equineluvr ago

Date of death: 07/11/2016 or 7 11 9. Powerful occultic numerology there.

Laskar ago

As usual.

the Balfour declaration was signed 9/11/1917, the Pentagon corner stone was laid 9/11/1941, etc. etc.

crackingthecode ago

seth rich was not apart of pizza gate

Commoner ago

I keep seeing comments like yours. Can you explain why ?

remedy4reality ago

((( damage control )))

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

The main people being focused on in PG are Seth's killers. Very connected in that sense.

Pizzalawyer ago

Why do you say victim was a Clinton aide?


Please see highlighted text. https://archive.is/pB7BX

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Didn't it take several months for the dc police to determine the processors(Lucas') case? Does it take several months to get a toxicology report?

remedy4reality ago

Posting this to you AFS2 ... something tells me, call it intuition, that this is the Seth Rich hit team. May have been rubbed out for being sloppy or just as a matter of business.

Sheitstrom ago

Nothing to see here. Seth Rich's death was a robbery. Move along. Oh dear. another dead body. Ok ok ok ...um Rafael Aguilar was Russian?


Go away Shill.

OhDangWaddup ago

I think he's being sarcastic- not sure though.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Preeeeety sure that is the case.


If someone who has fb could reach out and absolutely establish whether or not the deceased worked with the Clinton Campaign that would help strengthen the case greatly that the two murders might be tied. The DNC dedicated a bike rack apparently to Seth Rich but this person's story has been completely covered up - if indeed the person can be confirmed by a friend or relative as having worked for Hillary Clinton. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009809372835&lst=100016507272629%3A100009809372835%3A1495445131&sk=photos