminality and evil in his own ranks.

turitelle ago

You might be surprised to find out that a great many of us on the "left" despise the Clintons and their cabal and that we actually do not consider them to be politically "left" at all. That we actually have noticed that no matter who gets in the 1% still runs the show and until we get past this left vs right nonsense and work together they will continue to murder good people and screw us... and our children around.

Hillary lost the election because the true left couldn't bring themselves to vote for her. Some even voted for Trump instead. I get so sick of hearing he damn Clintons and their pedophile cronies called left all the time and good people who are really left get lumped in with them. They ARE NOT "LEFT". This thing crosses both sides of the political spectrum there are as many fucking pedophiles and murderers on the "right".

carmencita ago

What's clear from reviewing Pandas4Bernie's tweets is that Pandas4Bernie was a passionately patriotic person driven by a strong moral code. And following on from this, they also had a strong dislike, bordering on total disgust, for Hillary Clinton. This account clearly belonged to someone who believed Hillary Clinton to be a hypocrite, a liar, and a fraud.**** THIS ****

redditsuckz ago

What's clear from reviewing Pandas4Bernie's tweets is that Pandas4Bernie was a passionately patriotic person driven by a strong moral code.

Do you have evidence that Pandas4Bernie was (((Seth Richs))) twitter account?...have you verified all the anonymous sources and claims?

You can see that the original posters of the evidence that Seth Rich's "Panda4Bernie" account was wrong...

*UPDATE- It appears some intel I received is Fake news, i am only one lone pede without resources or tech skills to verify every lead so I need you Pedes to keep digging to find the link between Panda4Progress and Pandas4Bernie. My source says that they rechecked the phone numbers for the gmail recovery match between and Panda4Progress do match but do not match Pandas4Bernie, the last two digits are flipped. Can a tech savvy pede investigate?

/u/ImJustAPatsy has retracted his claim that they are the same phone numbers.

icuntstopswearing ago

Checked on The Goldwater. Seems to check out.

carmencita ago

So what do you suggest I do? I did not make the post. So I cannot delete it. I still say he was a passionately patriotic person driven by a strong moral code.

redditsuckz ago

So what do you suggest I do?

Go over the entire Pandas4Bernie twitter account and go over all the reddit accounts to make a connection....if they are archived then go through the archives. Find the connection that they are Seth Rich's accounts.

new4now ago

but yet his Father said that his son landed his dream job just days before being killed — a gig with the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign

icuntstopswearing ago

Well..his father might have a very good reason to say that~~~

new4now ago

was wondering who told him about job, Seth or Brazille

icuntstopswearing ago

Tin hats on both ends of the political spectrum unite to ensure a true American hero didn't die in vain!