Gothamgirl ago

Wonder what happened to the pizzabot he was pretty awesome.

Followthecash ago

Now is the time for you to help others and show off what you know. Even if you are just now tuning in! the world will be so glad that you showed! If you have not touched the emails and documents at all
You should all book mark this! Seriously!!!

THIS IS so much MORE THEN JUST EMAILS and VAULT 7. This should be your new search engine and you should use it all the time.



EVERY ONE HAS BEEN BRAIN WASHED. and its even closer than you know.

Take this this tool. I'm proud to share it.:)

I found it in an email. :) I believe Hillary and some other person were talking about a speech. Something concerning computers and if the (speaker?) tried to cryptically mention a back door to a select group of people.

A certain trait of Pedosta's is mentioned as a side note. I wonder if they even know.

They will regret it.

The gift is "Cryptic's! and John Podesta is more than just a hobbyist.... CAUSE HIS WHOLE WORLD/NARRATIVE is in codeword and phrases (It like they have professionals that make up all this shit ;)


1.Book Marks/Folders: cause your gonna want to save the important webpages in Folders that are labeled after a lead or what ever works best for you.

2.Search engines like google wont help you much for so called facts.

  1. WikiLeaks is like finding your teen daughters facebook account but the crazy people of power around the world version.

  2. TAKE NOTES OF YOUR IDEAS AND ANY PHRASES/SEARCH WORDS YOU HAVE IN MIND. I'm not kidding when i say, at some point it clicks. You remember that banker talking about out of body experiance.

  3. yeah

  4. Enjoy your self and Take breaks! (Use this time to work on your self.

I need to get some sleep..
Send me questions about anything! I'll try my best to do my part. I'm kinda busy but If I do anything, I want to help all of you out!

Especially if you are new to this!

It's all cryptic baby even Jim Carry figured this out.


pbvrocks ago

Hard to know which thread will bring action..for instance, right now looking to be Seth Rich but who knows if that is manipulation and a false flag. Hard to get enough "dirt" on public officials as they are shifty. We certainly need to keep red pilling. More to this than just what we see/hear...I believe a spiritual battle under way and those that are "awake" need to help others wake up...this is the MOST important thing I think we can do. Once you are awake, well, you cannot go back..and every day we add to the critical mass it will take to bring these choads down. Everyone has different WHY's that will ring with them and cause them their own journey...we need to play to the WHY's...get people asking that question. Like "Is England mystery babylon?" :-)

HereticalPeasant ago

I wish I could upvote this post 1000 times.

waxdino ago

We need a megathread on the Silsby case. We need one on Haiti, that could include Laura Silsby and Monica Peterson, but those two topics could be threads in and of themselves.
We could use one on the seemingly coded language in the emails- pizza, tortillas, etc.
I can't atm, but I will do this later if someone doesn't beat me to it.
If we start a post to collect info, should we post it here? How will these megathread posts stay organized and easy to find?

pbvrocks ago

Agree here..if you look at what could bring down HRC, WJC, or the foundation this would be one, Seth Rich would be one, and certainly Weiner's laptop...

anonOpenPress ago

That'd be great, yes! Just start that, and please visit back here to link that under here too.

The organizing and accessibility will be figured out somehow. Might be a link in the side bar, might be something else we come up with together. Until that, just ping/remind.

Deflo56 ago

Starting to understand this voat thing. For me this was a big help!

unbiased_researcher ago

Sounds good to me!

Silencio ago

Just being aware of red flags, knowing you cannot be too trustful of ANY organizations that work with children, keeping and eye on your local area for shady behavior, all that will slowly pay off in the long run too to making the world around us a better safer place for kids. A few years ago if I caught a guy staring at my kids weird in a supermarket I'd just have shuffled them away, maybe given a dirty look, now knowing another parent might be distracted or less suspicious what could happen in those cases, now I'd question the guy and follow him to his car and get his license plate or a photo, this kind of defensive behavior will go a long way discourage pedos. A punch in the face or worse is ideal if you can, but don't ruin your own life if you can avoid it. The fight is over the long run. I hope we get some justice now for the kids and see pedos jailed or worse but either way our increased awareness lays the ground work for a better safer future.

You don't have to be a skilled researcher or post here to make a huge positive difference someday, God bless you all

YingYangMom ago

I love it. Keep it up and God Bless you!

V____Z ago

Fantastic work you're doing here. This post is brilliant. I'm in burnt-out mode currently, but will check in when refueled.

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks! Cool down there and refuel, take all the time needed. My project advances, I've now gone through all the comments in each submission now. I found some 20 useful ones, and an idea of what I should focus on and what to drop. Looking good so far, entering stage 2 without any specified schedule.

carmencita ago

What a refreshing break from all the fake Seth Rich news. This will certainly help those that are new and even us that have been around for awhile. When people don't know when or where to start and also for those that just want to pick one and get going. Thank you for this.

freeagent37 ago

Awesome thank you!