DerivaUK ago

I don't like the look of this. If it's fake it's very inflammatory. If it's genuine it's worrying.

Millennial_Falcon ago

This is completely speculative and very unlikely. Terror attacks have been happening almost daily, and developments in Seth Rich case have been happening. Very unlikely to be a relationship, especially since attack was not in U.S. Removing per Rule 1.

Violetti112 ago

Twitter Account tweets Isis flag and message #IslamicState #ManchesterArena "Are you forgetting our threat?" before terror attack Tweet 1 Tweet 2 Tweet 3

DerivaUK ago

Kids and Mums and Dads. A number of confirmed fatalities and I hear it and am devastated. Then my mind moves immediately into investigative mode and starts pondering the nefarious symbolic agenda and likely beneficiaries behind it. How fucked up is that?

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Life has taught you some valuable lessons.

DerivaUK ago

This is true. And I'm all the more blessed for it.

Gandolf ago

Yea. They r scared to do this to try and over shadow Kim.coms announcement

YingYangMom ago

This is horrible. Condolences to all the deceased loved ones.

SecondAmendment ago

Well, another thing to consider is that Ariana Grande is all over YouTube as being a member of The Illuminati. I have to point that out, given the inter-connectedness of everything. Surely it would be much easier for those interested in preventing exposure of the Seth Rich evidence to place a false flag at an Ariana Grande concert than at, oh, say Toby Keith's concert in Saudia Arabia. Just sayin'.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

I'm going to have to correct you for future records. The Illuminati is made up of a few very select individuals that complete the Illuminatus stage of the Ordo Luciferi. Pop culture is responsible for branding Illuminati status to those believed to be following an agenda. Mainly they are just oblivious pawns in search of narcissistic public acceptance and money.

Otherwise, totally agree that the Ariana Grande Concert incident will be hugely spoken about and will dominate the airwaves for at least the next 72 hours.

jstrotha0975 ago

This was the false flag to stop the work that Kim dotcom is going to release info tomorrow. Look for another false flag tomorrow.

SecondAmendment ago

Condolences for all the dead and their loved ones, in this instance and all instances where people senselessly die. That goes for everyone: young, old, and infant. Geez, I wish we would all just get along and love each other. I hope that, no matter what, Sean Hannity and Kim Dot Com put on their Big Boy Pants and do their thing tomorrow. Man up. Don't back down. Do not be diverted by this. If you have evidence, FFS, post it.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Well said, as for Hannity and Kim Dotcom, they probably will. Problem will be, which event will capture the most attention? The Ariana Grande explosives investigation and possible culprits etc ?.. or the Kim Dotcom Seth Rich announcement?

10000-20000 ago

i doubt it was a false flag. ariana isnt known for her modest clothing. lots of moslems around

The_Roman_Numeral ago

No one said anything about Muslims. The point of this thread is that people (many) were saying there would be a possible false flag to take attention away from what is to come tomorrow. This may capture most of the media's attention. Therefore this may be the false flag.

10000-20000 ago

Muslims are famous for committing violence on those who dont believe the same as them. they are also famous for bombing. it could be a false flag. but im not buying it

carmencita ago

Our own home born Americans especially our Govt. when added up have caused more fatalities than Muslims. That IS fake news that we have been fed to divide us and not unite us. United we ca achieve anything. That is what they are afraid of.

10000-20000 ago

you are absolutely full of shit if you think americans who have been around for 240 years have killed more than the millions muslims have killed over the last millennia and a half.

take a look at this, look up some more for yourself. dont use google, as it hides the answer

carmencita ago

There is no point arguing with a racist. You will come back with many facts I am sure. All in the name of our country. Well I love this country too, and so do many Muslims that live here. You have been brain washed into believing they hate everyone but their own. Well we have those in our country too.

10000-20000 ago

Since when is muslim a race? I know American muslims, and they are good people. Thats because there arent more of them to make it how they want it to be. And i really dont get how you think that makes me brainwashed? The book they read and live by says to kill unbelievers. Why would i take the word of some urban american muslim who probably hasnt read the quran other than the peaceful parts that were abrogated. If anyone is brainwashed, its you for believing that a death cult with a kill count of more than 250 million people, is anything close to peaceful

carmencita ago

At first you did not separate American from others, so I took it to mean all Muslims. I realize that there are people all over the world that commit many heinous crimes in the name of religion, The Catholic Church and what was done to the Jews and others killed in WWII were in the millions, Our country has started wars all over the world and we never take the blame. It is always 'added to another country's death count. All Muslims outside of this country are not terrorists or believe in jihad. I think we are going to have to agree to disaree.

SwampAintDrained ago

Right, because when committing a false flag, the goal is to make the event as abnormal and uncharacteristic as possible. /s

My point is, the event having plausible characteristics is not evidence against the possibility of it being a false flag. The timing is certainly suspicious but it could also of course be coincidence.

DerivaUK ago

Well said @carmencita. And even if it was some Radicalised Muslim Extremist or some seemingly mad, lonely psychopath....either way, no matter who actually carried it out, it's still the same culprits behind it.

carmencita ago

Exactamundo. Like the False Flag in the gay nightclub, remember the father of the supposed shooter, he was involved with the Dems and there was a picture of him in the halls of Congress? Yes, we should all now know, that anything that happens of note, that we should always question their innocence. They love to blame Muslims, Mesicans, gays, and just plain old poor people.

10000-20000 ago

I definitely agree that the timing is suspcious. But the other what you would call false flags, and i have no idea if they were or not, are a little more eye catching than "explosion". think truck of peace or nightclub shooting

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Some were saying that a possible false flag may be created to take away attention from Kim DotCom's announcement, the enormous pressure on the DNC and especially John Podesta with his ''Leaker made an example of'' email. This may be it. Condolences to all the families affected by this latest tragedy.

ScottRockview ago

Maybe a distraction while they grab Julian Assange?

The_Roman_Numeral ago

This isn't a Batman movie. That's not happening.

ScottRockview ago

I hope I'm wrong and you're right.

carmencita ago

Yes, I was one of those that was afraid of a false flag and I hope to God no one is hurt. They have no feelings nor do they care. The most important matter as with all false flags is to divert attention. This time it is Kim and Seth Rich. Just recently it was in NY. What will it be next time?

YingYangMom ago

Unfortunately, "police have confirmed that there are casualties."

carmencita ago

I was afraid of that. But do we really know if the casualties are real? So very sad since they say there would be a lot of children attending. But they really do not care about other people's children, as long as their goal is achieved. Someone is warning that those that live in DC keep their eyes and ears open tomorrow. I think it is wise advice.

DerivaUK ago

A number of fatalities. FFS.

YingYangMom ago

They don't give a number in the article. They say: "A number of confirmed fatalities and others injured."

The_Roman_Numeral ago

No, they never do when it comes to their interests.

derram ago | :

Manchester 'explosions': Video shows screaming crowd fleeing Ariana Grande concert | The Independent

'An Ariana Grande concert has become the site of shock and panic after reports of explosions forced attendees to evacuate Manchester Arena. '

'A video taken by someone in the crowd showed a hectic scene as people hurried to exit the area. '

' Police helicopters were reportedly circling overhead, and some concert goers were receiving medical attention outside of the venue. '

'Greater Manchester Police have have warned people to stay away from the arena, though it was not immediately clear what the loud bangs reported as potential explosions were. '

'Police and emergency services responded to the chaos. '

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